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The Astrology of Bobby Fischer

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Monday, December 11, 2000 3:49 PM


Re: The Astrology of Bobby Fischer



The other day, there was a discussion going on about

the game of Chess, and the Masters of the Game; I said

that I would go and dig up Bobby Fischer's chart -

well, here it is!


Bobby Fischer

Mar 9, 1943



Chicago, Il


Placidus, Asc 00 Leo 35

Lahiri , Lagna 7 Cancer 31

Source: Synthesis and Counseling in Astrology, by Noel




Bobby Fischer is the youngest World and Grandmaster

Chess Player, winning the US competitions at the

tender age of 15 yrs old, and the World competitions

at 29; we'll see the Astrology of these events in a



Bobby's Western chart features a very strong Mercury

double-square to the Saturn-Uranus conjunction, in

Gemini; as Mercury is in Aquarius; this ties Mercury

and Uranus together even closer, due to Mutual

Reception. Mercury is the ruler of the 3rd and placed

in the 8th, with a 9th house Sun (emphasizing the

Mind, the 3-9 house axis); the Piscean flavor of the

Sun, Mercury in the 8th, Neptune in the 3rd, ruling

the 9th, also accounts for the "sneak attack" methods

Fischer would have to employ in his chess games.


There is an Air Grand Trine here, among Mars in the

7th, Uranus (and Saturn, since it is dragged into all

of this) and Neptune - this is a signal of

intellectual sufficiency, even arrogance, and other

players, much much older than him, had to be a bit



Finally, note that Fischer has the Midpoint Picture

Saturn = Asc/MC - this is a picture that has

"strategy" written all over it, what with Saturn in

Gemini, with Uranus, and both tied-in to Mercury, AND,

part of the Air Grand Trine. This position would be

important to Fischer, as we will see.


But, if you thought Fischer's Western chart was saying

something, check out his Vedic one - here, Cancer

rises, and 12th lord Mercury is in the 8th house;

Mercury is also the 3rd lord. Jupiter is in the 12th,

in Mercury's Sign, and aspects its lord, so this would

give strength to Mercury-ruled affairs that require

strategy behind the scenes.


Note Fischer's Mars - in the 7th, it forms a powerful

Ruchaka Yoga. It is powerful for several reasons - 1,

it is in exaltation, and its dispositor Saturn is in a

benefic Sign, in the 11th house of gains. 2, Mars is

in the 10th house from the Moon, and in that chart,

Mars would also be the Lagna Lord. Benefic Moon helps

Mars even more, as benefic planets placed in a given

Sign always helps the lord of that Sign. 3, check out

the Varga Bala - note that Mars is strong in 7

charts!!! This is not your run of the mill Mars, to be

sure, and this all falls in line with competitiveness,

etc. This alone makes him a winner.


But, there is more - check out the Malavya Yoga in

the 9th from the Asc, which picks up more strength due

to its lordship of a Kendra.


Now, check out the timing of events…


For his US competition, in his Western chart, we see

that tr Jupiter had squared the Asc, with SA Venus AND

Jupiter = Asc! For the World championship, Fischer was

in the midst of a Saturn Return (keep in mind that

Saturn is in Gemini, and part of the combinations that

give him awesome chess/mental ability), tr Uranus was

opposed his MC and squared his Jupiter (the big

break), tr Jupiter squared his MC, and SA Mars (ruler

of the 10th) = MC. His Vedic chart also tells the

tale; he won both championships during his Mercury

Dasa…yet, Mercury is not strong at all in the Varga

Bala; though it forms Budhaditya Yoga and aspects the

2nd house, it is still hemmed in by malefics, the Sun

and Ketu, in the 8th house. How could it give

championship results?


The answer can be seen in the Signs and stars that

Mercury rules; it rules the star that Venus is in, and

rules the Sign that Jupiter is in. Both planets being

natural benefics, and Venus in particular being so

well placed, made Fischer the youngest Chess champion



It would make a most interesting study, to research

the charts of other Chess Champions; does anyone out

there have any charts they would like to share?


Comments, Please…








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