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Showers of Light, Showers of Grace

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Om Amrtesvaryai Namah


Namaste dear brother Raghu!!


your moving poem touched me very deeply dear brother!! yours is a

universal cry of the embodied being seeking wholeness and the

Love of the Divine...yours is the cry of a Sani influenced Moon...the

cry of a sensitive feeling soul, who is forced thru Sani's focussing

measures, and tough teachings to be aware of all the dirt, the

difficulty, the agony of this embodiment...


But even thru all this pain, Sani is blessing you, (and i, for i have

moon in Capricorn, Sani's home also...however, you with Ketu in there

with your moon...i will admit that Ketu has added a little extra Zip

to the lessons for you....more wideranging...more extreme, more

sudden...and final, just like Ketu's indications...However as we both

know, all these losses are not intended to destroy one, but to temper

the steel, such that it will be strong enough to bear the Divine

Vision without cracking...only a very strong person can bear the

intensity of that...so the Divine Beloved will appear to us in our

12th house...to give us some negative events...some material losses,

which translate into spiritual gains, IF we are able to assimilate



Sani's blessing is that She cannot bear to see one go thru illusion

for yet another entire life, and She lovingly delivers the lessons of

the impermanence of life at the orders of the Supreme, but not out of

any urge to punish...merely lovingly to help one grow to be

adorable....and dear Raghu, i see that Sani has done a GREAT job with

you in the last couple of years...(i don't mean materially

necessarily...) i've seen you grow to be much more accepting of other

traditions, and much more lovingly interacting on the net....


Sani is trying to show us thru our own pains, what other people have

to go thru all the time, and thus to give us some dispassion, and

compassion for our suffering brothers and sisters.

Thru our own pains, we are growing and growing...we learn to rely ever

more upon our Ishta Devata.....we become much more humble, and

appreciate the common folk more...we see the value of service to the

Divine in the form of service to the devotees....


all this comes from the difficulties and pains which we have to go

thru...i imagine the steel doesn't like it much when you throw it in

the furnace to get it hot enough to work....nor would the steel

appreciate the hammer blows of the smith!!..But out of that painful

work comes a beautiful and useful item....



Dasji you might see your "darkness" as entirely difficult, but i on

the other hand with Sani Atmakaraka and Lagnesha, as well as Moon in

Capricorn, find even the dark views and ideas are having a similarity

with my sani moon like feeling mind....i can more easily identify with

that darker, saturnian, Moon side of you in fact than your Aries

ascendant ...i guesss that's easy enough to understand as Saturn gets

his debilitation in late Aries!!!...so you have this MAJOR conflict

between your Saturnian influenced (along with Ketu) Moon feeling mind

and your passionate impulsive Aries Lagna...i can imagine that might

be confusing...and then there's the sun and mercury in Taurus ruled by

Venus, who's in Aries 12 to its own sign and to Sun and Mercury...so

feeling mind and thinking mind as well as Parashara Atmakaraka are

both in placements which are friendly to one another, but not

particularly friendly to the Lagna...


as well Sani's aspect on your moon will only influence it the more in

that direction...and although that direction is not always a cheerful

place to be, it IS a good place to become aware of the facts of this

mortal existence, and the imperative need to make a meaningful, deep

connection with one's Beloved Deity....it reminds one that one is

actually in the middle of a house on fire, and one needs to get out



Since this IS the influence on your feeling mind, perhaps the best

approach is to try and see just what it is that this Sani influenced

mind is trying to teach one!! trying to fight it off all the time is

only putting off the time when one will actually have to follow Sani's

advice and focus on the Divine above all else!!


Our problem (mine at least!) is that we want Yoga and we also want

Bhoga....but we are not the masters we'd like to be, such that we can

both enjoy Bhoga and let it go when the time is ripe...the

renunciation of seeing that whatever comes to one is Divine Grace, and

that whatever goes from one is also Divine Grace, and thus we will not

be attached to any particular result, but see it all as the Divine

Grace...we just do our best, and leave the rest in the capable Hands

of the Divine!!!


We also tend (naturally) to want to avoid pain of all kinds, and this

leads to even more emotional problems, and even physical ones,

including the various addictions...


But if we actually look deeper into our own hearts we will find that

She Who dwells within is NOT sad, or angry or depressed or any of

those...She is merely blissfully partaking in this life, WHATEVER the

outward circumstances may be...."pleasure" or "pain" are one to this

Mother Who Dwells in our hearts, because She is not attached to our

"story". For us too, we can see things more this way with some effort

and Divine Grace....


We have merely to actually look within our own selves to behold that

Blissful Mother Silently watching, enjoying....in that apprehension of

Her Celestial, yet internal beauty, we find solace, and all the cares

and depressions, just melt away into the essential meaninglessnesses

that they really are...just another bubble in the vast cosmic sea Of

Yoga Maya!!


In the Divine Mother's Love,

and in Her Service,


as ever,

your own self,




Om Amrtesvaryai Namah!

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