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Transcending Lonliness? (A potential Moksha chart?)

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Om Krishna Guru


Dear Robert.


I'm portraying a chart for analysis bellow:


In Rasi:

Moon is in same sign with Saturn, and aspected by Ketu(3 degrees separation).

Moons dispositor is combust in 12th house, however because its also 8th lord, it

recieves auspicious Sarla Yoga.


Sun and Mars cause Maha Parivartan Yoga in 1st and 10th houses.

Jupiter and Venus cause inauspicious Dainya Paritvartan yoga, however also cause

auspiscious Subhobhayachari(had to look that one up) Yoga.


Atmakaraka is Rahu, which shows a person inclinced to occult/spiritual life.


12th house is occupied by Merc and Jup, and aspected by Mars(Rasi dristi),

giving the person a an agressive/commanding approach to religion.


And 12th lord is aspected by Moon and Saturn(Rasi dristi again), which gives

liberation through detachment.



Atmakaraka is in Vargottam, and in 12th from Lagna...making the person a very

popular person, to the croud.

Moon is in Saturns sign, and aspected by saturn in 7th from Moon, giving Pavriya

Yoga. Sun's aspect gives the person leadership abilities in his ascetic search.

Mars's aspects strengthens the Pravriya Yoga.


The person will most likely be a chief, or leader in a spiritual path.


Ketu is in 12th from moon, showing the minds longing for liberation.



Sun and Mars in 12th house, showing clinging to a material world, in Spiritual


However 12th and 9th lord Jupiter is in 4th house and Exalted, indicating vedic


Saturn is in 9th house alone.



The person has great indications of following a spiritual path, however whether

he will attain mosksha is questionable.


Dear Robert, what do you think?.


Best wishes, Visti.


P.S. Chart is given bellow with other info.



Date of Birth: November 21, 1981

Time of Birth: 6:21:00 am

Time Zone of Birth: 3:00 East of GMT

Longitude of Birth: 36 E 49

Latitude of Birth: 1 S 17

Lunar month (maasa): Karthika

Lunar day (tithi): Krishna Dasami

Tithi balance: 0.0309

Nakshatra balance: 0.3929

Sun-Moon Yoga: Vishkambha

Sun-Moon Karana: Vishti

Vara (weekday): Saturday


Sunrise = 6:13 am (Apparent rise - upper limb)

Ayanamsa = 23-35-59

Dasa year length chosen = 365.2425 days


Planet Position Pada CharaK


Ascdt 6 Sc 10 Anuradha 1 -

Sun 5 Sc 07 Anuradha 1 GK

Moon 4 Vi 45 U.Pha. 3 DK

Mars 23 Le 50 Poo.Pha. 4 MK

Mercury 24 Li 11 Visakha 2 BK

Jupiter 5 Li 12 Chitra 4 PK

Venus 21 Sg 49 Poo.Shaa. 3 PiK

Saturn 24 Vi 35 Chitra 1 AmK

Rahu 1 Cn 45 Punarvasu 4 AK

Ketu 1 Cp 45 U.Shaa. 2 -

BhavaLg 7 Sc 02 Anuradha 2 -

HoraLg 8 Sc 58 Anuradha 2 -

GhatiLg 14 Sc 44 Anuradha 4 -





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| | | Rah |

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|-------------| R A S I |-------------|

| | | |

| | | |

| Ket | | Mar |

| | | |

| | | |


| | Glk Sun | | |

| | Asc | Jup | Moo |

| Ven | BL | | |

| | HL | Mer | Sat |

| | GL Mnd | | |




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| | | Mer | |

| | | | |

| | | | |


| | | |

| | | |

| Moo | | Rah |

| | | |

| | | |

|-------------| N A V A M S A |-------------|

| | | |

| | | Sat Glk |

| Ket | | |

| | | Sun Asc |

| | | |


| | | | |

| | Mar Jup | | BL |

| | | Ven | |

| | GL Mnd | | HL |

| | | | |




| | | Rah | |

| Mar | Asc | | |

| | | HL | |

| Sun | BL | | |

| | | Ket | |


| | | |

| | | |

| Glk | | Jup |

| | | |

| | | |

|-------------| D - 2 0 |-------------|

| | | |

| | | |

| | | Mer |

| | | |

| | | |


| | | | |

| | | Mnd | |

| Sat | Moo | | GL |

| | | Ven | |

| | | | |






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Om Parasmai Jyotishe Namah


Namaste Visti,


Thank you for the chart that you posted vis a vis ascetic yogas and

detachment. You have analyzed it for the spiritual inclinations very

correctly. In addition, I have the following comments:


* You did not mention the Kala-sarpa yoga in this chart, putting all the

planets between the axis of Ketu and Rahu (i.e. on the Ketu side of the

axis, and not Rahu), which is another indication of a lessening of mundane

karmas, and greater inclinations toward higher places of consciousness.


* The fact too, that most of the planets are grouped in the area of the 4th

quadrant, i.e. between houses 9 to 12 is interesting and significant also.


* Atmakaraka Rahu is also vargottama, and his placement in the 9th (rasi

chart) indicates a particular directness toward Moksha, yet one which has

to manifest through mundane karmas in order to be purified of all remaining

samskaras. This is similar to the evidences of renunciation and dharmic

service found in Das' chart. BTW, Raghu Das Goravani's birth data (as

given by himself on this list about a year ago) is as follows: 5/18/1960;

04:43 AM PDT; Oakland, CA.


* Your use of Rasi drishti (sign-based aspects) is good. Note further that

10th lord Sun, in strong parivartana with lagna lord Mars, has the

following further connections: Scorpio is co-ruled by Ketu, and Sun, Mars

and Ketu have mutual rasi drishti, thus indicating a strong ascetic yoga

which is akin to a Dharma-karmadhipati yoga. Note also the Ketu aspects

co-lagna lord Mars, who is in the 12th from the Moon. All of this puts

this native into a situation where, he/she must work on behalf of dharma,

and very aggressively also, in order to actualize the very rare attainment

of Moksha, or freedom from the repetitions of birth and death.


* Note too the obvious challenges: Rahu, although vargottama Atmkarakas, is

also in the 8th from Venus, a placement which suggests that the person has

to grapple with sensual desire, or that sensual desire may be an impediment

on the direct path of Moksha. This may also be the case in a chart where

Venus is disposed toward renunciation, yet Rahu is in the 8th

house. Further, Rahu's graha and rasi drishti to the Sun, can show that

the native may have an inclination to walk an independent path, i.e. may

tend to deviate from guru's strict lineage, and perhaps formulate his/her

own opinions. Mercury here is not helpful, as malefic 8th lord for Sc

lagna he joins Jupiter in 12th. So sometimes doubts created by a

scientific or rationale approach, as a result of cultural conditioning, may

interrupt the smooth flow, or transference of Divine knowledge, that should

come through Jupiter.


* Parivartana between Jupiter and Venus can show his acceptance of

different gurus in prior lifetimes, and perhaps becoming a bit confused as

to which is the correct path for him. A daytime birth during the waning

Moon, suggest that Shukra is the stronger of the two gurus -- Jupiter and

Venus -- and thus some leanings toward Tantra or achievement of yogic

siddhis, may supercede the pure desire to serve God on the Vishudha-sattva

level, or platform of pure goodness. In this case, too, Ashtottari dasa

would be more appropriate to time the events and life cycles for this

person, than Vimsottari dasa, whose guru is Brihaspati, or Jupiter.


* Anyway, the native comes closer to the true Siddhanta, or conclusions of

the Vedas, with Vimsamsa Jupiter in exaltation, as lord of the 9th. May

the native be blessed with Divine Knowledge!


With regards,




Robert A. Koch, Vedic Astrologer

760 NW Broken Arrow Rd.

Bend, OR. 97701-9037

Phone: 541-318-0248

visit <http://www.robertkoch.com> or e-mail

rk. rk

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