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Preliminary Assesment(Diabetes)

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This mail should have reached you earlier, nevertheless here it is;


* *

Dear List, Namaste.

In obeisance to God I give the following.


Preliminary Assesments(chart analysis is given, in another mail);

I'm also forwarding this to the Varahamihira List, for discussion.


+ Medical Assesments +

First some peliminary understanding:

Type 1 Diabetes, or "Juvenile-insulin-dependant diabetes", is not

caused by a bad liver, but instead the Pancrea that is unable to

produce sufficient amounts of insulin for the liver.


In the case of Type 2 Diabetes, or "Mature-non-insulin-dependant

diabetes", the pancrea can be quite healthy, whereas the liver is

unable to store the insulin.


Were dialing with Type 1 diabetes, so far.


+ Astrological Assesment +

The pancrea creates insulin. As the the lack of insulin is resultant

in a lack of moist(Jala Tattwa), the Moon and Venus are to blame.

As the Moon mostly deals with blood-water balance, Venus seems to

deal with fluids like insulin, and etc.

The position of the Pancrea is roughly around the liver position, or

the 5th house belt, which Robert has stated acurately. Whereas the

digestive organs where to blame if the 6th house was afflicted.


Jupiter plays a bigger role when dealing with type 2 diabetes.


- Rasi -

The body parts should be assesed from both Moon and

Lagna as per Jaimini.

The eyes are seen from 2nd house, whereas the ability to see is

strongly linked to the 10th house(9th from 2nd), and thus both should

be considered.


Atmakaraka should be considered.


- Kauluka -

Jaimini barely gives us reason to draw the Kauluka chart when

assesing it, but yet it seems necessary.


Take the sign and divide into 6 equal parts, ranging from 1-6



Rahu & Ketu must be reckoned in reverse, i.e. if they fall in the 6th

kauluka they are reckoned in 1st.


4th kauluka shows eyesight. Note that we have only been given half

the range of the zodiac in the kauluka(6 signs), so planets that fall

in 4th also fall in 10th, thus eyesight.

Similar mannor for feet and ears: 3rd/9th. And stomach: 5th/11th.


We'll be considering 4th and 5th kaulukas.



Asummingly he also gives reason to study the Kauluka chart. Its drawn

like this:


Kauluka 1 2 3 4 5 6

Odd Ar Ta Ge Cn Le Vi

Even Li Sc Sg Cp Aq Pi


The 3rd, 11th and 7th houses from Lagna/Atmakaraka, shows the


If the same planet falls in 1st, 6th or 8th from Lagna/atmakaraka,

then it may be the cause of death.


Sun lords the Stomach in the Kauluka, so its placement in these

houses may show problems in that area.


Note that D-6 is merely the 1st harmonic of the 6th house, so it

shows limited things about the body.


The Trimsamsa (2*12 + 6 = 30), will show the appropriate Sapta Dhatu

(bone, marrow, fat, etc.) thats afflicted, and link the prediction to

the Pancrea or Liver.


I'll only consider the Kauluka in my assesment.

As for the Ubhayaya Dasa's, i'll leave that for another time.


In my next email i'll analyse the two given charts.

Best wishes, Visti.

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Dear Visti,


I'm happy so see this thread because it allows me the opportunity so share

my knowledge of biology and come out of hibernation. Granted that my

specialty is microbiology, so if I've not up on the latest I'm happy to be



You are right that Type 1 (juvenile)diabetes mellitus is characterized by a

lack of insulin production by cells on the pancreas, but Type ll diabetes

(adult -onset) is often caused by an OVER-production of insulin, so much so

that the body has a hard time responding to it, the receptors down-regulate.

This overproduction of insulin (hyperinsulinemia) is what sets of the

cascade of high blood pressure, high cholesterol, high triglycerides. The

liver is involved only because it stores sugar in the form of glycogen and

in a normally functioning body and be reconverted back to sugar as need be

to prop up the blood sugar by releasing another hormone called glucagon.

Once they liver stores are filled up then the body starts storing the sugar

as fat, another kapha characteristic.


People release insulin in response to eating sweet and starchy food, so I

would guess that in type ll diabetics the kapha planets (moon, venus,

jupiter) would be involved in 1st house influencing the body constitution or

2nd house ruling food and mouth or maybe a combination of both.

Of what I know of ayurveda, it is the kapha dosha that is the most stable

and the last to go out of balance so it makes sense that this imbalance

occurs in the later half of life after a lifetime of over-consumption of

sweets and (rice, potatoes, bread, pasta )


I'd like to compare the 2 types once I'm certain of the onset of the disease

in the charts posted on the list. Insulin-dependent diabetes can be a

misnomer because often adult-onset type ll diabetes is erroneously treated

with insulin instead of addressing dietary factors.


The only thing I can't remember is where exactly the insulin receptors are

located. I'm finding research papers talking about insulin receptors in the

brain and blood cells and muscles tissue, so if they are in the liver too

then I guess we do agree Visti. ;)


As a side note diabetes insipidus, is a completely different disease with

different cause altogether and shouldn't be included in this discussion.


My thoughts on hypoglycemia and vata imbalance is that often vata types (I

should know) tend to keep erratic schedules and not eat regular meals and be

very lean. They have fast metabolism burn up their glucose before it's

replenished and don't have the glycogen and fat stores to keep the blood

sugar even. It is pure speculation on my part.


Best Wishes,

Karen Skoler

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Dear Karen:


Thanks for posting this much needed background info. My knowledge is

woefully lacking in this department and I wonder if you could fill me in on

some details.



>You are right that Type 1 (juvenile)diabetes mellitus is characterized by a

>lack of insulin production by cells on the pancreas, but Type ll diabetes

>(adult -onset) is often caused by an OVER-production of insulin, so much so

>that the body has a hard time responding to it, the receptors down-regulate.

>This overproduction of insulin (hyperinsulinemia) is what sets of the

>cascade of high blood pressure, high cholesterol, high triglycerides. The

>liver is involved only because it stores sugar in the form of glycogen and

>in a normally functioning body and be reconverted back to sugar as need be

>to prop up the blood sugar by releasing another hormone called glucagon.

>Once they liver stores are filled up then the body starts storing the sugar

>as fat, another kapha characteristic.


So in both types 1 and 2, there is a problem with handling foods that break

down quickly into sugar, such as carbohydrates. I guess sweets are the

worst food for both types as well? Why are fats and proteins not a

problem? Is this a question of the *rate* of metabolizing the food being

slower so insulin isn't required?


>I'd like to compare the 2 types once I'm certain of the onset of the disease

>in the charts posted on the list. Insulin-dependent diabetes can be a

>misnomer because often adult-onset type ll diabetes is erroneously treated

>with insulin instead of addressing dietary factors.


What exactly is the right dietary approach for treating type 2?



>My thoughts on hypoglycemia and vata imbalance is that often vata types (I

>should know) tend to keep erratic schedules and not eat regular meals and be

>very lean. They have fast metabolism burn up their glucose before it's

>replenished and don't have the glycogen and fat stores to keep the blood

>sugar even. It is pure speculation on my part.


So hypoglycemics simply burn up glucose faster than normal while their

insulin production is normal? How would you categorize "sugar

sensitivity"? I'm susceptible to this condition of feeling high when I eat

a lot of sweets and getting agitated and feeling sleepy and lethargic

afterwards. Is this an insulin question or something else?


On a bit of a different tangent, I read this book on blood types and being

type O myself, it suggested I stay away from a lot of grains and

carbohydrates, etc. It seemed a bit fringe, but not knowing chemistry, I

couldn't determine if it was worth taking seriously. Still, it rang true

with my experience with carbohydrates.





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As engineer and amateur homoeopath may I say this:


The real problem seems to be in the "regulatory or control system". The actual

sugar level is read as too high or too low at times. The pituitary, thymus and

thyroid - and perhaps other - glands deal with the regulation of functions. One

must study the matter from this aspect, not just pancreas or liver. The

endocrine system is the chief culprit.




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Hello Karen,


I agree with you here. I strongly suspect that my elder sister (type 2

diabetic), with Jupiter fallen in ascendant, is being wrongly treated with

insulin injections.


She's in her 60's and was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes (maybe about 6-7yrs

ago?) during current Jupiter Mahadasa.


I also feel, In my twin's and my case, that Venus (in Pitta sign Leo,

conjunct Pitta Sun) has little to do with the Diabetes...except for (in my

case) Venus' aspect on 2nd house giving rise to a sweet tooth.






Karen wrote


I'd like to compare the 2 types once I'm certain of the onset of the disease

in the charts posted on the list. Insulin-dependent diabetes can be a

misnomer because often adult-onset type ll diabetes is erroneously treated

with insulin instead of addressing dietary factors.

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For comparison: Here is the chart of a friend of mine who has suffered

hypoglycaemia for as long as I've known her (over 20yrs). I think the mutual

aspect between Jupiter and SA/ME/(SU?) is the deciding factor. The aspect of

FM Venus on 6th also playing a part in digestive process.



Aug 19 1950


Johannesburg, South Africa




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Dear Mani,


I completely agree with you that diabetes is an "control " problem and an

endocrine function. In the case with diabetes the endocrine gland involved

is the islets of Langerhans located on the pancreas.The control is handled

by the release of the hormones insulin, glucagon, and somatostatin.


kind regards,


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Karen_NY wrote:

> Dear Mani,


> I completely agree with you that diabetes is an "control " problem and an

> endocrine function. In the case with diabetes the endocrine gland involved

> is the islets of Langerhans located on the pancreas.The control is handled

> by the release of the hormones insulin, glucagon, and somatostatin.



Dear Karen,


Thanks for info. Had totally forgotten the isles. I mentioned the other two

because they seem to have a finger in every pie and everyday new things are

being discovered about their functions.


Every control system has two opposite funcions; one to increse, the other to

decrease. If the water lrvel in a tank has to maintained at a certain height,

the automatic feed valve is connected to an opening circuit and a closing

circuit, which actually work independently and in a sense simultaneously. It is

impossible to keep the level exactly at the desired point, so a certain margin

is allowed, a permitted low and a permitted high. But again, because everything

takes time take actual effect, So the moment the opening starts, the closing

also starts, eith a lag, so that the valve closes when the higher level is

reached and not too late.


This simultaneous "opposite" action suggests to me that the Rahu/kethu axis may

play a large part.


In my father´s case, lagna scorpio is unoccupied. But Rahu is in aries the 6th.

This rahu is aspected by mars in capricorn, mercury in libra and venus in leo

has a 9th house aspect. Sun and saturn in virgo have an 8th aspect. But jupiter

in pisces does not aspect. Moon in cancer asprcts mars the owner of the 6th and

Rahu with a 10th house aspect. The Rahu, mars/moon placements are the strongest

influences on the 6th house. Mercury too, of course. I don´t see very clear

indications of poor eyesight, which was very bad indeed and the bane of his

life, myopia with 12 diopter correction plus retinal deterioration. His extreme

irascibility definitely worsened the diabetes.


A lady I knew would test the sugar level every day. If she had a bout of anger

or was terribly annoyed that she couldn´t eat cake or ice-cream the level shot

up. She would start worrying about this and that made it worse. The doctor

advised her to indulge herself now and then, preferably at regular intervals.

This greatly reduced the general level and after the indulgence the level hardly

went up!




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Dear Chris,


I'm glad you found the background info helpful, but since we are starting

to stray from astrology I'm going to answer them in direct mail. Also,

being a microbiologist and not a physician I don't want to dispense any

incorrect advice but can point to a few references off the list if you'd

like to read on your own.


Kind regards,


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Dear Mani,



> This simultaneous "opposite" action suggests to me that the Rahu/kethu

>axis may

> play a large part.


I've never studied medical astrology, but my feeling that then nearly every

bodily function would have to have a nodal involvement, since most functions

are regulated in a push/pull fashion.


As for your father's chart, I can't come up with a good explanation for the

diabetes either. Maybe someone else can. As for poor eyesight, perhaps

that is due to the sign aspect of sun and saturn on the second house. I've

always blamed my poor eyesight on saturn in my second house.


Best Wishes,


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