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Stories of Astrologers: More Personal Views...

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Stories of Astrologers: More Personal Views...




Thought I would follow-up on what I wrote yesterday...


I think that there are several things that have to

come into play when considering whether one should go

pro or not. One of them, is whether you have the

combinations in your charts to suggest success in the

business area? Or, do you have combinations that would

call attention to you (in other words, do you have

combinations for fame)? I think you'll find, that the

most successful Astrologers, are usually the ones that

have "success-rich" charts. Take for example, Jeff

Green's chart - he has a very strong (angular)

Jupiter-Pluto square (Pluto Asc Ruler); Noel Tyl has

Jupiter conjunct his Sun (in the Public 7th house),

trine Uranus (in the net-working 11th house) and

paralell Pluto (in the financial 2nd house); going

over to the Vedic side, both B.V. Raman and K.N. Rao

had/have very powerful charts for success and fame. In

Raman's case, he has Venus, which rules the 4th and

9th houses in the 7th along with the ruler of the 5th;

in addition, he had the Moon exalted in the 4th

mutually aspecting Jupiter in the 10th, causing

Gaja-Kesari Yoga. In Rao's case, he has Jupiter in

exaltation in the 10th, with its dispositor Moon in

the 1st house, and, I think, Mercury in exaltation in

the 12th house (his birth time has been disputed

recently, so this may be open to revision). In any

case, there has to be success factors going on in your

chart to promise success in anything before one can

consider success in something like Astrology.


This is where the Magi Society (yeah, I know, here we

go again...) can be helpful...in their fisrt book,

they lay out a list of aspects or planetary

combinations that suggests fame and success; in their

most recent book, they do same for combinations for

financial success. Among them, are Jup-Plu, Jup-Ura,

Sun-Nep, Ven-Nep, Ven-Plu, and Jup-Nep. In the

afore-mentioned examples, Jupiter, Uranus, and Pluto

are all clearly involved.


Then, there are the combinations, known as Graha

Yogas, that give the same results, over in Vedic

Astrology Land. You have what is called Raja-Yogas,

that promise fame and celebrity, and then you have

what is called Dhana-Yogas, that bring

material/financial success. In this system, strong

Venus and Jupiter are very desirable, but so also are

Mercury, Moon, and yes, even Rahu (North Node) - under

certain circumstances, Rahu can bring big time

wealth. Tyl has such a Rahu.


My Charts

In my Western chart, I have a double-whammy aspect of

Jupiter conjunct and paralell Uranus; I also have

Venus in the 1st house trine Pluto; all three of the

latter planets, Jupiter, Uranus, and Pluto, are in the

8th house of Astrology. Then, I have Neptune =

Sun/Moon (remember that?;) ), with Neptune in the 10th

house, ruling the 2nd of income.



In my Vedic chart, I have what is called a Dharma

Karma Adi Pati Yoga; this occurs when the lords of the

9th and 10th houses, and/or the lords of the 4th and

5th houses, combine in some way with one another. I

have the 9th and 10th lords together in the 12th

house, which calls attention not only to success in an

obscure occupation or business like Astrology, but it

points to success also in foriegn lands, which the

Vedic 12th house rules. I said in my last post, how

I'm starting to get clients from overseas these days -

I also said how Vishnus Shamra told me that I would

one day get "name and fame" in a faraway place.


Next, I have Mars, which is the 5th lord, with

Jupiter, which rules my Asc, together in the 10th

house of reputation, karma, and fame in general. Rahu

is very strongly placed in my chart, and gets a lot of

help from Jupiter, himself very strong due to both its

natural and temporal state. Rahu has a lot to do woith

Astrology, too, so there you are.


Mercury, which is absolutely essential for an

Astrologer to have in abundance, is one of the planets

that make up that combination in the 12th house that I

just spoke of; see how it all ties in?


So, I think that you have to look at all of these



Finding Your Niche

Next, I think you have to find your niche...me, I want

to serve all, but my primary focus is in the

African-American Community....I feel that I have been

"chosen" for this purpose, because most

African-Americans have access to such info...I can't

tell you how many people have either come to me or

emailed or called me, thanking me that they finally

have someone that they could go to; it's very heart



Setting Fees

Once you find what your target group is, you have to

set your fees; me, I like to keep my fees as low as

possible; that way, I can get maximum clients, and

maximum referrals. I do the best work, with the best

quality, for the best price - period. I tell my

clients that if they can find someone better, at a

cheaper price, then they need to go to them - in fact,

I want to go to them too, maybe I can learn

something!;) I have referral fees for people who get

me clients, and I do other little freebies for people

who look out for me; it's just good biz.


Being Unique

One thing that I learned real fast in the American

Business Game, is that you have to find out what it is

that sets you apart from everyone else - for me, that

wasn't hard at all - how many inner-city, Male, Gen

Xer, Black, Muslim, Western AND Vedic Astrologers do

YOU know? Once you get that straight, you just have to

work it - in my case, I gots a motor-mouth, and I make

sure that other people hear me droppin' it (imparting

information to someone else), and curiosity takes it

from there. Does the trick everytime.


The Need for New Blood

I think that there simply must be MORE emphasis on New

Blood within the Astrological Ranks; no dis-respect to

anyone, but for real, how many times can we go and

check out the Old Guards? After all, many of these

people, great Astrologers they are, are getting old;

most of them are old enough to be my parents, if not

my grand parents. Please, don't get me wrong, there

are very valuable - but, we have to give consideration

to future generations. I think that this is an area

that needs work.


So, that's my comments for now...when something else

comes to mind, I'll post it.


In the meantime - Comments, Please...










Mu'Min M. Bey

Western and Vedic Astrologer









Thousands of Stores. Millions of Products.


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