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Oh the Theocracy of it all....

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> have the RIGHT to GO ABOUT UNDRESSED. Your exterior bodily appearance, then,

> is CONTROLLED BY LAWS of your STATE. Totalitarian? Or would you agree the

> State has rights over your physical body!


You do have the right to make the decision to go about undressed...simply we,

by continuing to reside within society, have thus far agreed that it is more

"comfortable" for, perhaps, the majority (and we should question who that

"majority" is) that we go about dressed, and that those which decide to move

against that agreement need to be re-minded of it....living within a society is

contractual...surely, what you do privately in your own home, backyard or

designated areas, such as a nude beach is perfectly acceptable...therefore this

generalized statement is a tad bit misleading....also you do have the 'right'

to petition to remedy this institutionalized norm...which does not exist within

a totalitarian society...therefore, the state is not FORCING as much as it is

ENFORCING what we have "agreed" upon...again, if one begins to question the

reason for any certain 'societal obligation' such as not spitting on the

sidewalk (as this is still a law on the 'books" in certain cities throughout

the country, but is not as enforced for a plethora of situational reasons) than

they may choose to put forth the effort in order to change it, to instate a new

agreement when the divide between de jure and de facto deepens...many laws are

rather archaic in that they re-flect the ideologies of a time period that no

longer applies due to the hit and miss of praxis versus theory....and from what

I have read of these posts, most of you are dealing with theoretical

situations...I am not...I have personal application in the area that this list

is currently referring to, I understand both sides of the issue (again

personal experience) which brings me to state, Carol's arguments in regards to

the disinterested enforcing of continued existence by the societal accumulation

better known as the State, except for technical considerations, are valid, and

serves as a platform to analyze the purpose of these "laws"...on one hand, we

have a political party extolling the virtues of responsibility (albeit, yes,

choosing NOT to engage in irresponsible sex is, by inference, acting

responsibly), but refusing to allow for every possibility which occurs in

life...such is the reason we have three branches of local, State and Federal

Government and attorney's ad nauseum....


My question to those which for whatever rationalized reason, oppose abortion,

what do we do for these children whose mothers are more than likely ill

prepared financially and emotionally to care for their children?? Should Roe.

V. Wade be oveturned or modified conservatively, will we send those women that

decide to perform an abortion to jail? What "punishment" or societal

"re-minder" is to be enacted???


>If > abortion is a right to choose what to do with one's body, then the State


> give up all its other notions about what it may control, including the right

> to carry any type weapons on my own body that I choose, as well as assembling

> a mob of undressed citizens in the Town Square if we so choose! I trust

> there is a political entity one may join, that would embrace such ideas.


There are differning points on how each of these effects society, therefore

they necessitate being addressed individually...I believe you are co-mingling

Federal Laws and state laws as there are states that do allow for you to carry

a weapon whether concealed or not...as far as the gathering of a 'naked

mob'...who knows what laws lurk in the books of the various cities and states

throughout the country....


"while every law restricts individual freedom to some extent by altering the

means which people may use in pursuit of their aims, under the Rule of Law, the

government is prevented from stultifying individual efforts by ad hoc action."

F.A. Hayek


It is my understanding that we operate under this Rule of Law...at least in





Slante chugat,



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In a message dated 1/29/2001 4:55:06 AM Eastern Standard Time,

naramundali writes:


<< we have a political party extolling the virtues of responsibility (albeit,

yes, choosing NOT to engage in irresponsible sex is, by inference, acting

responsibly), but refusing to allow for every possibility which occurs in

life...such is the reason we have three branches of local, State and Federal

Government and attorney's ad nauseum....


Thank you for your response, Naramundali. The point was to bring out

an understanding that the issue is not one of "religious nuts" forcing their

creed upon others. It is a component of our society itself that life is

revered and we do constrain one another from certain acts.


<<My question to those which for whatever rationalized reason, oppose


what do we do for these children whose mothers are more than likely ill

prepared financially and emotionally to care for their children?? >>


This is where compassion enters in, aiding the mother to become

capable in caring for her child, or in absence of her ability to do so,

allowing her to give her child a place in the hearts of an adoptive family.

Compassion is charitable towards mother, charitable towards baby, charitable

towards the couple seeking an adoptable child, and respects society's desire

to protect all its citizens.


As for what society might do in cases of abortion, it would be

well to be carefully discussed and thoughtfully worked out by a consensus of

the society itself. I don't know what Vedic astrology might do other than

attempt to lessen the sorrows of a person if at all possible.


Best wishes,


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> In a message dated 1/29/2001 4:55:06 AM Eastern Standard Time,

> naramundali writes:


> << we have a political party extolling the virtues of responsibility (albeit,

> yes, choosing NOT to engage in irresponsible sex is, by inference, acting

> responsibly), but refusing to allow for every possibility which occurs in

> life...such is the reason we have three branches of local, State and Federal

> Government and attorney's ad nauseum....


> Thank you for your response, Naramundali. The point was to bring out

> an understanding that the issue is not one of "religious nuts" forcing their

> creed upon others. It is a component of our society itself that life is

> revered and we do constrain one another from certain acts.


A chara Carol...


Really which component reveres life?


The component that tests cosmetics on animals so that we can have a safer form

of eyeshadow??


Or is it the component that mows over vast areas of the forest so McDonalds can

shoot bovine up with growth hormone in order to serve bigger Big Macs?


I understood your point, just as I understand the hypocrisy behind it....


The reverence for life begins on the most minute level....


As far as constraining each other from certain acts...freedom is not

free...everything maintains a cost...this is simple economics....




Slante chugat,



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