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air crash near China

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I just felt the need to comment on this situation.

I own a house that we were unable to sell when we had

to move across town and so we rent it out. The person

we rent it to is a high ranking officer in the US

Army. The hot water heater failed and had to be

replaced so we talked while waiting for the repair

yesterday, and I felt that he had some comments that I

found extremely interesting:


1 He stated that the mission was indeed peaceful and

not even noteworthy.

2 The Chinese pilot had been approaching and even

harassing US planes in the area previously.

3 He felt that the arrogant and aggressive demand of

an apology by the Chinese was indicative of Chinese

guilt or an attempt to get money from US.

4 The US plane did not hit the Chinese plane rather

the Chinese plane charged and hit the American plane.



Personally, I think that the Chinese should

have apologized to the US.





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gjlist, Carolhook@a... wrote:

> It depends upon whose word you take as being truthful, and that

makes a big difference in whom you'll believe. Communist-controlled

government or Democratic Republic of, by, and for free people, which

one has more status to lose by telling the truth?



Om Amrtesvaryai Namah!!




this ongoing argument over a politically motivated dispute btw China

and US is not only a waste of Jyotish web space, but a waste of time

and effort...as well as a debasing of the lofty purposes of this list.

now let me add to the wastage a little! ONCE only!


when such comments as those above are given, one is immediately

reminded of the Iran Contra Arms Drugs Scandal...and who was to be

believed in that case...Did Ronnie Rayguns REALLY know nothing about

it? and who WAS in charge of all this...Bush Senior!and did his boys

have any support positions in all of this?Just ask yourselves which

two southern states have the most drugs entering into the country thru

themselves.....you guessed it...Florida and Texas...now which

laundered the most drug money....Florida and Texas (in the

south)...and which states provided the most presidential campaign

funds...you guessed it again Florida and Texas...and which states do

the Bushes run....Florida and Texas...interesting or...and which state

DECIDED the Amerikan election....Florida, run by Jeb Bush...hmmmmmmm

does any one see a pattern forming here?


Should we REALLY trust GW's version of ANYTHING?


Saddam Hussein believed the Amerikans would leave him alone after he

sounded them out about his intentions re Kuwait, and was told it was

no big deal, and that they weren't really interested...he thought

Amerika was his "friend"...next thing he knew...Gulf War...


we could go back even further....let's take a look at the second world

war and just WHY Amerika refused to enter into the war until FORCED to

by Japan....


the plain facts are, that the Big Amerikan industrialists,

capitalists, and financiers were making entirely TOO much money

dealing arms and parts to BOTH sides of the European conflict...and

once again they had let Hitler believe that they were his

"friends"...and that he was under no threat from them for rearranging

Europe a little...it was making just way too much money for the people

who live in the land of the "free" and home of the "brave"....just

check out your Rockefellars, and your Duponts, and your Carnegies and

Morgans...just take a little look at the dealings of Ford and General

Motors...and Standard Oil,and check out how the German war machine ran

on AMERIKAN tetra-ethyl lead gasoline, produced by an Amerikan

designed and set up factory in Germany...and fuelling Ford vehicles in

the war machine.


German bombs, bombsights, and airplanes had parts manufactured by

ITT....Standard Oil had a deal with IG Farben which stipulated that

Standard would not develop a synthetic rubber (which IG Farben AG was

working on) and IG Farben would not develop whatever that Standard Oil

was working on...it even got so that the War department apparently

told Standard Oil that its refusal to develop synthetic rubber was a

major stumbling block in the Amerikan "war" effort....and that if the

war was lost to Germany...Standard Oil would be very much

responsible...they still wouldn't work on synthetic rubber, because

commercial interests were far more important than national

interests...and to capitalists look the same...in fact the CIA was

founded by these same Nazis in the Amerikan attic...as a means to

cover up the shady dealings of these major players in the financial

and capitalistic games....they didn't want it let out that they had

been hand in hand working with both the enemy and their own side...(as

originally the "enemy" had been a "friend".)


but come the 1960's, and these same companies were presssing the US

government for war reparations...for damages incurred to their

industrial plants in Germany during the war, which were producing

German war materiel...and guess what...they got paid....millions and

millions of dollars...because the Government knew what REALLY had been

going on...but has been producing their "Dick meets Jane" historical

versions of the whole war ever since...to cover up their own criminal

activities...not only the Nazis in Germany have a lot to hide....

the Nazis in the Amerikan closet do too!


so it begins to appear that Amerika is a VERY TREACHEROUS FRIEND

indeed....they'll sell you arms arms arms...but what they won't tell

you is that they're also selling arms to your enemy "Bill"...over the

hill and down the way...so that you can both have fun blowing each

other up....oh yes this is so ethical!


and then you can ask me again just whose version of events we should

believe....NEITHER!!!!They both have an agenda to press on to the rest

of us...both China and the US can benefit from having an enemy...each

other!!...this will pump billions of dollars into the pockets of GW

Bush and his capitalist friends who support the arms trade...


just remember the charts for the Bush "inauguration"...and tell me he

isn't interested in having an enemy...no matter what it takes...lies

are great for that...slightly stretched truth is even better....and

truth which is partially told, but keeping back just the right

items....that's the best...tried and true by your beloved CIA...and

the White house for years and years....why should it be any different

this time??? if you Amerikans expect the rest of the world to

automatically buy the Bush version of reality, you will be in for a

BIG disappointment...because unlike you, who voted for him, the rest

of the world sees him as a potential despot, and a war monger....not

to mention a death-penalty, and prison-crazed ex-governor of

Texas...the state with the most prison inmates, per capita, of any in

the union....does this sound like a healthy way to run a State, much

less a country???


Just because Amerika is the only bully on the block doesn't mean that

Amerika is always right!


And do you REALLY think that the government in the US or ANYWHERE is

run by the people, for the people, and of the people????? You mean you

bought all that propaganda that the Goverment has been peddling for

the last two centuries????...US Government has ALWAYS been by the

elite, wealthy, capitalistic types and FOR the elite capitalistic

types...NEVER by, OR for, the common man...the common man exists only

as fodder for the capitalists....that hasn't changed in two

centuries...what has changed is the cute little stories they use to

disguise the trap...


as John Lennon used to sing:


"You think you're so clever and classless and free,

But you're all f-ing peasants as far as i can see...."


who do you think this was directed to, my dear Amerikan friends?


Now please let us not have any more useless political discussions on

this, a jyotish list...perhaps the best we can hope for is to agree to



thank you for your kind patience in reading this....sorry if i threw

some cold water on your bonfire....but after reading all the glib

repeatings of the standard media B.S., which i would hope NEVER to see

on such a list as this one, i felt it necessary to introduce a little

perspective...take off your blinders, Amerika and look at the rest of

the world....how do THEY see you...the land of the "free" and home of

the "brave"...is there a reason that Amerika is NOT the favourite-most

country in the world????just ask yourselves that one in the quiet of a

starlight night....when such silly things as patriotism, and "My

country tis of Thee" assume their real significance in the Universal

Order...we think we mere specks of dust are SO important....and yet

our essential fragility is without doubt...


we are but little birds perched timorously upon a dry twig, enjoying

the "fruits" of our karmas...and at ANY moment that twig may

break...and we will have to fly away...to our next incarnation...that

will show us what is REALLY important, and what is mere frippery!

You decide yourselves, whether political disputes are a worthy

engagement for this little bird perched on a dry twig....who never

knows when it will break...(think of our friend Natabara for

example...that is EACH ONE OF US dear sisters and brothers...at ANY

MOMENT, exactly the same or another more "interesting" fate may hit

any one of us....Do we want to have wasted our valuable lives on

political disputes????????)...or would it be much better to have

developed a real, lasting, loving relationship with the Beloved

Deity???you decide...



Perhaps it might be of more value to honestly, and with great passion,

pursue your heart's dream...and leave the politics to the crooks who

love it (unless of course YOU are one of those crooks...in which

case...have fun on your dry twig!!)


in the Divine Mother's Love,

and in Her Service,


as ever,

Your Own Self,




Om Amrtesvaryai Namah!!

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