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hi guys,

i request u to analyze and coment on my horoscope(7th house especialy).

do i have dvibharya yoga. how much late marriage do i have.

please comment.












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|| Om Shri Ganeshaya Namah: ||







Name of Person : kedar parikh

Father's Name : rasik parikh

Mother's Name : sangeeta parikh

Male / Female : Male


B i r t h D a t e# : 24-11-1979

B i r t h D a y # : Saturday

B i r t h T i m e# : 00:48:00

J a n m a L a g n a : LEO

B i r t h R a s i : SAGITTARIUS

B i r t h Nakshtra : UttraShadha

Charana : 1

Sun Sign (Western Style): SAGITTARIUS


Y o n i : NAKUL

G a n a : MANUSHYA

Y u n j a : ANTYA

N a d i : ANTYA

V a r n a : KSHATRIYA

H a n s a k : AGNI


B i r t h P l a c e# : THANE

Latitude of Birth Place : 19-12 N

Longitude of BirthPlace : 72-59 E

Standard Diff. From GMT : 05:30:00


R.A.M.C. : 064-36-52

Ayanamsha (Chitra Based): 023-34-27


Vishomtari Dasa Planet : SUN

Total Years of Dasa : 06

Years Past in Dasa : 0-05-10

Balance Years in Dasa : 5-06-20


Lucky Elements

Lucky C o l o u r s : Yellow, Yellow

Lucky Stones / Gems : Topaz, Topaz



Ghata Month (Indian) : SHRAVAN

Tithi (Indian) : 3-8-13

D a y : FRIDAY

N a k s h t r a : BHARANI

Y o g a : VAJRA

K a r a n a : TAITILA

P r a h a r a : 1st

Moon Position : 4th


Planetory Positions


Planet.Name Ra-Dg-Mt-Sc Rasi Name NakshtraName Pad Navmansha Rasi


Ascendent 04-12-30-19 LEO Magha 4 CANCER

M.C. 01-12-53-58 TAURAS Rohini 1 ARIES

SUN 07-07-20-07 SCORPIO Anuradha 2 VIRGO


MARS 04-08-09-51 LEO Magha 3 GEMINI

* MERCURY 06-29-09-37 LIBRA Vishakha 3 GEMINI

JUPITER 04-14-59-56 LEO Purva-Falguni 1 LEO


SATURN 05-01-50-56 VIRGO Uttara-Falguni 2 CAPRICORN

RAHU 04-10-20-46 LEO Magha 4 CANCER

KETU 10-10-20-46 AQUARIUS Shattaraka 2 CAPRICORN

HARSHAL 06-28-17-15 LIBRA Vishakha 3 GEMINI

NEPTUNE 07-25-55-37 SCORPIO Jayestha 3 AQUARIUS

PLUTO 05-26-54-27 VIRGO Chitra 2 VIRGO


Cusp Of Houses According to Indian systems


No Bhavas Sandhi


01 04-12-30-19 04-27-34-15

02 05-12-38-12 05-27-42-09

03 06-12-46-05 06-27-50-02

04 07-12-53-58 07-27-50-02

05 08-12-46-05 08-27-42-09

06 09-12-38-12 09-27-34-15

07 10-12-30-19 10-27-34-15

08 11-12-38-12 11-27-42-09

09 00-12-46-05 00-27-50-02

10 01-12-53-58 01-27-50-02

11 02-12-46-05 02-27-42-09

12 03-12-38-12 03-27-34-15






** *** ***

* 7* * 5 * * 3*

*MER * * ASC MAR JUP * * *

*HAR * SAT PLU * RAH * * *

* * 6 * * 4 * *

* * * *

* * 8 * * 2 * *

* * SUN NEP *** ************* * *

* * *** ************* * *

* * *** **** * *

** ********************** ***

* * **** *** * 1 *

* 9 * ************* *** * *

*MON VEN * ************* *** * *

* * * * * *

* * * *

* * 10 * * 12 * *

* * * * * *

* * * KET * * *

* * * 11 * * *

** *** ***



RasiChakra Kundli



** *** ***

*11* * 9 * * 7*

*KET * * ASC MON VEN * * MER *

* * * *SUN NEP * HAR *

* * 10 * * 8 * *

* * * *

* * 12 * * 6 * *

* * *** ************* SAT PLU * *

* * *** ************* * *

* * *** **** * *

** ********************** ***

* * **** *** * 5 *

* 1 * ************* *** * MAR JUP*

* * ************* *** * RAH *

* * * * * *

* * * *

* * 2 * * 4 * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * 3 * * *

** *** ***


Navmansha Kundli



** *** ***

* 6* * 4 * * 2*

*SUN * * ASC RAH *HAR * *

*PLU * JUP * *MAR MER * *

* * 5 * * 3 * *

* * * *

* * 7 * * 1 * *

* * *** ************* VEN * *

* * *** ************* * *

* * *** **** * *

** ********************** ***

* * **** *** * 12 *

* 8 * ************* *** * *

* * ************* *** * *

* * * * * *

* * * *

* * 9 * * 11 * *

* * MON * * NEP * *

* * * SAT KET * * *

* * * 10 * * *

** *** ***



© Vijay Mukhi, Mahesh Upadhyay




As you are born in this ascendent sign,

stars indicate that you have a kingly

physique, broad shoulders sharp and

quick eyesight.


Well lucky you that makes you very

handsome,if you are a guy and very

attractive if you are a girl.


On the health front you shall have no

problem as you are very healthy.






You are born in a royal sign, you have

inbred leadership qualities. You succeed

in all that you do and are a born

politician. You establish your

superiority very easily and enjoy the

taste of power, which will be yours

without any effort.


You are an erupting volcano, always on

the verge of eruption as you are short



You believe in trotting on paths paved

by you, not by others. That is why you

prefer giving orders than obeying them.


You are a person who is a "go getter" in

life as you have a progressive nature.

You are a generous person at heart and

there is no doubt that you are brave.



you. Although you are reserved you enjoy

being the centre of attention. You feast

on publicity and will go to extremes to

improve your image in public


You also love to be the talk of the



One thing that you feel is below your

dignity is stretching your hand forward,

to ask for a favour. As you always like

to be on the giving side rather than on

the recieving.


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You may have to face problems concerning

property matters.


You are adviced to concentrate, on your

studies and great care ought to be taken

during your exams in school and college,

especially when you are of the age of



You may also have a beauty spot on your



Your mother may also have problems

concerning her health.




Having the moon the fifth house

indicates that you shall enjoy each and

every day in your life.As your priority

in life is total enjoyment.


You will have beautiful and healthy



A leader is what you will be in your

field, as you are very efficient You

could make it big in the political

world, and there are streaks of a

dsuccessful politician in you.


At the age of 5, your father could have

some health problem.




People love to date or love to party but

you love to work and the way you go

about it is with the correct sense of

determination and commitment.


You believe in your own doings that is

what makes you different from others, as

you are confident,ambitious, brave and

have a strong will power.


You may have problems related to the

eyes and mouth. You may also suffer from

frequent headaches.


You are one of the lucky ones as you

have a beauty spot on your face.

Page No:5






Well I would like to oppose the old

saying that Manglik means unlucky,

because in modern terms a person having

a Manglik Dosha means that he has

immense sexuality, which makes the

person more attractive and more

desirous.Hence now you can say that a

bad omen has become an asset.


You will have to be careful about your

health at the age of 5 because you may

suffer from some illness.




As you are well read you can speak on

any subject.You enjoy spending your time

with books.


Your business shall take you globe

trotting,and believe me you shall really

enjoy it.


You believe in the saying that is never

to late to learn and you take pride in

this saying. As you are ever ready to

learn at any age. You also have a good

grasping power.




You happen to be amongst the lucky few

who have success holding the banner of

fame and luck and paving the path for

you. Hence no matter what you do you

shall always be successful.


Being a religious person you refrain

from indulging in illegal practices. You

always make a point to abide to customs

and traditions. You also believe in

religious taboos.


You are a large hearted person and go

out of your way to help others.


You put your wisdom and advisory skills

to the aid of others.


You are optimistic and intelligent and

from childhood especially after the age

of eight years onwards you shall excell

in all fields especially education.


Page No:6







Venus favours you in your case and you

shall have enjoyment of all sorts, you

also love to eat.


Your education shall be smooth and good

and will always benefit from planned



You are a lover of art.


Your father shall benefit when you are

of the age of 5 years.




You have success and money come into

your life, with the entry of wisdom,

which is around the age of 35 or 40



You worry without there really being any

cause, and your main cause of worry is

about your family, as you are not happy

with them and due to your financial



You are more of he reserved sort and do

not mix easily with people.


Your family shall go through a rough

phase financially,when you are 12 years

of age.




You are the sort who will never forget

or forgive his/her enemies and you will

positively get even with them.


You will suffer from frequent headaches.


You are the happy go lucky sort and

always make it a point to keep yourself

happy in all circumstances. You are

talkative, smart and intelligent.


Your mind my friend is always engaged in





"Box and the Lid", this is applicable in

your case as your spouse will be shorter

Page No:7





to you.


Equality is yours and your spouses

slogan cause you both shall have equal

health problems.


There shall be differences between you

and your business partners and on

certain topics with your spouse.



© Vijay Mukhi, Mahesh Upadhyay





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