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the man who would be king.....

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Stetsa sent me this and it is interesting:





> by Nauman, DHM(UK)



> Written: 11-1-2000






> Copyright 2000 Nauman







> When I do a progression; it's very different from the


> 'normal' way that most astrologers progress a chart. I use the


> Cosmobiology 90 degree wheel and also use the Uranian planets to fill


> it out, along with the known nine, the Sun, Moon, Ascendant and


> Midheaven. I then utilized average solar arc, which is 59 minutes a


> year. Normally, I use this progressed system for medical astrology


> purposes because it gives me the best and surest way of looking at a


> person's health.


> However, one can use this method for what I term a regular


> progressed chart. And in this case, I erected George Bush and Al


> Gore's charts on the 90-degree dial, threw in the Uranians and


> progressed them with solar arc. My thanks to Carol B. Willis who


> provided their birth data to me. Here's what I found:






> Birth data:


> 3-31-48


> 12:53 PM EST


> Washington, D.C.



> Al's natal chart with the Uranians throws some interesting


> light on it. His Midheaven, the 10th house, which is his career, is


> at 21 Aries. His natal Admetos is 19 Aries and his natal Hades is at


> 25 Aries. Talk about two of the worst possible Uranian planets to


> have around one's career! First of all, with Admetos in the 9th


> house conjunct his Midheaven/career point, it means he is a shadow


> and power behind the scenes. It also means he's not really well


> known by the public or masses, either. Admetos is the planet of


> hiding one's light under the bushel basket; or the person remains


> hidden, or is kept out of the lime-light or seeks to remain the


> "power behind the throne." Al Gore is not, naturally, an extrovert.


> By all accounts, he is terribly introvert, but with the Hades and


> Admetos conjunct his Midheaven, if he is to become president, he will


> be working heavily behind the scenes as few have before or after him.



> With his Pluto at 12 Leo, Saturn 16 Leo and Mars 18 Leo, this


> man is a relentless pit bull on things that we wants to happen. He


> is, by all rights, a Plutonian in the first order because all these


> planets fall in his First house of Self. He is a micro-manager, and


> is a control freak. In the presidency, he is going to have to learn


> to delegate--or else, should he ascend to the office. This also


> shows his endurance and ability, like the Energizer Bunny, to stay


> the course, hang in there and keep challenging the courts on who has


> won and lost the presidency. This is a man who won't quit or admit


> defeat until the last and final ballot is accounted for.






> As of November 30th, Al gore has Progressed Hades conjunct


> his Apollon. Hades is the planet of the infamous "can of worms" and


> "dust to dust"--utter destruction of the form, template or whatever


> it touches, and it renders it to a dissolved state. Apollon rules


> TWO things. It means that Gore's political life is fighting for its


> life on two separate fronts simultaneously; and with Hades configured


> into this, that's not a good sign at all. With this one aspect


> alone, it hints strongly that he will NOT win the election. In fact,


> a person couldn't have a worse aspect if they were running for


> elective office.


> Progressed Uranus is within 3 weeks of his natal North/South


> Node. I see a decision no later than the the third week of December


> regarding his standing on the question of whether or not he will get


> the presidency. Uranus means a twist or surprising decision. The


> Nodes are about connections or the loss of them.


> It takes one month after the conjunction of a progressed to a


> natal planet to dissipate and stop influencing a person's life with


> the method I used. Based upon that experience, I will say that Gore


> will NOT get the presidency. The progressed Hades is still in effect


> and things in two different areas will turn and dissolve badly for


> him.






> Birth data:


> July 6, 1946


> 7:26 AM EDT


> New Have, CT



> With his sun in 13 Cancer and Saturn 26 Cancer, both in the


> 12th house, his bout with alcoholism is not surprising, for this is


> the house of addictions and rules drugs and alcohol. Further,


> because of the strong 12th house influence, this is the House of


> Enemies....and that is something he must watch as he runs for the


> presidency. He is a man of many secrets and has a hidden agenda;


> whether his plans will be revealed, however, is another thing.


> Interestingly enough, both Gore and Bush have early Leo


> rising. Gore has 4 degrees Leo, and Bush, 7 degrees Leo rising.


> Bush has Mercury 9 Leo and Pluto at 10 Leo; in his first house. This


> man is as bull-dog like as Gore. In many respects, these are two


> equally skilled opponents with much the same type of personality in


> some ways. For instance, Bush has a Moon 16 Libra and Jupiter 18


> Libra. Gore has a Jupiter 28 Sagittarius and Moon 3 Capricorn. Both


> have a Moon/Jupiter conjunction which means finding favor and success


> in the public eye. And both have.


> Bush is no less a control freak than Gore. And Bush is equal


> as a micro-manager, but this unfortunate ability comes from having a


> Mars at 9 degree Virgo. His Neptune is at 5 degree Libra, and


> Poseidon, the planet of Truth, at 7 degree Libra. Bush had best be


> 'honest' to the bone or this will catch up with him. If he has a


> penchant for lying or deceiving, then Poseidon will be there to have


> his secrets revealed because it is in his 3rd house of Communication.


> Just as we saw that he had a driving-while-intoxicated ticket in


> Maine (which he failed to reveal) until a reporter standing around in


> a courtroom overheard a lawyer who was talking about the ticket.


> This is how things about Bush are going to come to light; because


> Poseidon does not take kindly to liars, cheats or those who would


> deceive others. With Poseidon conjunct Neptune this lifetime for


> Bush, it is about being unsparingly honest at every turn. I don't


> think being in Politics is the place to curry this; but we'll see.






> Just about any astrologer worth their salt knows about this


> "curse" but many folks may not know about it, generally speaking. It


> all began when Tenskwata, Tecumseh's brother, who was a prophet for


> his people, said in 1836 when he was sitting for a portrait, uttered


> the 'curse.' At that time, there was an election between Martin Van


> Buren and William Henry Harrison. Hearing this, Tenskwatawa said,


> "Harrison will not win this year to be the Great Chief. But he may


> win next time. If he does....He will not finish his term. He will


> die in his office."


> And a visitor spoke up nd said, "No president has ever died in office."


> Tenskwatawa said, "But Harrison will die I tell you. And when


> he dies you will remember my brother Tecumseh's death. Ou think that


> I have lost powers. I who caused the sun to darken and Red Men to


> give up firewarter. But I tell you Harrison will die. And after


> him, every Great Chief chosen every 20 years thereafter will die.


> And each one dies, let everyone remember the death of our people."








> What adds astronomy to this (the planet's movement in the sky


> around us) and the astrology of it (the interpretation of these sky


> events), is that Jupiter and Saturn have been in conjunction with one


> another either the year of the election where the two candidates are


> running, or it was present the year that the president was


> assassinated or died of natural causes. Below are the presidents who


> have been under this Jupiter/Saturn conjunction.



> 1800 Thomas Jefferson served two full terms 1801-1809



> 1820 James Monroe served two full terms 1817-1825



> 1840 William Henry Harrison. Jupiter and Saturn were in wide


> conjunction on March 3, 1841, when he was sworn in. Harrison was


> said that he refused to wear a coat or hat in the frigid weather. He


> came down with a cold, which rapidly developed into pneumonia, and he


> died on 4-4-1841. ASTROLOGY: Jupiter 19 Sagittarius and Capricorn


> 29 Sagittarius. They were in wide conjunction with one another on


> the date he died.



> 1860 Abraham Lincoln was serving his second term in office. He'd


> just been re-elected in 1864. ASTROLOGY: There ws a Jupiter/Saturn


> conjunciton at 13 Sagittarius in that year of 1864. When he was


> assassinated by John Wilkes Booth on 14-14-1865, transiting Saturn


> was conjunct Uranus....and Uranus rules fanatics who are insane and


> will try anything to get their way. The Saturn-Uranus is a 'death


> aspect' indicating a sudden, unexpected, suprising, speedy death.



> 1880 James Garfield ws shot by assassin Chalres Guiteau on July 2,


> 1881. Garfield lived two months after the shots were fired, but


> eventually died of complications September 19, 1881. ASTROLOGY:


> There was a Jupiter/Saturn conjunciton at 12 Aquarius in January,


> 1879, when both candidates were running for office. There was


> Jupiter/Saturn 1 Taurus on 4-18-1881.



> 1900 William McKinley was elected in 1896 and re-elected in 1900.


> An unemployed mill worker, Leon Czolgosz shot and wounded him on


> 9-6-1901. McKinley died a week later by the gangrene (sepsis/blood


> poisoning) caused by the wounds, on 9-13-1901. ASTROLOGY: There was


> a Jupiter/Saturn conjunction 8 Scorpio in March, 1899, when McKinley


> was running for re-election. There was another Jupiter/Saturn


> conjunction 14 Capricorn on November 28, 1901, after he died.



> 1920 Warren Harding was taking a train rail tour in 1923 at the time


> he came down with intestinal cramps and then pneumonia, after


> visiting Alaska (the first president to visit this state). While


> convelescing in San Francisco, California, he suffered an apparent


> stroke and died on 8-2-1923. ASTROLOGY: Ther ewas Jupiter/Saturn


> conjunciton 6 Cancer in March of 1919 when he was running for


> election. There was a Jupiter/Saturn conjunction 3 Virgo between


> April-July, 1920. There was another Jupiter/Saturn conjunction at 26


> Virgo on september 10, 1921.



> 1940 Franklin Roosevelt was elected in 1932. he was in his fourth


> term when he died in Aril, 1945. He died of a stroke. ASTROLOGY:


> Jupiter/Saturn conjunction 14 Taurus on August 8, 1940, when he took


> office a second time. There was a second Jupiter/Saturn conjunction


> 23 Libra on December 20, 1945.



> 1960 John F. Kenedy was assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald on


> 11-22-163. ASTROLOGY: Jupiter and Saturn were in Capricorn in 1960,


> but never, officially "conjunct" one another. There was a


> Jupiter/Saturn conjunction at 0 Capricorn on 2-19-1961. A third


> Jupiter/Saturn conjunction at 7 Aries occured in May, 1963.



> 1980 Ronald Reagan served two full terms. There was an


> assassination attempt by John Hinckley on 3-3-1981. ASTROLOGY:


> Jupiter and Saturn were conjunct 9 Libra on December 31, 1980 after


> Reagan entered office. Ther was a second Jupiter/Saturn conjunction


> 8 Libra between March-July, 1981.



> Many electional astrologers note that all presidents, with


> the exception of Reagan, who were assassinated, had a Jupiter/Saturn


> conjunction in an EARTH sign at the time it occurred...except for


> President Reagan, whose was in an AIR sign. Perhaps the air sign


> means the curse cannot be fulfilled?



> Bush will have not only the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction during


> the year he ran for office, but he will have it conjunct within days


> of him taking the presidency! Jupiter turns direct at 1 Gemini on


> January 25th and Saturn turns direct at 24 Taurus on January 26th,


> 2001. And they are "conjunct". Given that one is in an air sign,


> and the other an earth sign, what may this mean? I conjecture that


> there will be more than one attempt on his life. He may duck and


> dodge some of the bullets...but not all of them. His time of worst


> crisis are below, by date and astrological aspect.







> In October, Bush had Progressed Hades on his natal Uranus and


> this is when we saw his popularity in the poles begin to slip. Not


> only that, it is then that the ticket for driving drunk in Maine,


> occurred. However, that is now PAST and he's no longer under the


> influence of Hades; which means in this one progression alone that he


> could ascend to the presidency!


> Bush as progressed Midheaven (his career) conjunct his natal


> Cupido (family/favoritism/being seen in a good, successful light)


> that he'll win the major court battles and he will be installed as


> president.



> Progressed Mercury (word and communication) will conjunct his


> Apollon roughly mid-December, 2000, and that his when we'll "hear"


> the announcement that he is president.



> He will be the next president of the United States.



> Unfortunately, he has several other progressions setting up


> after January 20, 2001, that may make him a target of an assassin


> that could kill him shortly after taking the oath for the office.





> President Bush has progressed Chiron is going conjunct his


> natal Mars at a crisis point around March 31, 2001. Mars rules


> violence, knives, explosions/fire, and guns. Chiron is about


> becoming ill, sick or dying. This is a death aspect setting up in


> Bush's chart. And if no one tries to take his life, then he is going


> to become very, very ill or be dealing with a ill person at this


> time. Perhaps Cheney? Or someone in his close family, at the minimum.



> At the same time, he wilt have Progressed Venus conjunct his


> natal Chiron; and this could well mean that Cheney, who will become


> vice president, may yet have ANOTHER heart attack; only this one may


> kill him outright. Kronos is the final decision. Chiron, again, is


> sickness and/or death. Venus also rules blood clots, and phlebitis,


> so if Bush HAS been shot, and he's hanging on, he could die of a


> blood clot, so the doctors should be watching him for this


> possibility, an put him on a blood thinning drug.



> It can also mean that Bush can have a stroke; for Venus rules


> blood clots and if one gets loose and goes to his brain, then a


> stroke can occur. Blood-related problems will abound in this period


> and Bush's doctors should be monitoring him--and Cheney, for a week


> or two before and after this date.







> Bush is not out of the woods insofar as an attempt on his


> life. On April 30, 2001, progressed Saturn conjuncts his


> North/South Node and this, again, is another death aspect window.


> Bush will be cutting some major ties in his life at this time;


> whether it is his life being cut, or he is doing a lot of quiet


> inside work of installing people into different offices, connections


> are at their maximum at this point. He will, more than likely, if


> this plays out on another field other than an attempt on his life,


> install OLDER, mature people into a lot of the slots; the young lion


> having the good sense to put elders in key positions to help him run


> the country.



> This second assassination attempt will be one that has been


> planned not by one person, but by a GROUP. The FBI should be


> checking on groups (militia, possibly? Splinter fanatical groups,


> for sure....) because this shows this plan has been in the pipe for a


> long time, and there's been thorough, detailed planning, and it will


> be carried off by this group.






> The progressions in Bush's chart are rife with potential


> attempts on his life, should he sail through the periods mentioned


> above. October 10, 2001, progressed Zeus is conjunct his Chiron.


> Zeus rules explosions, fires and civil unrest, as well as fanatics.


> Chiron rules an open wound and also rules over death. Quite


> literally, Bush can die from this particular astronomical conjunction.






> If he manages to get out and pass this "death window", then


> the next attempt on his life will occur December 10, 2001.


> Progressed Mars is conjunct his natal Transpluto. Mars rules


> aggression, fire arms, attacking others, and Transpluto rules a


> complete change or reversal of what was before: life to death, as an


> example. If it doesn't hit him there, then Bush is going to see a


> number of people from his administration coming and going and there


> is going to be a huge blow-up over something very old, from his


> past--possibly having to do with the vote counting debacle in


> Florida, that will come to roost in his presidency; and it is going


> to be ugly and shameful when it comes to light.






> The fifth attempt, and most powerful attempt on his life will


> occur when progressed Saturn is conjunct his natal Vulcanus on April


> 5, 2002.


> For starters, his father, George Bush, senior, may die or


> have some serious illness. And if Cheney has been lucky to get that


> far, then it could be him showing up in Bush's chart at that time,


> instead of George senior. Saturn rules the father, and older men;


> and with Vulcanus there (think of the force of an erupting volcano


> and you have an idea of the "cosmic force" behind this particular


> conjunction), it intensifies all things Saturn. Vulcanus is called


> "The Hand of God" and it means that things are out of Bush's control


> and he, literally, is in the hands of higher being for this one.



> From an assassination standpoint, the instability that the


> progressions are showing and continue to show in Bush's chart are


> there to make his presidency something highly unusual, surprising,


> with twists and turns that may well leave the public breathless and


> stunned in the wake of it.


> On April 5, 2002, progressed Saturn is conjunct his Vulcanus


> at the same time his progressed Hades is conjunct his North/South


> Node; again, another window indicating potential violence against


> him, and him dying because Nodes always indicate passing on and


> leaving. To add fuel to this last fire, he has his Midheaven


> conjunct Uranus and this is a typical assassination plot set-up


> signature, astrologically speaking. The Midheaven symbolizes Bush,


> his ego, himself. Uranus is the crazy, insane, unstable, fanatical


> killer. His Secret Service people had best stay on their toes


> because this man, with his Sun and Saturn natally in his 12th house,


> has a lot of 'hidden enemies' that are going to come out of the


> woodwork and try to destroy him.






> In some ways, Bush is fated toward an assassination attempt


> on his life--fated; his Chiron 15 Libra, Moon 16 Libra, and Jupiter


> 18 Libra, is about healing his wounds through being wounded. He has


> much 'luck' of Jupiter with this, but that doesn't stop the tenacious


> Chiron from calling the plays that he is going to have to react to.


> The real question is: Is Bush up for what is going to be thrown at


> him or is he going to return to alcohol instead? If he does, this


> presidency, which is a "7" numerically, is about addiction,


> alcoholism, codependence, and enabling. It also rules subterfuge,


> stealth, sneakiness, lying, deception and mirages. Will the American


> public become enablers to our incoming president if this occurs? Or


> will Bush be able to rise above his own woundings and begin to heal?


> He has the opportunity. Let's hope he takes the high road on it.






> Guaranteed, that this presidency is going to be like no


> others. The "7" energy guarantees that we can expect surprises from


> within the status quo that is going to rock the Ship of State. The


> way this election has turned out so far; making history of another


> sort, is only the beginning....and we're in for an 'interesting' four


> years with Bush--but my sense tells me, he will not finish out his


> term; or if he does, it will be lame and neutralized.




> Nauman is a medical astrologer and has practiced her craft


> since 1970. She is the author of MEDICAL ASTROLOGY, Blue Turtle


> Publishing, Cottonwood, AZ





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