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Should Governments Kill?

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Nicholas and all,


I don't dispute the "Vedic Mood" Nicholas offered. I've heard it many times

in ISKCON and allied movements. However, I find it impractical even to

mention it when and if we're speaking in any kind of serious way about

implementable social justice paradigms. Because, that so called Vedic

paradigm as expressed, is a religious view. If the government were given

license to use religion in judgement, we would certainly experience a massive

throw back to way worse times. Think about it. Religion is out when speaking

about socialy implementable justice systems and thought processes.


So we're speaking in two different realms.


I also noticed that such expressions sound most like the ultra right. I

wouldn't want to sound like them in these times we are in. So to show them to

the door, I prefer to take stands counter to their hard lines.


I'm not into Pat Buchanon or the 700 Club, at all. That kind of religion is

the cause of suffering. I have heard the stupidest things said on that show

against Hinduism in all forms. That's a White Supremacist front. People like

that are always into the death penalty. Think about why.


We have to be sensitive to the company we keep. What age is it? What time is

it? Is it the right time for a certain approach, or some other approach, when

the real goal is in sight, then we'll know. There is White Supremacy

throughout American society. It has certain effects. If we are at the bottom

of one of societies lists, we feel it. Many people walk in threat.


Think about the Rodney King riots. Think about what drove McVeigh. Only the

supremacy of the christian white ethic that allowed Bush to become President,

is the same force that makes Texas a big killing state, and the same force

that allows McVeigh to be snuffed out. It's basically insensitivity to

anything which isn't Wonder Bread compatible because most of America still

unfortunately has brains made out of that white washed crappy bread.


As if trying a few cops solves the black issue, as if trying a few blacks

solves the riot issue, as if trying McVeigh solves the White Terrorism

movement in America. These are all for the TV watching crowd. It's a wrongful

murder. Two wrongs don't a right make. This is just my opinion, and it's

about societal karma for how we think about our issues and the trigger people

who the most victimized by these issues, and not about their personal karma

for their acts.


I say, societies voice back to all of it's children should always be:


"We will never kill you. Never. That runs counter to the very basis of our

existence as a society. We will however stop you from harming others. You can

use all that time to think about it."


with peace and love,


Raghu Goravani







2852 Willamette St # 353

Eugene OR USA 97405



Fax: 541-343-0344


"Goravani Jyotish"

Vedic/Hindu Astrology Software

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