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VOICES (Angie)

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Hi Angie. In the west, many people follows the color of the chakras starting

from red in the muladhara chakra. Going upwards they identify the colors of the

rainbow with each chakra. Therefore they assignate yellow to the svadhistana

chakra; orange to the Manipura; green for anahata; blue for the visudha; indigo

for ajna and violet for sahasrara. If we follow the order of the planets as for

the days of the week, we can see that in the west they see that the sun or

Sunday rules the 1st chakra and ending with Saturday or Saturn for the



However, in India Dr Bathacharya says in his books that the order of the colors

goes from green for the sahasrara, or budhi from budha the planet Mercury &

descending to Jupiter for the 6th chakra; venus for the 5th; until we see Mars

(the karma working up) ruling the muladhara or the 1st chakra. In this order,

the manipura or solar plexus is represented by the Sun, which is more in tune

with its latin name solar meaning Sun.


I have talk about this to several people that are healers and they tell me that

they follow the western proposition. Well, i follow the east cos i am more

attracted to it.


You can have a look at the eastern proposition in the book Gem Theraphy by



I hope that these lines help to clarify the question.






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natabara wrote:

> Hi Angie....

You can have a look at the eastern proposition in the book Gem Theraphy by

> Bhatacharya.


Amigo mio,

Can I have more details about the book - to be able to purchase it?




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Thank you Natabara for the book recommendation, and for also explaining

which colors go with which chakras :) The book I have is written by a

man named Harish, who I think is from India, but he's no longer living.

I don't though, have his book at my house at the moment, otherwise I

would let you know which colors and planets he has connected with the

chakras, as you have done, which I think is very nice of you, thank you

:) Angie

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