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Narayana Dasa calculations(Corrections)

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Om Krishna Guru

Om Hrim Ghrini Suryaditya Om


As per my previous calculations, it seems that i had made a blunder of the Dasa


Thanx to Karu's guidance the calculations are thus:


Ra & Ma are stronger.

Li, Sc, Sg, Cn, Le, Pi are stronger.


Leo 1981 12 years

Cap 1993 5 years

Gem 1998 11 years.


Thus the Maha-Antar-PratyAntar-Sookshma-Prana dasa's are:

Ge-Vi-Le-Li-Sg-Ge at 19/12-00 7:35 PM & at 20/12-00 00:10 the Prana Dasa changes

to Cn.


So here goes:


Maha Dasa's reckoned from Sun.

Ge is 11th from Sun, thus 7th from the 5th house, and is aspected by Upapada,

and has Gurupada(worth noting).


This would show that Geminis Mahadasa shows potential for sharing more dharma in

relationships(being 7th from 5th), in marriage(recieves aspect from Upapada) and

with teachers(Gurupada). Arudha padas of 4th, 10th and 6th house, also aspect

however aren't considered in this context.

Being in 11th from Lagna shows growth in Dharma, so this should be a good

period, for the conceptual self(lagna).


Antar Dasa's considered from Moon.

Virgo Antar Dasa, is 8th from Moon, naturally not a very good placement, but

Virgo contains Upapada. Virgo might be an unhapppy time for sharing dharma,

indicating many losses, etc.. but lets take before given rules on understanding

the Dasa of a rasi.

1. In the 1st part of the Dasa, it will give results related to sign placement,

from repsective lagnas/padas.

2. In the 2nd part, it will give results of its lord.

3. In its 3rd and last part it will give the results of the Grahas it contains.


Ge dasa takes 11 years, and 2 years have passed, thus its still in the 1st part.

It contains Upapada, and is in 7th from Moons Upapada, and its lord is conjunct

Moons' Darapada, and in trines to Sun's Upapada.


All very confusing once getting down and dirty, but basically the occupation of

Upapada in Virgo should give interesting results regarding marriage, its aspect

on 5th and 11th houses from its position should be interesting. And the amount

of Upapada significance is also quite interesting for someone my age. =)


Oh well onto PratyAntar Dasa's


PratyAntar Dasa's are considered form Lagna.

The PratyAntar Dasa of Leo is running and is in Lagna with 7th lord and own


It recieves aspects from DaraKaraka Venus, and Ketu.


Leo has thus good potential for bringing Dharma related issues in marriage, and

relationships being that it recieves Argalas from 7th lord from

Upapada(Jupiter), 7th lord from Venus(Mars who also is paka lagna) and Darapada.


>From this it can be predicted with certainty that Leo dasa will bring the

spouse. Vimshottari Dasa would be interesting to look at.


Sookshma Dasa of Libra.

Libra contains Venus, the natural significator for spouse(yes i'm male!), and

recieves Dristi from Upapada lord, 7th lord, lagna lord, and Darakarak Moon.

Well the indications are strong, no doubt. No need to comment on the obvious



Prana Dasa of Gemini 19/12-00 19:35.

Now.. in this case Gemini is aspected by Upapada and also 7th from the same,

along with 5th house, however no grahas. It recieves argalas from 7th co-lord

and Atmakaraka Rahu, and again from Upapada.


An interesting point is the special Argala from Sun and Saturn, which would give

some inauspicious event in favor fo this event. Saturn could show insencerity,

however note that we're talking about a 3 hour bracket. Rahu in Cancer in 12th

from lagna shows alcohol consumption, well indeed it was a party.


Acording to Parasara Sun shows Temple ground, and Saturn shows filthy place.

Well it was a cabin which due to the weather had made the outside conditions

quite filthy due to loose soil and etc. however the cabin itself was

headquarters(Leo) for the scouts. Sun's relevance in this could be indicated

through the somewhat educational sphere of the scouts cabin, which people



During Cn Prana Dasa at 20/12-00 00:10

Well the before mentioned entoxication occured at this time, and created an

ailment to the significant other(6th from 7th house). Being that 5th from Cn

contains my Rasi lagna lord, i was the helper during the event. Jupiter also

creates the guiding ability to heal in this case.


I hope this clarifies things.. and give food for thought.


Best wishes, Visti.




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Visti Larsen wrote:


> As per my previous calculations, it seems that i had made a blunder of the

> Dasa calculations.


Honestly, I have not understood the intricacies in the letters from Visti, nor

can I learn enough to appreciate the arguments. All I see is this:


Visti presents an evaluation that seems to show how well jyothish fits facts.


Visti now says the previous evaluation was based on wrong calculations. Yet his

arguments fitted the facts!


Visti now presents the correct calcs and again shows how well they fit the



Round pegs fit into round holes. Square pegs can also fit into round holes, if

the diagonal equals the diameter!


There are weighted dolls that always stand up if tilted. Is jyothish something

like that? always finds an explanation, no matter what and how?


Every astrologer has experienced the strange phenomenon of having given correct

readings based on a false horoscope! After two pegs of whisky I can perhaps

analyze a person better than after 2 hours of studying the horoscope! Intuition

is perhaps more important than all "derived" rules! It is better to study than

to proclaim what one has to retract!


Cold water for Visti, but I hope he understands that I mean well!




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