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In a message dated 5/18/2001 4:20:52 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

subra writes:



> To me God is the GREAT MOTHER, in future GM for short!


Dear Mani, and others on the list who have similar feelings,


Please tell more about the Great Mother--also any books, etc. you can

recommend. Have read Sylvia Browne's Journey of Soul Series, and one book by

Neal Walsch Communion With God; and believe it or not Alanis Morrisette's

song from the movie Dogma (where it sounds like or feels like God is the

Mother of some Beloved foolhardy teenagers--like myself--we must be putting

her through some anguish or maybe I am projecting. If God loves us, all of

us, like we love our children--wow, think of that!) feels like the truth.

About the Mother God part of God. I didn't know about love or God until I

had children. (well, you know, "true love," and all that, you think you

know, but it's conditional, tied up in vanity, intoxicating, and inmho

that's maybe something different--or maybe it's just me. The good part is

learning to love better in general when it's other people besides your own

children.) Anyway, Mani, you and Visvanathan have both written things that,

along with the books by Slyvia Browne etc, make me want to know More, Please.









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gjlist, PHURRBALL3@a... wrote:

> In a message dated 5/18/2001 4:20:52 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

> subra@t... writes:



> > To me God is the GREAT MOTHER, in future GM for short!

> >

> Dear Mani, and others on the list who have similar feelings,


> Please tell more about the Great Mother--also any books, etc.

you can

> recommend. Anyway, Mani, you and Visvanathan have both written

things that,

> along with the books by Slyvia Browne etc, make me want to know

More, Please.

> Thanks,

> Namaste,

> Robin


Om Amrtesvaryai Namah!!


Namaste dear sister Robin!!


Dear Sister, if you REALLY want to know about the Divine Mother, i

would suggest you go to www.ammachi.org...check out Amma's tour for

this summer, and find yourself on a plane up to Washington or Rhode

Island or somewhere like that and meet HER in "person"...


both Mani and i will most emphatically state that if you wish to

"meet" the Divine Mother, books are not the way!!! the way to meet

Her is to hop on that plane and visit with Her at a spot near you!

i just returned from a three day and night retreat at Seattle with

Amma...and i would most strongly recommend that if you really have a

desire to know more about the Mother, Amma is the best bet....She is

the Embodiment of that Divine Mother Herself, just as Sri Krsna and

Christ were....in fact when you are in Her presence you often feel

that you are with those other great ones...


if you want books, there are books available from that site...

there is another amma site: www.amritapuri.org


as well, the site of SRF:http://www.yogananda-srf.org/


((of course we must realise that books are really only pointing at

Her...and that really we must taste the pudding ourselves, rather than

read about it...))


SRF doesn't talk too much about Her, but Yoganandaji was a major

devotee of the Mother Kali all of His life....there are so many books

out there now that i couldn't possibly name even a small percentage of

them...the Great Mother has finally returned to Her children, with the

coming of the age of computers and films and TV...those very items

which rely upon pictures and graphics, rather than only linear written



there is some research which shows that the Great Mother is related to

the right side of the brain more, the feminine, intuitive, artistic,

pattern oriented side, whereas the great "father" is more related to

the left side of the brain...the logical, linear, "male" side of the

brain....thus when we moved from a picture, song, and dance oriented

society to a more "written word" society, these researchers (Shain is

the name of one i think) believe that the worship of the Great Mother

declined as the people found themselves relying more and more on the

left side of the brain for the linear writing understanding of

things....thus She couldn't be apprehended because we were using the

wrong half of the brain to try to understand Her...


Now that films, tv and computers have returned us much more to the

"ancient" ways of pictures, patterns, and so on, the latent "feminine"

half of the brain, the right side, is "re-awakening" or rather, we are

listening to what it might say more.....thus we have the wide spread

love of Divine Mother arising again, in all Her various lovely forms.


you might also try "reading" (a linear activity but that's what we

have!) the Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, available at Spiritual

bookstores, and perhaps "Great Swan" by Lex Hixon, a paraphrased

version of part of the Gospel above, and one which lovingly

reintroduced me to Sri Ramakrishna, just before i was able to meet my

Amma...He was a great worshipper of the Dark Mother Kali...


there is an entire branch of Hinduism dealing with the Divine Mother

and Her Leelas, called "Saktaism". the Saktas are the devotees of the

Divine Mother, Sakti or Para Sakti, also known by many more familiar

names such as Laksmi, Saraswati, Parvati, Uma, Radha, Sita, Kali and

Tara...as well as many more names....there are The Thousand Names of

the Divine Mother, which devotees chant regularly to express their

love for Her, for example the "Sri Lalitasahasranama". The Divine

Mother is seen to be at least as loving as any Human Mother, and

moreso than most!...She is easily approachable as a little child,

longing for it's Mother....She cannot refuse the longing heart's call

of Her child...if you call and call and call, She WILL answer you in a

way that you can recognise! how do i know this? Because i followed

Paramahansa Yoganandaji's advice, dear sister, and i started to call

Her Who is my All in All, Who is my Life, and the Breath of my Breath,

i called Her and called with a loving, longing heart, tears running

down my cheeks often (they still do when thinking of Her beauty, and

Her Amazing Love for us, Her children!)....and it wasn't two years,

before i was kneeling in front of Ammachi, knowing that finally She

had answered my prayers and appeared in Her Embodiment of Love...


She had been answering all along, but i was longing to have Darshan of

Her...not just a nice feeling, or a longing tearful sweetness in the

heart, i wanted to TOUCH Her, to HUG Her, to CRY in Her lap, to touch

Her Lotus Feet, in Gratitude, to wash HER feet with my longing

tears...all this and more...i was restless for Her to come....and

there in 1995 i found myself, unbelieving in front of my Amma, and my

Guru....i am still amazed and humbled by this...this undeserving son

of Hers had often gone completely wrong, and against Her teachings,

and yet in 1995, my dear Mother, my Guru (and the planet Guru,

Jupiter) returned (Guru was retrograde, directly transitting my natal

sun) to pick up a lost child....whom even though all had abandoned

him, She saw therein a tiny little spark of Her light, which had drawn

that child to Her...


even though he was the lowest of the low, in Her inexplicable Grace

and Kindness, She had stooped in Her world mission to pick this child

up and dusting him off, placed him firmly in Her vast cosmic

lap....wiping off his tears with Her loving hands, and calling gently

in his ear..." katte mon, katte mon, katte mon".....("Darling Son,

darling son darling son" in Malayalam)

and then "Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma" urgently, intensely, commandingly in

his ear....until in understanding he replied too with "Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma"


only the years have been needed to confirm this all, and the study of

Jyotish to further amaze the onlookers....in this Jyotish have i found

My Divine Mother's celestial needlework to be so intricate, so

beautifully designed, so precise....i am awestruck by Her artistry...



there you have it dear sister, if you wish to communicate further, or

ask more i am always at your service, and Hers. forgive my Amma rave,

but just having returned from Her Divine Embrace, full to the brim

with Her Divine Love, and finding your loving questions about Her on

this list...the fountain just overflowed....i stop only now, so as not

to annoy the other more conservative, Vaishava list members with my

Satka "heresies"!


to me Amma and Christ are ONE...Amma and Krsna are ONE...There is ONLY

ONE Satchidananda Guru, Who is really the Divine Consciousness itself,

and Who takes a birth to relieve the suffering of Her children, as

well as to uphold the dharma, and to show the children how to live so

as to become adorable, merging at last in the sacred Om....But OH How

Sweet is each of those beautiful Forms within which the Divine has

sported with Her children....each is equally adorable! And we are

allowed and encouraged to Love Them ALL!!!


In the Divine Mother's Service

and in Her Service


as ever

Your own Self,




Om Amrtesvaryai Namah!!

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