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Depression Breakthroughs (Irish/Scot/Brit READ !! )

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meenum s Kaegan, anum ancient Druid....


enuf ya doenundrstun me, issanna proeblem, assa ergo now translator......




I thought I'd come to your party, since I heard a call go out into the subtle

ethers that you were inviting subtle bodied beings as well.


Glad to be amongst kindred. Pass the Primrose Oil please...


Thanks, ahhh, now then, can I tell you something of detail friends?


Ahh, thank yee for the ear...now then...




Realizations these days are coming to me at the speed of light.


For so long, I have had a hard time having the will or inner joy to go on. It

was so hard. This lasted for years. 8 to be specific. Since 93 it has taken

sheer push for me to live, and this is the period during which I learned

Jyotish, and wrote the program etc., and if you'll notice using my chart here

on this ancient piece of Irish bog parch here...ah yes, see now, that this

whole period is one during which Saturn transited all my planets as they are

in a garland from Aquarius to Taurus pretty much. Moon, 1st lord, 1st house,

Venus, then Sun and Mercury. It's been a long hard time.


Although I got a lot done, I have lived in constant pain internally. This

ultimately resulted in Major Depression being diagnosed, and the usual anti

depressents prescribed, for Seratonin Neurotransmiters in the brain. The

science is getting more detailed it seemed to me, but the drugs, though they

help, don't seem to really make me feel better, actually. I was grateful, but

not cured.


I then got ahold of a book- Depression Free For Life by Gabriel Cousons MD.


Through that book, I recently learned (like a few days ago) about a Genetic

Defect some Irish, British, Scottish and Dutch people have, that results in

depression and addiction. Fortunately, it's corrected by adding a good deal

of a few certain oils or fish to your diet. I'm using the oil. Flaxseed, or

Hemp Seed, or Evening Primrose (the best one). These are all available in my

local health food store.


For the last 3 days, I don't take my anti depressents, instead I just take

this oil.


The lights came back on. It's been 8 years, but now I am feeling good again

for the first time. Actually feeling good, internally. A bright happy

enthusiasm for just living has returned. It's hard to describe the feeling

unless you experience it. Those of us with serious neurotransmitter imbalance

or damage, and who have been engaged in trying to alter or manage these brain

chemicals in the fight for emotional survival know very well the subtle

details between how the different chemicals like Seratonin, Dopamine, GABA,

etc., feel and work within us, whereas the healthy amongst us take these

basic little brain chemicals for granted.


Anyway, this oil is a breakthrough. It's only for a certain group of us, as I

said. But we all know the Irish are famous for drinking. Well, they're in

emotional pain in a way you can't understand. It's subtle, profound, all

encompassing in terms of it effects every layer of tissue, and is alot like

needing aspirin all the time for all tissues, put it that way, because this

genetic defect is in the area of fatty acid conversion to prostoglandins,

which are related to how aspirin work to remove pain, lower heart attack

risk, etc.


Just as radiation can give you "sunburn" throughout your body because it

penetrates to every layer, so Dopamine deficiency, affects every nerve

transaction throughout your brain/body in a sense, so in a sense, you are in

pain, like nobody else, and nobody else can feel that, and you have become

accustomed to it too, kindof, but the tendency to reach for euphoric self

medication (drugs/alcho) or other Endorphin rushes

(sex/food/rewards/addictions) is simply a chemical necessity, just as animals

too prefer alchohol after stressful situations, and animals with clinically

reduced Dompamine levels also take to alchoholism etc.


When those Dopamine levels, which you DON"T EVEN CURRENTLY KNOW ARE DOWN IN

YOU are brought up to normal like everyone else, you are going to feel bright

and happy like you have never felt, being basically genetically deprived of

this what should be a "birthright", but in our case, is more of a "birth

denial" or group karma if you like.


"The Fighting Irish" (low dopamine levels create irritability)

"Irish Drunk" (low dopamine levels create urgency for pain relief)

"Irish Catholic"(religion as a means of tolerance of and rationalization of



My family is a strong Black Irish strain of people. They're very sweet and

good generally, but dark, easily touched off by nature, touchy, irritable,

alchoholic, addictive, depressed. I turned my back on them easily when the HK

movement told me "the western people are all in illusion, in maya, and sinful

etc". I ate it up. I was sanctimonious, taught to be judgemental religiously

anyway with all the Catholicism stuff in my life in childhood, and anyway, I

just wrote of my family of origin and forgot about them.


Now that curing myself has led me to a glaring Irish genetic reality in my

own body, and since the cure is so cheap, so easy, so available, so natural

and wholistic, and since I feel Sooooooooooooooooooooooooo much better



I am suddenly cast into TONS of feelings of sorrow and compassion for my

ancestors like never before. These things are related to Parkinsons disease.

My dad died of it. I already shake a bit, but now that's already starting to

reverse in just 3 days of taking the oil.


Now suddenly I realize there is so much suffering in so many people which is

possibly curable quite easily. I've been spending $100 a month on anti

depressents. I understand this is the largest profit center for those

pharmacuetical companies involved in same. There is big bucks being made on

high tech drugs which are prescribed without proper diagnosis. There is money

to be made in keeping the simple fixes secret.


That book I mentioned is more than for depressed people. I highly recommend

everyonoe read it. There is elements of a change in social consciousness in

that book. That author, is a person of profound importance today. I highly

highly strongly urge you all to acquire, read and pass around that book. Talk

about it with your close ones. There is lessons in it for all of us about

diet, about the science of neurotransmitter chemistry. MUCH MORE is known

actually than is commonly being bandied about.


Dr Cousons has obviously done his homework. There are hundreds of scientific

papers and studies in the back of his book broken down by chemical, by

symptom, by area of brain etc., it's awesome. The book is both an

encyclopedia of some of the most important knowledge we must learn and share

as humans, and it is also easily readable, not very big, and so on. This is a

very important book for ANY COUNSELOR (read astrologers too!!!) to read and



IF YOU ARE IN THE BUSINESS IN ANY WAY of helping people, then you MUST read

this book otherwise you will be a second class uninformed counselor in the

area of depression, which lets face it, is a pretty big and important area in

dealing with people.


I have been involved in all kinds of thoughts and actions which were actually

simply attempts at pain reduction within myself, basically parts of survival

feedback loops that had nothing to do with the real healthy person I could be

or should be, and don't come from the healthy side of me, and by allowing

into my life, only made me sicker and sicker actually (our uninformed self

medication or other lifestyle choices made in ignorance while in pain, are

often then causes of new depletions in other parts of the brain, thus

complexing one's problem)


My particular problem is with Dopamine levels, not Seratonin. The commonly

prescribed anti-d's are all aimed at Seratonin. I am in a subgroup of people

who have a genetic defect. It's very peculiar and in some ways quite opposite

the norm regarding digestion of fat into important necessary basic nerve

related chemicals. This is a particular unique and completely out of the

ordinary situation. We need to eat alot extra of a certain fatty acid, GLA,

which most people normally should avoid taking more of. It's the junk fat

found in all junk food. But we shouldn't eat that of course, but taking a

high quality food grade or supplement grade GLA rich oil like Evening

Primrose Oil is just what Dr St Patrick wants us to do.


It's not a lie, and not exageration, but my attraction to those habits which

are very bad for me, which used to be something I'd run to for relief, no

longer are very attractive. I like being bright, awake, clear, and ready to

live each moment in the now and fully. I am happy. I can say that. I am happy



Just from eating a little cheap oil each day. That's ALL. I stopped the

Effexor. Yes, I feel some "Seratonin Shakes", but those are caused by past

bad habits, and they will correct now that the Dopamine levels are corrected

for inner peace and a feeling of well being most take for granted, absolutely

for granted, not realizations that a slight shift in chemical balance could

rocket them into feelings of despair and fear with absolutely no change in

their reality in fact externally, only chemicals in the head.Seratonin can

"come back online" by itself in a positive feedback loop of healing, rather

than what I was in, a negative feedback loop headed straight for early death.


Being a living guinea pig of modern depression treatment therapies for years,

living alone in the pain and anxiety of not knowing if it's "you" or

something else that is "doing this to you", "ruining your life", etc...well,

you hide your facts and self from others. Long hair, sunglasses, distracting

moves, clothes, etc., avoidance, denial, all kinds of things start to become

you, which are not you, which have nothing to do with you. You spend alot on

Psychiatrists, counselors, massages, treatments, supplements, etc. You try

everything. Nothing really works. It's you you you. You're bad. Things that

work for others don't work for you because you're bad, so you think. You go

down, more and more.


Knowledge however, comes to save you sometimes. Pure knowledge, not for

profit, not for someones prestige or control- no, rather, just a real

Brahmin, a good hearted person with knowledge, a real doctor, a real giver,

like Gabriel Cousons, they come along and bless you with what you need. In my

case, just the knowledge of a deficiency I carry corrected by eating more of

a natural plant oil. That's all. Simple. Fixed. Fixed enough to fix the rest

of the damage caused by years of not knowing the real problem, and the real



It's like my car. I've done everything shy of rebuilding it, but it just

never stops leaking oil. There's something more wrong with it than is

commonly understood by the mechanics, and until that's found and fixed, it

will leak oil.


There are good people like me out there. I'm not the only person with alot of

Irish blood that is thought to "be addictive" and who's life is slowly ruined

by all that that means. And that is inevitable. If you're addictive enough,

you will have a life in AA meetings permanently, or in pain, or you'll die of

your habits. It's pretty bleak in prospect. This has been my reality, and

that of a good bunch of my family members too. Many periods of really heavy

struggle with inner pain and addiction.


So the point is, spread the word. The word is simple. Evening Primrose Oil.

Capsules, drink it, put it on food, whatever. Get it real fresh, pure, store

cold, out of light, etc. This is the way it will be sold when it's a serious

offering- in the fridge section of a health food store, in opaque bottles,

expeller pressed, natural, organize, no Thorzane or other chemicals used in

expelling process, all this will be on the good bottles, or just get the

depressed Irish/British persons to read "Depression free for life" by Gabriel

Cousons. It's all in there.


Let's make Pharmacueticals NOT the darlings of Wall Street because of anti

depression drugs. That's not something we want going on in our society.

Rather, lets spread the word whenever there is simple natural fixes for some

widespread, subtle, and human-destroying condition like this. And if you are

of the Islands by descent, and depressive, or addictive, or both, try it.

Give it some days. Watch. If you get what I've gotten lately out of this, you

will think you have just taken a major fork in life in a very positive



Well friends, thank yee 'gain 'n 'gain fer yee kindred like 'havior




....n ee shell bee bak err trust hee hee

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Good to hear you're back and feeling on top of the world. As a fellow

person of Northern European descent that likes listening to the Blues a bit

too much for his own good, I'm curious about the Cousins approach. How

much of the Oil of Evening Primose do you take? Another thing, how do you

know that dopamine is the problem with you? Does this book give you a way

to figure out what is the best approach? I'll look for it for sure, but I

just wanted to ask you for a little background.


welcome back,



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