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Do remedial measures really work? Help?

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Hello all,


This thread of conversation is a welcome dialog. I consider everything as

possible but at the same time put everything of import to me under scrutiny.

I also believe each individual will have varying results because of their

individuality, so what works for one might/might not work for another. I am

currently in the beginning stages of experimenting with jyotiSa's remedial

measures and would like to share what I have encountered in hopes that

others can help me with their experience and benefit from mine.


Even before studying jyotiSa, I have used mantrams in the past and present,

like the gAyatrI, and from my experience they produce noticeable changes in

perception and the quality of the energetic environment. I have had a range

from subtle to very direct effects from mantrams. I feel both the

meditative state chanting can induce as well as the sound combinations

themselves contribute to these effects. However, for me, there has also

been clear evidence that mantrams can invoke actual energy patterns that can

be physically felt. Recently, reciting the bijaM mantram for bRhaspati had

a definite effect for me. I think 'cooperation' between the mantram and the

chanter, in terms of desire, openness, and the chanter's

mental/emotional/physical state, as well as the actual energy encoded in a

mantram create various synergies for people. Anyway, that's my experience

with mantrams in brief. :-)


I have been looking into gemstones as a remedial measure since jyotiSa

emphasizes their effectiveness and I would like to have as much assistance

as I can gather to help me with the issues I am facing. I have found my

gemstone prescription to have significant negative effects. I share this

because I want folks to know these things are real, but can cut both ways.


I recently had a reading done by a very prominent and credible jyotiSi who

strongly prescribed emerald for me. My birth data is:


1963-DEC-11 11:26 PM Portland, OR, USA


The emerald was prescribed for budha being closely hemmed by ketu and kuja

in the 5th.


I then went through the steps of acquiring an emerald from a gemmologist

recommended by the jyotiSi. Emeralds, especially jyotiSa quality are not

inexpensive, so I hope you can see I'm seriously testing the advice given to

me. (I'm somewhat embarrassed because this expenditure seems ostentatious

from some perspectives and I am a modest person. It also placed a burden on

me financially, however, I really wanted to see if it would be remedial so I

went for it.) I expected the results from wearing the gem to be subtle

and/or pleasant. I had the exact opposite occur. A few seconds after

wearing the gem I began to feel physically uncomfortable; two minutes later

I became so ill I had to remove it.


I wrote the jyotiSi, detailing the circumstances, and the brief response was

to try another emerald. I have done so (through a memo program at no cost,

thankfully) and though the second gem doesn't quite compare with the first

in terms of intensity, I still feel physical discomfort after a while. (All

this is difficult for me as I can't be nonchalant and detached dealing with

gems that cost so much.)


Not wanting to bother the jyotiSi with my situation, but feeling unable to

get assistance from any other avenue, I again wrote the jyotiSi in hopes of

getting clarification of my circumstances, thinking maybe the recent

combustion of budha was the cause of my negative reaction to the emerald.

(I first tried the emerald on Aug. 3rd when budha was under 3 degrees away

from sUrya.)


The response emphasized that the jyotiSi held the opinion that I should wear

the first stone and that the cases of gems for benefics causing negative

reactions are VERY rare. Also, the jyotiSi was of the opinion that the ill

effects I received had nothing to do with the gem even though they are

repeatable, but something that would have happened to me anyway, the

proximity to the gem in time and space with the effects being coincidences.

I am at a loss that there seems to be so little recourse in determining how

a gemstone will affect someone, especially by serious practitioners of such

a sacred and profound science who claim they are providing service to

humanity and know their recommendations are sought by persons in need and

that the cost of these recommendations can be exorbitant. Since I didn't

fit the profile of most clients with regard to gems, all I was told in the

end was 'good luck'. I now open this situation up for comment by the list

members in hopes of more information. Don't worry, however -- I will follow

my own counsel on this and return both gems.



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Dear Beau,


Your post has drawn me out of my quietude. Your experience compelled me to

look at your chart to see why you had such a negative result from wearing a

gem (emerald). I am amazed and stunned that anyone could recommend this

stone for you.


Yes you are in a Mercury pratyantar dasa and Mercury is caught in a scissor

yoga between Mars and Ketu but please note that Mars is yogakaraka and Ketu

co-ruling Scorpio is beneficially involved in this yoga. Mercury on the

other hand is malefic to your Ascendant, owning 11th and 2nd houses. Virgo

(2nd house) is Mercury's moolatrikona (strongest) house. This is a maraka

house (has death inflicting qualities).


My Ascendant lord Saturn has 2nd house as his moolatrikona sign....even

though Saturn is my Ascendant lord I would never contemplate wearing blue

sapphire due to his ownership of 2nd house.


Look closely at your horoscope and see the full effect of wearing the stone

of a malefic planet. 5th lord Jupiter carries the qualities of the planets

occupying his house...so we can say that Jupiter carries some qualities of

2nd house (fortunately he also carries the qualities of 9th house, which

should counteract the negative influence). But what you've done by

strengthening 2nd lord is to strengthen the negative quality. In your chart

Jupiter is aspecting your Ascendant lord Sun (the planet of health), so

little wonder you felt ill when wearing the emerald.


Certainly there can be no doubt of the power of Gems (for good or bad). Your

experience demonstrates this in no uncertain terms.


Great care must be taken to choose gems of auspicious planets only.


Regards, Wendy




> Hello all,




> I recently had a reading done by a very prominent and credible jyotiSi who

> strongly prescribed emerald for me. My birth data is:


> 1963-DEC-11 11:26 PM Portland, OR, USA


> The emerald was prescribed for budha being closely hemmed by ketu and kuja

> in the 5th.


> I then went through the steps of acquiring an emerald from a gemmologist

> recommended by the jyotiSi. Emeralds, especially jyotiSa quality are not

> inexpensive, so I hope you can see I'm seriously testing the advice given


> me. (I'm somewhat embarrassed because this expenditure seems ostentatious

> from some perspectives and I am a modest person. It also placed a burden


> me financially, however, I really wanted to see if it would be remedial so


> went for it.) I expected the results from wearing the gem to be subtle

> and/or pleasant. I had the exact opposite occur. A few seconds after

> wearing the gem I began to feel physically uncomfortable; two minutes


> I became so ill I had to remove it.


> I wrote the jyotiSi, detailing the circumstances, and the brief response


> to try another emerald. I have done so (through a memo program at no


> thankfully) and though the second gem doesn't quite compare with the first

> in terms of intensity, I still feel physical discomfort after a while.


> this is difficult for me as I can't be nonchalant and detached dealing


> gems that cost so much.)


> Not wanting to bother the jyotiSi with my situation, but feeling unable to

> get assistance from any other avenue, I again wrote the jyotiSi in hopes


> getting clarification of my circumstances, thinking maybe the recent

> combustion of budha was the cause of my negative reaction to the emerald.

> (I first tried the emerald on Aug. 3rd when budha was under 3 degrees away

> from sUrya.)


> The response emphasized that the jyotiSi held the opinion that I should


> the first stone and that the cases of gems for benefics causing negative

> reactions are VERY rare. Also, the jyotiSi was of the opinion that the


> effects I received had nothing to do with the gem even though they are

> repeatable, but something that would have happened to me anyway, the

> proximity to the gem in time and space with the effects being


> I am at a loss that there seems to be so little recourse in determining


> a gemstone will affect someone, especially by serious practitioners of


> a sacred and profound science who claim they are providing service to

> humanity and know their recommendations are sought by persons in need and

> that the cost of these recommendations can be exorbitant. Since I didn't

> fit the profile of most clients with regard to gems, all I was told in the

> end was 'good luck'. I now open this situation up for comment by the list

> members in hopes of more information. Don't worry, however -- I will


> my own counsel on this and return both gems.


> ~Beau


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>Look closely at your horoscope and see the full effect of wearing the stone

>of a malefic planet. 5th lord Jupiter carries the qualities of the planets

>occupying his house...so we can say that Jupiter carries some qualities of

>2nd house (fortunately he also carries the qualities of 9th house, which

>should counteract the negative influence). But what you've done by

>strengthening 2nd lord is to strengthen the negative quality. In your chart

>Jupiter is aspecting your Ascendant lord Sun (the planet of health), so

>little wonder you felt ill when wearing the emerald.


>Certainly there can be no doubt of the power of Gems (for good or bad). Your

>experience demonstrates this in no uncertain terms.


>Great care must be taken to choose gems of auspicious planets only.


I wonder how this squares with James Braha's experience of recommending

gems for weak planets for 20 years?


To the disinterested observer, the existence of such diverse opinions in

this debate undermines the credibility of gems as a remedial measure.






>Regards, Wendy




>> Hello all,




>> I recently had a reading done by a very prominent and credible jyotiSi who

>> strongly prescribed emerald for me. My birth data is:


>> 1963-DEC-11 11:26 PM Portland, OR, USA


>> The emerald was prescribed for budha being closely hemmed by ketu and kuja

>> in the 5th.


>> I then went through the steps of acquiring an emerald from a gemmologist

>> recommended by the jyotiSi. Emeralds, especially jyotiSa quality are not

>> inexpensive, so I hope you can see I'm seriously testing the advice given


>> me. (I'm somewhat embarrassed because this expenditure seems ostentatious

>> from some perspectives and I am a modest person. It also placed a burden


>> me financially, however, I really wanted to see if it would be remedial so


>> went for it.) I expected the results from wearing the gem to be subtle

>> and/or pleasant. I had the exact opposite occur. A few seconds after

>> wearing the gem I began to feel physically uncomfortable; two minutes


>> I became so ill I had to remove it.


>> I wrote the jyotiSi, detailing the circumstances, and the brief response


>> to try another emerald. I have done so (through a memo program at no


>> thankfully) and though the second gem doesn't quite compare with the first

>> in terms of intensity, I still feel physical discomfort after a while.


>> this is difficult for me as I can't be nonchalant and detached dealing


>> gems that cost so much.)


>> Not wanting to bother the jyotiSi with my situation, but feeling unable to

>> get assistance from any other avenue, I again wrote the jyotiSi in hopes


>> getting clarification of my circumstances, thinking maybe the recent

>> combustion of budha was the cause of my negative reaction to the emerald.

>> (I first tried the emerald on Aug. 3rd when budha was under 3 degrees away

>> from sUrya.)


>> The response emphasized that the jyotiSi held the opinion that I should


>> the first stone and that the cases of gems for benefics causing negative

>> reactions are VERY rare. Also, the jyotiSi was of the opinion that the


>> effects I received had nothing to do with the gem even though they are

>> repeatable, but something that would have happened to me anyway, the

>> proximity to the gem in time and space with the effects being


>> I am at a loss that there seems to be so little recourse in determining


>> a gemstone will affect someone, especially by serious practitioners of


>> a sacred and profound science who claim they are providing service to

>> humanity and know their recommendations are sought by persons in need and

>> that the cost of these recommendations can be exorbitant. Since I didn't

>> fit the profile of most clients with regard to gems, all I was told in the

>> end was 'good luck'. I now open this situation up for comment by the list

>> members in hopes of more information. Don't worry, however -- I will


>> my own counsel on this and return both gems.


>> ~Beau










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Hi, Wendy and Chris,


Wendy -- Thanks for taking the time to review my chart, your efforts and

insights are very much appreciated.


Chris -- What I gather from Wendy's analysis and the experience I had of the

power of gems is that greater care must be taken when prescribing them.

This invites a direct analogy to modern physicians and their varying use of

drugs. I've had doctors who practice in the same medical group widely

contradict one another's opinions on the use of pharmaceuticals with my

child as their trial ground. And I would not now place my faith in one

recommendation, no matter how long the jyotiSi has been practicing; in

hindsight, I should have asked another for advice, too.





Christopher Kevill [ckevill]

Wednesday, August 08, 2001 6:53 AM


Re: [gjlist] Do remedial measures really work? Help?





I wonder how this squares with James Braha's experience of recommending

gems for weak planets for 20 years?


To the disinterested observer, the existence of such diverse opinions in

this debate undermines the credibility of gems as a remedial measure.



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At 07:37 AM 8/8/01 -0700, you wrote:

>Hi, Wendy and Chris,


>Wendy -- Thanks for taking the time to review my chart, your efforts and

>insights are very much appreciated.


>Chris -- What I gather from Wendy's analysis and the experience I had of the

>power of gems is that greater care must be taken when prescribing them.

>This invites a direct analogy to modern physicians and their varying use of

>drugs. I've had doctors who practice in the same medical group widely

>contradict one another's opinions on the use of pharmaceuticals with my

>child as their trial ground. And I would not now place my faith in one

>recommendation, no matter how long the jyotiSi has been practicing; in

>hindsight, I should have asked another for advice, too.


This medical analogy is obviously a good idea whose time has come! I

totally agree. Mostly though, experimentation with the gems themselves

should be your guide, not the jyotishis. Trust yourself ahead of everyone









>Christopher Kevill [ckevill]

>Wednesday, August 08, 2001 6:53 AM


>Re: [gjlist] Do remedial measures really work? Help?





>I wonder how this squares with James Braha's experience of recommending

>gems for weak planets for 20 years?


>To the disinterested observer, the existence of such diverse opinions in

>this debate undermines the credibility of gems as a remedial measure.










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Dear Beau,

It occurred to me that perhaps your chart was done by that astrologer using

11:26AM vs. PM which might account for his mistaken recommendation. Just a






"Beau Binder" <bbinder

"Goravani Jyotish List" <gjlist>

Tuesday, August 07, 2001 10:01 PM

Re: [gjlist] Do remedial measures really work? Help?



> Hello all,


> This thread of conversation is a welcome dialog. I consider everything as

> possible but at the same time put everything of import to me under


> I also believe each individual will have varying results because of their

> individuality, so what works for one might/might not work for another. I


> currently in the beginning stages of experimenting with jyotiSa's remedial

> measures and would like to share what I have encountered in hopes that

> others can help me with their experience and benefit from mine.


> Even before studying jyotiSa, I have used mantrams in the past and


> like the gAyatrI, and from my experience they produce noticeable changes


> perception and the quality of the energetic environment. I have had a


> from subtle to very direct effects from mantrams. I feel both the

> meditative state chanting can induce as well as the sound combinations

> themselves contribute to these effects. However, for me, there has also

> been clear evidence that mantrams can invoke actual energy patterns that


> be physically felt. Recently, reciting the bijaM mantram for bRhaspati


> a definite effect for me. I think 'cooperation' between the mantram and


> chanter, in terms of desire, openness, and the chanter's

> mental/emotional/physical state, as well as the actual energy encoded in a

> mantram create various synergies for people. Anyway, that's my experience

> with mantrams in brief. :-)


> I have been looking into gemstones as a remedial measure since jyotiSa

> emphasizes their effectiveness and I would like to have as much assistance

> as I can gather to help me with the issues I am facing. I have found my

> gemstone prescription to have significant negative effects. I share this

> because I want folks to know these things are real, but can cut both ways.


> I recently had a reading done by a very prominent and credible jyotiSi who

> strongly prescribed emerald for me. My birth data is:


> 1963-DEC-11 11:26 PM Portland, OR, USA


> The emerald was prescribed for budha being closely hemmed by ketu and kuja

> in the 5th.


> I then went through the steps of acquiring an emerald from a gemmologist

> recommended by the jyotiSi. Emeralds, especially jyotiSa quality are not

> inexpensive, so I hope you can see I'm seriously testing the advice given


> me. (I'm somewhat embarrassed because this expenditure seems ostentatious

> from some perspectives and I am a modest person. It also placed a burden


> me financially, however, I really wanted to see if it would be remedial so


> went for it.) I expected the results from wearing the gem to be subtle

> and/or pleasant. I had the exact opposite occur. A few seconds after

> wearing the gem I began to feel physically uncomfortable; two minutes


> I became so ill I had to remove it.


> I wrote the jyotiSi, detailing the circumstances, and the brief response


> to try another emerald. I have done so (through a memo program at no


> thankfully) and though the second gem doesn't quite compare with the first

> in terms of intensity, I still feel physical discomfort after a while.


> this is difficult for me as I can't be nonchalant and detached dealing


> gems that cost so much.)


> Not wanting to bother the jyotiSi with my situation, but feeling unable to

> get assistance from any other avenue, I again wrote the jyotiSi in hopes


> getting clarification of my circumstances, thinking maybe the recent

> combustion of budha was the cause of my negative reaction to the emerald.

> (I first tried the emerald on Aug. 3rd when budha was under 3 degrees away

> from sUrya.)


> The response emphasized that the jyotiSi held the opinion that I should


> the first stone and that the cases of gems for benefics causing negative

> reactions are VERY rare. Also, the jyotiSi was of the opinion that the


> effects I received had nothing to do with the gem even though they are

> repeatable, but something that would have happened to me anyway, the

> proximity to the gem in time and space with the effects being


> I am at a loss that there seems to be so little recourse in determining


> a gemstone will affect someone, especially by serious practitioners of


> a sacred and profound science who claim they are providing service to

> humanity and know their recommendations are sought by persons in need and

> that the cost of these recommendations can be exorbitant. Since I didn't

> fit the profile of most clients with regard to gems, all I was told in the

> end was 'good luck'. I now open this situation up for comment by the list

> members in hopes of more information. Don't worry, however -- I will


> my own counsel on this and return both gems.


> ~Beau







> gjlist-




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In a message dated 8/8/2001 9:58:06 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

ckevill writes:



> I wonder how this squares with James Braha's experience of recommending

> gems for weak planets for 20 years?


> To the disinterested observer, the existence of such diverse opinions in

> this debate undermines the credibility of gems as a remedial measure.


> Chris


> From what I can tell, Chris, hardly one if any of us is a 'disinterested

> observer.' I say, this experience (of becoming ill immediately after

> wearing a recommended emerald and even when trying a second emerald

> recommended) tells me that the recommendation was not appropriate for the

> individual. This squares with the fact that not every person who has

> studied any subject in depth for 20 years or longer, will be infallible.

> That's reserved for the gods, not the mortals. So we live and we learn,

> that's all. I don't throw out the value of a person because the person

> made a mistake, nor should the disinterested observer you conjured!

> Best to all,

> Carol










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Hi Don,


Thanks for the thought; I wish that were the case! The astrologer and I

made sure he had the right time before continuing the first session and he

mailed me the charts he used in the initial analysis. They match with what

I've generated using GJ. I also sent my natal info to him each time I wrote

him thereafter.


I am planning on finding another jyotiSi who is currently in active practice

but hopefully a different training background.

I believe this person gave the best advice available to him from many years

of experience and the time available due to client load, but it is obvious

that the assessment could have included other considerations given the

findings from Wendy's analysis, and he could have asked another colleague

for a 2nd opinion.


Thanks again,




Don [vedicreadings]

Wednesday, August 08, 2001 5:10 PM


Re: [gjlist] Do remedial measures really work? Help?



Dear Beau,

It occurred to me that perhaps your chart was done by that astrologer using

11:26AM vs. PM which might account for his mistaken recommendation. Just a




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Dear Beau,

If he was working with the right there is no excuse for such a

recommendation. The advise Zoran has just given is the best advice in using

gemstones. 1, 5, and 9th lords can be strengthened most times without too

much concern. And even if Sani is yogakaraka I would assess the chart

carefully before strengthening a natural malefic if it is already strong by

sign and placement.





"Beau Binder" <bbinder


Wednesday, August 08, 2001 7:01 PM

RE: [gjlist] Do remedial measures really work? Help?



> Hi Don,


> Thanks for the thought; I wish that were the case! The astrologer and I

> made sure he had the right time before continuing the first session and he

> mailed me the charts he used in the initial analysis. They match with


> I've generated using GJ. I also sent my natal info to him each time I


> him thereafter.


> I am planning on finding another jyotiSi who is currently in active


> but hopefully a different training background.

> I believe this person gave the best advice available to him from many


> of experience and the time available due to client load, but it is obvious

> that the assessment could have included other considerations given the

> findings from Wendy's analysis, and he could have asked another colleague

> for a 2nd opinion.


> Thanks again,

> Beau



> Don [vedicreadings]

> Wednesday, August 08, 2001 5:10 PM

> gjlist

> Re: [gjlist] Do remedial measures really work? Help?



> Dear Beau,

> It occurred to me that perhaps your chart was done by that astrologer


> 11:26AM vs. PM which might account for his mistaken recommendation. Just


> thought!

> Respectfully,

> Don






> gjlist-




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>> From what I can tell, Chris, hardly one if any of us is a 'disinterested

>> observer.' I say, this experience (of becoming ill immediately after

>> wearing a recommended emerald and even when trying a second emerald

>> recommended) tells me that the recommendation was not appropriate for the

>> individual.


Perhaps not, but it may have been something that the astrologer could not

have known. This is the problem we face when discussing remedial measures.

Is the rule that is at fault or is it simply an anomalous reaction of the

individual which doesn't violate the rule? Certainly the tale of the

illness-inducing emerald tells us the Beau shouldn't go anywhere near

emeralds. But does that single case undermine the idea of strengthening

weak planets as a whole? I would say no. As we've seen, there are a

number of contradicting opinions out there, each claiming to the be

"correct" one. So who to believe? My point is starting this thread was

simply that there isn't a lot of research on this topic and it behooves us

to understand some real life experiences more. The real problem is that

it's tough to show that one way works better than another. Just so everyone

knows what how I'm dividing this up: one view holds that weak planets

should be strengthened if they are lagnesh, dasha lord or in some cases

just plain weak (like Moon), while the other side holds that only strong

planets should be propiated with gems. There are variations within each

camp eg. regarding natural malefics, but those seem to be the basic



It makes our job more difficult that there are credible experience

astrologers lining up on both sides.

How can one of them be wrong? And yet, one side of this debate may well be

wrong. So we have to imagine how could James Braha, who emphasizes the

importance of following up with clients to see how their reading compares

with what is actually unfolding in their life, get this so wrong after 20

years experience? Or how could all the great astrologers like Wendy and

her gurus and many many others miss the boat on this one? I honestly don't

know how to account for it. As it said before, it suggests that it may not

matter much either way OR there are other principles at work such as the

individual's karma as it relates to remedial measures. Some people may not

be susceptible to "karmic improvement" by wearing gems so it wont' matter

what they wear. In any event, the differing opinions of the subject strong

suggests that the individuals go to more than one astrologer or better yet,

try different gems.


This squares with the fact that not every person who has

>> studied any subject in depth for 20 years or longer, will be infallible.

>> That's reserved for the gods, not the mortals. So we live and we learn,

>> that's all. I don't throw out the value of a person because the person

>> made a mistake, nor should the disinterested observer you conjured!


I agree. I didn't want to give the impression that astrologers don't or

shouldn't make mistakes. I only wondered what the source of the error

might be -- in unknowable facts (such as the individual's gem karma or

random chance, etc) or in a misapplication of jyotish/vedic rules about

gems, or in the very lack of valid principles pertaining to remedial measures.




>> Best to all,

>> Carol

















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Okay Chris,


Let's try to clear the muddy waters if we can :-)))


FIRST: Yes! there are certain rules (guidelines) that most astrologers

adhere to. The guidelines that I follow are to strengthen (if needed) only

functional benefics, and to proceed with (great) caution if they happen to

be natural malefics...this is the basic principle. If my memory serves me

this is also what Braha advocates.


SECOND: And most important is to understand just how a planet is functioning

in the horoscope...what is it's relationship with other planets and what

affect is it having on them. Does it have the potential to disturb (or harm)

the significations of the planets/houses it aspects...or is it's aspect

beneficial. Following the above rule, one would say that if the planet's

strongest (moolatrikona) house is 1st, 5th or 9th, or it's yogakaraka, then

wearing that gem would be advantageous.......


But this is not always the case! Guidelines are just guidelines...the

essential ingredient is the skill of the astrologer to understand the

subtleties involved. I'm the first to admit that such subtle skills are not

always at hand...even for the best astrologers...it's hard reading someone

else's karma, but this is why (after twenty years practice) we say we're

still practicing this divine science...even the most skilled have their bad

days when all they see is symbols on a page, otherwise the mind is

blank...it happens to everyone :-)


Chris, we've spoken elsewhere (recently) about a native who has yogakaraka

Venus badly afflicted in 8th house of chronic illness, combust 8th lord Sun

and aspected by Mars and Saturn. Following the standard guidelines it would

be natural to recommend diamond to strengthen such a beneficial (yet

suffering) planet. Several renowned pundits (as well as yours truly) have in

fact recommended this. But further insight has led me to understand the true

nature of this chronic affliction, and I realise that wearing a diamond

would further undermine the health of this native.


Sun and Venus are natural enemies and being together in Leo they have become

bitter enemies. Both Sun and Venus are in the nakshatra of Venus. Yes! Venus

suffers by this placement, but Sun (lord of 8th house {chronic illness} and

significator of self/body/health) suffers even more. What do you suppose

would be the result if this native were to wear diamond??


So Chris, it's not always as simple as following this set of rules, or that

set of guidelines. Each horoscope is unique!


And you know, sometimes we get it right and sometimes we don't...none of us

are infallible!


My Best Wishes,





> Carol:


> >>

> >> From what I can tell, Chris, hardly one if any of us is a


> >> observer.' I say, this experience (of becoming ill immediately after

> >> wearing a recommended emerald and even when trying a second emerald

> >> recommended) tells me that the recommendation was not appropriate for


> >> individual.


> Perhaps not, but it may have been something that the astrologer could not

> have known. This is the problem we face when discussing remedial


> Is the rule that is at fault or is it simply an anomalous reaction of the

> individual which doesn't violate the rule? Certainly the tale of the

> illness-inducing emerald tells us the Beau shouldn't go anywhere near

> emeralds. But does that single case undermine the idea of strengthening

> weak planets as a whole? I would say no. As we've seen, there are a

> number of contradicting opinions out there, each claiming to the be

> "correct" one. So who to believe? My point is starting this thread was

> simply that there isn't a lot of research on this topic and it behooves us

> to understand some real life experiences more. The real problem is that

> it's tough to show that one way works better than another. Just so


> knows what how I'm dividing this up: one view holds that weak planets

> should be strengthened if they are lagnesh, dasha lord or in some cases

> just plain weak (like Moon), while the other side holds that only strong

> planets should be propiated with gems. There are variations within each

> camp eg. regarding natural malefics, but those seem to be the basic

> contours.


> It makes our job more difficult that there are credible experience

> astrologers lining up on both sides.

> How can one of them be wrong? And yet, one side of this debate may well


> wrong. So we have to imagine how could James Braha, who emphasizes the

> importance of following up with clients to see how their reading compares

> with what is actually unfolding in their life, get this so wrong after 20

> years experience? Or how could all the great astrologers like Wendy and

> her gurus and many many others miss the boat on this one? I honestly


> know how to account for it. As it said before, it suggests that it may


> matter much either way OR there are other principles at work such as the

> individual's karma as it relates to remedial measures. Some people may


> be susceptible to "karmic improvement" by wearing gems so it wont' matter

> what they wear. In any event, the differing opinions of the subject


> suggests that the individuals go to more than one astrologer or better


> try different gems.


> This squares with the fact that not every person who has

> >> studied any subject in depth for 20 years or longer, will be


> >> That's reserved for the gods, not the mortals. So we live and we learn,

> >> that's all. I don't throw out the value of a person because the person

> >> made a mistake, nor should the disinterested observer you conjured!


> I agree. I didn't want to give the impression that astrologers don't or

> shouldn't make mistakes. I only wondered what the source of the error

> might be -- in unknowable facts (such as the individual's gem karma or

> random chance, etc) or in a misapplication of jyotish/vedic rules about

> gems, or in the very lack of valid principles pertaining to remedial



> Chris


> >> Best to all,

> >> Carol

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Can you strengthen both Venus and the Sun or would that make it even worse? How

about a benefic that aspects the house that Venus/Sun are in? Would that help?


>>> wenvas 08/09/01 10:16AM >>>

Okay Chris,


Let's try to clear the muddy waters if we can :-)))


FIRST: Yes! there are certain rules (guidelines) that most astrologers

adhere to. The guidelines that I follow are to strengthen (if needed) only

functional benefics, and to proceed with (great) caution if they happen to

be natural malefics...this is the basic principle. If my memory serves me

this is also what Braha advocates.


SECOND: And most important is to understand just how a planet is functioning

in the horoscope...what is it's relationship with other planets and what

affect is it having on them. Does it have the potential to disturb (or harm)

the significations of the planets/houses it aspects...or is it's aspect

beneficial. Following the above rule, one would say that if the planet's

strongest (moolatrikona) house is 1st, 5th or 9th, or it's yogakaraka, then

wearing that gem would be advantageous.......


But this is not always the case! Guidelines are just guidelines...the

essential ingredient is the skill of the astrologer to understand the

subtleties involved. I'm the first to admit that such subtle skills are not

always at hand...even for the best astrologers...it's hard reading someone

else's karma, but this is why (after twenty years practice) we say we're

still practicing this divine science...even the most skilled have their bad

days when all they see is symbols on a page, otherwise the mind is

blank...it happens to everyone :-)


Chris, we've spoken elsewhere (recently) about a native who has yogakaraka

Venus badly afflicted in 8th house of chronic illness, combust 8th lord Sun

and aspected by Mars and Saturn. Following the standard guidelines it would

be natural to recommend diamond to strengthen such a beneficial (yet

suffering) planet. Several renowned pundits (as well as yours truly) have in

fact recommended this. But further insight has led me to understand the true

nature of this chronic affliction, and I realise that wearing a diamond

would further undermine the health of this native.


Sun and Venus are natural enemies and being together in Leo they have become

bitter enemies. Both Sun and Venus are in the nakshatra of Venus. Yes! Venus

suffers by this placement, but Sun (lord of 8th house {chronic illness} and

significator of self/body/health) suffers even more. What do you suppose

would be the result if this native were to wear diamond??


So Chris, it's not always as simple as following this set of rules, or that

set of guidelines. Each horoscope is unique!


And you know, sometimes we get it right and sometimes we don't...none of us

are infallible!


My Best Wishes,





> Carol:


> >>

> >> From what I can tell, Chris, hardly one if any of us is a


> >> observer.' I say, this experience (of becoming ill immediately after

> >> wearing a recommended emerald and even when trying a second emerald

> >> recommended) tells me that the recommendation was not appropriate for


> >> individual.


> Perhaps not, but it may have been something that the astrologer could not

> have known. This is the problem we face when discussing remedial


> Is the rule that is at fault or is it simply an anomalous reaction of the

> individual which doesn't violate the rule? Certainly the tale of the

> illness-inducing emerald tells us the Beau shouldn't go anywhere near

> emeralds. But does that single case undermine the idea of strengthening

> weak planets as a whole? I would say no. As we've seen, there are a

> number of contradicting opinions out there, each claiming to the be

> "correct" one. So who to believe? My point is starting this thread was

> simply that there isn't a lot of research on this topic and it behooves us

> to understand some real life experiences more. The real problem is that

> it's tough to show that one way works better than another. Just so


> knows what how I'm dividing this up: one view holds that weak planets

> should be strengthened if they are lagnesh, dasha lord or in some cases

> just plain weak (like Moon), while the other side holds that only strong

> planets should be propiated with gems. There are variations within each

> camp eg. regarding natural malefics, but those seem to be the basic

> contours.


> It makes our job more difficult that there are credible experience

> astrologers lining up on both sides.

> How can one of them be wrong? And yet, one side of this debate may well


> wrong. So we have to imagine how could James Braha, who emphasizes the

> importance of following up with clients to see how their reading compares

> with what is actually unfolding in their life, get this so wrong after 20

> years experience? Or how could all the great astrologers like Wendy and

> her gurus and many many others miss the boat on this one? I honestly


> know how to account for it. As it said before, it suggests that it may


> matter much either way OR there are other principles at work such as the

> individual's karma as it relates to remedial measures. Some people may


> be susceptible to "karmic improvement" by wearing gems so it wont' matter

> what they wear. In any event, the differing opinions of the subject


> suggests that the individuals go to more than one astrologer or better


> try different gems.


> This squares with the fact that not every person who has

> >> studied any subject in depth for 20 years or longer, will be


> >> That's reserved for the gods, not the mortals. So we live and we learn,

> >> that's all. I don't throw out the value of a person because the person

> >> made a mistake, nor should the disinterested observer you conjured!


> I agree. I didn't want to give the impression that astrologers don't or

> shouldn't make mistakes. I only wondered what the source of the error

> might be -- in unknowable facts (such as the individual's gem karma or

> random chance, etc) or in a misapplication of jyotish/vedic rules about

> gems, or in the very lack of valid principles pertaining to remedial



> Chris


> >> Best to all,

> >> Carol









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>Chris, we've spoken elsewhere (recently) about a native who has yogakaraka

>Venus badly afflicted in 8th house of chronic illness, combust 8th lord Sun

>and aspected by Mars and Saturn. Following the standard guidelines it would

>be natural to recommend diamond to strengthen such a beneficial (yet

>suffering) planet. Several renowned pundits (as well as yours truly) have in

>fact recommended this. But further insight has led me to understand the true

>nature of this chronic affliction, and I realise that wearing a diamond

>would further undermine the health of this native.


>Sun and Venus are natural enemies and being together in Leo they have become

>bitter enemies. Both Sun and Venus are in the nakshatra of Venus. Yes! Venus

>suffers by this placement, but Sun (lord of 8th house {chronic illness} and

>significator of self/body/health) suffers even more. What do you suppose

>would be the result if this native were to wear diamond??


I don't know. Something good, something bad, or maybe nothing. I would

always say let experience by the guide. If the person is in Venus dasha

especially, I'd say get a diamond (or semi precious equivalent) and try it

out. Where's the harm in that? Given that opinions on this sort of thing

are all over the map (not to you, but to me, and anybody else who has

dipped their toes into this topic), I wouldn't let preconceived ideas bias

my recommendations.


Although I may come across as a sometimes ornery and eternally doubting

Thomas, just so you know, I'm glad you're still on this list sharing your

knowledge with us.





>My Best Wishes,





>> Carol:


>> >>

>> >> From what I can tell, Chris, hardly one if any of us is a


>> >> observer.' I say, this experience (of becoming ill immediately after

>> >> wearing a recommended emerald and even when trying a second emerald

>> >> recommended) tells me that the recommendation was not appropriate for


>> >> individual.


>> Perhaps not, but it may have been something that the astrologer could not

>> have known. This is the problem we face when discussing remedial


>> Is the rule that is at fault or is it simply an anomalous reaction of the

>> individual which doesn't violate the rule? Certainly the tale of the

>> illness-inducing emerald tells us the Beau shouldn't go anywhere near

>> emeralds. But does that single case undermine the idea of strengthening

>> weak planets as a whole? I would say no. As we've seen, there are a

>> number of contradicting opinions out there, each claiming to the be

>> "correct" one. So who to believe? My point is starting this thread was

>> simply that there isn't a lot of research on this topic and it behooves us

>> to understand some real life experiences more. The real problem is that

>> it's tough to show that one way works better than another. Just so


>> knows what how I'm dividing this up: one view holds that weak planets

>> should be strengthened if they are lagnesh, dasha lord or in some cases

>> just plain weak (like Moon), while the other side holds that only strong

>> planets should be propiated with gems. There are variations within each

>> camp eg. regarding natural malefics, but those seem to be the basic

>> contours.


>> It makes our job more difficult that there are credible experience

>> astrologers lining up on both sides.

>> How can one of them be wrong? And yet, one side of this debate may well


>> wrong. So we have to imagine how could James Braha, who emphasizes the

>> importance of following up with clients to see how their reading compares

>> with what is actually unfolding in their life, get this so wrong after 20

>> years experience? Or how could all the great astrologers like Wendy and

>> her gurus and many many others miss the boat on this one? I honestly


>> know how to account for it. As it said before, it suggests that it may


>> matter much either way OR there are other principles at work such as the

>> individual's karma as it relates to remedial measures. Some people may


>> be susceptible to "karmic improvement" by wearing gems so it wont' matter

>> what they wear. In any event, the differing opinions of the subject


>> suggests that the individuals go to more than one astrologer or better


>> try different gems.


>> This squares with the fact that not every person who has

>> >> studied any subject in depth for 20 years or longer, will be


>> >> That's reserved for the gods, not the mortals. So we live and we learn,

>> >> that's all. I don't throw out the value of a person because the person

>> >> made a mistake, nor should the disinterested observer you conjured!


>> I agree. I didn't want to give the impression that astrologers don't or

>> shouldn't make mistakes. I only wondered what the source of the error

>> might be -- in unknowable facts (such as the individual's gem karma or

>> random chance, etc) or in a misapplication of jyotish/vedic rules about

>> gems, or in the very lack of valid principles pertaining to remedial



>> Chris


>> >> Best to all,

>> >> Carol









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At 03:17 PM 8/9/01 -0700, you wrote:

>Hi Chris,

>I don't know who's experience with James Braha you are referencing.Perhaps


>could cite it. My wife and I had readings with him in 1995 and he


>stated then that it was his policy not to do follow on readings.In

retrospect I

>can't say I'm disappointed as I would not seek another.


He states the importance of follow up in his latest book. Other than that,

I can't say. Weird. Maybe a change in policy.



>As far as remedials are concerned my take is this; since you can't set up a

>"control" you can't have an experiment.




All evidence will be anecdotal. My own

>experience with a stone and a kavach has been (to me), highly positive. I


>as others have testified,that divine grace is the key. Perhaps the act of

>accepting into your belief system the positive possibilities through the

agency of

>remedials, prepares the "ground" of your spirit for grace.


Yes, I think this may be the best way of looking at it. If so, then it

doesn't have much to do with the particulars of the chart itself.





>Best Regards,



>Christopher Kevill wrote:


>> Carol:


>> >>

>> >> From what I can tell, Chris, hardly one if any of us is a 'disinterested

>> >> observer.' I say, this experience (of becoming ill immediately after

>> >> wearing a recommended emerald and even when trying a second emerald

>> >> recommended) tells me that the recommendation was not appropriate for


>> >> individual.


>> Perhaps not, but it may have been something that the astrologer could not

>> have known. This is the problem we face when discussing remedial measures.

>> Is the rule that is at fault or is it simply an anomalous reaction of the

>> individual which doesn't violate the rule? Certainly the tale of the

>> illness-inducing emerald tells us the Beau shouldn't go anywhere near

>> emeralds. But does that single case undermine the idea of strengthening

>> weak planets as a whole? I would say no. As we've seen, there are a

>> number of contradicting opinions out there, each claiming to the be

>> "correct" one. So who to believe? My point is starting this thread was

>> simply that there isn't a lot of research on this topic and it behooves us

>> to understand some real life experiences more. The real problem is that

>> it's tough to show that one way works better than another. Just so everyone

>> knows what how I'm dividing this up: one view holds that weak planets

>> should be strengthened if they are lagnesh, dasha lord or in some cases

>> just plain weak (like Moon), while the other side holds that only strong

>> planets should be propiated with gems. There are variations within each

>> camp eg. regarding natural malefics, but those seem to be the basic

>> contours.


>> It makes our job more difficult that there are credible experience

>> astrologers lining up on both sides.

>> How can one of them be wrong? And yet, one side of this debate may well be

>> wrong. So we have to imagine how could James Braha, who emphasizes the

>> importance of following up with clients to see how their reading compares

>> with what is actually unfolding in their life, get this so wrong after 20

>> years experience? Or how could all the great astrologers like Wendy and

>> her gurus and many many others miss the boat on this one? I honestly don't

>> know how to account for it. As it said before, it suggests that it may not

>> matter much either way OR there are other principles at work such as the

>> individual's karma as it relates to remedial measures. Some people may not

>> be susceptible to "karmic improvement" by wearing gems so it wont' matter

>> what they wear. In any event, the differing opinions of the subject strong

>> suggests that the individuals go to more than one astrologer or better yet,

>> try different gems.


>> This squares with the fact that not every person who has

>> >> studied any subject in depth for 20 years or longer, will be infallible.

>> >> That's reserved for the gods, not the mortals. So we live and we learn,

>> >> that's all. I don't throw out the value of a person because the person

>> >> made a mistake, nor should the disinterested observer you conjured!


>> I agree. I didn't want to give the impression that astrologers don't or

>> shouldn't make mistakes. I only wondered what the source of the error

>> might be -- in unknowable facts (such as the individual's gem karma or

>> random chance, etc) or in a misapplication of jyotish/vedic rules about

>> gems, or in the very lack of valid principles pertaining to remedial



>> Chris


>> >> Best to all,

>> >> Carol

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >gjlist-

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >Your use of is subject to

>> >

>> >

>> >

>> >



>> gjlist-




>> Your use of is subject to








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Hi Chris,

I don't know who's experience with James Braha you are referencing.Perhaps you

could cite it. My wife and I had readings with him in 1995 and he emphatically

stated then that it was his policy not to do follow on readings.In retrospect I

can't say I'm disappointed as I would not seek another.

As far as remedials are concerned my take is this; since you can't set up a

"control" you can't have an experiment. All evidence will be anecdotal. My own

experience with a stone and a kavach has been (to me), highly positive. I


as others have testified,that divine grace is the key. Perhaps the act of

accepting into your belief system the positive possibilities through the agency


remedials, prepares the "ground" of your spirit for grace.

Best Regards,



Christopher Kevill wrote:


> Carol:


> >>

> >> From what I can tell, Chris, hardly one if any of us is a 'disinterested

> >> observer.' I say, this experience (of becoming ill immediately after

> >> wearing a recommended emerald and even when trying a second emerald

> >> recommended) tells me that the recommendation was not appropriate for the

> >> individual.


> Perhaps not, but it may have been something that the astrologer could not

> have known. This is the problem we face when discussing remedial measures.

> Is the rule that is at fault or is it simply an anomalous reaction of the

> individual which doesn't violate the rule? Certainly the tale of the

> illness-inducing emerald tells us the Beau shouldn't go anywhere near

> emeralds. But does that single case undermine the idea of strengthening

> weak planets as a whole? I would say no. As we've seen, there are a

> number of contradicting opinions out there, each claiming to the be

> "correct" one. So who to believe? My point is starting this thread was

> simply that there isn't a lot of research on this topic and it behooves us

> to understand some real life experiences more. The real problem is that

> it's tough to show that one way works better than another. Just so everyone

> knows what how I'm dividing this up: one view holds that weak planets

> should be strengthened if they are lagnesh, dasha lord or in some cases

> just plain weak (like Moon), while the other side holds that only strong

> planets should be propiated with gems. There are variations within each

> camp eg. regarding natural malefics, but those seem to be the basic

> contours.


> It makes our job more difficult that there are credible experience

> astrologers lining up on both sides.

> How can one of them be wrong? And yet, one side of this debate may well be

> wrong. So we have to imagine how could James Braha, who emphasizes the

> importance of following up with clients to see how their reading compares

> with what is actually unfolding in their life, get this so wrong after 20

> years experience? Or how could all the great astrologers like Wendy and

> her gurus and many many others miss the boat on this one? I honestly don't

> know how to account for it. As it said before, it suggests that it may not

> matter much either way OR there are other principles at work such as the

> individual's karma as it relates to remedial measures. Some people may not

> be susceptible to "karmic improvement" by wearing gems so it wont' matter

> what they wear. In any event, the differing opinions of the subject strong

> suggests that the individuals go to more than one astrologer or better yet,

> try different gems.


> This squares with the fact that not every person who has

> >> studied any subject in depth for 20 years or longer, will be infallible.

> >> That's reserved for the gods, not the mortals. So we live and we learn,

> >> that's all. I don't throw out the value of a person because the person

> >> made a mistake, nor should the disinterested observer you conjured!


> I agree. I didn't want to give the impression that astrologers don't or

> shouldn't make mistakes. I only wondered what the source of the error

> might be -- in unknowable facts (such as the individual's gem karma or

> random chance, etc) or in a misapplication of jyotish/vedic rules about

> gems, or in the very lack of valid principles pertaining to remedial measures.


> Chris


> >> Best to all,

> >> Carol

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >gjlist-

> >

> >

> >

> >Your use of is subject to

> >

> >

> >

> >



> gjlist-




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Dear Wendy,

I want to thank you for bringing some clarity back into the discussion. I

am in agreement with your assessment on all accounts. Very well said!




"Wendy Vasicek" <wenvas


Thursday, August 09, 2001 10:16 AM

Re: [gjlist] Do remedial measures really work? Help?



> Okay Chris,


> Let's try to clear the muddy waters if we can :-)))


> FIRST: Yes! there are certain rules (guidelines) that most astrologers

> adhere to. The guidelines that I follow are to strengthen (if needed) only

> functional benefics, and to proceed with (great) caution if they happen to

> be natural malefics...this is the basic principle. If my memory serves me

> this is also what Braha advocates.


> SECOND: And most important is to understand just how a planet is


> in the horoscope...what is it's relationship with other planets and what

> affect is it having on them. Does it have the potential to disturb (or


> the significations of the planets/houses it aspects...or is it's aspect

> beneficial. Following the above rule, one would say that if the planet's

> strongest (moolatrikona) house is 1st, 5th or 9th, or it's yogakaraka,


> wearing that gem would be advantageous.......


> But this is not always the case! Guidelines are just guidelines...the

> essential ingredient is the skill of the astrologer to understand the

> subtleties involved. I'm the first to admit that such subtle skills are


> always at hand...even for the best astrologers...it's hard reading someone

> else's karma, but this is why (after twenty years practice) we say we're

> still practicing this divine science...even the most skilled have their


> days when all they see is symbols on a page, otherwise the mind is

> blank...it happens to everyone :-)


> Chris, we've spoken elsewhere (recently) about a native who has yogakaraka

> Venus badly afflicted in 8th house of chronic illness, combust 8th lord


> and aspected by Mars and Saturn. Following the standard guidelines it


> be natural to recommend diamond to strengthen such a beneficial (yet

> suffering) planet. Several renowned pundits (as well as yours truly) have


> fact recommended this. But further insight has led me to understand the


> nature of this chronic affliction, and I realise that wearing a diamond

> would further undermine the health of this native.


> Sun and Venus are natural enemies and being together in Leo they have


> bitter enemies. Both Sun and Venus are in the nakshatra of Venus. Yes!


> suffers by this placement, but Sun (lord of 8th house {chronic illness}


> significator of self/body/health) suffers even more. What do you suppose

> would be the result if this native were to wear diamond??


> So Chris, it's not always as simple as following this set of rules, or


> set of guidelines. Each horoscope is unique!


> And you know, sometimes we get it right and sometimes we don't...none of


> are infallible!


> My Best Wishes,

> Wendy




> > Carol:

> >

> > >>

> > >> From what I can tell, Chris, hardly one if any of us is a

> 'disinterested

> > >> observer.' I say, this experience (of becoming ill immediately after

> > >> wearing a recommended emerald and even when trying a second emerald

> > >> recommended) tells me that the recommendation was not appropriate for

> the

> > >> individual.

> >

> > Perhaps not, but it may have been something that the astrologer could


> > have known. This is the problem we face when discussing remedial

> measures.

> > Is the rule that is at fault or is it simply an anomalous reaction of


> > individual which doesn't violate the rule? Certainly the tale of the

> > illness-inducing emerald tells us the Beau shouldn't go anywhere near

> > emeralds. But does that single case undermine the idea of strengthening

> > weak planets as a whole? I would say no. As we've seen, there are a

> > number of contradicting opinions out there, each claiming to the be

> > "correct" one. So who to believe? My point is starting this thread was

> > simply that there isn't a lot of research on this topic and it behooves


> > to understand some real life experiences more. The real problem is that

> > it's tough to show that one way works better than another. Just so

> everyone

> > knows what how I'm dividing this up: one view holds that weak planets

> > should be strengthened if they are lagnesh, dasha lord or in some cases

> > just plain weak (like Moon), while the other side holds that only strong

> > planets should be propiated with gems. There are variations within each

> > camp eg. regarding natural malefics, but those seem to be the basic

> > contours.

> >

> > It makes our job more difficult that there are credible experience

> > astrologers lining up on both sides.

> > How can one of them be wrong? And yet, one side of this debate may well

> be

> > wrong. So we have to imagine how could James Braha, who emphasizes the

> > importance of following up with clients to see how their reading


> > with what is actually unfolding in their life, get this so wrong after


> > years experience? Or how could all the great astrologers like Wendy and

> > her gurus and many many others miss the boat on this one? I honestly

> don't

> > know how to account for it. As it said before, it suggests that it may

> not

> > matter much either way OR there are other principles at work such as the

> > individual's karma as it relates to remedial measures. Some people may

> not

> > be susceptible to "karmic improvement" by wearing gems so it wont'


> > what they wear. In any event, the differing opinions of the subject

> strong

> > suggests that the individuals go to more than one astrologer or better

> yet,

> > try different gems.

> >

> > This squares with the fact that not every person who has

> > >> studied any subject in depth for 20 years or longer, will be

> infallible.

> > >> That's reserved for the gods, not the mortals. So we live and we


> > >> that's all. I don't throw out the value of a person because the


> > >> made a mistake, nor should the disinterested observer you conjured!

> >

> > I agree. I didn't want to give the impression that astrologers don't or

> > shouldn't make mistakes. I only wondered what the source of the error

> > might be -- in unknowable facts (such as the individual's gem karma or

> > random chance, etc) or in a misapplication of jyotish/vedic rules about

> > gems, or in the very lack of valid principles pertaining to remedial

> measures.

> >

> > Chris

> >

> > >> Best to all,

> > >> Carol





> gjlist-




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Dear Renee,


In this instance there are no beneficial aspects. My recommendation would be

to wear Gold to strengthen the body...Ruby would be too harmful to Venus.







>> Can you strengthen both Venus and the Sun or would that make it even

worse? How about a benefic that aspects the house that Venus/Sun are in?

Would that help?<<

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Dear Chris,

You apparently wish to divide astrologers into camps on one side of the

river or the other--I wish to unite us in our diversity with deep respect for


I was a western astrology enthusiast (for over 20 years) and now realize my

in-depth studies led me to fallible conclusions, although I thought I studied

the best of the western authors...

I am learning jyotish as I go. I deeply respect what it has to offer. At

the same time I'm aware there are voices (such as the late Dr. B.V.

Raman)saying, "Do not dismiss Tropical system but learn what it has to offer".

Let us live and learn what's best for the individual being given a

recommendation. The fact it is valid for one to prescribe remedial gems for

weakened planets, and for another to prescribe for strong planets--may be a

function of the astrologer who might actually draw to himself the persons who

would benefit from his formulary.

\ Who is to know the divine (and predestined or not) interactions of people?

Witness nadi leaves,reserved for future consultants--and consider that there may

be more valid answers than you'd find on one side of the river...just as we find

that clothing is generally worn only by its owner, a family's food stores are

unique to that family, a person's contribution to the world is unique to

himself, and your name describes you as distinct from others...one ought not

clone an idea but temper it with insight as the person to whom it is applied is

unlike any other person in the world.



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Sorry Nicholas: I don't have any data for Skase at all...wish I had. Strong

indications for persecution, exiled to foreign land, great gains, great

loss, time of death recorded (although I've forgotten now what it was).

Would be an interesting chart to read.


Regards, Wendy


> Dear Wendy

> Do you have Christopher Skase's birth time .I suspected he might be an

> Aries Lagna .

> Thanks Nicholas

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At 10:37 AM 8/10/01 EDT, you wrote:

>Dear Chris,

> You apparently wish to divide astrologers into camps on one side of

the river or the other--I wish to unite us in our diversity with deep

respect for same.


This sounds good to me, too. I don't particularly want to divide

*astrologers*, I just noted different approaches to this matter. Without

the power to discriminate, we sink into a morass of "do whatever you like".



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In a message dated Fri, 10 Aug 2001 12:21:25 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

Christopher Kevill <ckevill writes:


> This sounds good to me, too. I don't particularly want to divide

> *astrologers*, I just noted different approaches to this matter. Without

> the power to discriminate, we sink into a morass of "do whatever you like".


> Chris



Now you're talking about an idea my teenagers would think is pure heaven! :-D

Best wishes,


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