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Andrew Lynn schrieb:

> Dear Mu Min Bey


> I read your story and thought I'd post a reading of your chart as I promised

> to do this long ago but never really got around to it. Firstly you were born

> in the 9th sign of the zodiac with a good benefic Venus close to the lagna

> cusp. Venus is the lord of two upachaya houses so will give good results

> later rather than earlier. Venus is also well placed in the ninth house in

> the 9th sign from the natal Moon. Venus is the 11th lord of gains in the

> lagna so will eventually give results after a lot of hardships. This Venus

> also suffers the cruel aspects of Mars and Saturn as does the lagna and

> lagna lord. This shows many obstacles and disapointments in life and

> somebody who is going to come up the hard way. The lagna cusp falls in Purva

> Ashadha a deep and philosophical nakshatra and Venus fall in Uttara Ashadha

> also a nakshatra that gives great insight but can also show the early life

> is troubled. Its lord Sun is in the 12th house of loss but also in Scorpio

> an occult sign and sex sign. This Venus shows a highly sexual nature as it

> has the aspects of Mars and Saturn. This reveals your interest in sexuality,

> hidden powers and esoterical knowledge. Saturn and Rahu are in the 4th house

> of domestic environment showing you are in a working class or shudra

> neighbourhood (Saturn) surrounded by poverty, hardship and most likely a lot

> of migrants (Rahu). This can show dissatisfaction with the country of birth

> also and a hard life for the mother as Saturn and Rahu are in the 4th house

> afflicted by Mars who also afflicts the Moon.


> Your Moon is in the 5th house in the sign of the Ram making you headstrong

> and passionate, but forthright in expressing your views, you like to butt

> heads with others as your Moon has the aspect of a strong Mars. You want to

> be peaceful as shown by Venus in the lagna but you will always fire others

> up with your direct speech. Your Moon is also a sexually charged planet

> being in the sign of Mars aspected by Mars and in the nakshatra of Bharani

> ruled by Venus. Your Yoni is the male elephant indicating it may seem like

> you have the sexual strength and sexual organs of a male elephant. Your

> Venus is also square Mars and Saturn so the Moon takes on the character of

> your afflicted Venus to some extent. However you are a kind and sweet man

> who others will seek out for advice, especially women. Your Moon is ava yogi

> so will bring problems to the mind and the Moon's dasha must have been

> somewhat difficult from 1982 to 1992 as Moon is 8th lord in the 5th house of

> the intellect. School may well have been difficult with no interest in

> mundane subjects and not really knowing what to do with yourself. Anger may

> also be a big problem at times because of the aspect of Mars on the Moon and

> Mars in exchange with Mercury. This may have brought trouble from the police

> as Mars is the karaka of them. However, these aspects also add power and

> direction to the mind making it sharp and precise. Good analytical skills

> are shown as well as good hand speed, timing, skill and power with Jupiter

> in the 10th house with Mars dig bala and Ketu. Mars in also in exchange with

> Mercury bring the influence of Mercury into the 10th house in Virgo where

> Mercury is exalted.


> The 10th house is very powerful with lagna lord Jupiter in association with

> Mars dig bala and Ketu which is also said to have directional strength in

> the 10th house as it has the nature of Mars. Jupiter is in the nakshatra of

> Uttara Phalguni ruled by the 9th lord of the divine Sun. This is a wonderful

> combination as Uttara is said to be the nakshatra of service to humantiy and

> gives a generous and kind nature. This combination also shows a spiritual

> interest involving foreigners, the occult and a big interest in travelling

> to foreign countries as Sun is in the 12th house in Scorpio. This also is a

> combination for a turbo charged libido as Pluto is there also. Jupiter is

> association with Uranus in the 10th house in the sign of Mercury is a

> combination for a world famous astrologer. Mars being there with Pluto will

> make you a fanatic. You would be a fanatic about everything. Thats why when

> you gave that guy a flogging you must have given him a good old Mars and

> Pluto hiding. You don't do 2 years for a simple fist fight. Mars and Mercury

> in exchange and associated with Jupiter will give you excellent natural hand

> skills. In the old texts they say Mars and Mercury in conjunction makes a

> boxer. Pluto being there will give explosive knockout power. You have 4th

> and 5th lords in the 10th house, this is a good raja yoga for success.


> Sun as 9th lord of the Guru and the divine in the 12th house will make you

> travel overseas looking for your Guru and spiritual knowlege. Mercury is in

> association with Sun in the 12th house being the dispositor of all the

> planets in the 10th house. This shows your obssession with occult knowledge

> and foreign cultures and religion. Sun is in good aspect to Rahu which is a

> great aspect for physical strength and health. Sun and Mercury both fall in

> the nakshatra of Anuradhna ruled by your biirth yogi planet Saturn, so they

> become excellent planets. Your Saturn has been a hard taskmaster and your

> Mars is very strong bringing problems with violence and anger. Birth yogi

> Saturns transit over your natal Moon has made you study in solitude and gain

> knowlege to make you a great astrologer. Saturn is in the nakshatra of

> Mercury and Mercury is in the nakshatra of Saturn showing you will

> eventually make you home overseas or away from the area of birth as the

> influence of the 12th house is very strong. You may well become a author as

> Jupiter the lagna lord is in the sign of Mercury and Mercury is in exchange

> with Mars the 5th lord of the intellect. The 3rd lord of writings is Saturn

> as birth yogi planet in the nakshatra of Mercury. If you write it will be on

> occult and foreign subjects as shown by Mercury in the 12th house in the 8th

> sign of the zodiac.


> You will do good and detailed research as from the Moon lagna representing

> mind, Mercury is the 3rd lord of mental outlook, writings and communications

> and 6th lord of work and service. It is in the 8th house and 8th sign of the

> occult and sex. This explains your large collection of charts concerning

> porn stars. From the Moon, Mercury is in exchange with Mars the 8th lord of

> research and profound thinking but also lord of sexual passions. This is a

> good vipreeta raja yoga. Moon is in Aries the sign of the head so your head

> is full of all these ideas. You will write a practical, entertaining and

> maybe even controversial book.


> Why did you end up in jail? Well the lagna and lagna lord are afflicted by

> Mars and Saturn. The lagna lord is associated with Mars the 12th lord of

> jail, the planet of violence and also the police. These two are disposited

> by Mercury who is in the 12th house of jail also. You were running Mars

> major period and Jupiter minor period in 1994 and at the end of that year

> you went into Mars/Saturn. Saturn is the planet of isolation and seclusion

> and you ran that period for 2 years, probably the time you spent inside.

> Saturn is in the 4th house of home in the nakshatra of Mercury who is in the

> 12th house of self undoing, isolation and of course, imprisonment. Saturn of

> course is in the 12th house from natal Moon in the nakshatra of Mercury the

> dispositor of the lagna lord. At the end of 1994 lagna lord Jupiter was in

> transit in the 12th house of imprisonment with the cruel aspects of Saturn

> and Mars. Your Mars is a planet of impulsiveness, violence and passion as it

> is in the nakshatra of the 8th lord of disgraceful behaviour and ava yogi

> planet Moon. Your Moon is in Aries, the sign of the head afflicted by Mars

> by 8th house aspect, its worst aspect. It was probably a impulsive act of

> violent passion that put you in jail. Your Mars is lord of the 8th house

> from Moon and Moon is lord the 8th house from the lagna. Mars reaches its

> maturity at 28 years of age so when you got out of prison you have put it

> behind you and never returned to jail again. Mars in association with Ketu

> can show violence brought over from a previous life. I have seen this

> combination in a number of charts where violence has put somebody in jail.


> Rahu period will make you into somebody known overseas as well as your

> homeland as it is in the 4th house from lagna and 12th house from the Moon

> or mind of the masses. Its dispositor Jupiter is lord of lagna in the 10th

> house, the highest house of the heavens. Rahu is in the nakshatra of birth

> yogi planet Saturn and associated with Saturn so is a lucky planet. Saturn

> is also lord of the 2nd house or the 5th house from the 10th house showing

> intelligence and knowlege of the heavens. Rahu has the full aspect of

> Jupiter and Uranus the planet of the 3rd eye and astrology. Rahu/Jupiter

> will give great gains in astrological knowledge. Rahu also is in excellent

> trine aspect to 9th lord Sun so Rahu will be good for you. In the Vimsamsha

> chart of spirituality, lagna lord Venus is in the 5th house with Jupiter and

> Uranus in the Vimsamsha of Saturn your birth yogi planet. You are a good and

> decent man as Venus is atmakaraka and karaka of your soul. In the navamsha

> chart Venus is vargottama once again in the 9th sign and associated with the

> planet of the heart and soul Sun. Navamsha lagna is Libra and you have the

> nature of a Libran as well as a Sagittarian.


> Your love life will never be a bed of roses as Venus is very afflicted and

> the 7th lord is in the 12th house of loss in exchange with enemy Mars. Mars

> also afflicts the planets of women, Venus and Moon. The navamsha lagna

> contains ava yogi Moon and the great enemy of the Moon, Rahu. Relationships

> could be very stormy although you will never have trouble attracting women.

> You are sexually powerful as Mars is the 5th lord of love affairs and 12th

> lord of the bedroom escapades in the 10th house associated with Jupiter.

> This will grant you a good sex life but no peace in love relationships as

> Mars is an angry disruptive planet. Your 7th lord of sex is Mercury located

> in the sex sign Scorpio in exchange with 12th lord Mars who afflicts Venus.

> Moon as 8th lord of sexual passions is also in the sign of Mars aspected by

> Mars and also in the nakshatra of Venus. Is it any wonder we are

> corresponding!! Your Moon is in a vasiya sign to my Moon and your Mars

> aspects my Venus. Your Sun is also in exact trine to my Venus as well as

> other good aspects.


> I can imagine how tough your life has been being a member of two minority

> groups being black and also a Muslim. Rahu is the planet of Muslims with

> Saturn your 3rd lord of mental outlook. There are many bad stereo types

> about Muslims and watching T.V you are led to believe all Muslims are AK 47

> carrying terrorists, running around with tea towels on their heads trying to

> blow everthing and every honest God fearing American to pieces with some

> fiendish bomb. Fundamentalism is a curse in any religion whether it be

> Christian, Muslim, Hindu or any other religion. Tolerence and respect for

> diversity should prevail but unfortunatley some religions take the attitude

> if you are not with us you must be therefore against us and act accordingly.

> This is the animal nature in man where he thinks he must protect his patch

> or turf. Take care and good luck with all your hopes and dreams.


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