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Life and understanding God/Yugoslavia

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Dear Friends,


During the last weeks many have tried to teach me the meaning of the Bhagagvad

Gita - from their point of view. I thank them all for refreshing my memory.


When your hands and feet are tied, when your wife and daughters are raped and

finally killed by a whole battallion, if you can say, "Lord, I accept your

will!" and accept what you see without hating the criminals, THEN YOU HAVE

LEARNT MORE THAN I! If you can truly see this as the Lord´s "sport", you

MAY have learnt more than I. But it is a question whether such a Lord is worthy

of my devotion! If you take these things as terrible lessons to learn from and

say, "This I shall never do unto others!" you have learned as much as I. But You

and I, what we have learned is a handful of sand. What there is to learn is as

big as the earth.


The Jews who died in or survived the holocaust, but did not lose their faith in

Jahweh, were true believers. Not those who sat in security and sypmpathized!


In Charels Dickens`novel Charles Darnay offers his own life to save the life of

a friend and husband of the girl he himself loves beyond all else. That is

devotion to God, the true bhakthi: the offering of the self for one´s



The talmud has a story: A disciple asked R<abbi Ben Ezra (an ancient RAbbi)

whether Jahweh was the God of only the Israelites. He answered,


"When Moses led his followers across the Red Sea and reached the other shore,

the waters of the sea closed in and the Egyptian soldiers drowned. The angels in

heaven took out their trumpets and started blowing fanfares of triumph. But

Jahweh stopped the jubilation, saying, ´What are you cheering? Do you not see my

children drowning in the sea? How can you celebrate?"


God sets the trials and exams. They are often cruel but he knows they will not

hurt permanently. We have to understand that all the terrible killings in

Yugoslavia were "necessary", but also understand that no one was "killed", for

they liveon! Our part lies in condemning the deeds and helping the victims as

best we can - and swear in this and future lives never+++++++++++++++++ to

commit the crimes committed there!


We are losing our roots! Once the fate of a nation was decided by a combat

between two selected champions: and little David won against the giant Goliath.

Some centuries later a family feud between Kauravas and Pandavas led to the loss

of at least a million lives! Today it is "accepted" that civil population can be

killed to win a war, there is no battle-field but the entire country is a

battle- field, Warriors do not fight, but women and chldren can be killed! And

womwen can be the killers!


This is perhaps the worst feature: women do not fight to reduce the killing, but

to have the right to kill! They do not tell their men to forget the army, but

join them and strive for promotion! Our last hope of establishing peace is lost!

Once a group of women refused their men sex if they went to battle (a greek

Story) but today it isonly a question of who sends out the troops to kill. And

troups sent to preserve peace and humanity indulge in atrocities! Through



Think, my dear friends, and do what you can to bring compassion into this world.

I am too old and weak to initiate movements. When I had the strength I was

dismissed as a an oriental fool, who did not understand the excellent qualities

of the wastern world, its supoerior scientific knowledge, its experienced

politicians, and its freedom from corruption. All because in 1967 said the

ecology was in danger! Not long after I saw the rockets being shuffled around. I

pleaded for their removal and destruction. Again I MET WITH SCORN: it was of my


A year later it became public and the same people who ridiculed me asked for my

support to get the rockets removed. Big demonstrations, collection of signatures

etc. I refused to help or take part! "You learn only when you are threatened!

But you will not listen to warnings! So face your problem! You do not think of

humanity but only want to save your own skins!"


Thanks for reading, if you read!


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