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Golden Age

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Brother Mani


Regarding the golden age. No, i did not said that this last full moon was the

beginning of a golden age. I said that it is indicating the advancement of it.

Chaitanya appeared during that particular full moon more than 500 years ago and

predicted a golden age to last 10,000 years. God's designs are impossible to

read "God works in mysterious ways". Chaitanya appeared just before Columbus

went to America. To me the colonization of America (the American continent as

we call it in Mexico) is part of that divine design towards the golden age.


<<Although you and I are seekers after truth and God, our approaches are


for various reasons. >>


Yes, your background is engineery and mine is architecture. Even if we hate

each other, we can not live without each other. You have the mathematical

brains and i have the aesthetic. We architects have the tendencies to dream

great buildings and you engineers pull us down to earth. You put more

importance to maths, we give more importance to art.


<<You have become completely vaishnavite, but I have remained a Sankarite

christian advaitist.>>


Vaisnavism told me how to understand religions and i respect the devotion in



<< Vaishnavism and Christianity have one thing in common: both

insist on "unquestioning" acceptance and surrender to God. Advaitism also

insists on acceptance and surrender, but permits questioning and encuorages

surrender with understanding and conviction. >>


We are allowed as well to question, otherwise people will walk on us. Or maybe

i am a rebeld.


<<The "chit" is prominent and viveka

is called for. A vaishnavite sees himself more as a "servant" of God than his

child. An advaitist says, "I am the child of God and I wish to servee to him!"



Some Vaisnavas see themselves as His parents. Vaisnavism has room for different

relationships with God.


<< I am sure God will not be angry if I ask

questions, as long as I don´t delberately disobey!>>


He is a person and very tolerant and loving.


<< Children accept answers like

"You are too young to understand!" or "You´ll understand later on!" They even

accept that the parent does things which seem cruel to them, hoping to find an

explanation for what they "disapprove" of, BUT do not stop loving the parent!>>


We either, He has the rights to answer according to our understanding. But we

still love Him even if He seems not to answer sometimes, but eventually in time

we find the answers.


<<Krishna said,"I love you like father loves his child!">>


He shows His love according to our love but i know He loves all of us.


<<Western vaishnavites equate Lord Krishna with the Supreme God.


and many sections of Indian vaishnavites do not do so.>>




<< When I say "God" , for me

it means Vasudeva Krishna, the "dark unfathomable protector of all beings" of

the most ancient scriptures, NOT Krishna the son of Vasudeva. We differentiate

between the Supreme and his avatars. >>


Yes, God has many Names according to our attraction and devotion.


<<I agree with you and KV that horoscope and divine help lead you to a guru. But

if everything is pre-determined, why jyothiash at all?>>


Because of our free will.


<<Agreed, But Buddha to correct the existing practices. He did not live in the

vedic but in the post-post vedic period, the beginning of the Classical period.



Yes, Kali yuga has the tendencies to destroy vedic culture.


<<For me the vedic period was much earlier than you probably postulate.>>


Kali Yuga could not start as long as Krishna was on earth. Officially, Kali

yuga started when Krishna left. I read in an article in the Astrological

magazine of Dr B.V. Raman that Kali yuga started on 18 February 3102 BC. By

then the Pandavas left the kingdom and left Maharaja Pariksit in power.

Maharaja Pariksit continued protecting vedic values but giving concessions to Mr

Kali. So, i would say that the first 500 years of kali yuga had still the vedic

imprint but things deteriorated very fast and asuras incarnated as humans

started to take control of this planet, and their descendants are still in



> << the king regularly went on hunting expeditions to feed his people.>>


> More exactly to practice his skills as a warrior, cos as a soldier, a king

> has to kill in some circumstances like wars or a murderer.



<<Sharp shooters have many methods of practicing - many described in the ancient

scriptures. The killing of harmless deer to practice for killing humans is IMHO



Dhanur veda has a certain code of conduct which is difficult to understand by

non-ksatriyas. I do not think that ther are so cruel as to kill baby deers,

pregnant deers and so forth, they follow certain rules, just like a gardener

prunes the old and dangerous branches, for example blind old deer. If they kill

in a indiscriminalized way, they are not ksatriyas but low class people.


> <<Rama and Krishna were Kshatriyas - non-vegetarian.>>


> There are vegetarian ksatriyas as well.


<<There were meat-eating rishis too!>>




<<I hope the recent animal diseases will lead to this. NASA conducts experiments

in this direction, for use in space. But agricultural existence and commercial

interests prevent spread of this knowledge.>>


Some farmers in England are saying that the present killing of animals to stop

the foot & mouth disease is a political move rather than a medical one. I think

so, the government does not want to continue subsidizing farmers, cos the meat

industry is to dear to maintain in rich countries. Present politicians are

manipulated by commercial interests.


<<In the old days the animals were free and every 2 weeks or so one would be

picked out and killed separately. Watch Serengeti films ....>>


Mani, my grandmother had animals in her back yard (+/- one hectar). One

Christmas day i refused to eat my duck and my pig that they kill. I saw people

killing chikens and heard the killing of pigs (but not allowed to see it).

Sundays were days for eating chicken and meat. No 3 meals a day with meat like

our neighbours in the north.


> That is if you can call an egg food. "the unfertilized egg!" is just the

> menstruation of the chicken.


<<If one eats it, it is food. It supplies the need, but does not involve



Be my guest.


Very interesting your comment about shamans.








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natabara wrote:

> Brother Mani


> Regarding the golden age. No, i did not said that this last full moon was

> the beginning of a golden age. I said that it is indicating the advancement

> of it. Chaitanya appeared during that particular full moon more than 500

> years ago and predicted a golden age to last 10,000 years. God's designs

> are impossible to read "God works in mysterious ways". Chaitanya appeared

> just before Columbus went to America. To me the colonization of America

> (the American continent as we call it in Mexico) is part of that divine

> design towards the golden age.



Dear Natabara,


It seems we agree on most things, but not on some. That is natural, no two

fingers are alike, nor snow-flakes!


I have my doubts about the last sentence in the paragraph above. Montecezuma and

his people may not agree! I too would say that if Cortez was the herald of a

golden age, Please Lord, save me from this golden age!


But please do not answer my letters on the list. I know I broke the rule and

expressed non-jyothish ideas on the list, which I regret. It is best to

correspond and debate in private.




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