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Brother Mani


<<The Lord does not eat! He "accepts" an offering made out of love and



Mani, it seems to me that you do not know Him. You are just guessing that He

does not eat cos that is your perspective. If you get more close to Him, you

will be amazed of His Personality. He not only accepts and eats but He steals

as well. He is called sometimes, the Supreme Thief. One day a brahman was

cooking for God in His parents house and when you cook for God, nobody is

allowed to even taste the food until it is offered to God. But this time the

Lord was playing the role of being a human baby and living with His parents.

The Lord knowing about the devotion of His brahman, played a trick on him by

stealing the food before being offered. The poor brahman saw his endeavours

frustrated and had to cook again but everytime, the Lord came and eat the food

before being offered. At the end the brahman was crying in frustration and then

the Lord disclosed His "credentials" to him and told him " do not worry cos I am

the one that you intended to satisfy with your cooking"


<<As the Avatars Rama and Krishna he could not have been a strict vegetarian.


(Rig)Vedic sacrifices demand animal sacrifice, which then was prasada! >>


My dear Watson, meat is never prasadam. That is why Lord Budha came. The vedic

literature recommends animal sacrifice for certain rituals and in order to give

the soul of the sacrificed animal a higher body. But the vedas never recommends

a systematic slaughter of animals. When Lord Budha came, many people were

killing animals with the excuse that it is recommended in the scriptures.

Therefore, Lord Budha told people the ahimsa principle, the compassion to

animals to stop them killing those indefense animals.


One day, someone asked Srila Prabhupada why Christ eat meat and SP said "He can

eat the whole world if he wants". And in another occassion, SP said that a guru

like Christ has to act according to age, time & circumstances and when he gave

fish to people, they were in danger of starvation and were fisher-people, used

to eating fish no mangoes.


You mention how horrible it was to eat meat for the first time in your life.

Krishna also does not like to eat meat at all, & i do not think of anybody

capable of forcing Him to do so.


On the other hand, from a different dimension we can see things in a different

context. I heard that a british gentleman was walking beside the Ganges and

observed from 10 yards distance, how this Aghori (heavy left hand tantric) was

eating from a human corpse washed out on the bank. This gentleman lost his

britishness and shouted HOY. The aghori looked at him like looking at a

headless chicken and threw a piece at him from the corpse. However, when the

chunk of meat was flying at mid air, it became flowers.


<<The truly vedic community was a semi-nomadic, hunting was an essential part of



Perhaps in times of natural cataclisms but if that is the case then why we have

shilpa shastra and ayurveda in the vedas?. Vedic civilization comes from higher

authorities to lower. At the beginning of every Manu, Manu has the vedic code

to give to the human population. In those codes we have the book of Manu, which

is the Law Book; Shilpa shastra, which has the instructions on how to build

cities, palaces, temples, wells, roads, markets etc; ayurveda, giving remedial

measures to cure diseases and how to prevent them. A nomadic culture does not

need the knowledge of urbanization as given in Shilpa shastra. In fact, the

king is not allowed to spend money in parties until the last of his citizens is

well fed, dressed, housed and protected.


<< the king regularly went on hunting expeditions to feed his people.>>


More exactly to practice his skills as a warrior, cos as a soldier, a king has

to kill in some circumstances like wars or a murderer.


<<Rama and Krishna were Kshatriyas - non-vegetarian.>>


There are vegetarian ksatriyas as well.


<<There are some proteins that the human body requires, which can only come from



Who says that? i have been a lacto vegetarian for 31 years and i feel well,

except for a bad back from time to time which is not related. And my son Nimai

is 19 and he never touches meat, in fact he can not even walk in front of a

butcher shop. He is healthy as well.


Of course, there are some people that require eating meat cos their bodies have

some problems. In fact ayurveda recommends ceratain meat for illnesses. But

like onions and garlic, they are like medicine and we should not abuse the

comsumption of medicines when they are not required.


<<Milk and milk-products can supply these. Also soya-beans. Soya beans were not

known till a few decades ago and their cultivation is still limited.>>


A real leader should order an investigation on those alternative products.


But Srila Prabhupada said that we are not against eating meat, we are against

killing animals. He said that due to karma many people like the taste of meat

(we are not talking here about people in need due to certain malfunctions in

their system) and that they can continue eating meat but only after the animal

had a natural death. He said that if people stops killing cows for a while, in

a couple of years, cows will start to die naturally and then people could eat

them if so they wish. Slaughter houses are dynamic centers of sin, polluting

the subtle energies around and making people MAD.


<<Substitutes for meat are found easily in the United States and in the UK, but

not elsewhere. I have to drive 40 miles to get Tofu! - Living near Berlin!

Others in Germany may have to drive much further.>>


I am sorry to hear of your problems.


<<J.C. Bose demonstrated that plants have "feelings" like animals. They have no

mouths to cry out! The guy who invented the "lie-detector" showed that plants

"remember" and react to love and hate! Plants have a multiple life. If you eat

one pea you have hurt the plant, the pod, the pea - each twice and if you cook

or chew on the pea it is a total of 7 times. You kill an animal only once!>>


Yes, killing vegetables is as bad as killing animals but we are talking about

karma, akarma and vikarma. This week a lady told me that she thought that karma

is always bad. I had to explain that karma in Sanskrit (i am not an expert but

i like to meditate in the words) means activities in general which always cause

a reaction. Karma are activities prescribed by the shastras and the shastras

(Bhagavad Gita) says that if we offer to Krishna (God) with love and devotion, a

leaf (vegetables), fruit, water (milk) or grains, the reaction incurred is

nullified and we give a chance to the souls in that food to achieve a higher

body in their next life. On the other hand, akarma is the refusal of following

prescribed instructions and vikarma is any activity which goes against

sanctions, like killing indefense animals.


The reaction to karma, akarma and vikarma is different.


<<Being a vegatarian does not make you any better morally.>>


Truth, Hitler was a vegy and killed millions. The butcher of the corner of the

street is very charitable. Srila Prabhupada said that what is the point of

being a vegetarian if we do not have brains, he said that a pigeon is a

vegetarian but it has a pigeon's brain.


<<The inclusion of onions and garlic as taboo foods has nothing to do with

vegetarianism, but may be based on some ayurvedic knowledge.>>


Onions & garlic are medicine but tamasic in nature. In fact, onions appeared on

the grounds where the blood of the first cow killed by Mr Kali, fell.


<<Jains in India - if strict - do not eat any "roots" like potatoes or carrots,

for pulling them out from the earth could kill creatures in the soil! Many of

our vegetables were unknown in vedic times and even the names we know are not

really certain!>>


Vegetables are vegetables here or in China, i love them. India may have wheat,

mexico has sweet corn, China has rice, Africa has other grains. Grains are very

important for the disemination and sustenance of humanity. Grains are the

vehicle for the souls to reincarnate, very important indeed.


<<Agriculture was limited and only certain "naturalfruits of the eart" were



No doubt that archeologists are going to start to tell us a different story now

that they are examining DNA from prehistoric places. In our days we have

thousands of especies of eatable vegetables but we can only reach the commercial

ones which are comparatevely few.


<<In Africa I have found many things like Mangoes, bananas, egg-plant,okra etc.

growing in abundance, but hardly palatable.>>


Maybe cos they do not plant them on the proper muhurtas.


<<To transfer vedic food habits into our times is only a guessing game!>>


No, the British have their table manners but the Italians have the food and both

eat. vedic food habits means to eat vegetables, grains, fruit and milk

products. We can find them in almost every country.


<<Logically speaking there is only one article of food which can be considered


non-destructive: the unfertilized egg! And perhaps milk, if more than the calf

can consume.>>


That is if you can call an egg food. "the unfertilized egg!" is just the

menstruation of the chicken. Sorry guys if i put you off. And regarding milk,

the vedas says that it is the best food for humans but unfortunately in our days

it is tampered with lots of chemicals. In 1989 i developed hay fever which used

to send me to bed during the summer time. I heard that milk may cause it, cos

of the rubish that they put in it, hormons, vacinations etc. I stop it and

every year i get less and less hey fever. I eat other milk products except

milk, unless i get the real milk which is not often.


<<It is the attitude that counts. There is a story of Kannappa. He was a hunter

and every day he offered the meat he had hunted to Siva. Once he came with a

very large deer on his shoulder, had to keep hold of it with both hands. The

Siva Linga had a face and its right eye started to bleed. Kannappa, since his

hands were not free, put his foot on the bleeding eye to stop the bleeding. Siva

appeared at once and gave him moksha. It was an act of love that was rewarded.>>


Yes, the intention is the all important but Krishna will not accept rubish.

That is why there are different departments in this cosmic manifestation. For

example, Krishna has nothing to do with mundane sex. It is mother Durga that is

in charge of that department. By giving us this material bodies, she (our dear

mother) knows what is better for us and the body becomes interacted with other

bodies according to our karma.


<<Janardhana, the Feeder of all, has manifested himself in so manay ways to feed

us. He has invented a system of re-cycling, by which every body becomes the food

of another Even the shit of one body is food fo another!>>


I hope that i do not have to do it.



Lamb or legume, we must express our thanks to it for having lived to feed us!>>


Well, shamans in mexico say that what you eat is going to eat you sooner or

later. And they thank the protector of the animal killed. God does not live in

our prison and therefore is not responsible for our sins. On the other hand, we

should offer vegetarian food to God to purify our senses and life.


<<Further we must understand the allegory in the mythology. The Mura story is

meant for kids! It does not justify or explain anything, serves only to



Kids love it and i am a big kid.


<<The grain is harvested and stored. How can mura live in it only when consumed




How can we live in a disused house?. we just take over if we want.


<<wher can he live otherwise? It only says that consoming grain on

ekadasi is NOT RECOMMENDED!>>


Remember that grains are the only place for mura to hide during ekadasi days. A

friend from India told me that people says that if you open a coconut during the

8th tithi, you will find fungus in it. Therefore people do not open coconuts

during those days. I have no taste it but i think that there is some truth in



<<The consumption of grain is in itself a very doubtful matter: the human body


not "designed" for eating grain. It is like a pig: its natural food is meat,

roots, fruits and vegetables, but not grass or derivatives. Many allergic

roblems are connected with eating grain! >>


I got lost in the mexican mountains and i lost energies. i found a village (2

huts) and a lady gave me 2 tortillas which gave me energies to walk for another

2 hours. In mexico, we were sick of the gringos coming to tell us what to eat.

They said (in the 60's) that our basic food of tortillas, beans and chillis were

analized in laboratories and that they do not provide enough food. We never

listen to their BS. However, in the 70's the gringos found that they made a

mistake. They were analizing the food separately but when combined they found

that it had evrything the body needs. And regarding trhe allergies coming from

grains, it must be all the chemicals that farmers put on them.


<<No time was a "golden age">>


Too long ago to remember but i believe that we have seen golden ages before and

that we are in one now but we do not have the eyes to see it yet.


Thanks Mani :)
























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