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For all those who suffer depression. Look to see if Moon is afflicted by

Malefics. Saturn in particular will bring depression. Ketu too will swallow

up our emotions (difficult to diagnose causes, difficult to treat). Rahu can

lead to obsessive mental tendencies (obsessed with a cause, like Gandhi).

Mars can lead to mental conflicts such as, rage, volatility, etc...rather

than depression.



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gjlist, "Wendy Vasicek" <wenvas@o...> wrote:

> For all those who suffer depression. Look to see if Moon is

afflicted by

> Malefics. Saturn in particular will bring depression.



Om Amrtesvaryai Namah!


Namaste All!


that makes sense Wendy...as Moon is mind...in my case Moon is sitting

close to the Lagna in Capricorn, whereas Saturn is in Virgo in the

9th...i suspect that just having Moon (and in early waxing phase) in

Saturn's home territory is quite enough evidence right

there....Moon would be feeling just a little constricted in there.

As well Moon is in a Papa Kartari Yoga with Mercury in 12th and Rahu

in 2nd...this may have a challenging result also.


In the Divine Mother's Love,

and in Her Service,


as ever,

your own self,




Om Amrtesvaryai Namah!

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Absolutely Dear Visvanathan,


But perhaps I should have searched this weary mind of mine for a better word

than "obsessive" to convey my meaning. Gandhi, with Moon conjunct Rahu (in

10th), was irresistibly compelled towards his cause...he could never give up

on what he believed in...Rahu gives this kind of revolutionary determination

and "compels" one towards their goal. The conjunction/proximity of Rahu is

often a necessary ingredient in fulfilling ones destiny, and not always a

destructive/negative influence as some would have it.


And as we see with your posts, you have the same kind of single-mindedness

in your devotion to "Mother" with Rahu in 2nd from Moon. Can't say any more

with certainty as I don't have your horoscope at hand. Certainly Moon in

Saturn's house can indicate melancholia.


Best Regards





Om Amrtesvaryai Namah!


Namaste All!


that makes sense Wendy...as Moon is mind...in my case Moon is sitting

close to the Lagna in Capricorn, whereas Saturn is in Virgo in the

9th...i suspect that just having Moon (and in early waxing phase) in

Saturn's home territory is quite enough evidence right

there....Moon would be feeling just a little constricted in there.

As well Moon is in a Papa Kartari Yoga with Mercury in 12th and Rahu

in 2nd...this may have a challenging result also.


In the Divine Mother's Love,

and in Her Service,


as ever,

your own self,




Om Amrtesvaryai Namah!

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Dear Wendy


Some of the misleading comments I have seen written about your chart would

be funny if the people making them didn't consider themselves serious

astrologers. It is clear many people do not know the ABC of astrology and

should not post comments on a chart unless they are sure they know what they

are talking about. To simply quote a sloka or a yoga from an ancient text

and then apply it simplistically to a chart shows extreme ignorance.


Your chart shows the 10th sign of Capricorn rising with the lagna lord

located in the intellectual sign of Gemini in the growing 6th house of work

and service. The lagna lord is excellently placed in the 9th house from

natal Moon in the nakshatra of birth yogi planet Mars in the sign of both a

friend and an exalted 9th lord Mercury. Mars in the 5th house gives a

piercing and sharp intellect and Mars is in close trine to exalted Mercury

who is also well placed in the 9th house from lagna and 12th house of moksha

from the Moon. The 9th lord is in the 9th house exalted giving Lakshmi yoga.


The Moon is excellently placed in the 10th house in good aspect to the lagna

lord and Jupiter is exalted in the 7th house and 10th house from the Moon

once again forming an excellent Raja yoga. This association of Jupiter and

Rahu is a brilliant combination as their dispositor is in the 10th house and

both fall in the nakshatra of Mercury the 9th lord who is exalted. The

dispositors of the nodes are in good aspect and the nakshatra lords are also

in good aspect. The Moon in the 10th house is excellent in the nakshatra of

Rahu as Rahu forms a powerful raja yoga in the 10th house from Moon with

exalted Jupiter.


Once again the navamsha is very strong with the lagna lord Mercury in the

9th house in good aspect to Jupiter and Rahu. The rashi lagna lord is

exalted in the navamsha with the karaka planet Venus which is in its own

navamsha. Your atmakaraka is Jupiter and is exalted in the nakshatra of the

9th lord Mercury and placed in the 10th house from the Moon associated with

Rahu. This is a great Raja Yoga. Jupiter is neecha in the navamsha but

placed in the navamsha of Saturn who is a strong planet for you so will do

no harm. Neecha planets are often the best planets in a chart and cannot be

interpreted in a simplistic fashion like I see people doing. The nature of

every planet must be considered before making any comments on what its

effects will be in a chart.


Transit Saturn is now exactly on your 8th house cusp from natal Moon and

Jupiter is also in the 8th house from the Moon. This is hard for you as

Saturn is also lagna lord. Mars is now 1 day away from being stationary so

you should have known better not to pick arguments at this time as you were

always going to get a pounding. I have you in Mercury/ Sun period and the

Sun is 8th lord afflicted by the aspects of the argumentative Mars and the

planet of depression Saturn. As great enemy of the Sun this transit of

Saturn is a hard one in the Sun's sub period. Saturn is in bad aspect to

both the Moon and Sun and also transiting the nakshatra ruled by the Sun. A

lot of 8th house influences on your mind in the 5th house of enjoyments from

the lagna.


You are under some malefic influence and we all should feel for you rather

than standing in judgement. I am also concerned with people using and

teaching the use of the divisional charts which require such a small margin

of time to be actually correct. Even if there is six people at a birth you

will get six different birthtimes unless they have synchronised their

watches exactly to GMT. Then you must decide what constitutes a birth- first

breath, cutting of the umbilical cord, the appearence of the head ?? Often

many minutes pass between these things and if not present at the birth we

must hope the nurse wrote down the time accurately and was not rushing out

to tell the waiting father of his new child or washing her hands etc.


Then there is the question of the ayanamsha which is still not 100% clear no

matter what we think. For example, Sri Yukteswar gives a 1 degree difference

from Lahiri and Krishnamurti and he was an enlightened man. Who can say he

was wrong ? I have recently seen reference to D60 and even D108 on the list

which I think other than an intellectual concept is silly to try to

interpret. Many beginners and newcomers to Vedic astrology read the list and

I often wonder what they think when they see such petty bickerings from

people who claim to be religious and on the spiritual path.


I have a large collection of ancient texts on astrology and find them

helpful but also confusing. I think we must learn to differ between a

principal and the manifestation of a principal. The ancient texts should be

seen in terms of principals and not apply each sloka or yoga literally and

dogmatically to every chart we come across. A part is not the whole and no

planet, yoga or sloka should be taken in isolation as there may be an aspect

that will completely change the manifestation of the basic principal given

in the text.


Then there is the point that we do not really know what any old sage

actually said because we were not there ourselves to hear it. We only have

second and third hand texts of what they were suppossed to have said. I

recently read "The Kama Sutra" by Richard Burton who was responsible for

many translations of the old texts from Sanskrit to English. It gives a good

idea of just how difficult a job this was. Firstly, he had to search India

for a number of the same text he was to translate. He found they were always

different and often incomplete. He then hired a number of Pundits skilled in

Sanskrit to translate the text into English and there was always many

disagreements on what the author meant to say. Once translated by the

Pundits the text then had to be rewritten by a native speaker of English for

clarity. Finally, Burton would once again rewrite the text to stamp his own

thoughts on it and give it his style and color.


If you look at the translations of Parashara's work, we get many different

versions which often differ on certain aspects of interpretation. To say

Parashara said this or that is wrong. It would be more correct to say

"Parashara allegedly said................." We do not apply the laws found

in ancient law books until we have carefully checked them to see if they are

still relevent. We would certainly not apply them unless relevent to the

case before the court. Astrology laws should be treated the same way and be

put under careful scrutiny until proved correct.


Misunderstandings have seen two of the most experienced astrologers leave

the list which can only have a negative result for all of those who depend

on it for reliable information. We all should remember each and every

horoscope has the capacity for good or bad depending on many factors. To see

people applying principals recklessly worries me as Vedic astrology is the

real loser in the end. We must endevour to set aside our own prejudices and

communicate in a humble environment free of egos. We are all babies to

astrology and must remember the ancient Rishis said it takes many lifetimes

to become competent in this divine science. This is the one thing I believe

is 100% correct.................................




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Dear List Members

Nice posting Wendy

and I also agree that the SJVC line has been pushed excessively .Despite the

gigantic number of methods these astrologers have at their disposal the way

they have dealt with you indicates a severe lacking in termsof practical

application .For those who are inexperienced on the list what Wendy has been

arguing is actually far more traditional jyotish than that propounded by

students of SJVC . My teacher who is a complete traditionalist argues that

moving onto multiple dasha systems ,Jaimini astrology etc. is like jumping

into post graduate work before one has started undergraduate work.. There

are many excellent astrogers who just use rashi and Vimshottari . It may not

be how many tools you have but how well you can work them..So those who are

new should take their time to understand the planets ,signs, houses

,Vimshottari and transits .It takes years to understand these


for the bulk of people on this list who are newcomers do not get distracted

by the gamut of methods .My teacher warns that it will do more harm than

good .

Kind regards




"Wendy Vasicek" <wenvas

"Gjlist (AT) (DOT) Com" <gjlist>

Thursday, May 10, 2001 1:11 PM

[gjlist] Depression



> For all those who suffer depression. Look to see if Moon is afflicted by

> Malefics. Saturn in particular will bring depression. Ketu too will


> up our emotions (difficult to diagnose causes, difficult to treat). Rahu


> lead to obsessive mental tendencies (obsessed with a cause, like Gandhi).

> Mars can lead to mental conflicts such as, rage, volatility, etc...rather

> than depression.


> Wendy


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God Bless You Dear Andrew!!


Your delineation is every bit as good as dear Pundit's :-). You're moving

along in leaps and bounds. You're absolutely right...this definitely IS a

time for me to keep my mouth shut...I see it myself as previous post (on

transits) shows. But knowing and doing are two entirely different things.

Perhaps I should go on retreat for awhile :-).


God Bless Andrew,






Dear Wendy


Some of the misleading comments I have seen written about your chart would

be funny if the people making them didn't consider themselves serious

astrologers. It is clear many people do not know the ABC of astrology and

should not post comments on a chart unless they are sure they know what they

are talking about. To simply quote a sloka or a yoga from an ancient text

and then apply it simplistically to a chart shows extreme ignorance.


Your chart shows the 10th sign of Capricorn rising with the lagna lord

located in the intellectual sign of Gemini in the growing 6th house of work

and service. The lagna lord is excellently placed in the 9th house from

natal Moon in the nakshatra of birth yogi planet Mars in the sign of both a

friend and an exalted 9th lord Mercury. Mars in the 5th house gives a

piercing and sharp intellect and Mars is in close trine to exalted Mercury

who is also well placed in the 9th house from lagna and 12th house of moksha

from the Moon. The 9th lord is in the 9th house exalted giving Lakshmi yoga.


The Moon is excellently placed in the 10th house in good aspect to the lagna

lord and Jupiter is exalted in the 7th house and 10th house from the Moon

once again forming an excellent Raja yoga. This association of Jupiter and

Rahu is a brilliant combination as their dispositor is in the 10th house and

both fall in the nakshatra of Mercury the 9th lord who is exalted. The

dispositors of the nodes are in good aspect and the nakshatra lords are also

in good aspect. The Moon in the 10th house is excellent in the nakshatra of

Rahu as Rahu forms a powerful raja yoga in the 10th house from Moon with

exalted Jupiter.


Once again the navamsha is very strong with the lagna lord Mercury in the

9th house in good aspect to Jupiter and Rahu. The rashi lagna lord is

exalted in the navamsha with the karaka planet Venus which is in its own

navamsha. Your atmakaraka is Jupiter and is exalted in the nakshatra of the

9th lord Mercury and placed in the 10th house from the Moon associated with

Rahu. This is a great Raja Yoga. Jupiter is neecha in the navamsha but

placed in the navamsha of Saturn who is a strong planet for you so will do

no harm. Neecha planets are often the best planets in a chart and cannot be

interpreted in a simplistic fashion like I see people doing. The nature of

every planet must be considered before making any comments on what its

effects will be in a chart.


Transit Saturn is now exactly on your 8th house cusp from natal Moon and

Jupiter is also in the 8th house from the Moon. This is hard for you as

Saturn is also lagna lord. Mars is now 1 day away from being stationary so

you should have known better not to pick arguments at this time as you were

always going to get a pounding. I have you in Mercury/ Sun period and the

Sun is 8th lord afflicted by the aspects of the argumentative Mars and the

planet of depression Saturn. As great enemy of the Sun this transit of

Saturn is a hard one in the Sun's sub period. Saturn is in bad aspect to

both the Moon and Sun and also transiting the nakshatra ruled by the Sun. A

lot of 8th house influences on your mind in the 5th house of enjoyments from

the lagna.


You are under some malefic influence and we all should feel for you rather

than standing in judgement. I am also concerned with people using and

teaching the use of the divisional charts which require such a small margin

of time to be actually correct. Even if there is six people at a birth you

will get six different birthtimes unless they have synchronised their

watches exactly to GMT. Then you must decide what constitutes a birth- first

breath, cutting of the umbilical cord, the appearence of the head ?? Often

many minutes pass between these things and if not present at the birth we

must hope the nurse wrote down the time accurately and was not rushing out

to tell the waiting father of his new child or washing her hands etc.


Then there is the question of the ayanamsha which is still not 100% clear no

matter what we think. For example, Sri Yukteswar gives a 1 degree difference

from Lahiri and Krishnamurti and he was an enlightened man. Who can say he

was wrong ? I have recently seen reference to D60 and even D108 on the list

which I think other than an intellectual concept is silly to try to

interpret. Many beginners and newcomers to Vedic astrology read the list and

I often wonder what they think when they see such petty bickerings from

people who claim to be religious and on the spiritual path.


I have a large collection of ancient texts on astrology and find them

helpful but also confusing. I think we must learn to differ between a

principal and the manifestation of a principal. The ancient texts should be

seen in terms of principals and not apply each sloka or yoga literally and

dogmatically to every chart we come across. A part is not the whole and no

planet, yoga or sloka should be taken in isolation as there may be an aspect

that will completely change the manifestation of the basic principal given

in the text.


Then there is the point that we do not really know what any old sage

actually said because we were not there ourselves to hear it. We only have

second and third hand texts of what they were suppossed to have said. I

recently read "The Kama Sutra" by Richard Burton who was responsible for

many translations of the old texts from Sanskrit to English. It gives a good

idea of just how difficult a job this was. Firstly, he had to search India

for a number of the same text he was to translate. He found they were always

different and often incomplete. He then hired a number of Pundits skilled in

Sanskrit to translate the text into English and there was always many

disagreements on what the author meant to say. Once translated by the

Pundits the text then had to be rewritten by a native speaker of English for

clarity. Finally, Burton would once again rewrite the text to stamp his own

thoughts on it and give it his style and color.


If you look at the translations of Parashara's work, we get many different

versions which often differ on certain aspects of interpretation. To say

Parashara said this or that is wrong. It would be more correct to say

"Parashara allegedly said................." We do not apply the laws found

in ancient law books until we have carefully checked them to see if they are

still relevent. We would certainly not apply them unless relevent to the

case before the court. Astrology laws should be treated the same way and be

put under careful scrutiny until proved correct.


Misunderstandings have seen two of the most experienced astrologers leave

the list which can only have a negative result for all of those who depend

on it for reliable information. We all should remember each and every

horoscope has the capacity for good or bad depending on many factors. To see

people applying principals recklessly worries me as Vedic astrology is the

real loser in the end. We must endevour to set aside our own prejudices and

communicate in a humble environment free of egos. We are all babies to

astrology and must remember the ancient Rishis said it takes many lifetimes

to become competent in this divine science. This is the one thing I believe

is 100% correct.................................




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