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astro signatures for vegetarism

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Dear Chris,

did you really mean PM in your case? Your given explanation relates to AM,

if I`m going right?


Please allow me to lead your interest to another aspect. I know, many of you

will not regard it to be truly vedic, but I am a notorious researcher. So

please take a look at Demeter Ceres in both cases, as she is the godess of

cereals and nourishment. If we would tell her exalted in virgo, she must be

fallen in pisces. Where is Ceres in both cases? In pisces! In your given

case she makes an exactly quinkunx with retro! jupiter and in my militant

case she is exactly aspecting mercury also forming a quinkunx.

So let us further observe Ceres in all charts, dealing with food.

Please compare although the other degrees in both cases and you will be



Regards Ilona

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Dear Ilona:


Thanks for posting this chart. But if I could make a suggestion: rather

than simply posting the data, I think it would be more expedient for list

members if a brief description of relevant chart characteristics could be

made in order to push the argument along a bit. I don't know about others,

but I have a limited amount of time and I can't cast charts at will. For

those in the same boat, it would be helpful to get a thumbnail sketch of

the key factors, if they are unable to spend the extra time casting the chart.


So in this chart, what is going on with the 2nd house and 2nd lord, since

we identified them as probable factors for eating habits? I just took a

peek at it and it's a puzzle. Asc is 13Vi32 with Libra in 2nd empty,

asepcted by Rahu. 2L Venus is aspected by Saturn and Mars. Any ideas?




At 09:46 AM 4/13/01 +0200, you wrote:

>Dear Chris,

>would like to add a chart of "militant vegetarism". Since about 1996 this

>girl troubles her parents, sister and brother with her behaviour. Family is

>very tolerant and completely supporting daughters`vegetarism; but even the

>father or little sister are not allowed to make themselves a sausage

>sandwich when the girl is at home.

>Mother is a wrack and feels family going to be destroyed.

>august 13.1988 10:41 AM 7E43 50N06 zone 1.00, daylight

>saving time 1

>regards Ilona







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Dear Chris,

what`s going on in this chart is for example that virgo lagna generally has

to do with intestines, health, nutritition a.s.o. Afflicted by mars and

saturn makes a person worried, frustrated, fault-finding, boring ,

interfering with others` processes.

Mars aspects her 2nd house too, reaching here exactly very slow running

retrograde pluto, what should be enough making her militant.

Ruler of 2nd afflicted in 10th gives trouble with occupation related to


regards Ilona

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Dear Ilona:


That's an interesting take on it for sure. So you see her vegetarianism as

a not-necessarily-satvic expression but rather as a consequence of a

personality disorder, for lack of a better term. It's really true that

lots of western kids choose this lifestyle for fashionable and perhaps,

less than noble reasons. And yet, how can we square that with common sense

astrological knowledge about the 2nd house? I mean, if you were reading

her chart, you wouldn't have predicted her veggie-ness, would you? Her

2nd house is not in good shape and that is how we normally assess this

question. Perhaps we would have only predicted her family problems. In

other words, this stirs the pot even more. Since there is more than one

route to vegetarianism, there is more than one signature as well.




At 06:19 PM 4/13/01 +0200, you wrote:

>Dear Chris,

>what`s going on in this chart is for example that virgo lagna generally has

>to do with intestines, health, nutritition a.s.o. Afflicted by mars and

>saturn makes a person worried, frustrated, fault-finding, boring ,

>interfering with others` processes.

>Mars aspects her 2nd house too, reaching here exactly very slow running

>retrograde pluto, what should be enough making her militant.

>Ruler of 2nd afflicted in 10th gives trouble with occupation related to


>regards Ilona








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Dear Chris,

thanks for your answer. And be honest, would you have seen vegginess in your

client`s 2nd? What I saw was rahu, who at his best could lead to some

uncommon nourishment and why not vegetarism? I do not believe that this weak

and retrograde Jupiter, who is a malefic for this lagna has the power for

some kind of holy food. My impression is, that he simply lets her eat, what

she believes to need.

Where I am seeing the connection between both cases is the bad familiar

situation in their charts. Perhaps this leads them to some kind of

compensation, in this case to take vegetarian food. For the time I do not

believe, that we can see vegetarism in our charts but perhaps we can see

some connection to the type of preparing food . Lagna will us also give us

some good tips. In your case capricorn might give some type of self control.

One last word let me say to my beloved Ceres, as you wished her exalted in

vegetarism and not deleted. What point would she aspect in both cases? Her

point of exaltation!

So, the weak ones will be the strongest! This is my view, regarding some,

not all! deleted planets.

By the way, what use the americans to eat on easter? This question shall not

be a joke, hoping you`ll find the time to answer.


Good easters and best wishes, Ilona

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Dear Ilona:


At 11:52 AM 4/14/01 +0200, you wrote:

>Dear Chris,

>thanks for your answer. And be honest, would you have seen vegginess in your

>client`s 2nd?


No way. That was my point. It goes against most things we think of when

we think of vegetarianism.


What I saw was rahu, who at his best could lead to some

>uncommon nourishment and why not vegetarism?


But this contradicts our idea of vegetarianism as a noble and satvic

pursuit, things that are antithetical to Rahu's significations and the

other afflictions to the 2nd house. In the case you presented of the Aug

13 1998 girl, perhaps we will have to concede that the astrological

signatures do not always describe objective conditions (she is a

vegetarian) but subjective realities (she will use food to induce conflict

in the family, or to bolster her ego, or whatever). This is a very real

possibility that I have heard from time to time from world-weary

astrologers who, in the face of charts that do not match facts very well,

allow for this little escape-hatch. A person with a great 2nd and 11th

house but is dirt poor and yet feels wealthy. What to do? Do those

feelings of subjective wealth account for the strength in the money houses?

In my case Apr 16 1970, we have to accept the possibility that Rahu can

be strengthened by a good dispositor and good aspects so the satvic

interpretation can hold.


I do not believe that this weak

>and retrograde Jupiter, who is a malefic for this lagna has the power for

>some kind of holy food.


I wouldn't agree with you. Retrograde planets are wild cards if only

because we don't really understand them well. Lots of contradictory

opinions floating around out there. My best guess, following Rick Houck

BTW, is that retrograde planets are above all, stronger, because they are

always slower in their motion. Planets near stations are most powerful. A

slow Jupiter will enhance Jupiter's qualities in whatever sign and house

it's in and aspects. It's retrograde status may well weaken some living

significations but that may not apply to our discussion here, as food is

dead. (that sounded a bit grisly!) Anyway, 2L Saturn has lots of help from

5L and 9L conjunctions, so we don't have to pin all our veggie hopes on

Rahu and aspects to the 2nd house itself.


My impression is, that he simply lets her eat, what

>she believes to need.

>Where I am seeing the connection between both cases is the bad familiar

>situation in their charts. Perhaps this leads them to some kind of

>compensation, in this case to take vegetarian food. For the time I do not

>believe, that we can see vegetarism in our charts but perhaps we can see

>some connection to the type of preparing food . Lagna will us also give us

>some good tips. In your case capricorn might give some type of self control.

>One last word let me say to my beloved Ceres, as you wished her exalted in

>vegetarism and not deleted. What point would she aspect in both cases? Her

>point of exaltation!


But in what house? If it doesn't relate to the 2nd house or the 2nd lord,

then I would argue it isn't specific enough to help us understand this case.



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thanks for this discussion, cause I like to dispute a bit!

You asked about Ceres aspecting which house? VIRGO, the natural 6th house

of health, sickness, intestines and so on. This was in my mind.

Relating to jupiter my idea was the aspect from the sun winning planetery

war in his exaltation sign aries and being a malefic for capricorns too.

So, lets finish debate for this time and start another someone later, with


Regards, Ilona

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