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Sv: Greetings from the Colonies

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Dear Mani, Namaste.

Please portray your birthdata for the list.

Best wishes, Visti.-





Thursday, April 05, 2001 11:51 PM

[gjlist] Re: Greetings from the Colonies



Ann Murphy wrote to me, and with her permission I am answering her on the list,

citing her letter:



> Namaste Mani,

> I just realised it is Lent. No wonder things feel weird.

> I am sorry to hear of your grief. My Mother also passed away. It was a

> very intense experience. I had one particularly awful time before she died,

> where I was totally wretched, I didn't get a wink of sleep and prayed

> through the night. The whole Kit and Kaboodle, Family in droves, packing up

> the house for sale, etc...

> Right now I am undecided as what to do next. Should I stay or go?... Work

> or stay home? the list goes on, so I am fudging, having a well-earned break.

> But oftentimes it does not feel comfortable. I justify having a rest, so I

> am still a bit edgy.

> Nobody said this whole Jupiter/Saturn Mars/Pluto thing would be easy.




My dear dear Ann,

My deep-felt condolences.

I can fully understand and also feel the misery of watching your mother die. I

have been spared this in this life: I have lost many loved ones, but have never

seen anyone die, except a servant, when I ws 4 years old. I loved him.We were

brahmins, he was a moslem. We had a big garden with a temple. Ismael, the

servant, was entrusted with the cleaning of this temple, and he was a

conscientious servant! He lay in fever. A few moments before his soul left his

body he cried out:

"There is Rama entering the temple! Rama! Rama! Please take me with you!"


And then he was dead!


Someone asked if we are less affected by death as we get older. To a certain

extent yes. The agony is less, it is more a sense of emptiness, and

sometimes regret that one had not done more for the person in this life.


The greater pain comes I guess, when you dispose of the personal belongings,

remove the traces of the person´s presence. And if relatives bicker over what

they would like to have out of these things, it makes it worse. These wishes may

be legitimate desire to keep the memory alive, but is often expressed crudely,

one gets the feeling that only the material value is being sought after.... You

sell the hose, suddenly realize that the place in which you grew up or visited

often, where you found love and joy, will be out of bounds. If you pass that

house again, you feel a pang, knowing that strangers are living there.


No, when I heard about Lakshmi´s death, it was not grief that I felt, but a

sense of sadness, that I could not laugh with her again. She had a tremendous

knowledge and sense of humour, her face was always smiling or laughing. And she

was a beauty, very dark, with finely chiselled features, beauiful proportions,

indeed the goddess Lakshmi.


I once told Raghu who I am. This piling up of deaths - departures - tells me

that I should perhaps come out into the open. During the last few years I am in

contact with a certain entity called Seth - you may know of Jane roberts and her

contact with Seth. He advised me a few months ago to speak to my children and

give over my acquired wisdom, for "your sojourn on earth is uncertain, for you

are needed there as well as here! But what you had learned was meant for your

children, so give it to them soon".


This message set me thinking. My son will hardly understand what I could say,

my two daughters don´t really need advice. So the children meant were others.


At the age of 12 I became aware that I was the incarnation of Vaivaswatha Manu.

For many years I fought against this "stupid illusion". I wanted neither the

responsibility nor the "respect" attached to this position. I would only be

ridiculed if I ever said this, perhaps even sent to a lunatic asylum. Remember

Thurber´s story of the man who saw a unicorn on his lawn?


But circumstances, repeated dreams, the words of various mediums have all forced

me to accept this info, this fate, this position, this terrible responsibility!


All of you are my children! I try to keep upto date, but am afraid of hearing

the news on radio or tv. Again and again I see my children starving, getting

destroyed physically in various disasters. Every night I have a debate with my

Great Mother, I ask her, "Can´t you find milder ways to teach your DAMNED

lessons?Dear loving Mom, how can you bear this suffering of your dear

children?" The answer comes, I have to accept it, but cannot help feeling sad

that it has to be so.


Raghu called me "Father heart" and "Mayavadi". Both were expressions of love and

understanding. I am getting old, not only in this life, but as a soul. Perhaps

no one else, except my sister who always accompanies me, has incarnated so often

as I. The purpose of incarnation is twofold: you, my children, come only to

learn; but souls like me, we come to help a few, but also to see how it is to be

"you", to find better ways to teach the lessons. Why did God come down as

Christ, to be persecuted and crucified? He wanted to go throuh the worst to

understand - at first hand - what his laws meant for his children, and how they

felt That is why he never saved himself the pain, but went through it.


Our Father/Mother is loving, has made us to love, to be loved by us. But this

parent is no expert, has no previous experience! She tries to create "Paradise",

"Vaikunta", repeatedly incarnates to nudg4e things into a better course, hoping

that each change will lead to the idea condition.


My dear children, Our Mother needs us. The longing for moksha is rather stupid.

She does not want us to crawl back into her womb. Nor is she interested in souls

who lose their consciousness. She wants as loving companions. The vaishnava

ideal is great in this: the desire to be WITH God! I do not accept the "Servant

or slave" attitude. We must be CHILDREN! Did not Jesus say, "Unless ye be like

children, ye shall not enter into heaven"? Love krishna as a loving father, not

a master.


As for me, the knowledge of being the Manu of this cycle does not make me happy

at all! In a sense I can say that I knew the contents of the vedas - the

essential contents - and all religious books of the world before I even read

them! I never quote scripture, for I have read - in this life - only

"diagonally", as Vivekananda described it.


One may ask, "So you think you are the Manu! Do you now feel superior to us"?"


The answer is "Yes and NO!" There is no Superirity complex. Does a father feel

superior to his children? At first yes, he teaches. But later sends his children

to learn more than he could, relies on their knowledge, respects it, hands over

to them, happy to have planted seeds that grow into a trees!


I am the clicheé. The clicheé is valuable, yes. But you cannot buy a loaf of

bread with the clicheé that prints the dollar bills! Only the bills are active

and have value. The clicheé has a different value, not in dollars. Its value

cannot be estimated at all, although it is needed! Its molten value is only a

few cents! But it is a guarantee, a connection between state and citizen!


If at all I give myself a value, it is that Inam a bridge between you, my

darling children, and the great Mother. I am onöy a structure, a channel, a

forc4 of the cosmos. YOU are the reaL INDIVIDUALS;; THE REAL CHILDREN OF THE



All through my life the duality has been a problem for me. I came to investigate

the situation. Communication with the "headquarters" was a problem, I could

never, as a "scout", expect help, had sworn not to reveal my origin.


Today I have reveled my identity. But it makes no difference. I came to be one

of my cildren. Treat me as always as a sibling. Kick me when you think you

should - but don´t forget to give me a kiss at the end. Remember this: EVERY


IS A MATTER OF REJOICING FOR ME! Yesterday I solved a PC problem, using my own

brains. If anyone else had solvrd my porblem, I´d have felt great: a child, a

great great .... granndchildof mine had solved theproblem!


The pain remains too: how many of my kids deny the Great Mother, how many think

false, speak BS, run after shit, ruin themselves!


Have I grounds to be proud of being the Manu? When most of my beloved children

are rushing up the garden path, away from our Mother? In biblical language I

could say, "accursed be the day I created these stupid soulsd!" But NO! I say,

" Diversity makes existence more interesting. These, my wayward children, will

also learn one day - and may contribute more than those who followed the narrow

path! Have patience, dear Motrher. Compared to your eternity, these things are

only fractions of moments in your life! give my children a chance!"



Your uncertainty is understandable. Get over the shock first before you decide

where and how to live.

let the solutin sink into you.


> I would like to know more about Lemuria if you have the energy, time or

> inclination.

> Cheers old friend



Less of the "old", please! hahaha! It is not nice to realize that one is old.

The nearing death is not the problem, but that the body just can´t fulfil the

wishes of the mind! What I could do in an hour once takes me 3 hours today!





It is also called "Mu" and is the most legendary thing, moe legendary than

Atlantis.It is supposed to have existed in the Indian ocean. Geologically it is

not easy to locate even in theory. Whereas Atlantis was spoken of over 2000

years ago, Mu was never mentioned clearly till the theosophists started

channelling. The only recorded evidence is more by implication. The Tamils of

the south of India have very ancient books. These are not easy to understand,

but the talk is repeatedly of a homeland far to the south, which sank and led to

the people fleeing in boats to finally reach India. It must have been a land

with a very high culture, technically and ethically very advanced. The

Amerindians have similar legends of having arrived in (South) America, after

being evacuated from a sinking land far to the west! So it must have been a huge

island or continent in the Indian/Pacific ocean area, south of the equator.


>From the channelled info from the theosophists one hears that human souls were


first brought to the earth from Venus (?) or Mars(?) after a cosmic catastrophe

displaced the planets. These souls existed at first only as souls, the

biological evolution had not advanced enough. When jelly-like conglomerations of

amoebae appeared, the souls entered these and from then on entered into higher

creatures, as they appeared. The cow and elephant are suggested as the last

stages before man appeared. During the early stages the souls lived in a "dreamy

state" *******


Thnotion of lemuria is supported and also contradicted by the various theories

of continental break up and drift. Lemuria might have been a huge landmass which

included africa, India, australia and the antarctic. The presence of black

aborigenes in Australia can be explained by this, but has a flaw. Whereas it is

more or less accepted that animals existed when the continents drifted apart, it

is supposed to have happened long before man appeared. This has been challenged

recently by people like Cremo (Forbidden Archaeology) etc. ****** The australian

aborigines als talk of their having been once only in a dream state!


The Lucy theory that Man first appeared in africa also supports this idea, but

the chronology is not easy to fit in with hitherto acceptrd theories. Time may

change all this. The south east of Africa could well have been the niddle of

Lemuria. The Amerindians call their original homeland Kaskara. It is interesting

to note that Madagaskar (= Madya-Kaskara = central Kaskara?) lies just at this

hypothetical middle of Lemuria.


At some stage the four or five racial characteristics appeared and the people

wandered off to populate other continents. The black remained in Africa,and

the white went on to Atlantis. The brown remained on lemuria longer, but later

went north to India, and also to Egypt and mesopotamia. The yellow race

went east to Polynesia, separated there, one branch going east to south america,

the other north to china etc. These movements must have happened after the break

up, so that it looks as if a part of the broken up lemuria later just sank -

confirming the Indian and amerindian legends.


When atlantis finally sank much later, those who survived landed in Britain,

France nd Egypt. Earlier pioneers had already colonised greece, italy and spain

and mixed with the brows.


Tho northern branch became the aryans, who slowly spread over northern europe,

into russia, where they made their first major settlement around the caspian

sea. This is where they must have first compiled the 4 vedas, with reminiscences

of their start in britain and the wandering across europe. From there they went

south to Iran (=Aryan), where they started founding kingdoms and stopped being

nomads. The zoroastrian revolution - a civil war between two religious

sects - ended in the pesecution of one group, whic fled east to India.


You recently asked about languages. This history explains what Segey said. All

languages probably started off with a common language in lemuria, but separated

off. Certain very basic words in all languages are practically the same. But the

dialects went rapidly apart. Now we are left with a certain number of groups:

- the indo-european

- the dravidian

- the african

- the mongolian

- the semitic

All languages that belong to each group are derivatives of a mother language.


All european and north Indian languages are off-shoots of the indo-european. In

this there are two major divisions, the "centum" group and the "satam" (=

cetum), both words mean "100". The easter countries from finland to india are

satam, the western centum. Of the centum a later split caused greek oriented and

latin-oriented groups. But before 2000 years the people of all these countries

from england, spain till india and siberia could understand one another without

any great difficulty!


The brown race, the dravidian or mediterranean, spoke a language that led to

egyptian, hebrew, arabic etc. in the west, and to the south indian languages.

This original an later tamil of india had and have the most perfected grammar

ever, with no exceptions. Words are conjugated or declined by one standard set

of rules. There are practically no prepositions and the declension automatically

supplies the preposition. This is maybe nice, but over-systematized, so that a

lot of syllables are really not necessary for understanding what is meant. This

ended in a split between literary language and spoken dialect, which simply

leaves out the ballast. french does this too, more letters are written in a word

than actually pronounced! Whereas in french a long word is officially read and

spoken shorter, in the dravidian languages the long word is read fully. Only the

spoken in practice is curtailed and is a kind of patois (pronounced patwa!).



The chief difference between dravidian and indo-european today is that the

former does not any more have aspirated consonants, whereas the latter does, and

that very much. Although the present european languages have less aspirated

consonants than sanskrit, the t, d, p, v etc. arenaturally aspirated. The

dravidian influence on all Indian languages has killed the aspiration and that

is why the "Indian accent" is prominent: the Indian says English words flat,

without aspirating!


Another big difference: gender. The dravidian languages have a simple rule: male

and female apply only to humans and gods as per sex, all else is neutral. The

indo-european divided gender not by sex, but by the sound of the word....

according to some now forgotten rules! In german the fork is female, the spoon

male and the knife neutral. English has roughly reverted to the dravidian

principle, but is a bit flexible and a mare or bitch can be referred to as she.

On rare occasions a neutral object has a female gender, like a ship or a

machine, but gender follows sex in principle. I say reverted because much of

modern english is a derivative of old german. One understands Chaucer better if

one knows german! Wonynge in Chaucer is "wohnung" in german, the dwelling.


The semitic group seems to have been a mixture of the above two. The strong

indo-european influence gives arabic and russian a very strong aspiration, which

makes these languages very sonorous and wonderful to hear. But they developed on

the consonants much more than any other group. In all languages certain root

words lead to associated words, but only in a limited way. In the semitic group

this is not limited, but the general rule. The vowels are changed and the basic

consonants kept: ktb= has to do with writing. Kitab is book, kutub is library,

katib(?) is author etc. It deteriorated to a stage when vowels were never or

hardly written, one understood the consonants by context! That is the problem

with ancient texts, we don´t know how the words were pronounced. Osiris is shown

only as sr. Some scholars believe that the s included a and read "asar"....


In hebrew again this problem arises: some words can read one way or another, the

meanings will fit, but which wasintended? (To an extent this applies to the

vedas too, but not because of lack of vowels: the grammar is uncertain and the

objects no longer identifiable!)


The african languages preserved common elements, but the present swahili, the

lingua franca, is based on Bantu/Zulu origins. It has both dravidian and

indo-european elemenzts. Simba means lion and is akin to simha.


The mongolian is an intriguing group. It is a picture language group. The same

object has different names in all these languages, but has the same pictorial

form in all! The amerindian tribes perhaps could not understand one another´s

spoken language, but if one drew a sign on the ground, or sent a sybolic object,

the meaning was understood by all. A news item printed in Japan will be read by

mongolians, south and north china, korea etc. entirely differently in

pronunciation, but all will understand the meanung of the written matter!


Certainly languages develop by borrowing words from one another, but the basic

connection is to be traced more by the non-obvious. a good dictionary usually

gives the etymology. just to give afew examples in the indoeropean group:


english - german - sanskrit (indo-european)


father - vater - pithr: latin pater. Sanskrit dyaus pitha = heavenly father,

greek: zeus patros, latin: jupiter.

mother - mutter - mathru.

brother -bruder - brathr = the one who carries burdens. Note that burden is the

connecting root, from sansrit bara.

sister, schwester - swatr - the sweet one, again connected by the root for

sweet, sugar.

daughter, tochter, duhitr - the milkmaid!


self - selbst - swa: suicide = swa-cheda, the name Svoboda is self-teaching or

self realizing.


My "gothra" origin "aswalayana" means descendant of Aswalayan = Oswald!


technology - technologie - derived from tachni, the architect of the gods,

takshaka = carpenter.


generator - generator - derived from janü, to generate, janma= birth etc.


create - kreieren - kr to to create.... karma to make. carnate, to make into



The words be and eat are excellent clues to the origin:

to be; that is. german: sein, es ist. By a peculiar combination the indo

european has the words bhav, to be, as well as "as", to be. bhavathi and asthi

are interchangeable as "that is". Now As also means to eat! so we have german

isst, which means it eats. Eats itself is a transpositiont of the consonants.

So we have a mix-up from ancient times: to be (bhav), he is (as); german: ich

bin (I am, from bhav), er ist (he is, from AS), er isst = he eats, from As in

the second meaning! All european languages exhibit this confusion!


Another is the word "nine". In indoE the word nava meant new as well as nine. In

english we have new and nine, in german neun as 9, but neue as new. French has

neu as new, neuf as 9.


murder - mord - mardhana

rice - reis - arisi

cow - kuh - go

tree - .... - dru

heart - herz - hridhaya

horse - ... - aswa connected with hraswa, the one with the long neck.


horse - hengst. The brothers who once conquered Britain were called Hengist and

Horsa, both named after the horse!


Such examples are endless. The more basic they are, the more the original

connection. For instance, no language would have developed independently, which

did not have its own word for heart! It would not have been borrowed to fill a

gap. It was there already, from the mother language.


If you have a good sanskrit dictionary, like I have, you will find the root of

thousands of words in english and other european languages in the indoE.


There are certain rules to follow:

Some consonants get substituted by others. H and s can be left out. Coast in

english is cote in french; host can becomme ost in italian. Hasthi in sanskrit

can become hathi in hindi. F and H can interchange, as also p and f.


I cannot list all, but a study of philology will say much more. I have only

tried to give you a glimpse!


So my dear Ann, I hope I have answered some of your questions and also helped to

divert your mind from your sorrow!


















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Visti Larsen schrieb:

> Dear Mani, Namaste.

> Please portray your birthdata for the list.

> Best wishes, Visti.-



Dear Visti,


I have actually posted my data few times, but wwith a certain reservation about

the correct TOB. Now it has been checked and confirmed by Inder Jit by horary

means as well. So here it is again


Mani - male

20 April 1934

08:00 am Indian Standard Time (Time zone -5.5h = -5h 30m)

Coimbatore, India 11N00 76E58









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