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McVeigh 2

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The Vedic system as per the scriptural era, generally would have seen McVeigh

killed immediately.


The Indian justice system would generally do the same, at least in the past.

Don't know the current.


Since it's the information, tax, and organization age of enlightenment, I

think we need to show a different face to ourselves.


But actually, I don't care really. When Timmy did that, he knew deep inside

he was playing for keeps.


I'm not condoning him at all, I just wish we had a different face to

ourselves in dealing with these kinds of things.



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Dear List Members

I'd like to totally disagree on this one .Since the soul is eternal McVeigh

will not be killed .rather he will be relieved of heinous karma if he is

executed .This karma could cause him to take birth 168 (?) times and be

killed untimely if the govenment does not give an appropriate penalty .Also

he is forced to continue an unhappy life in the prison system .It properly

costs the taxpayer $20000 or more per year to imprison McVeigh and this

money could be better used to address social and environmental problems .

I know people who when they have completely blown it in a place they uproot

and start over .For such reasons many life term criminals want to commit

suicide but they are not allowed to .In the name of compassion one will be

lost if he disregards sastra.

Kind regards


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since life has also a purpose, his one is forfilled by now?


then we could only consider he did his job?


then why was it his job to do so?


i don't follow this argument.


why are humans living on earth? without purpose, just for paying karma.

They can deal with less karma if they get a chance to do more in the

life they live. That will spare the need of many karmas.


i agree you can build so many more weapons all over the world. Rockets,

tanks, mines, chemical weapons and nuclear ones, despite the semptex,

tnt and whatsoever, paid from the same tax by you and me.


if you don't teach people you can also save tax. Or raise the tax. Take

the tax from other sources, whatever. Tax is not the point. The way you

spend it is. You could learn those people to behave. It can work. They

can learn to do communitywork for free, why not. Not all of then have an

IQ of zero. Besides, the tax of war after war is mentally paid also. Who

is paying that bill? Have you been in the gulf war? What did it to those

who have been there? didn't they change enormously? It was more then

just an add to life's experience.



everyone deserves real chance.


a psychologic true fact is to expect good from one and he will be good,

expect worst things and they will be worse.


he did a real bad job by killing so many i agree, but in the gulf war he

was rewarded for doing the same, just on different conditions. Also

deads. I know war is a different situation but it shows the difference

of taking the value of life. In war time it's eased and decorated. Now

we set an example of showing what should not be done. Don't learn others

to do and to avoid what you yourself are doing. Doesn't that give way to

thinking of hypocracy.




the true caracter of a person is shown in the way of dealing with

persons who can do nothing for the one giving the help.


let me ask you, do you have caracter?


He should be punished, he did a real bad job. But there are other

alternatives to fix this problem in a professional way.


isn't ahimsa an old indian way of thinking or do i mistake?


I liked there way of thinking, but if i follow this short idea of karma

i don't get a feeling of ahimsa.



if i look how india and pakistan are using there tax money and giving us

an example how religions mentality should be then i think you shouldn't

say to much before first showing what the way to behave is WITHOUT

killing or using astrology in a bad way, friend nicolas.





Nicholas wrote:


> Dear List Members

> I'd like to totally disagree on this one .Since the soul is eternal McVeigh

> will not be killed .rather he will be relieved of heinous karma if he is

> executed .This karma could cause him to take birth 168 (?) times and be

> killed untimely if the govenment does not give an appropriate penalty .Also

> he is forced to continue an unhappy life in the prison system .It properly

> costs the taxpayer $20000 or more per year to imprison McVeigh and this

> money could be better used to address social and environmental problems .

> I know people who when they have completely blown it in a place they uproot

> and start over .For such reasons many life term criminals want to commit

> suicide but they are not allowed to .In the name of compassion one will be

> lost if he disregards sastra.

> Kind regards

> Nicholas



> gjlist-




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