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coincidences are deceiving

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Om Amrtesvaryai Namah!!


Namaste dear brother Raghu!!


that is quite the observation you've made with the Saturnian aspect to

your natal moon...especially as Moon is ruling the 4th....sometimes

Jyotish is so literally true it's almost scary!!!


i was wondering about your statement re the 4 planets moving into

Gemini...as there are only two there currently.....were you referring

to the not so distant future or?



However the Saturnian aspect to your moon does explain a lot!! even it

would explain that feeling of down, and dark, and depression very

well...as Saturn goes by, the feelings go down...but i still feel

there is teaching in these Saturnian transits, which is not meant to

"harm" us in a real sense, but only to show us not to be dependent on

outwardly, worldly things, including our cars, and our families...


and with a Jyotishi such as yourself, dear Raghu, Mother Nature has to

time everything even more precisely, so that you'll actually take

note, and do just what you did....otherwise you won't be so amazed at

Her precision...i've noticed the same in my chart with various

occurrences...they seem to happen right at the transit time...within a

few minutes...i think it's because we're getting little look at the

universal timer....and understanding in some small ways, a little of

what the various movements of the Grahas, the "hands" of the "clock"

are indicating...and since Yoga Maya loves to play, She has made it

particularly interesting to study these "coincidences"...


the result of course is awe......


what can one say in the face of this amazing Yoga Maya, Who is really

our Mother, and Who really is a Loving Mother...it's only that we

don't understand Her Cosmic Play....if we did, all these coincidences

would make us laugh at Her artistry, rather than bemoan our earthly



Perhaps that Sani in Taurus, aspecting so closely to your Moon, is

merely the "exit" cue for that car...every play has various actors,

and parts, and if they all remain on the stage all the time, we'll

just get confused... they have their cues onstage and offstage...and

so the play proceeds...we are not meant to take any of it personally,

we are meant to enjoy the show!!...Sometimes however, the drama comes

just a little too close to the bone so to speak, and it's very hard to

appreciate the fact of it's being a vast epic movie, and we get lost

in the dreamland of our own desires...confused and sad...


i feel, however that even then, we are meant only to take that event

as a spur to our spiritual development, to give us dispassion,

vairagya, and viveka, discrimination, as well as patience! When we are

humble enough, then the waters of divine Grace may finally collect in

the valleys of our humility....if we are stubborn, proud, and

difficult, however, we can be sure that the waters of Divine Grace

will only run off our mountaintop selves, and collect below in the

humble valleys...and we can also be sure, that as spiritual aspirants,

our Gurus, and the Divine will be testing us most severely at

times....For the Bhaktas i understand that the most common test is

Chronic disease...including the emotional diseases....


the idea is, i suspect, to make us SO uncomfortable with our little

rat's nest of a life, that we are forced to seek refuge at the Lotus

Feet of our Beloved Deity.....otherwise, we just contentedly would

live out our little pig-sty existences, one after another....and would

never be inclined to grow...So Sani comes along periodically and

cleans up our "house" for us...removing all the dead wood, and

sometimes even pruning off a live branch much to our pain and

dismay....this however does severely remind us that we are NOT in

charge....and sometimes we need such a lesson....to time it so

precisely to the movements of the Grahas is just another one of the

Divine Mother's little Leelas on us....not everything will occur with

such precision...but i suspect if we paid close attention, we'd

discover that it happens more often than not! this is why we are

students of Jyotish...because IT WORKS. astoundingly so!


Brother Raghuji, i also notice that you are having Sani atmakaraka

(Jaimini) like i am...so with moon in a Saturnian house and a Sani

atmakaraka, as well as venus amatyakaraka, it is pretty easy for me to

see why i feel you to be my brother!!!! Only your Ascendant is playing

foul with the rest of your set up!!...Most of you is in the Saturn,

Venus, Mercury side of the universe, but your Ascendant is on the

Mars..."Aries" Jupiter Sun and Moon side...so there is a basic

conflict right there! even in Sagittarius, there is "conflict" of a

sort between Sani and Jupiter....(although they aren't really enemies,

they do tend to indicate different trends....Guru to expand for

example and Sani to contract...)


i have the natal Sun in a Mars ruled house too, Scorpio, so i can in a

way relate to that conflict too....(as well as having Saturn and Mars

together in Virgo....in the 9th...yeah, thanks a lot to my Beloved

Deity and Guru for this wonderful combo!!!...a migraine combo!!...just

more Guru's Grace...or Divine Mother's Prasad....) One can find Prasad

in all the most unlikely places and events, if only we know how to

see...perhaps you could see your car's motor going the way it did as

prasad...perhaps it saved your kids from a worse accident that day, by

dieing the way it did....or you...another day....it's been my

experience that these things happen in that way....


For example a couple winters ago, i was supposed to accompany my mom

down to Vancouver by air from a town 40 miles away....i misunderstood

when she had to be there, so i was an hour late almost....and she

wasn't happy with me either!!!also it was early February, and there

was quite the snow storm coming down...so driving was tough...i was

thinking of course that with the snow, probly the planes couldn't land

or take off...and that we'd just be driving back....but we went

anyways...my mom quite annoyed at my bad timing (not that i blame

her!)...so we got a little more than half-way there in that snow-storm

and we came to a road block, just a bit before a bridge over the

Slocan River.


We were told we'd have to turn around as there had been a bad car

accident, and the bridge was inaccessible because of the crash...and

the workers trying to help.


so we turned around and headed a ways back up our valley to my

ex-wife's place, where we checked in by phone with the airport...sure

enough the planes weren't flying right then...but they suggested to

wait a bit, and call later...needless to say, we didn't get out that



And actually my being late saved us from having to possibly be in the

crash, as it had happened around an hour earlier!!!...


so that's just my forty cents worth.......


in the Divine Mother's Love,

and in Her Service,


as ever

your own self,




Om Amrtesvaryai Namah!

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