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RE: Sv: Diabetics, Sun/Venus-- Wendy

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I think it's great that we're focusing on one disease, diabetes, here. But

I did want to clarify something at the outset: you mention "inflammatory

disease" but I'm not sure why. I know diabetes has many symptoms such as

blindness, but it should also have a central astrological signature, such

as afflictions to Jupiter, the 5th and possibly Venus, etc. Is

inflammatory disease like these foot infections another symptom of

diabetes? I wonder if we can see how the various correlative symptoms of

diabetes are connected to the main blood sugar problems astrologically.




At 09:55 AM 3/17/01 +0800, you wrote:

>Forgive me guys! I won't hog the list anymore...I promise!


>But I think in the case of my sister and myself the aspect from Mars is all

>important. Also both Saturn and Mars strong in Shad Bala is important as it

>gives rise to ulcers and wounds.


>What I'm saying is that VE/SU combination (of itself) should not be judged

>as the sole contributor of inflammatory disease. Each chart is unique and

>should be judged on it's own merits. I think it's a mistake to generalise

>too much.













>Your use of is subject to





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Hello Chris,


In the initial discussion (on diabetes) between Alex and myself, he had

asked me specifically where Venus was in my sister's chart (afflicted Venus

is often associated with diabetes). I answered his question, but then felt

it necessary to elaborate that in (our case) Venus affliction was expressing

itself differently.....


Regards Ketu in 12th related to amputation: Amputation, blindness, kidney

failure, etc...are complications of long term diabetes.





Chris wrote


I think it's great that we're focusing on one disease, diabetes, here. But

I did want to clarify something at the outset: you mention "inflammatory

disease" but I'm not sure why. I know diabetes has many symptoms such as

blindness, but it should also have a central astrological signature, such

as afflictions to Jupiter, the 5th and possibly Venus, etc. Is

inflammatory disease like these foot infections another symptom of

diabetes? I wonder if we can see how the various correlative symptoms of

diabetes are connected to the main blood sugar problems astrologically.



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Christopher Kevill wrote:

> Wendy:


I wonder if we can see how the various correlative symptoms of

> diabetes are connected to the main blood sugar problems astrologically.


This is not any "solution" but suggestion for research:

Psychology first, astrology at the end!



My father was a severe case of diabetes, had very bad eyesight. He took insulin,

was "over-carefill" in his diet, but when he died at the age of 72 the doctors

said it had been from "neglect" of proper treatment!!!! Actually he died

because he had lost his last support, my mother. All his life he had maltreated

her, almost driven her to suicide, but she lived as a true hindu wife, faithful

and suffering. She was his only supporter in the end: he had maltreated all his

children and though they - I was away at sea and was not actually part of the

drama - were ready to do their duty and look after him with love, he knew that

the loyalty was not earned by his own behaviour. The love my brothers and

sisters offered him was only human charity! Generous to the world, to his family

was Hitler, created holocaust, at least emotionally.


His morning prayer and evenin prayer lasted each for 1 hour. We had a garden and

grew flowers which he used for his prayers. Straying goats and cows would

occasionally get into the garden and eat the plants and flowers. My father would

get into a rage and throw stones at the animals, beat them with his

walking-stick, lash at them with a whip he specially bought for the purpose.

Why? The poor animals were eating up the flowers he needed for puja! I did not

dare to say what I thought of this to him, but I spoke to my aunt, his sister: "

od made the goat and the flower. Is it not his right to decide how he enjoys his

creation? Father throws the petals at an idol, the goat eats it, tastes it, gets

norishment from it. If we talk of advaita, goat and flower are manifestations of

Brahman. Can we not let Brahman decide how to seek his own awareness? The petals

thrown on the idol wither. But if eaten by the goat it is transformed into new

life! Why this cruelty?" Naciketas as I was, my aunt, convinced by me, told my

father about this. For six months after that he did not speak one word with me,

avoided me and treated me like an outcaste.



1. It is established that the mental and emotional state has a tremendous effect

on the assimilation and use of sugar. Anger and wrath have a very negative

effect, as well as env and unfulfilled but deep desire. Diabetics who are strict

in diet, take insulin as prescribed, fail to overcome the problem if they:

- get angry or annoyed frequently

- if they are continuously conscious of their deprivation, envy others for being

able to eat without restriction.

- if they live continuously longing for what they re supposed to forego.


A diabetic who accepts the restrictions, but "sins" at intervals, eats a rich

cake at a party, with the hope or prayer that it won´t kill him or her, usually

succeds in keeping the disease under control. Moderate strictness, but not till

it hurts!


2. Generally diabetes is a result of a failure in the regulatory system. The

sugar level is measured but registered as too high, so production of insulin by

the pancreas is reduced. By giving insulin, the situation is not really changed.

The body still regisers a sugar level lower than actual, sees the supplied

insulin as excess, reduces its own production further! You finally get to a

stage wher the pancreas stops all insulin production and the doctor injects the

total requirement! A homoeopathic treatment by giving substances that hinder

insulin production would stimulate the pancreas to produce more!


but the main point is this: the self-regulatory system is out of gear!


Astrologically seen, Mars rules irascibility. So its influence is important. The

sign Libra is connected with equilibrium. So Venus must have a say, Saturn as

restrictor probably plays a role. The moon in Pushya is, from what I have seen,

very highly emotional and a cause for uncontrolled wrath. So that moon may have

a say too!



Incidentally I must say that though certain animals are considered holy in

certain places in India, the cow everywhere, monkeys and snakes in restricted

localities, the average Indian does not love animals. A dog is generally there

to be stoned or kicked. The cow may not be slaughtered, but can be starved or

fed with refusal.

What I want to say is this: body and soul are two entities that live in

symbiosis.The purpose of the body is to exist, survive and replace itself

(procreate). The soul has a different aim.But both interact and the

mental/emotional state or attitude of the soul has and an effect on the body and

vice versa. any attempt to foresee sickness must involve the mental and

emotional states. In fact, astrology can work only holistically, not in bits and




My father´s data are a bit uncertain:


14 october 1892 at Tiruchirappalli, India, around 09:00 am Indian standard

time., I know definitely that scorpio was lagna and moon was in pushya

(cancer). Venus as 12th lord was in the 10th, his life was ruled by wanting to

love but being unable to show it or receiving it!




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