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Sv: Transcending Lonliness?

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Om Krishna Guru


Dear Robert.

Please enlighten us on your parameters for deciding moksha?


best wishes, Visti.



Robert A. Koch <rkoch

<gjlist >

Saturday, November 11, 2000 10:46 PM

[gjlist] Re: Transcending Lonliness?



> Dear Raghu das,


> Haven't been on this list in a long while, but I've been hanging in the

> wings just reading things posted. I just have to say a few words in

> support of my soul-brother Das and his loneliness dilemma. There's a bit

> of "tough love" in the following words, but anyway, here goes:


> I know full well the dilemmas of living alone and doing a professional

> service from within the confines of four walls. I am lucky to have a

> supportive mate to keep me company at this point in time, but it was not

> always like that. I have lived this way, doing Jyotish readings at home,

> for over 11 years, and only in the last two have I had company. The

> intensities of loneliness, of course, are going to impact people

> differently depending on the positions of the Moon, Venus, and the

> ascendant ruler in charts. Putting the astrology aside for a moment, let

> me tell you what I did to overcome abject isolation and loneliness:


> First, get out of the damn house. Go out and meet people. Who are you

> going to make friends with, if all you see every day is your own face in

> the mirror?


> Second, ease up on the restrictions as to who or who isn't, suitable

> company. If they are faithful, and believe in God, that should be

> enough. No, no, it doesn't matter of they eat meat, or drink alcohol on

> the occasion. If they are regular in these habits, it is likely that you

> will never meet them anyway. There are many, many really good, intelligent

> and spiritually minded people who are part-vegetarian, and part meat-eater

> (Omnivore, I believe is the correct terminology), who would surprise you

> with the level of comprehension of higher philosophy and God consciousness

> they have. Full time astrologers meet them everyday, day in and day out in

> the course of doing their work. Even if they are not up on their

> philosophy, many such people may reach you on a heart level, and when you

> reciprocate, you will naturally be able to convert them to strict

> compassion for animals and more sattvic habits -- things that matter to you.


> Third, and most important: you have to let go. Let go of the hope, ideals,

> desires, dreams, for anything lovely or romantic. Sri Krsna in the Gita

> calls this world "duhkhalayam ashasvatam" , or the abode of pain and

> temporality (Bg 8.15). Sure, it is easy for me to say, with my Venus in

> the 12th, neecha, and combust, and in fact, I practised celibacy for 15

> years without a glitch. So I understand that with Venus rising, you are

> going to be more passionate and sensual, and relationship-oriented than

> those with Venus less prominent. Still, whatever we get, or don't get, is

> simply a matter of Divine Will. Krsna, or Divine Will, can circumvent your

> karma if He wants to, but you should not expect Him to interfere with the

> parameters of life your own actions have created for you. So live

> with. Embrace it. See the wisdom in it. This is where the true test of

> the spiritual aspirant comes in. In your darkest hour of solitude, Krsna

> hears your every breath and heartbeat. If you are reading the Gita, this

> is the message you will get. And why be detached and resign yourself to

> the Will of God? Because darkness is all around, and we have no other way

> out of the maze of material entanglement. See the lessening of attachment,

> or the decline of sensual fulfillment, as Krsna's gently lifting you out of

> the repetitions of birth and death (Samsara).


> Still, you may be awarded a beautiful mate and life partner to keep you

> company for your remaining years. I got mine, but only after I fully

> resigned myself to Divine Will. "Krsna, do whatever you want with me",

> should be the prayer. And if it is right, and ordained, you will get what

> you want. And if you don't get what you want, that will be OK too, because

> you will have learned how to rise above the plane of desire.


> And now for some astrology: Ketu resounds as a strong theme in your chart,

> with Moon/Ketu coming under the aspect of Saturn. This clearly opens that

> path of Moksha for you in this lifetime, if you want to take it. Note that

> Jupiter, as 7th lord in Navamsa, is key in fulfillment of relationship

> matters, especially now that you are in the Saturn Vimsottari dasa who

> joins Jupiter natally. Putting it succinctly, Navamsa Jupiter w/ Ketu,

> and with the current transit of Ketu moving through their sign placement

> (Sagittarius), your experience of distance or isolation has to play itself

> out now, at least up until the time when Ketu leaves Sagittarius.


> Note too, that Saturn, lord of the Moon sign, is in the exact degree

> conjunction of transiting Ketu right now (24 d.), which maximizes the

> effects of what would ordinarily be taken as a Sannyas-yoga, or yoga for

> renunciation. Saturn too, is in Venus' naksatra (Purvashadha) natally,

> Venus is in the exact trinal naksatra from there at 24 d. Aries (Bharani),

> which indicates that the exact Navamsa connections between Venus and Saturn

> are getting activated powerfully right now, through the exact aspect of

> transiting Ketu on natal Saturn, onto Venus. You have to endure this right

> now-- there is no other way, until Ketu moves on.


> Bhukti lord Rahu -- whose effects will last from 2/10/00 to 12/17/02 --

> dominates the 7th house of the Navamsa chart, thus putting romantic

> fulfillment in a holding pattern until the sub-period of Jupiter comes

> in. Navamsa 7th lord Jupiter's sub-period, on the Navamsa ascendant, is

> guaranteed to bring a relationship, possibly a marriage between 12/17/02

> and 6/30/2005. Meeting this person could come in as early as Jupiter's

> transit in Gemini (mid-2001), yet is likely to bring relationship matters

> into complete fruition by the time he reaches Leo in 2003. The current

> transit of Jupiter in 4th from Chandra is powerless to do anything to help

> your emotional reality, except take you inward in prayer and contemplation

> of the Gita.


> There is a powerful, but less known dasa, called Moola dasa, which spells

> out destined periods of karma very accurately. According to that dasa, you

> are in the Maha-dasha of Venus now, which (according to that system), runs

> from 5/18/1997 to 5/18 2011. So you are going to get all the themes

> related to Venus during this period. Note Venus' combination with Saturn

> in the Navamsa chart, and note that now, the sub-period of Saturn is in

> operation from 6/18/2000 to 1/18/2002. After that, the sub-period of

> Mars, then Mercury come in, both of whom get the full aspect of 7th lord

> Jupiter in Navamsa. So your misery will be over at that time, although you

> do have to wait a bit, i.e. until 1/18/2002 for things to take a dramatic

> change for the better.


> Anyway, I hope the above has been helpful, Raghu Das. Sorry for the tough

> language -- its just my way of expressing my views, as I've been there too

> most of my life, and had to be my own counsellor in a similar way.


> With true regards,

> All the best,

> Robert


> =====================================

> Robert A. Koch, Vedic Astrologer

> 760 NW Broken Arrow Rd.

> Bend, OR. 97701-9037

> Phone: 541-318-0248

> visit <http://www.robertkoch.com> or e-mail

> rk. rk






> gjlist-





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Om Parasmai Jyotishe Namaha


Namaste Visti,


At 12:58 AM 11/12/00 +0100, you wrote:

>Om Krishna Guru


>Dear Robert.

>Please enlighten us on your parameters for deciding moksha?


>best wishes, Visti.


I presume you are asking this question with regard to the astrological

parameters for deciding moksha, so I will answer that way. First, Sri

Krsna in the Gita says, that "Whoever, at the time of quitting this body,

remembers Me alone, will attain to My nature". In the astrological

chart, such persons are seen by the following: Strong emphasis on the 12th

house, as well as 12th from Atmakaraka and his Navamsa position, the

Karakamsa. See in Das' chart, the position of lagna lord in 12th, with

12th lord Jupiter in swakshetra joining 10th lord Saturn. This indicates

that through his work on behalf of Dharma (Dharma-karmadhipati yoga), he

stands a good chance for attaining Moksha in this lifetime. Without doing

the work he has been called to do, then Moksha would not be attained. That

is why he chose the path of Bhakti-yoga, or active service on behalf of



Secondly, you should see in the chart at least one Parivrajya yoga, or

yogas for renunciation (Sannyas). These form primarily by an association

with the Moon, its sign lord, or naksatra lord, with Saturn and/or

Ketu. Several of the above form in Das' chart: Moon is in a Saturnine sign

(Aquarius), with Ketu, with the sign lord Saturn, and naksatra lord of Ketu

(Jupiter) both joined together. Jupiter is powerful in a Hamsa-yoga, and

Raja-dharma yoga with Saturn. Finally, Saturn aspects the Moon, thus

causing strong detachment from the world, and thus his apparent disdain for

anything mundane.


Thirdly, another variation of parivrajya yoga, is to see the powerful

interface between Saturn, Ketu, and Venus. As I mentioned previously,

Saturn occupies Venus' naksatra in Das' chart, with both in exact trinal

relationship with each other, thus putting them in the same Navamsa. This

causes a great challenge for one of a sensual or romantic disposition, as

would be seen by Venus occupying lagna. This is especially true now, with

Moksha-karaka Ketu in exact transiting aspect to both Saturn and

Venus. Still, the greater power of his Dharmic calling, eventually

supercedes this, and through the fire of his Tapasya, he is able to achieve



Finally, when the Moon occupies a Navamsa of Saturn (or Mars) and is

aspected by Saturn (in Navamsa), then Parivrajya yoga is formed. This

forms exactly in Das' Navamsa as well.


So when you see that the 12th house is strong and well represented by

association or aspect of lords of lagna, 9th, and 10th, then it is by one's

service (Karma-yoga) that he is given the opportunity for Moksha in

life. Others, as in my chart (9/18/1947; 08:25 AM; San Francisco, CA) have

all the planets either in, or aspecting the 12th, and so progress to Moksha

becomes easy by virtue of monastic life (I spent 19 years as a Vaishnava

monk), detachment, and service to humanity. So there are a number of

variations on the above, but basically the lagna lord, the 12th, and 9th

houses, and the interspersing of their sign and naksatra lords, opens the

doors of liberation for the native.


Thank you for your interest, and your sincere question --


With regards,




Robert A. Koch, Vedic Astrologer

760 NW Broken Arrow Rd.

Bend, OR. 97701-9037

Phone: 541-318-0248

visit <http://www.robertkoch.com> or e-mail

rk. rk

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