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Baldness in a chart.

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Om Krishna Guru


I have trouble taking on that Sun+nodes = Baldness theory, actually i'll display

3 rasi charts where all 3 are bald.

Note all 3 charts are males.




Date of Birth: December 12, 1945

Time of Birth: 11:54:00 am

Time Zone of Birth: 1:00 East of GMT

Longitude of Birth: 10 E 10

Latitude of Birth: 57 N 28



| | | | |

| | | | |

| Glk | Mnd | | Rah |

| | | | |

| | | | |


| | | SatR |

| HL | | |

| | | GL |

| Moo | | |

| | | MarR |

|-------------| R A S I |-------------|

| | | |

| BL | | |

| | | |

| Asc | | |

| | | |


| | Ven | | |

| | | | |

| Ket | MerR | | Jup |

| | | | |

| | Sun | | |



Saturn is the natural significator of hair.


Saturn is lagna lord and posited in 7th from lagna, some say that Saturn in

Cancer can produce baldness, however i won't make any decisions on that one.


Saturn is in its enemical sign.


However no connections between Sun and either nodes.




Date of Birth: April 1, 1979

Time of Birth: 1:10:00 pm

Time Zone of Birth: 1:00 East of GMT

Longitude of Birth: 12 E 27

Latitude of Birth: 55 N 43



| Mar | | | |

| | | | |

| MerR | | Moo | |

| | | | |

| Sun | | | |


| | | Jup |

| Ven | | |

| | | BL |

| Ket | | |

| | | Asc |

|-------------| R A S I |-------------|

| | | |

| | | SatR Glk |

| | | |

| | | Rah Mnd |

| | | |


| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | HL | GL |

| | | | |

| | | | |



Again no connections between Sun and nodes, however this person started balding

at a very young age.


Saturn is with Rahu, in Leo, which is its Enemical sign.




Date of Birth: October 19, 1939

Time of Birth: 6:53:00 pm

Time Zone of Birth: 6:00 West of GMT

Longitude of Birth: 95 W 55

Latitude of Birth: 36 N 46



| | SatR Ket | | |

| | | | Glk |

| JupR | BL | | |

| | | | Mnd |

| | GL Asc | | |


| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|-------------| R A S I |-------------|

| | | |

| Moo | | |

| | | |

| Mar | | |

| | | |


| | | Sun Rah | |

| | | | |

| | | HL | |

| | | | |

| | | Ven Mer | |



This is Davids chart,


Sun is posited with nodes, however i'm gonna exclude that indicator all



Saturn is afflicted in this case, and debiltated in 1st house.







In all 3 charts Saturn was badly placed.

In the first 2 charts 10th lord was combust, and in Davids 10th lord was


In all 3 charts Saturn was retrogade.


So we can compile the following guidelines:

If Saturn is enemical sign/debiltated or afflicted, baldness can occur.


If 10th lord is afflicted or combust, baldness can occur.


if both indications are there: baldness is certain.


The retrogade indicator needs a closer look.


Some learned say Sun in 1st house, can give baldness if badly placed, as Sun

gives a large forehead,

and thus this can exagurate if badly placed. But i haven't seen that yet.


Test this in your analysis of bald people and we'll compile some more



Best wishes, Visti.




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  • 4 months later...
Guest guest

I was reading a old mail. I am also a bald person since the age of

20. Why am I bald?. Hope my chart explains.



Date of Birth : 11.10.1968

Day of Birth : Friday

Time of Birth : 13:40 IST [ 08:10 GMT 13:33 LMT]

Place of Birth : VIJAYAWADA

Country/State : ANDHRA PR. INDIA

Latitude : 16:31 N

Longitude : 80:39 E







*III 18 36*IV 22 10*V 18 36*VI 15 3*

*Satur[R] 28 58* *Moon 18 41* *

*Rahu 15 31* * * *

* * * * *

* * * * *

* * * * *


*II 15 3* *VII 11 29*

* * * *

* * * *

* * * *

* * * *

* * * *

**************** RASI CHART WITH BHAVA ****************

*Lagna 11 29* *VIII 15 3*

* * *Mars 18 48*

* * *Jupiter 29 52*

* * * *

* * * *

* * * *


*XII 15 3*XI 18 36*X 22 10*IX 18 36*

* * *Mercu[R] 3 54*Sun 24 40*

* * *Venus 24 32*Ketu 15 31*

* * * * *

* * * * *

* * * * *






gjlist, "Visti Larsen" <vlarsen@h...> wrote:

> Om Krishna Guru


> I have trouble taking on that Sun+nodes = Baldness theory, actually

i'll display 3 rasi charts where all 3 are bald.

> Note all 3 charts are males.






> Date of Birth: December 12, 1945

> Time of Birth: 11:54:00 am

> Time Zone of Birth: 1:00 East of GMT

> Longitude of Birth: 10 E 10

> Latitude of Birth: 57 N 28


> +----------------------+

> | | | | |

> | | | | |

> | Glk | Mnd | | Rah |

> | | | | |

> | | | | |

> |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> | | | SatR |

> | HL | | |

> | | | GL |

> | Moo | | |

> | | | MarR |

> |-------------| R A S I |-------------|

> | | | |

> | BL | | |

> | | | |

> | Asc | | |

> | | | |

> |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> | | Ven | | |

> | | | | |

> | Ket | MerR | | Jup |

> | | | | |

> | | Sun | | |

> +----------------------+


> Saturn is the natural significator of hair.


> Saturn is lagna lord and posited in 7th from lagna, some say that

Saturn in

> Cancer can produce baldness, however i won't make any decisions on

that one.


> Saturn is in its enemical sign.


> However no connections between Sun and either nodes.






> Date of Birth: April 1, 1979

> Time of Birth: 1:10:00 pm

> Time Zone of Birth: 1:00 East of GMT

> Longitude of Birth: 12 E 27

> Latitude of Birth: 55 N 43


> +----------------------+

> | Mar | | | |

> | | | | |

> | MerR | | Moo | |

> | | | | |

> | Sun | | | |

> |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> | | | Jup |

> | Ven | | |

> | | | BL |

> | Ket | | |

> | | | Asc |

> |-------------| R A S I |-------------|

> | | | |

> | | | SatR Glk |

> | | | |

> | | | Rah Mnd |

> | | | |

> |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> | | | | |

> | | | | |

> | | | HL | GL |

> | | | | |

> | | | | |

> +----------------------+


> Again no connections between Sun and nodes, however this person

started balding at a very young age.


> Saturn is with Rahu, in Leo, which is its Enemical sign.






> Date of Birth: October 19, 1939

> Time of Birth: 6:53:00 pm

> Time Zone of Birth: 6:00 West of GMT

> Longitude of Birth: 95 W 55

> Latitude of Birth: 36 N 46


> +----------------------+

> | | SatR Ket | | |

> | | | | Glk |

> | JupR | BL | | |

> | | | | Mnd |

> | | GL Asc | | |

> |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> | | | |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> |-------------| R A S I |-------------|

> | | | |

> | Moo | | |

> | | | |

> | Mar | | |

> | | | |

> |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

> | | | Sun Rah | |

> | | | | |

> | | | HL | |

> | | | | |

> | | | Ven Mer | |

> +----------------------+


> This is Davids chart,


> Sun is posited with nodes, however i'm gonna exclude that indicator

all together.


> Saturn is afflicted in this case, and debiltated in 1st house.






> Conclusion:

> So:

> In all 3 charts Saturn was badly placed.

> In the first 2 charts 10th lord was combust, and in Davids 10th lord

was afflicted.

> In all 3 charts Saturn was retrogade.


> So we can compile the following guidelines:

> If Saturn is enemical sign/debiltated or afflicted, baldness can


> &:

> If 10th lord is afflicted or combust, baldness can occur.


> if both indications are there: baldness is certain.


> The retrogade indicator needs a closer look.


> Some learned say Sun in 1st house, can give baldness if badly

placed, as Sun gives a large forehead,

> and thus this can exagurate if badly placed. But i haven't seen that



> Test this in your analysis of bald people and we'll compile some

more information.


> Best wishes, Visti.




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Guest guest

Hello Gopal:


As a man who's also a few strands shy of a full mop, my understanding is

that baldness involves excessive fire influence on lagna and lagnesh. So

in your chart, you have lagnesh Saturn aspected by Mars in Leo ( a double

dose of fire) and the Sun from Virgo. In addition, Saturn's dispositor

Jupiter is also in a fire sign, Leo. So that's a triple (or quadruple?)

combination of fire upon lagnesh and may explain why you went bald so

young. I think there may be other causes such as Sun + nodes which may

serve to amplify the Sun's fire quality, but the role of fire planets and

signs are key.






At 01:33 AM 3/16/01 -0000, you wrote:

>I was reading a old mail. I am also a bald person since the age of

>20. Why am I bald?. Hope my chart explains.



> Date of Birth : 11.10.1968

> Day of Birth : Friday

> Time of Birth : 13:40 IST [ 08:10 GMT 13:33 LMT]

> Place of Birth : VIJAYAWADA

> Country/State : ANDHRA PR. INDIA

> Latitude : 16:31 N

> Longitude : 80:39 E






> *************************************************************

> *III 18 36*IV 22 10*V 18 36*VI 15 3*

> *Satur[R] 28 58* *Moon 18 41* *

> *Rahu 15 31* * * *

> * * * * *

> * * * * *

> * * * * *

> *************************************************************

> *II 15 3* *VII 11 29*

> * * * *

> * * * *

> * * * *

> * * * *

> * * * *

> **************** RASI CHART WITH BHAVA ****************

> *Lagna 11 29* *VIII 15 3*

> * * *Mars 18 48*

> * * *Jupiter 29 52*

> * * * *

> * * * *

> * * * *

> *************************************************************

> *XII 15 3*XI 18 36*X 22 10*IX 18 36*

> * * *Mercu[R] 3 54*Sun 24 40*

> * * *Venus 24 32*Ketu 15 31*

> * * * * *

> * * * * *

> * * * * *

> *************************************************************





>gjlist, "Visti Larsen" <vlarsen@h...> wrote:

>> Om Krishna Guru


>> I have trouble taking on that Sun+nodes = Baldness theory, actually

>i'll display 3 rasi charts where all 3 are bald.

>> Note all 3 charts are males.






>> Date of Birth: December 12, 1945

>> Time of Birth: 11:54:00 am

>> Time Zone of Birth: 1:00 East of GMT

>> Longitude of Birth: 10 E 10

>> Latitude of Birth: 57 N 28


>> +----------------------+

>> | | | | |

>> | | | | |

>> | Glk | Mnd | | Rah |

>> | | | | |

>> | | | | |

>> |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

>> | | | SatR |

>> | HL | | |

>> | | | GL |

>> | Moo | | |

>> | | | MarR |

>> |-------------| R A S I |-------------|

>> | | | |

>> | BL | | |

>> | | | |

>> | Asc | | |

>> | | | |

>> |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

>> | | Ven | | |

>> | | | | |

>> | Ket | MerR | | Jup |

>> | | | | |

>> | | Sun | | |

>> +----------------------+


>> Saturn is the natural significator of hair.


>> Saturn is lagna lord and posited in 7th from lagna, some say that

>Saturn in

>> Cancer can produce baldness, however i won't make any decisions on

>that one.


>> Saturn is in its enemical sign.


>> However no connections between Sun and either nodes.






>> Date of Birth: April 1, 1979

>> Time of Birth: 1:10:00 pm

>> Time Zone of Birth: 1:00 East of GMT

>> Longitude of Birth: 12 E 27

>> Latitude of Birth: 55 N 43


>> +----------------------+

>> | Mar | | | |

>> | | | | |

>> | MerR | | Moo | |

>> | | | | |

>> | Sun | | | |

>> |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

>> | | | Jup |

>> | Ven | | |

>> | | | BL |

>> | Ket | | |

>> | | | Asc |

>> |-------------| R A S I |-------------|

>> | | | |

>> | | | SatR Glk |

>> | | | |

>> | | | Rah Mnd |

>> | | | |

>> |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

>> | | | | |

>> | | | | |

>> | | | HL | GL |

>> | | | | |

>> | | | | |

>> +----------------------+


>> Again no connections between Sun and nodes, however this person

>started balding at a very young age.


>> Saturn is with Rahu, in Leo, which is its Enemical sign.






>> Date of Birth: October 19, 1939

>> Time of Birth: 6:53:00 pm

>> Time Zone of Birth: 6:00 West of GMT

>> Longitude of Birth: 95 W 55

>> Latitude of Birth: 36 N 46


>> +----------------------+

>> | | SatR Ket | | |

>> | | | | Glk |

>> | JupR | BL | | |

>> | | | | Mnd |

>> | | GL Asc | | |

>> |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

>> | | | |

>> | | | |

>> | | | |

>> | | | |

>> | | | |

>> |-------------| R A S I |-------------|

>> | | | |

>> | Moo | | |

>> | | | |

>> | Mar | | |

>> | | | |

>> |-------------|---------------------------|-------------|

>> | | | Sun Rah | |

>> | | | | |

>> | | | HL | |

>> | | | | |

>> | | | Ven Mer | |

>> +----------------------+


>> This is Davids chart,


>> Sun is posited with nodes, however i'm gonna exclude that indicator

>all together.


>> Saturn is afflicted in this case, and debiltated in 1st house.






>> Conclusion:

>> So:

>> In all 3 charts Saturn was badly placed.

>> In the first 2 charts 10th lord was combust, and in Davids 10th lord

>was afflicted.

>> In all 3 charts Saturn was retrogade.


>> So we can compile the following guidelines:

>> If Saturn is enemical sign/debiltated or afflicted, baldness can


>> &:

>> If 10th lord is afflicted or combust, baldness can occur.


>> if both indications are there: baldness is certain.


>> The retrogade indicator needs a closer look.


>> Some learned say Sun in 1st house, can give baldness if badly

>placed, as Sun gives a large forehead,

>> and thus this can exagurate if badly placed. But i haven't seen that



>> Test this in your analysis of bald people and we'll compile some

>more information.


>> Best wishes, Visti.











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