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request for reading of chart

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dear members,

i had put up this chart earlier on the email list but

got no response...request a reading please of !

what kind of married life she will have

loyalty in marriage(since she has a deadly

rahu+mars=venus) combination in virgo.



am i asking for too much?

thanks for that


data given below!

28th august 1978 london


lagna libra

moon gemini




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Om Krishna Guru


I felt like giving an analysis of the chart.


The former answer was correct, however i feel it was based on the wrong

techniques, however we all have our techniques, i feel that mine are more

indepth thou, no offense to others, we should all stick to what we do best.



Acording to Parasara, we look to the Upapada for marriage. 7th house in rasi

shows the appearance of the spouse, and the desires of the native.


Rasi dristi shows the outcome of events, and graha dristi shows the desires,

that not neccesarily come to life.


Upapada is in 8th house, aspected by retro-Mercury and exalted-Jupiter, this

would show a good spouse and marriage, however: Mars conjunct debilitated

Venus with Rahu is aspecting the 2nd from Upapada, where Moon also resides..

this is also aspected by Ketu.


This is a sure shot case of divorce due to Sexual affairs.


The breakage should also occur in the Navamsa.


2nd from Upapada, which is maraka Sthana for marriage, is aspected by

Saturn, debil-Mars and Sun all malefics, showing definite breakage in



The native will be the one with extra marital affairs; Venus being lagna

lord debilitated in 12th from lagna, shows the tendency towards

extra-marital relations by the native. The spouse will then break the

marriage as her lord excerts malefic influence on the Maraka Sthanas of

Marriage(2nd from Upapada).



5th house is seen for children. Aqua is lorded by both Saturn and Aqua,

whichever is stronger, has predominance.


Rahu is with more grahas and is also with Chara Atmakaraka, thus being



5th lord associated with Mars and Venus in 8th from 5th house, could show

children outside marriage, however i won't dwell into this.


This doesn't deny the persons progeny so, we can proceed to deciding amount

of kids;


5th house is aspected by Jupiter and Mercury. Mercury being a neut cannot

give children, thus one child seen from 5th house.


Putra Pada(5th arudha pada) should also be examined;

Putra Pada is aspected by Sun and Saturn, Saturn being a neut, gives one

more child from this analysis.


So two children.

We look to Saptamsa to see further indications of childbirth:

Lagna lord in Saptamsa is exalted and with debil-Sun and Ketu, this doesn't

deny ability to have children. Also Jupiter aspects, enhancing the ability.


For women 9th house is analysed to study further ability, and Moon and Venus

are there, so i have no doubt that the women will have children.


The individual births are seen from the Saptamsa Lagna, if odd we count

forward as we usually do, if even we count backwards.


Lagna is Cap which is even, thus 9th house shows first child. The birth of

the child is seen from planets aspecting this house, and there seem to be no

problems in that. The Sex of the child is seen from the lord of the 9th

house, which is Mercury.


Mercury is in Cancer a male sign(odd are male and even are female, except

aqua, gem, pis & can they are opposite). Under normal circumstances i'd

suspect the child to be male, however Mercury is retro and acts as if in the

7th sign from it, thus it would act female. Also note that theres Parivartan

of Mercury and Moon, worth noting, as this could change the sex.


2nd child is thus seen from 7th house. No afflictions preventing this birth,

so we look to its lord which is Moon. Moon is in female virgo with

debilitated Moon, this child will also be female, but again the Parivartan

occurs.. I'd follow this case with great interest, however my final

judgement would be; Both children Female.


I hope this helps,

Best wishes, Visti.


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