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Oil/Book - some details

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Hi Chris and everyone,


Good thing we all brought our own plates and cups and so on, no garbage is a

good thing. Take only pictures, leave only footprints...




I'm taking like about 4 tablespoons of Evening Primrose Oil per day, and hits

of Hemp and Flax Seeds Oils... per day...at this point... I can clearly sense

a new mood which is simply "life" like most people, and I used to, experience

it. Seratonin I can feel is freaking out from dropping the Effexor, but

that's ok with me for now, we'll see how that part goes.


Yes, the book gives you the tools for self diagnosis in terms of which

transmittors one is lacking, Seratonin, GABA, Dopa.., Norepenepherine, and

other things like Thyroid Issues, Adrenaline, Stress, Diet, etc. I could

easily, within an hour or so, clearly see, with some scientific basis under

my thoughts, that my situation relates mostly to Dopamine and GABA

personally, and not Seratonin, which answers why now two popular anti

depressents have failed to actually help me, though I faithfully took them.

They were not correct. Wrong diagnosis, wrong medication, for ME PERSONALLY,

which is what it's all about, personally understanding who and what you are,

and what you need, to be you, not somebody else, as nobody/nothing is a clone

actually (yet (!)(?)).


This positive approach is causing new positive side effects in me, like

appreciating my father more for who he was, like greatly say, and

appreciating the true effects of history on our current lives, and many

little things, like loving myself more, thinking I have a purpose, thinking

I'm "valid the way I am", or just that "I am unique" and "need unique care"

and nobody better suited to take care of me than, guess who!?


This is all new (embarrassed to admit) positive, simple, things that are

coming to me to save me from my own bad past patterns. Breaking bad cycles,

and replacing them, is one way of referring to "the work" of real repair,

restoration, and freedom.


Back to the book...


It's very cool that it has these constant pop up sections called "Your

personal biochemistry" at each part of the book- where it summarizes symptoms

and parts of life/mind/body that are affected directly by a specific

transmittor, then it lists the foods that affect the bodies own creation of

that one both positive and negative, so that you can reduce or increase one

as need be.


Psychiatrists, though some know some or all of this, do not in general do

complete diagnosis of depression patients. This is for a number of reasons. I

have personal experience now with four different ones. I have had similar

experiences over the years with all of them. It's kindof unfortunate, but at

this time, if you really want to work with a trained pro on this stuff who

can diagnose correctly on a personal (it has to be) and detailed (it has to

be) level, then you pretty much gotta go see Dr Cousens himself or someone

like him. He has a center in Patagonia Arizona, and it sounds like he lives

there. They check people in. It's a healing place for this kind of stuff.

It's wholistic and all inclusive. I haven't been. Just read a bit about it on

the cover of the book. I also called them to thank them. Gal sounded nice,

and spoke as if he was there himself. He speaks about diagnosing and treating

thousands of depression patients, and apparently that is his focus.


I think the reason most people get some boost from the common anti-d drugs is

that all depression folks are low on seratonin, and so getting a boost there

from the SRI drug class helps, but doesn't fully help, or cure, anybody. In

fact, the SRI approach is certainly, by definition, not at all a cure, but

just yet another high tech symptom treating expense making a company rich.


The poor can't afford the drugs, and walk around with unfulfilled $100 per

month prescriptions in their pockets, as they suffer through their days, the

pain being due to a complex and long established system of feedback loops

that actually start with diet, then work their way into lifestyle ruts,

genetic patterns, cultural patterns, and so on. In fact, to properly diagnose

a depressive person requires visiting their home, watching their habits,

asking a ton of questions, understanding their genetic background, their

diet, etc etc. It's wholistic, because it's a problem that is either rooted

in or touching upon nearly every part of their life, and to undo it actually,

to actually change this person into a positive entity is such a wholistic

job, that theres NO WAY anyone but they THEMSELVES can actually accomplish



I suppose it would be conceivable that one wealthy person could pay someone

to tell them exactly what to do, and thus manage all the thinking about their

diangosis and therapy without their involvement. I suppose theoretically to a

great degree that would be possible.


But actually, when you start to unravel your "stuff", if you've got a good

load of family issues, childhood issues, war, stress, whatever your thing is,

well, you're going to hit those points, and all that stuff must be faced. You

do not skip anything in life, you just either deal with it, or deny it, which

means put off dealing with it til later, with lots of interest in the form of

all the problems that the denial has created in the meanwhile. These layers

of added on problems are usually what everyone is fighting with each other

about, and the real people don't know themselves or each other, or their real

problems, and are just caught in managing the barnacles sticking on to them

because of the ongoing presence of the real problems, much like managing

national debt, or dieing from a disease caused by AIDS; these are examples of

problems caused by an original different problem.


So fixing oneself is truly wholistic, and so that is one reason I love this

book. It makes me feel empowered to manage the thing in life which has been

the greatest challenge of all for me, which is simply feeling not constantly

slightly irritated and agitated, and needing something "comforting". It makes

the relationship of diet to this matter very scientifically painfully

obvious. I like that too. I need to hear that very clear, as I have a

tendency to use food for comfort and pleasure, rather than thinking of food

as nourishment or replenishment of specific needed elements. We are also

conditioned to think of dead things as food. Things like candy bars, potato

chips, and many many things we eat all the time that are less junky, like the

oils we eat for example, there are so many places in our diets where we are

eating dead new creations that have replaced the original living thing...

for the sake of convenience, speed, storage concerns, saleability concerns,

shelf life, pestilence issues, and so on, for all these concerns of our life

styles in terms of avoiding work around whole food, we have replaced whole

and healthful natural foods with dead replacements, and this takes its toll

on our society, on ourselves, on how we think and experience each moment in

each day.


Picture an ugly and highly troubled person in a welfare office, eating a bag

of cheetos, and understand they eat all the time junk produced by machines,

lacking now any living enzymes or other signs of life, food that even bugs

won't eat, even animals won't eat, food so dead bugs don't see it as food

worth infesting...


And this person is on pills...also produced by corporations, like the dead

food they eat, and they watch corporate commercials, and corporate sponsored

TV shows all day... There is ALOT wrong with this picture for ANY living

organism. There are many subtle crimes against humanity being performed right

now in what we call "Food Factories" with names like "Purina" and "General

Mills" to name a few. These large corporations make it their business to fund

the worst of farms, collect garbage quality level gross grain from the Earth

they overspray with "pest" icides (who said gods creatures/creations are

"pests" ??? ), then strip that of any remaining quality, then add back

"vitamins" harvested in dead ways elsewhere, then spray that so bugs won't

recognize it as food but rather as poison, then box it, ship it, store it,

sell it, and we eat it. This is not a good idea AT ALL.


We are BUILT to eat LIVING healthy things like plants, fruits, grains, nuts,

and if you believe so, meat, all of which has to be fresh, which simply means

"still living", otherwise, yuck. Who wants to eat rotten flesh, moldy bread,

rancid nuts, rotten vegetables, etc. Who wants to eat only dried out things?

Nobody. But many of our "foods" are this way- totally dead, completely

rancid, completely dry, and we think it's food. Wrong. Bad results

guaranteed, and being experienced. Just look around.


Most people...


Basically, they are on a plastic tube from Hollywood Corporate American

DreamNightMare which feeds them Soilant Green's less nutritious cousin, takes

whatever money they have... leaves them lifeless and not even realizing they

could be way better off by just eating better, and often for less money than

they currently spend.


But the daughters and sons of the CEOs and prime shareholders do not look

like the uglies in the welfare office who buy the products, the "consumers",

and these more blessed children can afford to and do avail themselves of

better nutrition and lifestyles generally.



That he, who is me.

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Hey Das:


Thanks for all these details. So if I understand you right, the book gives

you ways to determine where your biochemistry is off. My question is: does

this then determine what type of oil or other remedy you should be taking?

I mean, are you taking Evening Primrose because your dopamine is wonky?

And would someone with a serotonin imbalance therefore take something else?

This is all good stuff. I was aware of the importance of Flaxseed and and

other omega3 oils for general health, but didn't know about the direct mind




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