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GJ List Quiz #1

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Dear List,




My short answer is that I think the woman dies. Quickly, based on the

method of three pairs and 8th lord method a short (0-36 yrs) life is

indicated. By niryaana shoola dasa, I figure that she was running rasi of

Taurus, which contains rudra and is a trishoola rasi.


Jupiter in 3H from AL gives prior knowledge of death and is 12th from Lagna

so could indicate hospitals. I don't know what kind of illness she died

of, but if I'm correct this far I'd be surprised.


Thanks again Chris for organizing this puzzle.


Best wishes,


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Dear Chris,


re LSRS, I merely went by natural benefics and malefics. I said that if I went

by jyothish the situation looked opposit to what I felt. The only non-western

approach is that I don´t take aspects as bad or good - trine as always good or

square as always bad - but see them essentially as catalysts. A saturn trine is

not really nice, but a jupiter square can be such, though some problems may be



Now, taking the house ownerships ALONE, but NOT qualifying the owners as bad or

good through the ownership, the LSRs fit nicely.


For the benefit of those who wonder what LSR is: it is the transit chart for the

moment the moon transits natal sun, previous to given date and time. but if the

transit happens ON that date, and time is unknown, I take that and the one

previous to that too. In this cae the transit happened 1 day earlier, so clear.

But I looked into the next one too, to see if the gain or brnrfit was

long-lasting or only fleeting.


quoting my first letter:


>The LSR for Dec 3 happens on 2 Dec, therefore strong.


>LSR AC is nearly conj. natal Jupiter, ruler of 2nd and 11th - money and



Note that Jupiter is in 12th in natus.


>LSR jupiter is close conj. natal AC


Jupiter in natal 12th is now conj. natal AC.



>LSR DC is conj. natal venus the Yogakaraka.


Venus is 4th lord in natus and fully aspects Jupiter in 12th.

Venus is also 9th lord, so a long journey(s) could be expected.


>LSR Venus is conj. natal MC, opposite to natal Mars, lord of

>natal 10th.


Again, as above.


>Close to this a conj of sun, mercury and neptune.


Mercury is in 4th in natus, sun in 5th, neptune in 8th. End of HOME (Mercury,

thru Neptune) but joy, sun in 5th. Besides that, Mercury means journey, Neptune

dreams and hopes, sun the push.



R MC is trine to natal sun, lord of 7th.


This makes the sun a double benefic (western) and shows upsurge. Perhaps also a

job offer in the sense of "partnership", some sponsor.


>LSR Mercury is sextile to LSR AC


Again a natural benefic, connected with home by placement, journey by nature,

END by owning 8th house.


>Mars, lord of 10th is just entering 10th scorpio


JOb, success in career.


>But Saturn lord of 1st and 12h is quincunx natal MC and square natal moon,

lord of natal 6th.


A feeling of sorrow and loss, physical and emotional stress.



>All this denotes IMHO a sudden success, gain of power and money and honour, but

>the saturn aspect might have brought stress and some health problems. But these

>will last for a perod of 3 months and cannot be taken as acute.




>The following LSR on 29 DEc:


>Lsr jupiter still on natal AC


>IC onj natal jupiter


>Ac conj natal venus


>MC square natal jupiter


>Mars conj natal MC, as owner of house


>Mercury opposite naral sun


>Venus quincunx natal mars/mercury


>saturn square natal moon, quincunx MC



>The benefic and negative elements persist: still a period of success, but

>increased strain on the health.


All this needs no further explanation.




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