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proposal for a regular blind quiz

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Hi Chris,

A great idea! Can hardly wait!

Greetings and love,



>Christopher Kevill <ckevill



>[gjlist] proposal for a regular blind quiz

>Fri, 01 Jun 2001 22:10:13 -0400

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>Hi All:


>As it's been quieter than usual lately, I thought I'd propose having a

>blind quiz on the list to test our skills. I have participated in these

>quizzes on other lists, and I can tell you, they are great learning

>experiences. There is also no better source of humility for an astrologer

>than to flub a couple of these. In fact, I've found you learn more when you

>goof. (must be all that embarrassment that forces you to figure out what

>went wrong) Depending on how the quiz is laid out, they can be very

>difficult indeed. FWIW, my batting average is pretty dismal, less than .100

>in fact. We might discuss how blind we want to make it.


>The standard approach is for one person with a chart that has a clean data

>(birth certificate or equivalent) post the data on the list and then post

>the date of a particular event that occurred in the chart holder's life.

>The rest of the list members then post their guess of what the event was

>before a stated deadline. We can also have a somewhat easier (I think)

>quiz whereby the data is posted and the event is stated (say, marriage) and

>list members have to guess when the native got married. Other formats are

>possible too, as those who participated in my beauty quiz will remember.

>Maybe the person supplying the chart can formulate the quiz format as they

>see fit. Multiple choice is also possible but you don't want to make it

>too easy.


>We can make these weekly or biweekly or whatever you like. We can also

>have a single moderator who is also "blind" to the answer and who merely

>posts the quizzes and the answer from whoever wishes to supply the chart

>for the week. I'd be happy to do this for a while, although I think Mani

>might be a good choice too. He has a natural sort of master of ceremonies

>demeanour to him. (I'm assuming here that Das will too busy with GJ3)


>So how 'bout it? Obviously, a pure blind quiz isn't exactly analogous to

>reading a chart for a living person who has a delimited set of life

>possibilities (I'm seeing this guy and I'm wondering if we'll get married).

> It's much more difficult.




>ps If I don't hear from anyone, I'll stubbornly post a case of from my

>files just to see if there are any takers!


> >







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