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The Road Ahead for Al Gore (Western and Vedic Analysis)

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Thursday, December 14, 2000


The Road Ahead for Al Gore



Last night, at 9PM EST, Vice President Al Gore

officially conceeded to Texas Gov. and President-Elect

Geo. W. Bush on national television. Hailed as one of

the best speeches in his political career, Gore urged

the nation to fall behind the new leader, and said his

only regret, was that he did have the chance to fight

for the causes that he, and so many others, believed



The Concession Chart, cast for Dec 13, 2000, at 9PM

EST in Washington, D.C., is quite revealing: once

again, the Moon is Void of Course, this time

reflecting the fact that the elections were over, and

there was nothing anyone could do about it. It is

within orb of an opposition to Neptune, a planet whose

symbolism has come forward again and again, throughout

this entire campaign. Gore is represented by the 1st

house, whose Sign is Leo, which matches Gore's Western

Asc, and falls exactly on his Saturn - and apt

symbolism for realizing defeat. The Sun, at 22 Sag 23,

is in the 5th house and has past sextile to Mars,

ruler of the 9th - a clear echo of Gore's Last Stand

in the past few days, his lawyers trying

unsuccessfully, to argue his case before the US

Supreme Court. The Moon's past square to Mars

corroborates. The 10th house of this chart is ruled

by Venus, which is in turn, conjunct Neptune. This,

along with the fact that both Jupiter and Saturn is in

the 10th house and Retrograde, speak volumes to Gore's

defeat in his bid for the White House. Uranus is on

the 7th cusp, in its own Sign, Aquarius - this clearly

represents Bush, the victor. Gracious in defeat,

Gore's speech will always be remembered as such, and

this can be seen by noting that Venus is square to the



The Midpoint pictures for the speech are telling as

well - AP = Saturn/Neptune (defeat, coming forward for

all to see), MC = Mars/Saturn (again, defeat, being

defeated), A = Saturn/MC (realization of defeat), and

Sun = Venus/MC = Neptune/MC (being gracious,

renunciation, possible sadness). This same chart

compared to that of the United States shows its Asc is

tightly opposed the Moon and MC - the pundits are

correct, this speech is one for the history books.


At 10PM CST, from the House of Representatives in

Austin, TX, President-Elect Geo. W. Bush gave his

Victory Speech. The horoscope for this event is

practically the same as that for Gore's speech - but,

with a few small, but significant differences. The

Sign Leo again rises, this time at 21 degrees, which

not only matches Bush's Asc, but also exactly

conjuncts his Venus, a clear symbol of victory. The

Moon has just entered Leo, and at 1 degree into that

Sign, is applying to an opposition to Neptune. This is

not a good portent for the new President - it clearly

follows along with the idea of a "cloud" lingering

over Bush's legitimacy as President; with transiting

Neptune inching it's way towards Bush's Dsc, surely

these themes will become more and more apparent in the

days and months ahead.


There are other signs that this chart is, in essence,

a "weak" one; note that Uranus squares the MC, exact,

in the 17 degree area of Fixed Signs; note too that

Jupiter and Saturn are in the 10th house, and both

are, as we have seen in the case of the Gore

Concession chart, Retrograde. Both of these sets of

symbols suggest strongly that Bush will have a very

difficult time trying to keep his administration

stable. More signs of the foundation being weakened

can be seen in the Venus-Neptune conjunction, Venus

ruling the MC. On top of all of that, we note the

following midpoint pictures: AP = Saturn/Neptune, AP +

Uranus = Mars/Pluto, A = Saturn/MC, and, most telling,

Sun = Mars/Uranus = Mars/Asc. All of these formulas

are ones that speak to above-average difficulty for

Bush in his new role as President of the United



So now, with Bush being officially recognized as the

President of the United States, the Burning Question

on everyone's mind is, will Al Gore return in 2004?



Al Gore has just come out from under a humiliating

Neptune transit, in opposition to his Ascendant, while

at the same time, tr Uranus was in opposition to his

Saturn, in his 1st house; and, we could go further,

with the tr of Saturn sitting right on his Venus in

the 10th house. These, I'm pretty sure we could all

agree on, are not favorable combinations for one

seeking public office! It will indeed take some time

for Gore to lick his wounds, take a much needed

vacation, and re-think his goals in life over the next

few years. There is every indication that Gore will

NOT seek the Presidency in 2004, and, if per chance he

does, he will not be successful. In the meantime, Gore

will quite possibly change course all together,

leaving public life and going back to his first love,

which were his days at Divinity school. It is very

possible that Gore could, after a tremendous change in

Perspective, delve deeply into his religiosity in the

latter half of 2001 (for the "change of course" - tr

Uranus opp Mars, ruler his 10th, Dec, 2000, SA Asc =

Pluto, Feb, 2001; tr Saturn cnj Venus in his 10th, a

final time, Mar, 2001; and, tr Uranus = his Sun/Moon

midpoint all year, 2001. For his religious return - tr

Jupiter cnj Uranus, already natally opp Jupiter in

Sag, opp its natal position, and opposed the Moon; tr

Jupiter sqr the Sun, and Neptune, both of which are in

the 3-9 axis, all from Jun to Dec, 2001) .


It is possible that Gore could re-emerge onto the

Public Scene in 2002, re-energized and ready to act in

his new role, perhaps as an Ambassador of Good Will,

similar to former President Jimmy Carter; if this does

indeed occur, he could spend a good deal of time

abroad in this new chapter of his life (tr Uranus sqr

Venus in the 10th, SA Asc = Jupiter, tr Jupiter sqr

Sun, SA Mars = Sun, SA Mars = Venus, all 2002).


In the years 2003-2004, Gore faces considerable

challenges; in those two years, Gore's chart is

deluged with difficult transits and Solar Arcs. It is

a time of perhaps complicated motives for Gore; it is

a time of realistic assessment of his potentials and

the shifting of gears to accommodate that change; it

is a time of dead-reckoning in his life. Again, if he

does indeed seek the Presidency again, it is almost

certain that he will not succeed - and, whether he

runs for Office again or not, there are signs in his

chart at this time, of him facing serious health

problems, perhaps with his heart (2003: SA Moon =

Neptune, SA Uranus = Saturn, tr Neptune opp Pluto, SA

Mars = Neptune, tr Saturn opp Moon, tr Saturn sqr Sun,

tr Saturn sqr Neptune. 2004: transits of Saturn to Sun

and Neptune still in effect, transit of Neptune to

Pluto still in effect; tr Saturn sqr MC, SA Asc =

Saturn, SA Saturn = Sun, tr Pluto opp Uranus. It is

important to keep in mind here, the Leo and Sun

emphasis in this chart, now under high tension from

all of this planetary activity). However, at the end

of 2004, tr Jupiter will conjunct his Neptune and

opposed his Sun, again bringing forward

religious/philosophical themes; if he pulls through

this period, that, along with Uranus transit of his

Pluto will radically alter his Perspective on Life.


Vedic Analysis of Al Gore's Horoscope

Al Gore's Vedic horoscope mirrors the findings in his

Western chart; his rise, fall, withdrawl from public

life, possible return in a new role, health challenges

and deep-seated philosophical/religious adjustments

are all there.


Gore's chart does not contain the Raja Yogas, in my

view, that would support him being President - first

off, he has Mars and Saturn in the 1st house. For a

Cancer Asc, Mars is yogakaraka, however, he is

debilitated. Rules state that, because Mars is with

Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn, Mars' exaltation Sign,

Mars' debilitation in the 1st is therefore broken, and

becomes a Raja Yoga. But I am not convinced of this

view, especially in light of what we all have seen in

the past 5 weeks. Plus, we have to remember, that both

Mars and Saturn are natural malefics, thus they have

to bring some negative results into Gore's life,

especially seeing as how they are in the 1st house of

the Self. Further, Saturn is placed in its enemy's

Sign, Cancer - and both Mars and Saturn's dispositor,

the Moon, is itself placed in a Trik House, the 6th.

As if this weren't bad enough, Mars and Saturn are

placed in an enemy's star, and the lord is in the

worst house of a Vedic chart, the 8th, itself in an

enemy's Sign, Saturn! Saturn is also the lord of the

7th and 8th houses, both houses being associated with

difficulty, especially when it comes to winning

contests against competitors, like we saw in the

elections. In no way, are these combinations of a

President, and we saw the results for ourselves.


Continuing on with our overview of Gore's Vedic chart,

we can see that the Moon and Jupiter are in the 6th

house, Sag; the Sun is in the 9th house as well. These

are combinations that make one a Servant of Humanity

for sure, perhaps with religious overtones; Jupiter is

in its own Sign and disposes of both the Moon and the

Sun. While the Sun, the planet of Politics, is well

placed in the 9th, the other planet of Political

Power, Saturn, is not so well-placed; further, the Sun

is not very strong in the Varga Bala and not

well-placed in the Navamsa, or from the Moon. Thus,

it is safe to say, that Gore would not be successful

for political bids during the Dasa of the Sun, which

just began earlier this year, March to be exact.


It is interesting at this juncture to point out the

fact, that Gore's biggest political success came

during his Venus Dasa, which was from 1980, to 2000 -

it was during this time, that was elected Senator,

being the only Senator from Tennessee in modern times,

to carry all 95 counties in senate elections. He

became Vice-President during this time also, under

Bill Clinton, elected for the first time in 1992 and

again in 1996. Venus is much better placed in Gore's

chart than Mars or Saturn, and note that Rahu, which

is in the 10th house, is placed in Venus' star -

hence, Gore's political career success during Venus'

Dasa (it is also important to point out the fact that

Venus is placed in the 11th house of gains, being 2nd

from the 10 house of career matters, and aspects the

5th house luck; the 5th house has always been shown to

be very important for any politician from a Vedic

Astrological perspective). Now, with the Sun Dasa

running, there is no way that he would be successful

in politics. However, this period DOES support him

changing perspectives, travelling, and doing works

that serve the Common Good, in a new role as a



Rahu is in the 10th house in Gore's chart. It is

generally held that, the Nodes being Angular in a

chart almost always suggests lots of drastic, dramatic

changes in one's life. We have already seen this in

Gore's life, going from servicemen to newspaper

reporter to divinity school student to politician to

Vice-President - now, we will see it yet again, as

Gore re-assesses his goals, and alters his public

image in the Spring of 2001 (Rahu in the 10th house of

public image, Rahu sub-period in operation beginning

in Apr 2001). As Rahu and Jupiter mutually aspect one

another, he could very well go into another form of

public service, with again, religious overtones.


Sun-Jupiter will go into operation in March, 2002, and

will last until Jan, 2003; at this time, Gore will

most likely travel abroad, and advocate for the rights

of people everywhere, definitely so here in the USA.

He will go back to his staunch advocacy of the

environment and people who would otherwise have no

voice in government. This will be a period where his

public image will take a turn for the better, and he

will again be in the spotlight.


>From Jan 2003, to Dec 2003, Sun-Sat will be running;

this the time I mentioned earlier, when Gore will mast

likely have health concerns to do with, and I said

above, with his heart - note here, the Sun Dasa (Sun =

heart), running with Saturn as sub-period. Both the

Sun and Saturn are malefics, and Saturn is ruler of

both the 7th and 8th houses; such a badly placed 7th

and 8th lord can only bring problems for the native,

in this case, health problems, as Saturn occupies the

1st house of the Body. This trend continues on into

Dec 2003, with Sun-Mercury Dasa running, Mercury being

in the 8th house, and placed in Saturn's Sign. The

deep-seated religious views and so on that I stated in

Gore's Western chart are supported here, with the

Sun-Ketu Dasa commencing in Oct of 2004; note in

Gore's chart, that the Moon (ruler of the Ascendant)

and Jupiter (associated with religion, ruler of the

9th) are in Ketu's stars. This could be the basis of

Gore writing yet another book.


In the year 2005, Sun-Venus springs into action; as we

have seen earlier, Venus periods are good for Gore.

Perhaps this will be a time, when he yet again shine

in the Public Eye.


Next stop - The Bush Inaugural…






Al Gore's Concession Speech

Dec 13, 2000



Washington, D.C.


Placidus Asc 16 Leo

Source: C-Span


Geo. W. Bush Victory Speech

Dec 13, 2000



Austin, TX


Placidus Asc 21 Leo

Source: C-Span


Geo. W. Bush

July 6 1946



New Haven, CT


Placidus Asc 7 Leo

Source: Lois Rodden Database


Al Gore

March 31 1948



Washington, D.C.


Placidus Asc 4 Leo

Vedic Asc (Lahiri) 11 Cancer

Source: Lois Rodden Database


United States of America

July 4, 1776



Phildelphia, PA


Placidus Asc 7 Gemini

Book of World Horoscopes, by Nick Campion





Mu'Min M. Bey

Western and Vedic Astrologer






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The Sun, at 22 Sag 23,

>is in the 5th house and has past sextile to Mars,

>ruler of the 9th - a clear echo of Gore's Last Stand

>in the past few days,


Why does this reflect his last stand? I don't follow the symbols here.


his lawyers trying

>unsuccessfully, to argue his case before the US

>Supreme Court. The Moon's past square to Mars



Where is this separating angle symbolism derived from?


>The Midpoint pictures for the speech are telling as

>well - AP = Saturn/Neptune (defeat, coming forward for

>all to see), MC = Mars/Saturn (again, defeat, being

>defeated), A = Saturn/MC (realization of defeat), and

>Sun = Venus/MC = Neptune/MC (being gracious,

>renunciation, possible sadness).


Are all these from the 9 pm chart? No radix or directions I guess...


This same chart

>compared to that of the United States shows its Asc is

>tightly opposed the Moon and MC - the pundits are

>correct, this speech is one for the history books.


Which USA chart is this? There are at least 8 in popular use.




>At 10PM CST, from the House of Representatives in

>Austin, TX, President-Elect Geo. W. Bush gave his

>Victory Speech. The horoscope for this event is

>practically the same as that for Gore's speech - but,

>with a few small, but significant differences. The

>Sign Leo again rises, this time at 21 degrees, which

>not only matches Bush's Asc, but also exactly

>conjuncts his Venus, a clear symbol of victory. The

>Moon has just entered Leo, and at 1 degree into that

>Sign, is applying to an opposition to Neptune. This is

>not a good portent for the new President - it clearly

>follows along with the idea of a "cloud" lingering

>over Bush's legitimacy as President; with transiting

>Neptune inching it's way towards Bush's Dsc, surely

>these themes will become more and more apparent in the

>days and months ahead.


I don't see how this chart of a victory speech is significant of much. If

we want to get a better feeling for the upcoming presidency, surely the

chart we should turn to is the inauguration chart of Jan 20 2001.


>Vedic Analysis of Al Gore's Horoscope

>Al Gore's Vedic horoscope mirrors the findings in his

>Western chart; his rise, fall, withdrawl from public

>life, possible return in a new role, health challenges

>and deep-seated philosophical/religious adjustments

>are all there.


>Gore's chart does not contain the Raja Yogas, in my

>view, that would support him being President - first

>off, he has Mars and Saturn in the 1st house. For a

>Cancer Asc, Mars is yogakaraka, however, he is

>debilitated. Rules state that, because Mars is with

>Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn, Mars' exaltation Sign,

>Mars' debilitation in the 1st is therefore broken, and

>becomes a Raja Yoga. But I am not convinced of this

>view, especially in light of what we all have seen in

>the past 5 weeks.


I don't think the effects of the rajayoga differentiate between president

and vice-president.


Plus, we have to remember, that both

>Mars and Saturn are natural malefics, thus they have

>to bring some negative results into Gore's life,

>especially seeing as how they are in the 1st house of

>the Self. Further, Saturn is placed in its enemy's

>Sign, Cancer - and both Mars and Saturn's dispositor,

>the Moon, is itself placed in a Trik House, the 6th.

>As if this weren't bad enough, Mars and Saturn are

>placed in an enemy's star, and the lord is in the

>worst house of a Vedic chart, the 8th, itself in an

>enemy's Sign, Saturn! Saturn is also the lord of the

>7th and 8th houses, both houses being associated with

>difficulty, especially when it comes to winning

>contests against competitors, like we saw in the

>elections. In no way, are these combinations of a

>President, and we saw the results for ourselves.


The credibility of this analysis would be greater if it was made before the

election outcome was known. Come on, Mu!




>Continuing on with our overview of Gore's Vedic chart,

>we can see that the Moon and Jupiter are in the 6th

>house, Sag; the Sun is in the 9th house as well. These

>are combinations that make one a Servant of Humanity

>for sure, perhaps with religious overtones; Jupiter is

>in its own Sign and disposes of both the Moon and the

>Sun. While the Sun, the planet of Politics, is well

>placed in the 9th, the other planet of Political

>Power, Saturn, is not so well-placed; further, the Sun

>is not very strong in the Varga Bala and not

>well-placed in the Navamsa, or from the Moon. Thus,

>it is safe to say, that Gore would not be successful

>for political bids during the Dasa of the Sun, which

>just began earlier this year, March to be exact.


I gather this is your Ascendant-reckoned dasha system. For those who still

follow old rules, the Moon-based dasha has Gore now in Rahu-Mercury. Rahu

is in 10th house and its dispositor Mars is 1st house. That's a powerful

rajayoga for sure -- even with Mars being in Cancer. Gore's Rahu dasha

began in late November 1992, just a couple of weeks after winning the

election with Clinton. For that 92 election win, he was in Mars-Moon. A

good blend of 1st and 10th house connections there, too, as Mars in in the

1st ruling the 10th, while Moon rules the 1st and is conjunct Jupiter in

Sag in the competitive 6th house.

As for his chances in 2004, he'll be running Moon-reckoned Rahu-Venus. As

already described Rahu is strong, and as you say, Venus is very well

positioned for gains being in Taurus in the 11th. Without looking at other

factors, I'd say he'll have a good chance, assuming he's still healthy,

etc. Mercury is in 8th and under some pressure.



That's enough carping from me for now.



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