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uri geller

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dear friends,

just this morning i got to a magazine with an article

on uri geller.would anyone like to find out more about


according to him, the power of the mind can transform

anything and make it happen.aren't we now treading on

free will vs destiny?

please discuss....


best regards





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Dear Rhoda.

out of my GJ program I give you the date of Uri Geller. I just remember him,

looking a TV show in the sixtees or so: he mentally tried to bend the eating

irons in his TV watchers homes. So later we took a look into our cutlery

drawer and found a fork bended! This always comes to me, when someone speaks

about Uri Geller.

His dates: december, 20. 1946 in t el Aviv, Israel, at 2:00 zone 2.00

34E46 32 N 04

must give lagne about 4° 53 libra

Please watch the degrees of moon, venus and uranus and his point of fortune.

Conception could have taken place under stationary saturn. Neptune is on

same degree with rahu and ketu.

As he is a psychic ( this is for Robin!) he also has a borderline degree:

Prenatal eclipse: 0°02 sagittarius.

Regards Ilona

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Dear Rhoda,

I corresponded briefly with Uri Geller several years ago by email. You

might contact him by email also, if you wish--he does answer. This was

because my son was so interested in him, I decided to contact him on the Web.

I have a book about him, too. But I am not a real fan, my son was the fan,

and now has a lesser interest.

<< "according to him, the power of the mind can transform anything and make

it happen.aren't we now now treading on free will vs destiny?>>

I believe that the present state of the world is dynamically

interrelated. When one realizes that matter can be affected by the use of

the (electrically-charged) mind, all sorts of interesting experiments can be

made. But why stop at spoons? Why not unite with two or three or more

persons in prayer!

Best wishes,


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Rhoda Reporter wrote:

> dear friends,

> just this morning i got to a magazine with an article

> on uri geller.would anyone like to find out more about

> him?

> according to him, the power of the mind can transform

> anything and make it happen.aren't we now treading on

> free will vs destiny?


Ilona wrote

I just remember him,

looking a TV show in the sixtees or so: he mentally tried to bend the eating

irons in his TV watchers homes. So later we took a look into our cutlery

drawer and found a fork bended!




This TV show was not in the 60s, but in the mid 70s. I did not see the show or

have the TV on, heard about it the next day. Nevertheless checked our cutlery

and found nothing bent. But Uri had also mentioned clocks and other gadgets. I

had an old watch, which one had to wind, a souvenir.It had stopped running years

ago because i could not wind it and repairs not worth the cost. But this watch

was running when I looked at it - after that i could wind it and keep it going


During the late 80s or so I met him at a conference re. paranormal abilities and

a bit later again at an esoteric healing conference.Since both were organized by

a friend of mine, I had a privileged place, could sit with the stars, often on

the dais as observer.


Uri´s demonstrations were in the afternoon. Just before lunch break my friend

requested me to get some mustard or carrot seeds. I managed to get a cupful of

mustards seeds from the hotel kitchen.


When Uri´s turn came, he first put a spoonful of the seeds in his hand and held

it closed. He the started speaking to the public. After about 10 minutes he

opened his hand: two of the seeds had started sprouting. He threw the rest away,

put the sprouts in a glass and held in his hand. Uri spoke for about 45 minutes.

During that time plants had grown over 6 inches tall!


Later an Italian expert showed he could make the needle of a compass point to

any direction he wanted, as well as just keep rotating. A Hungarian moved a cup

on the table a few inches.


Later we had tea together in the restaurant. Suddenly a young girl of about 10

years of age came running to our table and said, "Uncle Uri, I just learnt to do

what you can!" She picked up a spoon, held it between thumb and forefinger for a

miute. The spoon became soft and was soon hanging like spaghetti. She twisted

one side up and gave it to me. I still have this spiral spoon. She started

bending more spoons and forks, till we had to beg her to stop!


This shows that such powers can be latent in many of us. Children overcome the

blockades we have - our inner scepsis - and succeed quickly. Have seen this on

many occasions.


>From both conferences I could see that Uri was a spiritually advanced person,

very God-loving. He was a (multi) millionaire, having earned a lot through

aereal prospecting and serving various govrnments, US included. he told us

something amazing:

During the days of the cold war both sides would take telepaths with them when

meeting at critical conferences. The idea was to mentally influence the

politicians from the other side. Uri said it sometimes became a battle between

the telepaths, but it also ended in both groups deciding to influence both sides

to come to an agreement.


Uri is a very nice person, very modest and kind, with a sense of humour. He

is very convinced about the power of the mind and used to do a lot to help



As to determinism and free-will:


Matter does not come under fate in the normal sense, nor even many occurrences.

Only the experience. Circumstances can change, but our experience will be the



Aeschylus was told he would be killed by a stone falling on his head. So as

the time approached he lived entirely in the open, making sure there was nothing

above his head. But a vulture that had picked up a turtle was flying overhead,

looking for a rock to drop the turtle onto to crack its shell. Aeschylus was

bald and his head reflected the sunlight like a rock, so the bird dropped the

turtle on his head - he was killed!


The pre-determined experience can come in many ways.


World events are not really pre-determined, but have only tendencies. Edgar

Cayce´s predictions regarding such events were about the only ones where he was

"wrong". He kept changing his predictions about the World War II, clearly

indicating that the outbreak in Europe and US participation were not

predetermined, but the tendencies were being built up - and at every stage the

hope of prevention also existed. Only a week or so before Pearl Harbour did he

suddenly change and said the die was cast! Similarly his prediction for China

was right: the "suppression" would stop. It did for a few days, but ended

otherwise! His prediction about parts of Atlantis reappearing near Bahamas came

true precisely, as well as the discovery of a temple and archives near the

Sphinx recently.


For 2025 or so he said a mummy would come to life and teach us to read ancient

egyptian writing properly. He has even given the recipe for the food which the

mummy has to be given when it shows signs of life: Jordanian dates and figs

boiled in water or milk with honey, with a bit of polenta to thicken. ....




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