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In a message dated 11/13/00 7:49:11 PM Eastern Standard Time,



<< I'm spending a moment right now visualizing you all receiving and

reading this in your homes and work, and I'm sending you well wishes for

your strength and well being, and please do the same for me. >>


Thank you Das..... I need that right now myself... and am sending you a

beautiful thought... I hope it uplifts you and you have done for me through

the years...




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Many of you wrote to me privately and some publicly, about my personal struggle.


I appreciate ALL the comments made towards making me whole again.


I'm truly facing the spiritual struggle that we all must face alone and

ultimately, all of us, which is our aloneness with Divinity.


Simultaneously, I worked very hard for years. Various things kept me

going and going like a rocketship. Now the lonliness and just getting

older, have added up to make me face life in a new way. It's as if my

Aries ran out of fuel.


I think I can get over this with calmness, careful habits, mental

equilibrium, and prayer, and so on.


Basically, I was or am, attached to something. It almost doesn't matter

what it is. Attachment always leads to pain. I have been very blessed in

this life, but I was still wanting something, and it hasn't come into my

life. I came close, and got attached to someone, but they won't really

enter my life as I'd like. Too distant so far, over five years, and it

decayed me greatly. Then there's the burnout factor making it a little

bit complicated, and turning 40, etc.


But attachment is something all of us have to give up at least when

we're old if not sooner. Being without any spiritual training at that

time would be most unfortunate and horrible. At least I have alot of

training in spiritual matters to fall back upon.


I was running in life quite fast, and happy more or less, and often very

enthusiastic, and not getting my dearest love ever to commit to me fully

broke me. I spend many hours contemplating so many events over these

five years and just mourning on and on. I'm trying to break the cycle of

anquish with knowledge and prayer. It will slowly work I hope.


One good thing about strong depression is that it pushes you to God. You

have no alternative. But I still hold onto the hope, and that blocks the

totality of my prayer, so that's the situation we're in, our holding on

blocks our samadhi, so to speak. Those who are truly without attachment

to love, family, home and so on are really free to meditate. I'm not

there, and I'm suffering right now very much so because of this.


I have to come to the point where I can go on though single. How basic

huh? So many of you do this without moaning like me. How spoiled am I? I

hope to get there soon. In that space, one may maintain some hope that

they meet the right person to be with for awhile, but yet go on nicely

day after day until or when that happens, but I'm not even that way now.

So Aries am I, that I've always been a "I want it now" kind of person.


I'm spending a moment right now visualizing you all receiving and

reading this in your homes and work, and I'm sending you well wishes for

your strength and well being, and please do the same for me.


Your brother,


Raghu Goravani







2852 Willamette St # 353

Eugene OR USA 97405



Fax: 541-343-0344


"Goravani Jyotish"

Vedic/Hindu Astrology Software

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dear Raghu,


This is mainly to say hallo and to say that i think of you, also as

fellow-sufferer of hard transits.


Once more i find myself philosophising on the list and getting prominent. This

is embarrassing, I am writing to all "fans" to correspond directly, off the

list. This is a bane of my life: I never try for prominence, but it gets thrust

on me and in the end I get attacked! i could be silent and avoid this, but i

somehow cannot be silent when anyone says he or she "knows all the answers"!

Hybris gets my goat!


Many people have the fortune to have found a Guru, whose teachings they accept

unquestioningly. I am not one of them. A childhood vision told me not to accept

any guru except God! Well said, but not easy to learn from a Guru whom I cannot

see or hear with human senses!!! When I passed the first exams I had a vision

that said i had passed, gave me moments of infinite joy - I had a kind of vision

of Viswarupa! But memories fade, my joy is lost, only a yearning for a

repetition remains.


I apologize to you for using your list for offering my thoughts. In defence: I

did so when the list was low in jyothish matters. I shall withdraw as soon as

astrology takes the upper hand.


Just for info.: for over 2 years i have been hoping for an operation in the

nose. My mercury is debilitated, but aspected by Jupiter in virgo and Moon in

Gemini. Three previous operations brought only very partial relief. Now a

fourth one is planned. i had begged Mother MEERA for help: She promised help,

advised me to get operated. I got the date for the operation: 24 Jan. 2001 -

Amavasya, Saturn and Jupiter stationary, to become forward on 25 January! Any



My knowledge of Jyothish is meagre. But by western methods - sidereal!!! - I

foresaw this election situation. Privately I repeatedly asked what would happen

if an absolute "tie" happened. Now we have the situation in a sense. The results

could perhaps be found from mundane astrology. But the point is: a chart has to

be read "subjectively", events foretold as the person feels them, not ONLY

objectively. An oppressed wife could get widowhood in a "positive" period, an

unmarried very young girl get a "son" during a very bad period! I wonder if the

ancient readings, with their context, can be understood in modern terms!





PS if you find me too much on the list, please tell me to be quiet. I shall try!

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