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Mental Illness/Grief

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Namaste Listmembers,

Here is the chart of my youngest sister, Colleen, 8yrs

my junior. 29th June 1966, 6pm Mildura, Victoria (34S12 142E09). She is a

little sweetie. She has taken 12mths leave of absence from her position as

Manager of the Welfare section of the Education Dept. Basically in the last

couple of years, her beloved husband of 16yrs decided he needed the lion

share of their shared resources to start a new life with a cute 23yr old in

New York,( maybe because of Colleens' inability to conceive children?), and

both her parents died. She has 'dropped her bundle'. Grief has paralysed

her. She is highly intelligent, although I would suggest she has found

career success through dogged persistence and determination.

I have great faith she will come through this 'dark night of the Soul'

stronger and wiser. I have seen psychic ability in her hands, but I have to

tread gently as she has been indoctrinated within the halls of academia, to

view astrology etc as hocus pocus. As comic relief and to illustrate Col's

world view...She brought a farm with established fruit trees. As I also have

many trees, she asked how to prune them. I suggested she ask the

overlighting Deva of the farm and the tree whether it wanted to be

pruned...she laughed so much she had tears streaming down her cheeks. "So

trees have rights, Ann"?.

Anyway, I wish I could lift her into my arms and kiss it better.

Best Wishes,


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Dear Ann,


I am a novice at Jyotish interpretation so I won't attempt understanding

your younger sister's chart---but I will pass on to you a brief bit of

information that helped my son who was diagnosed with mental illness a couple

of years ago. His doctors used massive drug therapy on him to no avail.


The doctors had told me his complex mental disease lasts a lifetime, and

they also threw their hands up and said he was untreatable. They said 90% of

people with illness as severe as my son had, never come back to normalcy, no

matter what treatment. This news was a blessing to me: I wanted us to be

among the 10% who do! I rallied myself with that thought....we could be

among the cured ten percent, so why not give it our best efforts to come true!


Then I re-read Louise L. Hay's small book, "Heal Your Life" in which she

states emotional/ mental significance for different ailments of the body. In

the back of her book I saw a drawing of a spine, and I read her notes saying

that mental imbalance has to do with the Atlas or topmost part of the spinal



Immediately after reading this I called a chiropractor, crying, asking

him to please see my son as soon as he could, he has just been discharged

from 3 weeks' involuntary hospitalization for mental illness, I want him to

be healed! He agreed to see my son and evaluate his spinal health.


I did not tell the chiropractor what Louise Hay's book had said, but

after the examination I asked the chiropractor what was out of alignment in

my son's spine. He spoke about different areas and then he mentioned the

Atlas bone, the one that holds up the head itself. "Tell me about that one",

I asked. "Well, it's out of alignment in two different planes," he began, so

that his head is thrust forward and then tipped to the left." My son had

been holding his head up in a way that looked as if he were "snobby" or

something, it made his neck look somewhat bent and his Adam's apple looked

prominent. So I realized that something that looked like someone having an

attitude, was actually a misalignment of bones in the spine! The

chiropractor adjusted my son's spine even though my son didn't seem really

cognisant of anything besides his own self talking about space travel and

inventing a perpetually renewable energy source.


After chiropractic adjustment, my son began holding his head in a more

normal way. He said to me as we drove home, that he'd like to become a

chiropractor! I asked why, he replied, "Because it feels so good and it

helps people."


He continued receiving weekly treatments for several months until my

son's senses entirely returned to him. Along with his spinal adjustment

treatment, my son ate health-giving foods with added nutritional supplements

(using information taken from book recommendations for nerves and brain

health), and we prayed a great deal as well.


There is no problem given to us on earth that cannot be solved, and no

person whose Creator will not answer his earnest cries for help. Each case

is different, so the path to one's healing is unique. If you have a 99%

chance of not being healed, why not take the 1% chance of a complete cure and

never look back until you have achieved success.


Best wishes,


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