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When will it begin?

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Om Gurave Namah


Dear Jyotisha,

When shall the USA begin its retaliation? If you see the chart for

declaration if independance of the USA, the arudha Lagna is in Virgo with

the Atmakaraka Saturn in it, and Paka Lagna gemini happens to be the most

dominant sign. Gemini is also the Natural Lagna of USA.


Transit Moon in Leo starts from about 6 AM Philadelphia time and this

transit for 2-3 days through Leo shall be very beneficial for the USA to

fight. Likely period of begining of attack as the opposite is totally

unprepared although the papers say that there has been tremendous movement

of arms through the international airport of Pakistan, this destination is

not known.



US Independance


Natal Chart


July 4, 1776

Time: 18:50:00

Time Zone: 5:00:00 (West of GMT)

Longitude: 75 W 10' 00"

Latitude: 39 N 57' 00"

Altitude: 0.00 meters


Lunar Year: Durmukha

Lunar Month: Ashadha

Tithi: Krishna Chaturthi (26.87% left)

Weekday: Sunday

Nakshatra: Satabhisham (94.23% left)

Yoga: Ayushman

Karana: Balava

Hora Lord: Sun


Sunrise: 4:38:03

Sunset: 19:30:23

Janma Ghatis: 35.4981


Body Longitude Nakshatra Pada Rasi Navamsa ChKarak


Lagna 13 Sg 30' 19.03" Poo.Shaa. 1 Sg Le -

Sun 22 Ge 39' 38.26" Punarvasu 1 Ge Ar AmK

Moon 7 Aq 26' 09.65" Satabhisham 1 Aq Sg PK

Mars 0 Ge 41' 55.91" Mrigasira 3 Ge Li DK

Mercury ® 3 Cn 25' 50.06" Pushyami 1 Cn Le GK

Jupiter 15 Ge 13' 25.41" Aardra 3 Ge Aq BK

Venus 12 Ge 28' 04.74" Aardra 2 Ge Cp PiK

Saturn 24 Vi 04' 33.27" Chitra 1 Vi Le AK

Rahu 16 Cn 51' 16.97" Aasresha 1 Cn Sg MK

Ketu 16 Cp 51' 16.97" Sravanam 3 Cp Ge -

Uranus 18 Ta 11' 50.91" Rohini 3 Ta Ge -

Neptune 1 Vi 41' 25.26" U.Pha. 2 Vi Cp -

Pluto ® 6 Cp 48' 35.15" U.Shaa. 4 Cp Pi -

Bhava Lagna 25 Cp 05' 08.37" Dhanishtha 1 Cp Le -

Hora Lagna 28 Le 04' 28.30" U.Pha. 1 Le Sg -

Ghati Lagna 7 Ge 02' 28.06" Aardra 1 Ge Sg -

Vighati Lagna 21 Ar 52' 26.90" Bharani 3 Ar Li -

Pranapada Lagna 22 Le 26' 16.71" Poo.Pha. 3 Le Li -


| | | |Sun Mar |

| | | |Jup Ven |

| | | |GL |

| | | | |

| | | | |


|Moo | |MerR Rah |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|-----------| Rasi |-----------|

|Ket | |HL |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |


|Asc |Mnd Glk | |Sat AL |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |




| |Sun | |Ket |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |


|Jup | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|-----------| Navamsa |-----------|

|Ven | |Asc MerR |

| | |Sat Glk |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |


|Moo Rah |Mnd |Mar | |

|HL GL | | | |

|AL | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |



In the chart Saturn the AK is in Navamsa Lagna with mercury. saturn rules

the Vayu tatwa and USA cannot be defeated in the air, especially since the

Sun as the Lord of Navamsa Lagna is exalted in ninth house. The Sun rules

the symbol of the US president (Garuda - the vehicle of Vishnu).


Need to work more on this chart. finishing here. Can someone give me the

dates of entry of Mars into the 15th degree of sagittarius and then its

entry into Capricorn?


Note: The Narayana Dasa (Both cycles) of the natal independance chart of USA

ended on July 7 1920 at 16:30':59" at Philadelphia and the new chart and

Narayana dasa for this new time is given below.

US Independance (2)


Natal Chart


July 7, 1920

Time: 16:30:59

Time Zone: 5:00:00 (West of GMT)

Longitude: 75 W 10' 00"

Latitude: 39 N 57' 00"

Altitude: 0.00 meters


Lunar Year: Raudra

Lunar Month: Ashadha

Tithi: Krishna Sapthami (83.45% left)

Weekday: Wednesday

Nakshatra: U.Bhaa. (75.15% left)

Yoga: Sobhana

Karana: Vishti

Hora Lord: Mars


Sunrise: 4:39:41

Sunset: 19:29:58

Janma Ghatis: 29.6374


Body Longitude Nakshatra Pada Rasi Navamsa ChKarak


Lagna 13 Sc 11' 34.95" Anuradha 3 Sc Li -

Sun 22 Ge 39' 38.24" Punarvasu 1 Ge Ar BK

Moon 6 Pi 38' 49.00" U.Bhaa. 1 Pi Le GK

Mars 6 Li 08' 55.25" Chitra 4 Li Sc DK

Mercury 16 Cn 17' 31.09" Pushyami 4 Cn Sc MK

Jupiter 26 Cn 34' 51.21" Aasresha 3 Cn Aq AK

Venus 23 Ge 46' 48.39" Punarvasu 2 Ge Ta AmK

Saturn 15 Le 09' 28.90" Poo.Pha. 1 Le Le PiK

Rahu 19 Li 37' 54.22" Swathi 4 Li Pi PK

Ketu 19 Ar 37' 54.22" Bharani 2 Ar Vi -

Uranus ® 12 Aq 37' 19.03" Satabhisham 2 Aq Cp -

Neptune 17 Cn 32' 49.75" Aasresha 1 Cn Sg -

Pluto 14 Ge 45' 04.19" Aardra 3 Ge Aq -

Bhava Lagna 20 Sg 00' 51.14" Poo.Shaa. 3 Sg Li -

Hora Lagna 17 Ge 50' 19.15" Aardra 4 Ge Pi -

Ghati Lagna 11 Sg 18' 43.19" Moola 4 Sg Cn -

Vighati Lagna 8 Ta 40' 43.37" Krittika 4 Ta Pi -

Pranapada Lagna 9 Vi 08' 58.49" U.Pha. 4 Vi Pi -



|Moo |Ket | |Sun Ven |

| | | |HL |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |


| | |Mer Jup |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|-----------| Rasi |-----------|

| | |Sat Glk |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |


|GL |Asc |Mar Rah |Mnd AL |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |




|Rah HL |Sun |Ven | |

|Mnd | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |


|Jup | |GL |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|-----------| Navamsa |-----------|

| | |Moo Sat |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |


|Glk AL |Mar Mer |Asc |Ket |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |



Vimsottari Dasa (started from Moon):


Sat Sat 1915-11-11 Mer 1918-10-29 Ket 1921-06-24

Ven 1922-07-28 Sun 1925-09-10 Moo 1926-08-18

Mar 1928-03-10 Rah 1929-04-13 Jup 1932-02-03

Mer Mer 1934-08-03 Ket 1936-12-17 Ven 1937-12-09

Sun 1940-09-24 Moo 1941-07-27 Mar 1942-12-19

Rah 1943-12-11 Jup 1946-06-16 Sat 1948-09-09

Ket Ket 1951-05-06 Ven 1951-09-30 Sun 1952-11-23

Moo 1953-03-29 Mar 1953-10-25 Rah 1954-03-21

Jup 1955-04-03 Sat 1956-03-04 Mer 1957-04-07

Ven Ven 1958-03-30 Sun 1961-07-12 Moo 1962-07-07

Mar 1964-02-27 Rah 1965-04-22 Jup 1968-04-06

Sat 1970-11-22 Mer 1974-01-05 Ket 1976-10-21

Sun Sun 1977-12-15 Moo 1978-04-02 Mar 1978-09-29

Rah 1979-02-02 Jup 1979-12-23 Sat 1980-10-06

Mer 1981-09-13 Ket 1982-07-16 Ven 1982-11-19

Moo Moo 1983-11-14 Mar 1984-09-09 Rah 1985-04-07

Jup 1986-09-29 Sat 1988-01-22 Mer 1989-08-14

Ket 1991-01-06 Ven 1991-08-04 Sun 1993-03-26

Mar Mar 1993-09-22 Rah 1994-02-16 Jup 1995-03-01

Sat 1996-01-31 Mer 1997-03-05 Ket 1998-02-25

Ven 1998-07-22 Sun 1999-09-15 Moo 2000-01-19

Rah Rah 2000-08-16 Jup 2003-04-15 Sat 2005-08-26

Mer 2008-06-17 Ket 2010-12-22 Ven 2012-01-04

Sun 2014-12-19 Moo 2015-11-08 Mar 2017-05-01

Jup Jup 2018-05-14 Sat 2020-06-20 Mer 2022-12-19

Ket 2025-03-14 Ven 2026-02-13 Sun 2028-09-30

Moo 2029-07-15 Mar 2030-11-07 Rah 2031-10-09

Note that the Atmakaraka Jupiter is exalted in the ninth house showing that

the USA shall become the most powerful and rich nation in the world during

the period of this Chart. The Moon is in Pisces and Jupiter is also the



Mars the Lagna Lord is in the 12th house showing that the focus of the USA

would have shifted towards international politics after 1920. Mars is

conjoined Rahu and the latter causes Kuja stambhana or tends to destroy

Mars. This destruction of Lagna Lord by rahu shall be devastating for the

USA as it in the house of secret enemies (12th house) in a vayu rasi of

Venus (Airy sign - air travel etc). Since the atmakaraka is Jupiter, its

decision shall dominate and in the ninth house from Lagna and 11th from

arudha Lagna Jupiter indicates the blessings of the great saints of this

universe shall be with the USA.


Note the Vimsottari dasa of Rahu with Rahu antardasa from Aug 16 2000 to

April 15 2003 showing that the current period is a very unlucky period for

the USA. rahu has effectively caused Kuja sthambana with the destruction of

the WTC and parts of the pentagon. Rahu-rahu-Sat is from 19 May to 20

October 2001. Mercury conjoining Jupiter shall give its results and after 20

October, a great Victory shall be achieved with the destruction of terrorism

in many parts of the world. The underworld shall truly go underground (to

the grave).


The Particular combination of Mars and rahu is called Vijaya Yoga and

indicates war as Vijaya does not occur without a war. So, my dear brothers

in america, gear up for the Vijaya Yoga. Another point is that Vijaya is

another name for Durga as worshipped by bhagavan sri Rama before the

destruction of Ravana on Dasami. Her form is terrible RED and her mantra is




Recite this mantra and the Mother shall grant Victory (Vijaya).


Best Wishes

Sanjay Rath

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hmm the Vimsottari Dasa explains a lot of american history 1st cycle

of saturn depression failure of crops dust bowls across america stock

market crash .


Mercury 8th house lord 2nd world war loss of life on a grand scale

but conjunct jupiter in 9th house indicating boost to economy coming

out of depression start of great public projects social programs.


Ketu lagna lord in the 6th house of enemies start of cold war fear

from missiles and atomic,nuclear weapons war in korea.


Venus lord of 12th and 7th in the 8th hippy movements universal love

free sex:) drug use vietnam war assasination of jfk! man on the moon?


Sun lord of the 10th in the 8th again lot of strife oil embargo by

middle east nations Nixon impeached assaination attempt on Ronald

Reagan American hostages in iran.


Moon lord of the 9th in the 5th start of the boom times wall street

goes great guns until merc antardasa then boom crash of 89 gulf war

in antardasa of ketu in 91 venus and sun antardasa recession.


Mars dasa has Bill Clinton as president with his numerous sexual

escapades publicised all over the world lagna lord in the 12th house

of secrets and also bed pleasure's couple of crises in the nation WTC

bombing and oklahoma city bombing ends Americas feeling of being

cutoff from the world as a hidden paradise could be Rahu's influence

here indicating trouble from foriegners and afflicting lagna lord

also from within.


Exalted jupiter antardasa boom times like never in the history of the

country a billionaire on every street wall street falters a couple of

times during mercury,ketu,venus,sun even moon's antardasa but is

sustaned by Jupiter until march of 2000

but the end of boom times is emininent bubble bursts during moons

antardasa why could be because mercury 8th house lord is aspecting!

and is conjunct 2nd and 5th house lord jupiter!


Rahu dasa has been explained beautifully by Sanjay he is my guru thru

his writings and his #1 student Narasimha any way this was my feeble

attempt at connecting events in American history to jyotish just

wrote down what came to mind no chronological order is intended I

left out many many things which other's may be able to explain better

than me.

Question for Sanjay prabhu the Vijaya yoga you mentioned is that

conjuntion of Rahu & Mars in any house or just the twelfth house only

because I have Rahu in the third in capricorn with Mars they are in

dhanistha & uttara ashaada respectivly and dhanishta is a martian

nakshatra is this also Vijaya yoga and does this destroy my lagna

lord mars! any comments would be helpful.








gjlist, "Sanjay Rath" <srath@v...> wrote:


> Om Gurave Namah

> --------------------------

> Dear Jyotisha,

> When shall the USA begin its retaliation? If you see the chart for

> declaration if independance of the USA, the arudha Lagna is in

Virgo with

> the Atmakaraka Saturn in it, and Paka Lagna gemini happens to be

the most

> dominant sign. Gemini is also the Natural Lagna of USA.


> Transit Moon in Leo starts from about 6 AM Philadelphia time and


> transit for 2-3 days through Leo shall be very beneficial for the

USA to

> fight. Likely period of begining of attack as the opposite is


> unprepared although the papers say that there has been tremendous


> of arms through the international airport of Pakistan, this

destination is

> not known.

> ____________


> US Independance


> Natal Chart


> July 4, 1776

> Time: 18:50:00

> Time Zone: 5:00:00 (West of GMT)

> Longitude: 75 W 10' 00"

> Latitude: 39 N 57' 00"

> Altitude: 0.00 meters


> Lunar Year: Durmukha

> Lunar Month: Ashadha

> Tithi: Krishna Chaturthi (26.87% left)

> Weekday: Sunday

> Nakshatra: Satabhisham (94.23% left)

> Yoga: Ayushman

> Karana: Balava

> Hora Lord: Sun


> Sunrise: 4:38:03

> Sunset: 19:30:23

> Janma Ghatis: 35.4981


> Body Longitude Nakshatra Pada Rasi Navamsa



> Lagna 13 Sg 30' 19.03" Poo.Shaa. 1 Sg Le -

> Sun 22 Ge 39' 38.26" Punarvasu 1 Ge Ar AmK

> Moon 7 Aq 26' 09.65" Satabhisham 1 Aq Sg PK

> Mars 0 Ge 41' 55.91" Mrigasira 3 Ge Li DK

> Mercury ® 3 Cn 25' 50.06" Pushyami 1 Cn Le GK

> Jupiter 15 Ge 13' 25.41" Aardra 3 Ge Aq BK

> Venus 12 Ge 28' 04.74" Aardra 2 Ge Cp PiK

> Saturn 24 Vi 04' 33.27" Chitra 1 Vi Le AK

> Rahu 16 Cn 51' 16.97" Aasresha 1 Cn Sg MK

> Ketu 16 Cp 51' 16.97" Sravanam 3 Cp Ge -

> Uranus 18 Ta 11' 50.91" Rohini 3 Ta Ge -

> Neptune 1 Vi 41' 25.26" U.Pha. 2 Vi Cp -

> Pluto ® 6 Cp 48' 35.15" U.Shaa. 4 Cp Pi -

> Bhava Lagna 25 Cp 05' 08.37" Dhanishtha 1 Cp Le -

> Hora Lagna 28 Le 04' 28.30" U.Pha. 1 Le Sg -

> Ghati Lagna 7 Ge 02' 28.06" Aardra 1 Ge Sg -

> Vighati Lagna 21 Ar 52' 26.90" Bharani 3 Ar Li -

> Pranapada Lagna 22 Le 26' 16.71" Poo.Pha. 3 Le Li -

> +--------------+

> | | | |Sun Mar |

> | | | |Jup Ven |

> | | | |GL |

> | | | | |

> | | | | |

> |-----------+-----------------------+-----------|

> |Moo | |MerR Rah |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> |-----------| Rasi |-----------|

> |Ket | |HL |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> |-----------+-----------------------+-----------|

> |Asc |Mnd Glk | |Sat AL |

> | | | | |

> | | | | |

> | | | | |

> | | | | |

> +--------------+


> +--------------+

> | |Sun | |Ket |

> | | | | |

> | | | | |

> | | | | |

> | | | | |

> |-----------+-----------------------+-----------|

> |Jup | | |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> |-----------| Navamsa |-----------|

> |Ven | |Asc MerR |

> | | |Sat Glk |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> |-----------+-----------------------+-----------|

> |Moo Rah |Mnd |Mar | |

> |HL GL | | | |

> |AL | | | |

> | | | | |

> | | | | |

> +--------------+


> In the chart Saturn the AK is in Navamsa Lagna with mercury. saturn


> the Vayu tatwa and USA cannot be defeated in the air, especially

since the

> Sun as the Lord of Navamsa Lagna is exalted in ninth house. The Sun


> the symbol of the US president (Garuda - the vehicle of Vishnu).


> Need to work more on this chart. finishing here. Can someone give

me the

> dates of entry of Mars into the 15th degree of sagittarius and then


> entry into Capricorn?


> Note: The Narayana Dasa (Both cycles) of the natal independance

chart of USA

> ended on July 7 1920 at 16:30':59" at Philadelphia and the new

chart and

> Narayana dasa for this new time is given below.

> US Independance (2)


> Natal Chart


> July 7, 1920

> Time: 16:30:59

> Time Zone: 5:00:00 (West of GMT)

> Longitude: 75 W 10' 00"

> Latitude: 39 N 57' 00"

> Altitude: 0.00 meters


> Lunar Year: Raudra

> Lunar Month: Ashadha

> Tithi: Krishna Sapthami (83.45% left)

> Weekday: Wednesday

> Nakshatra: U.Bhaa. (75.15% left)

> Yoga: Sobhana

> Karana: Vishti

> Hora Lord: Mars


> Sunrise: 4:39:41

> Sunset: 19:29:58

> Janma Ghatis: 29.6374


> Body Longitude Nakshatra Pada Rasi Navamsa



> Lagna 13 Sc 11' 34.95" Anuradha 3 Sc Li -

> Sun 22 Ge 39' 38.24" Punarvasu 1 Ge Ar BK

> Moon 6 Pi 38' 49.00" U.Bhaa. 1 Pi Le GK

> Mars 6 Li 08' 55.25" Chitra 4 Li Sc DK

> Mercury 16 Cn 17' 31.09" Pushyami 4 Cn Sc MK

> Jupiter 26 Cn 34' 51.21" Aasresha 3 Cn Aq AK

> Venus 23 Ge 46' 48.39" Punarvasu 2 Ge Ta AmK

> Saturn 15 Le 09' 28.90" Poo.Pha. 1 Le Le PiK

> Rahu 19 Li 37' 54.22" Swathi 4 Li Pi PK

> Ketu 19 Ar 37' 54.22" Bharani 2 Ar Vi -

> Uranus ® 12 Aq 37' 19.03" Satabhisham 2 Aq Cp -

> Neptune 17 Cn 32' 49.75" Aasresha 1 Cn Sg -

> Pluto 14 Ge 45' 04.19" Aardra 3 Ge Aq -

> Bhava Lagna 20 Sg 00' 51.14" Poo.Shaa. 3 Sg Li -

> Hora Lagna 17 Ge 50' 19.15" Aardra 4 Ge Pi -

> Ghati Lagna 11 Sg 18' 43.19" Moola 4 Sg Cn -

> Vighati Lagna 8 Ta 40' 43.37" Krittika 4 Ta Pi -

> Pranapada Lagna 9 Vi 08' 58.49" U.Pha. 4 Vi Pi -


> +--------------+

> |Moo |Ket | |Sun Ven |

> | | | |HL |

> | | | | |

> | | | | |

> | | | | |

> |-----------+-----------------------+-----------|

> | | |Mer Jup |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> |-----------| Rasi |-----------|

> | | |Sat Glk |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> |-----------+-----------------------+-----------|

> |GL |Asc |Mar Rah |Mnd AL |

> | | | | |

> | | | | |

> | | | | |

> | | | | |

> +--------------+


> +--------------+

> |Rah HL |Sun |Ven | |

> |Mnd | | | |

> | | | | |

> | | | | |

> | | | | |

> |-----------+-----------------------+-----------|

> |Jup | |GL |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> |-----------| Navamsa |-----------|

> | | |Moo Sat |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> | | | |

> |-----------+-----------------------+-----------|

> |Glk AL |Mar Mer |Asc |Ket |

> | | | | |

> | | | | |

> | | | | |

> | | | | |

> +--------------+


> Vimsottari Dasa (started from Moon):


> Sat Sat 1915-11-11 Mer 1918-10-29 Ket 1921-06-24

> Ven 1922-07-28 Sun 1925-09-10 Moo 1926-08-18

> Mar 1928-03-10 Rah 1929-04-13 Jup 1932-02-03

> Mer Mer 1934-08-03 Ket 1936-12-17 Ven 1937-12-09

> Sun 1940-09-24 Moo 1941-07-27 Mar 1942-12-19

> Rah 1943-12-11 Jup 1946-06-16 Sat 1948-09-09

> Ket Ket 1951-05-06 Ven 1951-09-30 Sun 1952-11-23

> Moo 1953-03-29 Mar 1953-10-25 Rah 1954-03-21

> Jup 1955-04-03 Sat 1956-03-04 Mer 1957-04-07

> Ven Ven 1958-03-30 Sun 1961-07-12 Moo 1962-07-07

> Mar 1964-02-27 Rah 1965-04-22 Jup 1968-04-06

> Sat 1970-11-22 Mer 1974-01-05 Ket 1976-10-21

> Sun Sun 1977-12-15 Moo 1978-04-02 Mar 1978-09-29

> Rah 1979-02-02 Jup 1979-12-23 Sat 1980-10-06

> Mer 1981-09-13 Ket 1982-07-16 Ven 1982-11-19

> Moo Moo 1983-11-14 Mar 1984-09-09 Rah 1985-04-07

> Jup 1986-09-29 Sat 1988-01-22 Mer 1989-08-14

> Ket 1991-01-06 Ven 1991-08-04 Sun 1993-03-26

> Mar Mar 1993-09-22 Rah 1994-02-16 Jup 1995-03-01

> Sat 1996-01-31 Mer 1997-03-05 Ket 1998-02-25

> Ven 1998-07-22 Sun 1999-09-15 Moo 2000-01-19

> Rah Rah 2000-08-16 Jup 2003-04-15 Sat 2005-08-26

> Mer 2008-06-17 Ket 2010-12-22 Ven 2012-01-04

> Sun 2014-12-19 Moo 2015-11-08 Mar 2017-05-01

> Jup Jup 2018-05-14 Sat 2020-06-20 Mer 2022-12-19

> Ket 2025-03-14 Ven 2026-02-13 Sun 2028-09-30

> Moo 2029-07-15 Mar 2030-11-07 Rah 2031-10-09

> Note that the Atmakaraka Jupiter is exalted in the ninth house

showing that

> the USA shall become the most powerful and rich nation in the world


> the period of this Chart. The Moon is in Pisces and Jupiter is also


> subhapati.


> Mars the Lagna Lord is in the 12th house showing that the focus of

the USA

> would have shifted towards international politics after 1920. Mars


> conjoined Rahu and the latter causes Kuja stambhana or tends to


> Mars. This destruction of Lagna Lord by rahu shall be devastating

for the

> USA as it in the house of secret enemies (12th house) in a vayu

rasi of

> Venus (Airy sign - air travel etc). Since the atmakaraka is

Jupiter, its

> decision shall dominate and in the ninth house from Lagna and 11th


> arudha Lagna Jupiter indicates the blessings of the great saints of


> universe shall be with the USA.


> Note the Vimsottari dasa of Rahu with Rahu antardasa from Aug 16

2000 to

> April 15 2003 showing that the current period is a very unlucky

period for

> the USA. rahu has effectively caused Kuja sthambana with the

destruction of

> the WTC and parts of the pentagon. Rahu-rahu-Sat is from 19 May to


> October 2001. Mercury conjoining Jupiter shall give its results and

after 20

> October, a great Victory shall be achieved with the destruction of


> in many parts of the world. The underworld shall truly go

underground (to

> the grave).


> The Particular combination of Mars and rahu is called Vijaya Yoga


> indicates war as Vijaya does not occur without a war. So, my dear


> in america, gear up for the Vijaya Yoga. Another point is that

Vijaya is

> another name for Durga as worshipped by bhagavan sri Rama before the

> destruction of Ravana on Dasami. Her form is terrible RED and her

mantra is




> Recite this mantra and the Mother shall grant Victory (Vijaya).


> Best Wishes

> Sanjay Rath

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Om Gurave Namah


Dear Vik,

Any house and don't forget to look at the Navamsa. Thats a good job you did.

I think i used 360 degree solar movement for the dasa. I find this to be the

most accurate.

Best Wishes

Sanjay Rath




Saturday, September 15, 2001 1:13 PM

[gjlist] Re: When will it begin?



> hmm the Vimsottari Dasa explains a lot of american history 1st cycle

> of saturn depression failure of crops dust bowls across america stock

> market crash .


> Mercury 8th house lord 2nd world war loss of life on a grand scale

> but conjunct jupiter in 9th house indicating boost to economy coming

> out of depression start of great public projects social programs.


> Ketu lagna lord in the 6th house of enemies start of cold war fear

> from missiles and atomic,nuclear weapons war in korea.


> Venus lord of 12th and 7th in the 8th hippy movements universal love

> free sex:) drug use vietnam war assasination of jfk! man on the moon?


> Sun lord of the 10th in the 8th again lot of strife oil embargo by

> middle east nations Nixon impeached assaination attempt on Ronald

> Reagan American hostages in iran.


> Moon lord of the 9th in the 5th start of the boom times wall street

> goes great guns until merc antardasa then boom crash of 89 gulf war

> in antardasa of ketu in 91 venus and sun antardasa recession.


> Mars dasa has Bill Clinton as president with his numerous sexual

> escapades publicised all over the world lagna lord in the 12th house

> of secrets and also bed pleasure's couple of crises in the nation WTC

> bombing and oklahoma city bombing ends Americas feeling of being

> cutoff from the world as a hidden paradise could be Rahu's influence

> here indicating trouble from foriegners and afflicting lagna lord

> also from within.


> Exalted jupiter antardasa boom times like never in the history of the

> country a billionaire on every street wall street falters a couple of

> times during mercury,ketu,venus,sun even moon's antardasa but is

> sustaned by Jupiter until march of 2000

> but the end of boom times is emininent bubble bursts during moons

> antardasa why could be because mercury 8th house lord is aspecting!

> and is conjunct 2nd and 5th house lord jupiter!


> Rahu dasa has been explained beautifully by Sanjay he is my guru thru

> his writings and his #1 student Narasimha any way this was my feeble

> attempt at connecting events in American history to jyotish just

> wrote down what came to mind no chronological order is intended I

> left out many many things which other's may be able to explain better

> than me.

> Question for Sanjay prabhu the Vijaya yoga you mentioned is that

> conjuntion of Rahu & Mars in any house or just the twelfth house only

> because I have Rahu in the third in capricorn with Mars they are in

> dhanistha & uttara ashaada respectivly and dhanishta is a martian

> nakshatra is this also Vijaya yoga and does this destroy my lagna

> lord mars! any comments would be helpful.


> Sincerely

> Vik





> gjlist, "Sanjay Rath" <srath@v...> wrote:

> >

> > Om Gurave Namah

> > --------------------------

> > Dear Jyotisha,

> > When shall the USA begin its retaliation? If you see the chart for

> > declaration if independance of the USA, the arudha Lagna is in

> Virgo with

> > the Atmakaraka Saturn in it, and Paka Lagna gemini happens to be

> the most

> > dominant sign. Gemini is also the Natural Lagna of USA.

> >

> > Transit Moon in Leo starts from about 6 AM Philadelphia time and

> this

> > transit for 2-3 days through Leo shall be very beneficial for the

> USA to

> > fight. Likely period of begining of attack as the opposite is

> totally

> > unprepared although the papers say that there has been tremendous

> movement

> > of arms through the international airport of Pakistan, this

> destination is

> > not known.

> > ____________

> >

> > US Independance

> >

> > Natal Chart

> >

> > July 4, 1776

> > Time: 18:50:00

> > Time Zone: 5:00:00 (West of GMT)

> > Longitude: 75 W 10' 00"

> > Latitude: 39 N 57' 00"

> > Altitude: 0.00 meters

> >

> > Lunar Year: Durmukha

> > Lunar Month: Ashadha

> > Tithi: Krishna Chaturthi (26.87% left)

> > Weekday: Sunday

> > Nakshatra: Satabhisham (94.23% left)

> > Yoga: Ayushman

> > Karana: Balava

> > Hora Lord: Sun

> >

> > Sunrise: 4:38:03

> > Sunset: 19:30:23

> > Janma Ghatis: 35.4981

> >

> > Body Longitude Nakshatra Pada Rasi Navamsa

> ChKarak

> >

> > Lagna 13 Sg 30' 19.03" Poo.Shaa. 1 Sg Le -

> > Sun 22 Ge 39' 38.26" Punarvasu 1 Ge Ar AmK

> > Moon 7 Aq 26' 09.65" Satabhisham 1 Aq Sg PK

> > Mars 0 Ge 41' 55.91" Mrigasira 3 Ge Li DK

> > Mercury ® 3 Cn 25' 50.06" Pushyami 1 Cn Le GK

> > Jupiter 15 Ge 13' 25.41" Aardra 3 Ge Aq BK

> > Venus 12 Ge 28' 04.74" Aardra 2 Ge Cp PiK

> > Saturn 24 Vi 04' 33.27" Chitra 1 Vi Le AK

> > Rahu 16 Cn 51' 16.97" Aasresha 1 Cn Sg MK

> > Ketu 16 Cp 51' 16.97" Sravanam 3 Cp Ge -

> > Uranus 18 Ta 11' 50.91" Rohini 3 Ta Ge -

> > Neptune 1 Vi 41' 25.26" U.Pha. 2 Vi Cp -

> > Pluto ® 6 Cp 48' 35.15" U.Shaa. 4 Cp Pi -

> > Bhava Lagna 25 Cp 05' 08.37" Dhanishtha 1 Cp Le -

> > Hora Lagna 28 Le 04' 28.30" U.Pha. 1 Le Sg -

> > Ghati Lagna 7 Ge 02' 28.06" Aardra 1 Ge Sg -

> > Vighati Lagna 21 Ar 52' 26.90" Bharani 3 Ar Li -

> > Pranapada Lagna 22 Le 26' 16.71" Poo.Pha. 3 Le Li -

> > +--------------+

> > | | | |Sun Mar |

> > | | | |Jup Ven |

> > | | | |GL |

> > | | | | |

> > | | | | |

> > |-----------+-----------------------+-----------|

> > |Moo | |MerR Rah |

> > | | | |

> > | | | |

> > | | | |

> > | | | |

> > |-----------| Rasi |-----------|

> > |Ket | |HL |

> > | | | |

> > | | | |

> > | | | |

> > | | | |

> > |-----------+-----------------------+-----------|

> > |Asc |Mnd Glk | |Sat AL |

> > | | | | |

> > | | | | |

> > | | | | |

> > | | | | |

> > +--------------+

> >

> > +--------------+

> > | |Sun | |Ket |

> > | | | | |

> > | | | | |

> > | | | | |

> > | | | | |

> > |-----------+-----------------------+-----------|

> > |Jup | | |

> > | | | |

> > | | | |

> > | | | |

> > | | | |

> > |-----------| Navamsa |-----------|

> > |Ven | |Asc MerR |

> > | | |Sat Glk |

> > | | | |

> > | | | |

> > | | | |

> > |-----------+-----------------------+-----------|

> > |Moo Rah |Mnd |Mar | |

> > |HL GL | | | |

> > |AL | | | |

> > | | | | |

> > | | | | |

> > +--------------+

> >

> > In the chart Saturn the AK is in Navamsa Lagna with mercury. saturn

> rules

> > the Vayu tatwa and USA cannot be defeated in the air, especially

> since the

> > Sun as the Lord of Navamsa Lagna is exalted in ninth house. The Sun

> rules

> > the symbol of the US president (Garuda - the vehicle of Vishnu).

> >

> > Need to work more on this chart. finishing here. Can someone give

> me the

> > dates of entry of Mars into the 15th degree of sagittarius and then

> its

> > entry into Capricorn?

> >

> > Note: The Narayana Dasa (Both cycles) of the natal independance

> chart of USA

> > ended on July 7 1920 at 16:30':59" at Philadelphia and the new

> chart and

> > Narayana dasa for this new time is given below.

> > US Independance (2)

> >

> > Natal Chart

> >

> > July 7, 1920

> > Time: 16:30:59

> > Time Zone: 5:00:00 (West of GMT)

> > Longitude: 75 W 10' 00"

> > Latitude: 39 N 57' 00"

> > Altitude: 0.00 meters

> >

> > Lunar Year: Raudra

> > Lunar Month: Ashadha

> > Tithi: Krishna Sapthami (83.45% left)

> > Weekday: Wednesday

> > Nakshatra: U.Bhaa. (75.15% left)

> > Yoga: Sobhana

> > Karana: Vishti

> > Hora Lord: Mars

> >

> > Sunrise: 4:39:41

> > Sunset: 19:29:58

> > Janma Ghatis: 29.6374

> >

> > Body Longitude Nakshatra Pada Rasi Navamsa

> ChKarak

> >

> > Lagna 13 Sc 11' 34.95" Anuradha 3 Sc Li -

> > Sun 22 Ge 39' 38.24" Punarvasu 1 Ge Ar BK

> > Moon 6 Pi 38' 49.00" U.Bhaa. 1 Pi Le GK

> > Mars 6 Li 08' 55.25" Chitra 4 Li Sc DK

> > Mercury 16 Cn 17' 31.09" Pushyami 4 Cn Sc MK

> > Jupiter 26 Cn 34' 51.21" Aasresha 3 Cn Aq AK

> > Venus 23 Ge 46' 48.39" Punarvasu 2 Ge Ta AmK

> > Saturn 15 Le 09' 28.90" Poo.Pha. 1 Le Le PiK

> > Rahu 19 Li 37' 54.22" Swathi 4 Li Pi PK

> > Ketu 19 Ar 37' 54.22" Bharani 2 Ar Vi -

> > Uranus ® 12 Aq 37' 19.03" Satabhisham 2 Aq Cp -

> > Neptune 17 Cn 32' 49.75" Aasresha 1 Cn Sg -

> > Pluto 14 Ge 45' 04.19" Aardra 3 Ge Aq -

> > Bhava Lagna 20 Sg 00' 51.14" Poo.Shaa. 3 Sg Li -

> > Hora Lagna 17 Ge 50' 19.15" Aardra 4 Ge Pi -

> > Ghati Lagna 11 Sg 18' 43.19" Moola 4 Sg Cn -

> > Vighati Lagna 8 Ta 40' 43.37" Krittika 4 Ta Pi -

> > Pranapada Lagna 9 Vi 08' 58.49" U.Pha. 4 Vi Pi -

> >

> > +--------------+

> > |Moo |Ket | |Sun Ven |

> > | | | |HL |

> > | | | | |

> > | | | | |

> > | | | | |

> > |-----------+-----------------------+-----------|

> > | | |Mer Jup |

> > | | | |

> > | | | |

> > | | | |

> > | | | |

> > |-----------| Rasi |-----------|

> > | | |Sat Glk |

> > | | | |

> > | | | |

> > | | | |

> > | | | |

> > |-----------+-----------------------+-----------|

> > |GL |Asc |Mar Rah |Mnd AL |

> > | | | | |

> > | | | | |

> > | | | | |

> > | | | | |

> > +--------------+

> >

> > +--------------+

> > |Rah HL |Sun |Ven | |

> > |Mnd | | | |

> > | | | | |

> > | | | | |

> > | | | | |

> > |-----------+-----------------------+-----------|

> > |Jup | |GL |

> > | | | |

> > | | | |

> > | | | |

> > | | | |

> > |-----------| Navamsa |-----------|

> > | | |Moo Sat |

> > | | | |

> > | | | |

> > | | | |

> > | | | |

> > |-----------+-----------------------+-----------|

> > |Glk AL |Mar Mer |Asc |Ket |

> > | | | | |

> > | | | | |

> > | | | | |

> > | | | | |

> > +--------------+

> >

> > Vimsottari Dasa (started from Moon):

> >

> > Sat Sat 1915-11-11 Mer 1918-10-29 Ket 1921-06-24

> > Ven 1922-07-28 Sun 1925-09-10 Moo 1926-08-18

> > Mar 1928-03-10 Rah 1929-04-13 Jup 1932-02-03

> > Mer Mer 1934-08-03 Ket 1936-12-17 Ven 1937-12-09

> > Sun 1940-09-24 Moo 1941-07-27 Mar 1942-12-19

> > Rah 1943-12-11 Jup 1946-06-16 Sat 1948-09-09

> > Ket Ket 1951-05-06 Ven 1951-09-30 Sun 1952-11-23

> > Moo 1953-03-29 Mar 1953-10-25 Rah 1954-03-21

> > Jup 1955-04-03 Sat 1956-03-04 Mer 1957-04-07

> > Ven Ven 1958-03-30 Sun 1961-07-12 Moo 1962-07-07

> > Mar 1964-02-27 Rah 1965-04-22 Jup 1968-04-06

> > Sat 1970-11-22 Mer 1974-01-05 Ket 1976-10-21

> > Sun Sun 1977-12-15 Moo 1978-04-02 Mar 1978-09-29

> > Rah 1979-02-02 Jup 1979-12-23 Sat 1980-10-06

> > Mer 1981-09-13 Ket 1982-07-16 Ven 1982-11-19

> > Moo Moo 1983-11-14 Mar 1984-09-09 Rah 1985-04-07

> > Jup 1986-09-29 Sat 1988-01-22 Mer 1989-08-14

> > Ket 1991-01-06 Ven 1991-08-04 Sun 1993-03-26

> > Mar Mar 1993-09-22 Rah 1994-02-16 Jup 1995-03-01

> > Sat 1996-01-31 Mer 1997-03-05 Ket 1998-02-25

> > Ven 1998-07-22 Sun 1999-09-15 Moo 2000-01-19

> > Rah Rah 2000-08-16 Jup 2003-04-15 Sat 2005-08-26

> > Mer 2008-06-17 Ket 2010-12-22 Ven 2012-01-04

> > Sun 2014-12-19 Moo 2015-11-08 Mar 2017-05-01

> > Jup Jup 2018-05-14 Sat 2020-06-20 Mer 2022-12-19

> > Ket 2025-03-14 Ven 2026-02-13 Sun 2028-09-30

> > Moo 2029-07-15 Mar 2030-11-07 Rah 2031-10-09

> > Note that the Atmakaraka Jupiter is exalted in the ninth house

> showing that

> > the USA shall become the most powerful and rich nation in the world

> during

> > the period of this Chart. The Moon is in Pisces and Jupiter is also

> the

> > subhapati.

> >

> > Mars the Lagna Lord is in the 12th house showing that the focus of

> the USA

> > would have shifted towards international politics after 1920. Mars

> is

> > conjoined Rahu and the latter causes Kuja stambhana or tends to

> destroy

> > Mars. This destruction of Lagna Lord by rahu shall be devastating

> for the

> > USA as it in the house of secret enemies (12th house) in a vayu

> rasi of

> > Venus (Airy sign - air travel etc). Since the atmakaraka is

> Jupiter, its

> > decision shall dominate and in the ninth house from Lagna and 11th

> from

> > arudha Lagna Jupiter indicates the blessings of the great saints of

> this

> > universe shall be with the USA.

> >

> > Note the Vimsottari dasa of Rahu with Rahu antardasa from Aug 16

> 2000 to

> > April 15 2003 showing that the current period is a very unlucky

> period for

> > the USA. rahu has effectively caused Kuja sthambana with the

> destruction of

> > the WTC and parts of the pentagon. Rahu-rahu-Sat is from 19 May to

> 20

> > October 2001. Mercury conjoining Jupiter shall give its results and

> after 20

> > October, a great Victory shall be achieved with the destruction of

> terrorism

> > in many parts of the world. The underworld shall truly go

> underground (to

> > the grave).

> >

> > The Particular combination of Mars and rahu is called Vijaya Yoga

> and

> > indicates war as Vijaya does not occur without a war. So, my dear

> brothers

> > in america, gear up for the Vijaya Yoga. Another point is that

> Vijaya is

> > another name for Durga as worshipped by bhagavan sri Rama before the

> > destruction of Ravana on Dasami. Her form is terrible RED and her

> mantra is

> >


> >

> > Recite this mantra and the Mother shall grant Victory (Vijaya).

> >

> > Best Wishes

> > Sanjay Rath




> gjlist-




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