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What is...what has begun..and what will be...

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Aim gurave Namah:


You said : I'm a bit bewildered as to how one would go about

freeing the World from

Maya...the World IS Maya, it's all Maya...


I said: Not the world, but few selected members of this planet,

whoever is willing to , hopefully it will happen within this list. I

wish to embrace and free the whole world ' if I could' but I know

that I have not the power yet to do so.


You said : There has always been, and always will be (in Kali

Yuga) this conflict

between rich and poor, right and wrong, east and west, etc...Although

I live in

the West and have a computer, I assure you I am one of the very poor.

But we

all know that if it was my destiny to be rich I WOULD BE! I can lay

the blame

on many things for my poverty but the fact is IT"S MY KARMA! The rich

also have

the karma to be rich...we can hate them for that and go blow up their


but will that end our poverty? Will that change our karma, or theirs?



I said: Yes the rich had achieved merits to be reach, I do not

blame then for being rich What will happen to then in the next

life probably will be place on the poor side no doubt about and so

the horror continue and this Maya seems to be very real for the

embody soul, we all know that , my plea is for their reflexion ,

and we have the right to use information only for the enlightment of

every single human being , and not for the displaying of ego ideas.

I am presenting some realistic material facts , although I know

that this are only recent event . My main concern is :what they are

doing with this planet and their inhabitants? , not need to mention

the whole ABC of miseries created by the Money masters of this

world I mention only a few , cruetlty to animals undiscriminate

explotation of nature resources. How many charts we have to erect ,

when the culprit is just laghting swiming in perverted

enjoyments. Yamaraj the God of Death came down himself just to

awake us , and he may use any means to do so., So in this way we are

all victims of the spell of maya , poor and rich it doesn't

matter . My guru taught me Not to follow blind people or Blind

leaders , and this is what I'm trying to do in this very body and for

the last 27 years. I also asume my participation in this crime , and

is simply because I haven't the Shakty or power to show goodies and

badies the short cut. assume their responsability in this never end

terror , I also asume that members in this list has or will have

the capacity to make good analysis , we have not much time to space

out , we should use our VIBEKA ( discenment ) capacity, I'm sure

that Bin laden was the executor,his implications in many acts of

terrorism are very clear, but he is only one in millions ready to

continue inthinkable masacres. now the Islam is being empower

with this Victory , believe me I understand the muslim mentality for

my own experience , you can't win by terrorissing their people. Do I

speak politics In the other hand how many charts we have to

erect ? to understand the outcome of the 3ww, Did any body thought

to erect the chart of The Rothchild family, Buildenberger's and

other founders of the WWO, do you know they are above all

polititians, and they dictate in the shadow ?, some member complain

that this forum is becoming to political , our beloved Raghu has

creating this GJLIST with some unique flavor, flexibility and

tolerance, he allows us to ventilate our turbulences but his aim is

bigger than that, and is to encourage all of us to the final

enlightment. I think that even if we may disagree we are bound to

coperate with each other with love and respect, aren't we Wendy ?


You said : The rich also have the karma to be rich...we can hate

them for that and go blow up their mansions, but will that end our

poverty? Will that change our karma, or theirs?


Isaid: I do not play this game of destruction at all , on the

contrary , I don't believe in such atrocities, I mean those

performed recently. , nor I believe in those performed by the CIA

AND FBI but if the response is retaliation without discrimination

without keeping a cool head then we the Citizens of this planet will

experience a constant chain reaction of a long long bloody war , and

misseries beyond imagination, YES we have to STOP it with all our

might if we can , you see the Oklahoma bomber was executed ,but not

the problem, Lots of enemies from within and everywhere my friend.

I won't rest till I am exhausted, we should not exeed our capacity

( Ayur Veda's advise) . I hope Mr. Bush and his cabinet listen to

people like me ,and you, and listen and may he achieve enlightment

to have a wise decision, we all need it.


You said: The gap between rich and poor is growing ever wider and

the resentment is

growing proportionally, but who is really to blame...can the rich and


change their karma; can the leper change his karma?


' I know that I too fall into the mindset of rich verses poor etc,


all too easy to get caught up in the world and it's affairs...to try

to find a

solution! Until enlightenment comes it's hard being in the world. We

may be

jyotisha but we're still caught in the grip of maya like everyone


still go through our own battles and lose sight of the divinity in


and others. And this is another great dilemma in this human

condition; that we

more easily see the divinity in ourselves than in our enemy.'



I said: I fully agreed with the above, love your sincerity, and in

general I appreciate your posts.


enogh for me today

Good luck and love

and Hare ram Krishna







gjlist, "Wendy Vasicek" <wenvas@d...> wrote:

> C.S. das Wrote:

> >>I read your post, closed my eyes , felt very sad and I pray

that no one will touch us , that our contribution to free the world

from Maya is over.<<


> I'm a bit bewildered as to how one would go about freeing the

World from Maya...the World IS Maya, it's all Maya...


> There has always been, and always will be (in Kali Yuga) this

conflict between rich and poor, right and wrong, east and west,

etc...Although I live in the West and have a computer, I assure you I

am one of the very poor. But we all know that if it was my destiny to

be rich I WOULD BE! I can lay the blame on many things for my poverty

but the fact is IT"S MY KARMA! The rich also have the karma to be

rich...we can hate them for that and go blow up their mansions, but

will that end our poverty? Will that change our karma, or theirs?


> The gap between rich and poor is growing ever wider and the

resentment is growing proportionally, but who is really to

blame...can the rich and powerful change their karma; can the leper

change his karma?


> I know that I too fall into the mindset of rich verses poor etc,

etc...it's all too easy to get caught up in the world and it's

affairs...to try to find a solution! Until enlightenment comes it's

hard being in the world. We may be jyotisha but we're still caught in

the grip of maya like everyone else...we still go through our own

battles and lose sight of the divinity in ourselves and others. And

this is another great dilemma in this human condition; that we more

easily see the divinity in ourselves than in our enemy.


> Namaste,

> Wendy




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