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The Case of The Missing(?) Rings

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The following is an analysis of a Horary chart I did

concerning whether some stolen jewelry would return to

its rightful owner. For the benefit of those that wich

to follow along, the data for the chart is as follows:


Dec 11, 2000 (Mon)



Philadelphia, PA


Placidus, Asc - 8 Leo

Lahiri, Lagna - 14 Can


A soon as I hear word from the person that asked me

this question, as to whether my analysis was correct,

I will post it on this list. In the meantime though,

what are your thoughts on the chart?







Tuesday, December 12, 2000



Re: Your Mom's Missing(?) Rings


Hello "J",


Finally had the chance to look over the chart

concerning your Mom's missing rings. As I said, I

cannot promise that my humble observations will be of

any great assistance, but I did say that I would see

what I could do. Here is my assessment:


Based on the moment of your question on this matter,

it is my view that the rings were not lost by Mom, but

that they were taken/stolen, most likely by your

brother, and she will get the rings back, perhaps

before the end of this year. My reasons and analysis

is as follows…


In the Western (round) chart, Mom is shown by the 4th

house, with Saturn in the 7th from it (the 10th); it

is Peregrine, both classically and in the modern

sense, not having any dignity by Sign and not making

any Ptolemaic aspect to any other planet. Saturn is

the classical ruler of Aquarius, and rules the 5th

from the 4th house, the 5th house denoting children.

Classical rules of Horary Astrology state that a

peregrine planet in the 7th house denotes a thief.

Venus is the ruler of the 4th and the 7th from the

4th, thus I think your Mom knows who took the rings. 3

planets in the 2nd from the 4th (Sun, Mercury, and

Pluto) all in Fire Signs show that the rings are

valuable (Sun) and very flashy, perhaps made of gold

(Fire Signs). Ruler of the 2nd from the 4th is

Jupiter, which is Retrograde; in Horary Astrology,

Retrograde planets mean that things and/or people

return, thus the return of the rings can be seen.

Venus, which again rules the 4th and 7th from 4th

(brother) exactly trines Jupiter, and in Mutual

Reception (exchanges Signs) with Saturn in the 7th

from the 4th; this means that the brother/her son will

bring the rings back.


>From the radical Ascendant, Mars, a male planet, is in

the 3rd house of Siblings, this shows the brother's

involvement again, and sextiles the Sun in the 5th,

and the Sun rules the radical 2nd house of personal

belongings. The Sun as already said, rules valuables.

This again shows that the brother will bring the rings



The rings are in a dark, hidden place, perhaps in a

drawer or pocket of a jacket - Neptune exactly

conjuncts Venus at the radical Descendant, and Neptune

rules the 6th from 4th (6th house, Neptune, 8th house,

all denotes hidden things), Jupiter in the 8th from

the 4th. They could be in the brother's room, or

somewhere high in a room in the house, perhaps where

books and papers are kept (Jupiter ruling the 2nd from

4th, in Gemini, 3 planets in the 2nd from the 4th,

again, books and papers).


Vedic (square) chart: the Sign of the Mother rises,

Cancer, and the Sun is the 2nd lord (2nd house ruling

one's possessions); Sun rules gold, valuable items.

Sun is with the 3rd lord (siblings) in the 5th house

(children) in Scorpio (hidden things, theft). Sun and

Mercury exchange houses/Signs with Mars, who is in the

3rd house, again of siblings. Mercury is the 12th

lord, again, hidden things done in secret, involving

the brother/son. Saturn is the lord of both the 7th

(thieves) and the 8th houses (8th being the house of

theft, secrets, hidden things), and Venus is in the



The Sun and Mercury are in Jyestha, whose symbol is

the earring, a piece of jewelry; Mars is in Chitra,

whose symbol is a jewel - thus the chart describes the

question very, very well. Saturn's Dasa is in

operation, again, we see that someone - the

brother/son - took the rings. Note also that Saturn is

in a star ruled by the Sun. The tie-ins are definitely



Venus, ruler of "ornaments", i.e. jewelry, is in the

7th house, the only planet in an Angular house, again

another signal that the chart is accurate. Venus as

natural benefic, aspecting the Ascendant is a good

indication of a positive outcome. Jupiter, another

natural benefic associates with the 7th lord Saturn,

both placed in the 11th house of gains for the Mother.

Sun and Mercury in the 5th house is also a positive

sign of the rings' return.


The Vedic chart gives the most likely time of return

for the rings - Saturn-Rahu Dasa is running, until Mar

2001; Saturn is in Venus' Sign, with Venus in Saturn's

Sign; also, Rahu is in Gemini, one of the best Signs

for him, and is with naturally benefic Moon. Saturn

associates with Jupiter, who himself is placed in a

star of the Moon. Rahu is in a star of Jupiter.

Jupiter aspects the 7th house of the culprit and also

aspects the 3rd house; Saturn aspects the 1st house,

which I take to represent the Mom. Therefore, I say

that the rings should be returned by or before the end

of the year, or possibly shortly thereafter. Finally,

Saturn (the 7th lord) and Jupiter are in the 11th

house - according to classical Vedic Astrology texts,

the 11th house represents older siblings. Jupiter is

the good 9th lord, another sign that things should end



These are my findings, and I hope that I am correct;

please get back to me, and let me know. Again, thank

you so much for all of your faith!



Mu'Min M. Bey







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