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Diabetics, Sun/Venus --Robert

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>Anyway, another interesting fact is that low blood sugar levels

>(Hypoglycemia), are found in charts wherein there is a Vata imbalance,

>caused by strong influences of Saturn and Rahu on lagna lord and the Sun.



This is interesting to me as you didn't mention any affliction to Venus for

hypoglycemia. Were you merely giving the short version here or do you

think a Venus affliction is only related to hyperglycemic disease

(diabetes)? I haven't done any study on this distinction so this is new

stuff for me.



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Hello Chris,


At 10:38 AM 3/17/01 -0500, you wrote:



> >

> >Anyway, another interesting fact is that low blood sugar levels

> >(Hypoglycemia), are found in charts wherein there is a Vata imbalance,

> >caused by strong influences of Saturn and Rahu on lagna lord and the Sun.

> >


>This is interesting to me as you didn't mention any affliction to Venus for

>hypoglycemia. Were you merely giving the short version here or do you

>think a Venus affliction is only related to hyperglycemic disease

>(diabetes)? I haven't done any study on this distinction so this is new

>stuff for me.


I haven't done any studies on these subject to speak of either up until

now, outside a short list of Diabetic charts that I had on file. It came

to mind recently, when I had a hypoglycemic client, but could not easily

ferret out the reason for her disease. I asked a good friend of mine,

Brendan Feeley (who is a Jyotishi + Ayurvedic physician) what the

combinations were for Hypoglycemia, and he replied "strong Vata

imbalances". Naturally, Vata is disturbed by malefics influences of Rahu

and Saturn or lagna or its lord, Sun, or Chara Atmakaraka. Such

afflictions were present on the lagna lord and Atmakaraka of that person,

i.e. aspect of Rx Saturn as 6th lord, and Rahu (by rasi aspect).


Anyway, now that you mention Venus, Venus in that chart was also conjoined

with the lagna lord, and thus also similarly afflicted. I did not at

first see the correlation between Venus and the liver function, as Venus

normally has to do with the glands and endocrine systems, plus bladder,

urinary, kidney, and reproductive functions. But the case examples seem

to show it: combust Venus in the cases of diabetics (although other

indications are more poignant, such as afflicted 5th and its lord, Jupiter,

as well as Sun and Moon). Still, Venus affliction seems to play into the

picture as well.


Now here's my question for you, Chris: Combust and afflicted Venus does not

always produce either Diabetes or Hypoglycemia. Afflicted Jupiter does

not always produce it either, although an afflicted Jupiter can produce

elevated cholesterol levels, usually a Kapha imbalance. Case in point: in

my chart, Venus is combust and low in Shad-bala; Jupiter has a close

conjunction with Ketu, although high in Shad-bala. 5th house and its lord

are strong, however. Now, I have completely normal glucose levels (blood

sugar), but unusually high total cholesterol, for which I have to take

medication. So from this, and from the chart examples I gave yesterday,

it appears that the most poignant factor for Diabetics is an overly

afflicted 5th house + lord, as well as Sun and Moon, although afflicted

Jupiter and Venus do show up in some cases.


Anyway, I will get into those charts, plus the ones posted by Wendy also,

when I get time. Thanks for the input, and I would like to see your

observations as well.


Best wishes,




Robert A. Koch, Vedic Astrologer

760 NW Broken Arrow Rd.

Bend, OR. 97701-9037

Phone: 541-318-0248

visit <http://www.robertkoch.com> or e-mail

rk. rk

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Hi Robert:


Always an eye-opening (and mind-opening) pleasure to read your posts.

Before I comment, let me first say that I know very little about the

workings of the human body (incl. diabetes) and I have looked at only a

handful of cases of diabetes in the usual books so my understanding of it

is pretty basic. Just some cautions up front.



>I haven't done any studies on these subject to speak of either up until

>now, outside a short list of Diabetic charts that I had on file. It came

>to mind recently, when I had a hypoglycemic client, but could not easily

>ferret out the reason for her disease. I asked a good friend of mine,

>Brendan Feeley (who is a Jyotishi + Ayurvedic physician) what the

>combinations were for Hypoglycemia, and he replied "strong Vata

>imbalances". Naturally, Vata is disturbed by malefics influences of Rahu

>and Saturn or lagna or its lord, Sun, or Chara Atmakaraka. Such

>afflictions were present on the lagna lord and Atmakaraka of that person,

>i.e. aspect of Rx Saturn as 6th lord, and Rahu (by rasi aspect).


So vata imbalances apply only to hypoglycemia, not to diabetes?



>Anyway, now that you mention Venus, Venus in that chart was also conjoined

>with the lagna lord, and thus also similarly afflicted. I did not at

>first see the correlation between Venus and the liver function, as Venus

>normally has to do with the glands and endocrine systems, plus bladder,

>urinary, kidney, and reproductive functions. But the case examples seem

>to show it: combust Venus in the cases of diabetics (although other

>indications are more poignant, such as afflicted 5th and its lord, Jupiter,

>as well as Sun and Moon). Still, Venus affliction seems to play into the

>picture as well.


I also think Venus has to come into play because it rules sugar and both

diabetes and hypoglycemia involve the ability of the both to break down

food into useable glycogen (sugar).



>Now here's my question for you, Chris: Combust and afflicted Venus does not

>always produce either Diabetes or Hypoglycemia.


Right. I don't think either of the two cases you gave had a combust Venus.

Since combustion is so common, it strikes me as a 2nd or 3rd level

affliction, something that can only deepen a 1st tier affliction such as

what you're suggesting with the 5th lord.


Afflicted Jupiter does

>not always produce it either, although an afflicted Jupiter can produce

>elevated cholesterol levels, usually a Kapha imbalance. Case in point: in

>my chart, Venus is combust and low in Shad-bala; Jupiter has a close

>conjunction with Ketu, although high in Shad-bala. 5th house and its lord

>are strong, however. Now, I have completely normal glucose levels (blood

>sugar), but unusually high total cholesterol, for which I have to take

>medication. So from this, and from the chart examples I gave yesterday,

>it appears that the most poignant factor for Diabetics is an overly

>afflicted 5th house + lord, as well as Sun and Moon, although afflicted

>Jupiter and Venus do show up in some cases.


My Venus is 5th lord in my chart and it is conjunct Rahu and closely

aspected by Mars. Although not combust, it is very afflicted. As far as I

know, my blood sugar levels are fine, but I do know that I am very

sensitive to sugar. I get very agitated when I eat a lot of it and suffer

the sugar crash afterwards. I have a sweet tooth and use to eat tons of

cookies because they would make me feel "high". So I'm a typical case of

someone who is sugar sensitive. I think it's quite possible that I could

develop type 2 later in life, especially during Venus dasha, or I may well

be an undiagnosed mild hypoglycemic now. I'm more or less OK now that I

largely avoid sugar. OTOH, one cannot disregard the effects of benefic

aspects on afflicted 5L or Venus/Jupiter. Jupiter aspects 5L Venus in my

chart and it is in Sag and was stationary at birth. I think the role of

strengthening aspects to the key points may explain why some people with

apparently afflicted factors for diabetes never get it.


If we look at Wendy's sister's chart, the 5th is afflicted by Saturn and 5L

Mercury is in the 8th in Virgo aspected by Ketu. Venus, however, is very

afflicted by being combust with the Sun and aspected by Mars and Saturn.

What's more, it aspect lagnesh, thus perhaps redirecting its weakness all

back to the body. I think this kind of connection to basic bodily

factors(lagna,Sun,Moon) is critical with any illness. An afflicted 5L may

be part of the diabetes puzzle, but it also carries other signfications

such as limiting progeny. for the diabetes part of it to manifest, it must

be associated with the health of the native through those personal points.


In the first of your cases(Salt Lake City), Saturn rules the 5th and its

aspected by Mars. The thing is however, that afflicted 5L Saturn aspects

Venus and Venus aspects lagna -- and doubly so perhaps since lagna is

Libra. So Venus has a double affliction from Mars and Saturn and that

affliction is redirected back to the whole body in lagna. If the 5L

affliction and Venus affliction is not connected in some way to lagna,

perhaps the potential for diabetes/hypoglycemia falls away. So this is

perhaps another way to distinguish between people who are more likely to

have diabetes and those who don't: both may have the key factors afflicted

but only the ones who have those factors connected with

lagna/lagnesh/Sun/Moon will actually suffer the disease.


I would also say that varga charts are probably central to this whole

question. Look at the D-6 of your first case. Asc is around 11Ge58 while

rashi 5L Saturn aspects it near exact at 13Sg27. D-6 Asc of Wendy's sister

is 22Ge01 and it is closely aspected by rashi 5L Mercury 24Sg27 and also

Mars 18Sg39. (I have omitted consideration of your 2nd case because the

TOB looks rounded off.)


Anyway, that's about all I can think of at the moment. Visti's analysis

looks interesting, particularly the idea of separating factors for type 1

and type 2.



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