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WTC, America, Nostradamus, astrology and more!

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Scott MacDonald :


> So you say not to express solidarity yet you express a whole letter filled

> with solidarity…typical.


Please raghu and others, bear with me for writing this and not discussing yogas!

This is a dreadful time and I have to pour out my heart to someone or other! Of

what use is astrology if we are not there at all?


Dear Scott,


I did not say that expressing solidarity is wrong, but that is is not enough!

Something must be done, more than even giving help to the victims: we have to

STOP the creation of new victims!


This attack on America is only symbolic, a beginning. Yes, I do live in

Germany.But that does not mean that I think racially or in Nazi terms. Germany

is in a way a small bit of the US. What happened to the US can happen here

tomorrow. We too are in the NATO, send troops etc. to conflict areas, have

discussions in Israel. Berlin and Franfurt are just as vulnerable as New York or

washington. The terrorists have declared war on the west!


Back in the mid- and late 70s I had to fly almost every week. It was the high

season for hijacking. This went so far as to evoke humour:


An indian guy buys a plane ticket from Bombay to Delhi. He boards the plane,

somehow smuggles in a revolver. As soon as the plane is in the air, he gets to

the cockpit, points the gun at the pilot and says, "I´m hijacking this aircraft.

You will now set your course towards Delhi and land at Delhi AND NOWHERE ELSE!"


I used to carry a razor blade with me: if I got hijacked and tortured I´d have a

way of escape!


Even now the news is full of the tragedy, every politician talks of tightening

security measures. In those days flying was a pain, hours of security check.

Much of it is still in practice, a bit more streamloned. But that did not stop

hijacking. What can one do at all? Criminals find ways of getting past existing

measures, the cops can never envisage the ways of the criminals. The innocent

will be harrassed, but the perpetrators will succeed.


Against kamikaze methods we are helpless. India lost a great prime minister, his

mother was killed by her bodyguard! Eye for eye and tooth for tooth is no

solution. I agree. But sitting at a table and discussing does not help either,

if outside on the street bombs are bursting!


I have a terrible imagination. I could not help doing so, but projected myself

into the hijacked planes and the WTC. I was a victim. And it was horrible!


What is the UN for? SEnding troops to preserve peace where the parties do not

want peace? The world has a right to live in peace. Okay, kill your neighbours,

but do it within your own territory! But if you throw bombs at others, we´ll

wipe you out, you and your neighbour! This sounds drastic and inhuman, but are

such attacks humane?


The astrological explanations - Mars/kethu etc. - are no doubt interesting. But

what was the use? Could WTC be foreseen, could the people there and at the

Pentagon be evacuated in time? Raghu´s parable about the inevitable is so apt!

But sanjay says we have 33% freedom. This is the time to use this freedom,



If this act was a Palestinian act, the US and the UN must do something. The

creation of Israel was a mistake: to create a state for a racial or religious

group is stupid! The Levant states could have been integrated with the right of

Jews to settle down there. The CIA was ready and able to kill Allende and

Kennedy, but not the terrorists in Palestina! Today the US is paying for its

mistakes, and the whole world is now under attack.


The old rule says saama, dhaana, bhedha, dhanda! Try it with soft speech, then

by giving, then by discrimination (sanctions) and then, if all this fails,



This is the or a message of the Gita!


Nostradamus: I have checked the quatrains given in the letter, but neither the

french version nor the english translation fits anything that was said.there are

many different versions, though. I do remember having read about the "fall of a

wall" and the "burning of a twin-city". The wall was probably the Berlin wall a

decade ago. The twin city: Buda-Pest, London/westminster, NY manhattan/brooklyn?


The WTC was a twin tower and in complicity could be regarded as a twin-city in



I think the Hopi letter has more to say: this is the hour and we must re-think!

The US will now perhaps think of reprisals, but that is useless. A true policy

of honesty and love is necessary, the creating of conflicts to sell armament

should stop!


If i was hard on moslems, please forgive me. Islam is a great religion, teaches

love. But too many of its adherents have never understood the teachings, act

abominably, like the Christians during the crusades or inquisition. but i still

think that the good moslems should be shaken and forced to denounce and fight

the malefic elements in their ranks! False toleration is the breeding ground of



forgive me for having bored you!





PS: I am still weeping for the victims of NY and Washington.

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I am appending a Prediction which appeared in a National Hindi News Paper of

Delhi which has been reproduced in Journal of Astrology in the year, 2000.

This is english translation of the prediction by Shri K.N. Rao :


English translation of the prediction made on 26 December 1999 and published

in Hindi Hindustan, a national Hindi daily published from Delhi.

This has been reproduced in the July-September 2000 issue of the Journal of

Astrology at page 116.

The Prediction

“ America will be a victim of terrorist activities on its own soil. Some

conspiracy against America has already been hatched. It also appears that

the successor of Clinton will not be from Democratic Party. But in the

absence of the proper horoscopes of concerned people, it is difficult to say

anything more”






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