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Test Your Skill - Who's Coming to Dinner?

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Sunday, December 10, 2000 8:27 PM


Re: Test Your Skill - Who's Coming to Dinner?




Thought I would throw this out for those so inclined;

it is a good thing to do things like this every so

often - it keeps the skills honed.


First, her planetary positions…

Western Chart:














Vedic Chart:












The following is a fragment of an email I received

late week, from a client that is scheduled to see me

tomorrow night (Monday, Dec 11). She writes:


my questions:

i would like to know what direction to take regarding

my current

living situation.


is my band on the right path... are we

progressing in the right

direction... is everyone committed for the long




and finally, will i ever fall in love.... will

i ever marry....

there's a boy who i find interesting... should i take

the initiative...


blow it off...


On the face of it, this sounds like a standard "run

around the block" - but consider the following



1. Saturn is Retrograde (unfinished business with the

Father) , in the 7th (all of the unresolved business

spilling over into relationships; "marrying her Dad"),

and ruling the Cap Asc; this same Saturn is square

Pluto in the 9th (education interrupted) and

Quindecile Mars (thus tying in the Mars-Pluto Syndrome

symbolism, all of this going back to the early home

environs - the Saturn Rx needs to be discussed)


2. The Sun is in Aquarius and the Moon is in Taurus

(thus forming a Quarter-Moon configuration, suggesting

Parental upset, upheaval in the home, having impact on

this young woman; otherwise, this Sun-Moon blend

suggests a strong desire to implement one's notions of

Social Ideals (among the many who have/had this

Sun-Moon combo, is Niccolo Machiavelli, career pol

from Italy), made all the moreso by noting the Cap

Asc, and the Aquarius cluster rising in the 1st


3. Mercury exactly conjoins Venus and both are square

to the Moon, ruler of the 7th - so clearly, this is

idealism in relationship run amok - but why?-could it

be the Saturn Rx symbolism, the "traffic jam" that it

is caught up in? Hmmm….note that the Moon is in the

4th, and Pluto, ruling the 10th is square Saturn Rx in

the 7th…again, Hmmm…


4. Jupiter and Neptune are in Mutual Reception; in of

itself, this might not mean anything, however, note

that the Moon is VOC - these two symbolisms, bring

dimensions of the Spiritual into the Profile, and by

extension, into the discussion to come tomorrow night,

all the moreso since tr Pluto is sitting this woman's

Pluto, having come from the 9th


5. Mars is at the Aries Point, being at 00 Cap, in the

12th house; it is also part of the configuration

bearing on the 7th house, discussed earlier. There is

the suggestion that this woman is somehow "bucking the

system, both in the outer world (7th and 12th houses),

and, perhaps more importantly, with regard to her

parents - she may choose partners that she knows her

parents wouldn't approve of - the question that we

have to ask is, why? Keep in mind that Uranus is at

the MC natally (2 and 5 Scorpio, respectively)


6. Several midpoint pictures fill in the gaps/confirm

what we have already seen:


- Sun = Venus/Saturn: problems in relationship

- Venus = Mars/Pluto: tremendous sex drive, getting

involved with people to "cool this out"

- Jupiter = Sun/Uranus: going one's own way,

innovation, the big break, independence


Key times to ask about would have been 11 yrs old

(when SA Mars = Asc), 15-18 yrs old (when SA MC =

Venus, and SA Uranus = Venus), and, most importantly,

21 yrs old (SA Saturn = MC). It should be a very

interesting discussion indeed.


At the time of consultation, tr Neptune is square to

the MC, having just come from its conjunction of the

Sun and square to Uranus last year, in 1999; this

speaks in a big way, to problems on the job and the

domestic situation, as well as general confusion with

regard to relationship matters (the MC has been shown

to play a huge role in the timing of relationship

dimensions), tr Pluto is on the natal Neptune, in the

11th, the 2nd from the 10th, which Pluto rules, and tr

Saturn is moving towards conjunction to the Moon in

the 4th, again, the living quarters' concerns. Tr

Uranus is gearing up to conjoin her Venus and next

year, square her Moon ruling the 7th, with a plethora

of Solar Arcs involving her Venus: SA Venus = Sun, SA

Node = Venus, SA Venus = Jupiter, and SA Venus =

Uranus, again, all next year, 2001. As Venus rules

both, the 4th and 5th houses, it is very possible that

this woman could move into a new place (the Uranus

involvement with the Moon and Venus) AND get prgenant.


But, we're not done - we now check the Vedic chart to

see if it confirms what we've seen so far...


1. Mars rises in the 1st, and is mutally aspected by

Saturn, in the 7th; this is NOT a good combination,

and suggests strongly that abuse could have occurred.


2. Mars, Saturn and Rahu all aspect the 4th house -

this is NOT good for both real estate, living

surroundings, and for peace of mind in general.


3. Benefics Moon and Jupiter surround the 4th - this

offers some hope for relief.


4. Mercury and Venus occupy the same degree - a

Planetary War - and both also occupy Dhanistha

Nakshatra, Mars' star, infamous for causing

marital/relationship strife. Mercury is the 7th lord,

where inimical Saturn resides; however, there is the

chance for relief, as Jupiter aspects Saturn in the

7th, 7th lord Mercury forms Satkalatra Yoga with

Venus, and Saturn occupies a star of Jupiter. Benefic

planets occupy the Signs of Saturn, thus Saturn does

have the ability to give good results.


5. 5th and 12th lord (Sexual Desire and Sexual

Enjoyment) Mars (one of the 3 Sexual Planets in Vedic

Astrology, the other two being Venus and Rahu) is in

the 1st house, 8th lord (Sexual Power) is in the 5th,

and Rahu is in the 12th; in addition, please note that

the Moon is in an Angle from Venus. Thus, we can see a

very powerful sexual drive, that has to be discussed

in the consultation, and mirrors the findings of the

Western chart.


6. Venus is in Cap, Mars aspects the 4th and 7th, and

Saturn occupies the 7th - there are possible morality

problems with regard to sex and relationships that

have to be addressed (all the moreso, as Mars brings

in the influence of Rahu, who is placed in Mars' Sign)


7. Rahu in the 12th from the Asc and aspecting 12 from

Moon, with Ketu in the 2nd (appetite, the mouth)

suggests possible drug abuse (especially with the

transits of Neptune to the Sun, Uranus and the MC over

in the Western chart)…Hmm…


8. Moon Dasa in operation from Jan 1994, and will run

until Jan 2004, when Mars will begin. Current period

is Moon-Mercury, which will last until Apr 2001. Moon

is in the 5th house, and the 8th lord; it is the 4th

lord from its own position. Venus aspects the 4th

house from the Moon, and Moon-Venus begins Nov 2001,

around the same time that the measurements in the

Western chart are in full swing (the Uranus Arcs and

transits spoken of earlier); note also that the Moon

is in the 5th house - pregnancy. The Moon is in good

shape here, as there are no aspects of malefics

(though there is the hemming in of the Nodes, Ketu on

one side of the Moon and Rahu aspecting the other side

- however, their periods are not in operation. Moon

Dasa will also bring in the Spiritual influence of

Ketu, who is placed in the Moon's favorite star,

Rohini, in the 6th house…Hmm…


9. Finally, note that the Moon is in the 4th house in

the Navamsa chart, again denoting the probable move;

Venus in the 1st, with Mercury exalted, speaks to a

new relationship on the horizon.


It is interesting to point out here, in light of my

most recent post, the ties between me and this client

- our Vedic Ascendants are the same, Sag, so are our

Moons; over in the Western charts, again, the

Ascendants are the same, this time in Cap, and the

Moons are the same, in Taurus. These are very god

signs. Further, her Saturn opposes my Asc, squares my

Mars and Saturn (ruler of my chart). It promises to be

a very interesting discussion.


Well - if this person was coming to see you tomorrow

night, what would you see in your preparation? How

would you anticipate what was coming through the door?

What would be your opening statement? What would you

project for future times?


Who is coming to Dinner?







Mu'Min M. Bey

Western and Vedic Astrologer






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