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Why I frown on abortion

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Das Goravani quoted Chris:


> >As tempting a concept as karma is to those who would prefer to abdicate

> thought on current issues of the day, I'm not buying this idea that women

> who abort are somehow punished in later lives. Sounds exactly what the

> religious nuts on the right argue: you're goin' straight to hell!


In a sense I agree that threats of punishment in later lives is a matter of



BUT I think the "punishment" is felt in this life itself!


Politically I do defend the right of a woman to decide about her child, but is

this "moral" or "sensible"? And in any case a father who suggests or supports

abortion is aiding murder. The question of when the foetus becomes a human being

with a soul is irrelevant: the intention is already there. Abortion for

"economical" reasons is IMHO "criminal". The state which compels some to take

this way is abetting crime.


The only valid reason for an abortion is to save the life of the mother

physically. Today perhaps one may consider this step if a major defect is found

in the baby.... This is a moot question. Perhaps such children are sent to give

us a chance to help!


In such situations I say,"May he who is without sin throw the first stone: and

may his aim be good!"




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> Politically I do defend the right of a woman to decide about her child, but


> this "moral" or "sensible"? And in any case a father who suggests or supports

> abortion is aiding murder. The question of when the foetus becomes a human


> with a soul is irrelevant: the intention is already there. Abortion for

> "economical" reasons is IMHO "criminal". The state which compels some to take

> this way is abetting crime.


Lest we forget that economics and politics are intertwined...and politics

involves society--the dispersion (or collection) of power within society...as

such this particular society is rather child un-friendly as two or more incomes

are needed to support children...therefore, single mothers that maintain a

limited support system (if they have one at all) and have accepted the

responsibility of carrying and bearing a child (which is not a mere

"inconvenience" but a tremendous commitment) are at a defecit as without proper

child care it is close to impossible to attain economically viable employment

(or training in order to be adequately educated for this

purpose)....additionally, without $$$$ sustaining day care for a child or

children is greatly diminished (a bit of a catch 22 there)....mother-hood is a

tough road even WITH support of the paternity as caring for a child

takes a tremendous amount of time and energy (and you operate on

little sleep for at least the first 4 months unless you are fortunate).....each

situation needs to be assessed and addressed individually, and ALL options

(INCLUDING celibacy) should be available for consideration (yes, including

abortion)...(a sidenote...my midwife began speaking with me about birth control

options after the birth of my Son...I told her that abstinance was that less

travelled road I was walking on)...


Society shares the burden of children that have grown up in homes unable to

support them emotionally (even I hit points of frustration with raising my

Son--but Ganesha helps me there), and/or financially (read:

physically)as they have a greater capability of continuing the legacy of

impoverishment...therefore, if one denies abortion as an alternative, than,

instead of throwing those stones--get creative and offer a less invasive

option!!! It ticks me off to witness all of these "armchair" activists touting

"OHHHH abortion shouldn't be allowed because god this and jesus that"....what a

genetic fallacy....instead of wasting time and precious karmic energy being a

hypocrite and murdering Dr.'s and Family Planning Employees...offer support for

these Mothers that are often PETRIFIED of what pregnancy and child birth hold

for them....don't spout some biblical passage and then send them on their way,

that's worthless worthless worthless....


Slante chugat,


Kat and


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