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Nutritional medicine

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Om Amrtesvaryai Namah!!


Namaste all!!


wow Dasji.....you are definitely in top form today...if just a little

bit of that evening primrose oil makes that much difference, i'm on my

way (when recovered from the pneumonia) to get some and check it

out...also you've certainly got me interested in that book...i'm

of northern European extraction also....Norwegian, and we are just as

famous as the Irish for our depressions, and addictions....as for wild

living...just remember the Vikings!....i always thought that it had

something more to do with SAD or Seasonal Affective Disorder, which

might severely afflict people in the north...i know i perk up as the

spring arrives...and go a bit more down as winter deepens..


i've been experimenting like you over the years...in fact your story

sounded very familiar in terms of family stuff...the addictions, and


i've been trying St. John's Wort Oil for quite a while, and it seems

also to help somewhat. i was trying it for migraines...another

neurotransmitter disorder...and just like you were describing for the

depressed person, the migraineur is living in a raw, unprotected

nerves kind of world....it's like we have not enough insulation on the

nerves, or...we are hyper responsive to ANY stimuli...thus an ordinary

sunny day can be a migraine trigger to us, because our bodies cannot

cope with the stress of dealing with the glare of the Sun, either off

water or just on its own...so we migraineurs who are affected in this

way can easily be identified in a crowd...we are the ones with the big

hats, and dark sunglasses, not to hide from people but from the bright

light...which hurts our eyes, and gives migraines...i am especially

easy to spot in the supermarkets (or almost ANYWHERE in a city!!),

because fluorescent lights are a major migraine trigger, and thus i

wear my sun gear when in the stores....big hat and dark

sunglasses....of course this makes it a bit harder to judge the

ripeness of fruit...but is a necessary protection because of the

unprotected nerves...i had looked at evening primrose oil off and on

over the years wondering if it might help...but hadn't read any

helpful papers on it...so hadn't tried...thanks Dasji for the tip...it

would be nice to get thru that feeling of always being assaulted by

the outside world...


as far as organic goes, you are hitting the nail right on the head...i

was just earlier reading an article in an electronic version of

"The Economist", because they are often interesting, and at least

"fair" in their coverage, although pretty conservative overall...EVEN

the ECONOMIST magazine comes out in favour of ORGANIC growing

techniques...and for economical, as well as taste and health

reasons... the header to their article, which was also in the printed

version of the magazine goes as follows:


"Organic farming


Golden apples

Apr 19th 2001

From The Economist print edition


Organic farming may indeed, as its practitioners have long

claimed, be better for the environment and produce tastier

food than its rivals."


the page is at:





and you have to include BOTH lines of script above...or you could just

go to www.economist.com and click on the "science and technology"

section of the menu on the left...then the article will be summarized

with a bunch of others, in a "table of contents" type of page, where

you just scroll down a bit, and click on the story you want...very

interesting...and confirms what Dasji is saying, as well as the

organic movement has been saying for a long time...(if we needed any

confirmation from such right-wing concerns you might add...to which i

suggest that if even the right-wingers see that organic is

cost-effective, and profitable, there will be more such produce

available just down the streets at your local stores.....


it's so nice to have your warm sunny self back Dasji!!!!


In the Divine Mother's Love,

and in Her Service,


as ever,

Your Own Self,




Om Amrtesvaryai Namah!

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