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Dear Hossesgirl and everyone,


Thank you for your post re America. I think what you've said presents my



I am a complex person. I understand religious extremists perhaps more

than most persons. I've also lived in remote and very third world parts

of the world, and I've had extensive dealings with persons who really

hate the US, including Moslems in India. I have been close to

Hindu/Moslem violence, and felt the results of religious and ethnic

hatred. I also grew up in Oakland in the days of the SLA, Black

Panthers, Malcolm X, and so on, with the Black Awareness growth in the

US. Oakland was a seat of that revolution.


I understand how Arabs feel towards the US, and towards the White Man's

dominance of the world, and the spread of the White Man's culture.


I understand alot of feelings, around the globe, perhaps more than most people.


In the end of my own thinking however, with all things considered in my

mind, I come to what you said, that basically, well, the days of

terrorism are over in terms of acceptance. I think anti-terrorism will

now spread even in the Arab countries. That's my opinion.


I think it is time for the world to work together. Now more than ever it

is possible, and I believe, personally, that it is happening. I think

walls are coming down, and old hatreds are being gradually replaced with

new economic ties. I think economics represents focusing on basics, and

I think basics are where we should stay focused.


I do agree also, that religion has been nicely dealt with in America, as

best as can be, on Earth at this time. Basically, all are free to

believe whatever, but we cooperate as a nation in ways related to the

basics, such as roads, military, infrastructure, and so on. Otherwise,

we have many cultures co-existing and getting along generally.


The things that America has together, like economics and infrastructure,

are only "bad" if you are on either an environmental or religious

viewpoint. Both have merit, and I agree and listen to much from these

two viewpoints, and others like them if they exist, where the basis of

our culture, Western Culture, is questioned. I agree with questioning

this basis.


However, the fact is, that every flesh bound entity would also like to

have more comfort and ease. America has more comfort and ease. This fact

is enviable, and attracts attention. The fact that we are so materially

together goes way back, and in that togetherness, some of our more

agressive citizens have at many times set up businesses, or done things

overseas, in such a way, as to show lack of concern for other lives.

This ugliness combined with success, makes us obvious targets of the

have nots.


However, in the end, philosophically and before God, I think basically

that it is envy, jealousy, ultimately, and lack of real understanding of

our oneness as a race of beings, and lack of understanding of karma,

that leads to the ability to do things like this attack yesterday.


I do think the times and days of being able to be so one-sided and blind

to brotherhood, blind to pain, un-compassionate, and so on, I think

those days are limited. I think also that American awareness of other

people must grow. I surely agree that this cut off land has also

generally cut off people in it. I am not happy about the lack of worldly

education amongst fellow Americans. The lack of world travel, second

languages, respect for other nations, is appalling. Americans do have a

very ugly side, but with that, I have to say, my opinion is that

generally they are completely innocent despite this.


I say this because they are simply reaping good karma. The rest of the

world is much more tumultuous in general. In the rest of the world, even

our closely similar neighbor and cousin Europe, is more sophisticated.

The educational level, number of second languages learned, and so on, is

MUCH higher. I know all these things first hand through experience.


America is plump and so on, but innocent. The people of America are

pretty simple and pretty good hearted overall. It is a land where

general good karma is played out. Afghanistan, on the other hand, well

the same cannot be said there. Or Iraq, or Iran, or even Saudi Arabia.

It's not as nice, period, overall, not as free, not as oppulant,

comfortable, wealthy, bug free, easy going, supplied, stocked, and so

on. I've been all over the world. Nowhere is it as easy to live as here

in America.


But remember, every 100 years roughly, it's all new people in every

country. So we're all moving around. Americans are all new, just like

Arabs are all new. We're all new, all the time. We're all babies. All

the old people died. That's the way it is. So we inheret legacies of

culture and nationalism, and carry them forward. We are stewards of

ideas. America is an idea, a way of life, separate from cultural ties

and roots, this country has none that we hold as a country. Our country

is a union like a club, for co-existence, but there is no one religion

or belief in our government, more dear than any other. This is key. We

have no national roots that we follow.


But within these borders everything and anything goes. So people are

really free here. I'm proof of that. I've lived in and enjoyed complete

freedom of travel, learning, belief, speaking, doing, everything. I've

been free to visit and study Islamic countries. They do not have the

same privelages always. They do not have the same accesses, openness,

understanding from parents and relatives, and so on. There are more

binding cultures in place in many places. We Americans often live as if

Gods compared to many. I spent time in the jungles of Sri Lanka. What

hope have the Tamals there of anything changing for them individually?

It's the same for so many. We are so far ahead of them materially in so

many ways, it can create tremendous anxiety, and sometimes great hatred

and the desire to kill.


Anyway, as people progress, they will gradually understand karma, both

individual and collective, and they will not blame others for their own

problems. This is a more advanced state of thinking. History and pain

have their long cycles to work things out, and we are all players in

these dramas, unwillingly often, but trapped nonetheless.


So it will all go on, but those of us with the power to know, can know

some things. The time of separatism lessens more and more. The time of

identifying with ancient cultural roots and using those to weild fury

over others in also getting less. The identification of Jew, verse

Muslim, verse Hindu, verse American, and so on, has to give way to

"world citizen" more and more, and in that, the equality of rights to

water, air, land, rivers, oceans, and so on, will be gradually granted

to each other out of mutual respect.


I see this act yesterday as so boyish and low in it's basic planning. I

mean, sure, it was planned. Yes, that's obvious. But the basic idea, of

whacking some huge building in New Yorks financial district, flying

airplanes into buildings like that out of the blue, into nothing but

civilians at work, and doing so as a suicide mission, the whole thing is

so base and stupid. It's a type of thinking that is block head ancient

patriarchal dumbness at work at best. It's like what little boys would

think of doing when they're mad. I know, because I was a little boy

once. It's a total shot in the back or while sleeping. It's not

targetted, it's random, and vicious, macabre, extreme, and carried out

by a small band of extremists. I think the world is overwhelmingly not

into this. I don't think it will spread.


America is a good compromise in principle, between the many diverse

peoples of the Earth. Ultimately though, these ancient divisive moods

must go. Also, those of us who are intelligent and aware, compassionate,

and know better, know that there are places on Earth, whole countries by

comparison, where education is not high, where religion reigns Supreme,

where religion is made law, where "human rights" is not a term, where

hatred for America (an illusion actually) is high, where the desire to

blame someone for all the suffering is also high.


These things are simply facts. Unfortunately therefore, we have to

protect ourselves. Anyone who "has it together" and lives in a dangerous

neighborhood has to have a fence, a gate, a guard, and so on. It's part

of reality. Also, people with less who are jealous are going to take

pokes at the big guy. It's natural.


So with a higher ideal for a better tommorrow worldwide, and knowledge

that we have to live in the reality today, we go on. We will clean up

the downed buildings. Everyone will go on. The whole world will be a

little more aware of itself now. The big guy took a bit hit. In one

sense, that relieves alot of preassure worldwide. Now that we've been

hit, the field is a little more level emotionally. Some Arabs got to

rejoice for once. Now they can hear about our pain, and that, though it

may make them happy on the surface, won't actually deep inside. The fact

is, we all now move yet one step more closer to oneness. Oneness is our

true heritage. We are one more than we are separate. These squabbles in

the end are born of separatism and ignorant illusions. It will all

ultimately end.


We are one step closer to truth. Heavy prices keep being paid by

everyone. If ever education is high everywhere, this kind of thing will

end. As values rise, so violence will go down. As education goes up,

exploitation will be less possible, so blaming others will be less.

There is much to do. We are caught in history. We can't hurry it

unfortunately. We will do our best, and tolerate the rest.


Best wishes for everyone,





Das Goravani







2852 Willamette St # 353

Eugene OR USA 97405



Fax: 541-343-0344


"Goravani Jyotish"

Vedic/Hindu Astrology Software

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Thank you for allowing me to vent. I have been in this talk group for years,

in fact since its inception. I signed up to learn more about Vedic Astrology

and I appreciate that you like to keep things strictly astrology. Thanks



Marge Hogan




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