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Hi All!


List is rather quiet and I am feeling too tired to do my chores! Here some


Two things have hit my heart, a third my head, during the last days.


1. Dasji´s cry from the soul. Sadly enough during the last few weeks others have

written to me privately, with the same problem. This seems to be a growing

phenomenon, that people are lonely and do not find a companion. In all these

cases I see Mars aspecting the 7th house. Even if the seventh is Mars´own

house, it does not seem to help.


It is a situation when the person "weeps on your shoulder". It is okay finding

astrological or other reasons for the condition and explaining it or justifying

it academically, or making suggestions as to how to bear it or change it. But it

is like explaining to a prisoner why he is being punished, or suggesting how he

can escape by hitting the guard on the head and fleeing. What the person needs

is a ray of hope....... NOT Job´s comforters!


If one cannot give this hope, all one can do is to weep with the person, share

his or her sorrow. This gives courage for a time......


I too wrote to Das and suggested, as Robert has done, that he should perhaps

relax his rules of life as far as the companion is concerned, be satisfied with

a loving heart and not bother too much about habits like occasional meat-eating.

This was well meant, but has perhaps disgusted him. I wrote this by chance: I

had just then been reading Mother Meera´s "Answers" and had just got to that

point where she gives this answer to someone looking for a mate! Advice which

one cannot be put into practice can be very irritating. I hope I have not

irritated him too much!


Skinbags has suggested something I would not have, at least not in an open

letter or in his overly "MALE" and rather crude manner. But there is a certain

sense in his suggestion. Many women who end up selling their charms were either

forced into it or at least want to get away from this. They will be good mates

for those who give them a hand. Maria Magdalena.. Susie Wong ... Meryl Streep in

a movie some time ago .... Germany has declared prostitution as a recognized

profession - the poor girls have pay taxes now! - and to look for a companion

from that profession is certainly a possibility.



The cry from the soul is like the inconsolable howl of the wolf on a full-moon

night, or the plaintive call of the gull in a storm - only time can give an




2. Yesterday a terrible accident in a tunnel in Austria killed 180 people,

mostly young, when a train caught fire. Like the "unsinkable" Titanic, the train

was apparently costructed practically entirely out of metal and was cosidered

"flame-proof"! But the metal literally burned. Why, Oh Krishna, WHY?


Mercury was no longer retrograde!


Many disaters were prophesied for the last year of the 20th century. January 1.

2000 was hailed as the beginning of the new century and millennium. The last

weeks of 1999 were not so distrous as feared, and all believed that the danger

was over. But actually 2000 is the last year of the millennium - and disasters

are piling up! Were the prophets right after all?


3. Much has been discussed about the polls. The indignation of the people that

the guy who gets the popular vote may not win the presidency is understandable,

but their being surprised is not! That is part of the system and has apparently

happened in the past as well.


But even otherwise, how can one talk of "popular vote" majority when only 50% of

the potential voters go to the polls? Henry James said, "Every nation gets the

government it deserves!" ... About 50% of the people either don´t care who is

president - or don´t like both the candidates! "Government by the people, for

the people ..." - words entombed in a monument in Washington D.C., the vain hope

of a sad and brooding country lawyer.


Mani hath spoken!

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