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There is Peace in Spirit

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It is ignorance to think that people are responsible for their nations

of origin in the now.


For example, there is no way the kinds of fealings towards Islamic

ideals that Arabs have will be present in America in 2001. So attacking

American's out of the blue because of their ways is ignorance.


It is also ignorance to think of oneself as American and to wish to

retaliate on that basis.


Nationalism, Religionism, are birds of a feather.


Spirituality is above religion, and world citinzenship is above



The spiritual life of many however is on the level of animals, or I

could say, the karma and lessons of many human souls on Earth today is

unfortunately low, like, being a suicide bomber, or killed by one, or

starving to death, etc.


One explanation for this is that "it is Kali Yuga". This is Hindu Source

explanation. There are others. They represent the different viewpoints,

which represent different levels of knowledge.


Jyotish proves that there is karma, which rather proves many of the

tenets of Hinduism, or Vedic revelation I prefer to say.


If Jyotish is true, which I believe it is, then there is no point in

holding people responsible for the way they are, I mean, inside yourself

that is, in your own mental realm where you love and accept people. One

who sees this rises to a level of understanding that most will not have.

This level of understanding requires unconditional or causeless love,

because such a seer knows that you cannot separate the soul from the

karma, that the karma is the lesson set, is the spiritual life, of that

soul, in the now.


So such a seer just goes on in acceptance, and engages with the

environment and everyone in it in a mood of unconditional love. Though

you may like one more than the other due to their level of awareness, or

ability to interact with your animal side, your conditioned side, your

bodily nature, still, such a seer has to, or will always, remember that

the current dance is just one stage, one setting, which will be replaced

in time by a completely different one. But these are souls now, these

are Gods children now, this is their spiritual life now, this is their

lesson now, this is the current reality, so this is reality, this is

Divine Reality.


The true attainments for awareness lie in an uncondioned state.

Unconditional love, unconditional dealings, and so on, all are the best

states of being for humans to attain.


Therefore, it can go on in any "conditonal" setting, because it's an

awareness, or mood, moreso than a specific set of conditionings.


So no one religion has made all the liberated Saints, and no one

country, no one understanding, no one setting.


Jesus, a Jew of 2000 years ago, was unconditional. Budha of India,

Caitanya of India, Bernadette of France, Francis of Italy, Theresa of

Yugoslavia, and so on.


It is qualities to be attained within us that we seek. The religions all

point in the same direction, but the riff raff, or surrounding hoopla,

countries, creeds and clubs, is not spirituality, and ultimately it's

just more conditioning, though perhaps each set leans towards some

specific ideology in a nice way that a certain local people like to

encourage themselves with...blah blah blah...like Sikhs wearing turbans,

Hindu woman wearing Saris...bindi dots, tilak symbols on the

forehead...crosses around the neck...bowing towards Mecca...


It's the qualities in us that we seek, not the spread of a certain set

of external behaviors. The Muslims say "Mecca", the Hindus say

"Benares" or "Vrndavan". The Christians say "Bethleham" or "Jerusalam",

etc. Holy Lands. These are relative. They are not the qualities we seek.

They come and go with different ages, saints, and planets. They are not

spirituality. They are religion. They lead to relativity, and ultimately

suffering, along with whatever good they cause in the pilgrims who go to

them for religious pilgrimage.


If we can rise above religion, and see souls as souls, and if we care

about souls progress in this way, then we are a light worker, or a

spiritual friend to others.


But to think that their conditioning is in any way a disqualification,

is ignorance. To think that someone is responsible for the qualities

present in the overall environment in which they were born, is



You cannot kill America, or Islam, or any "ideology", because it is not

embodied. These are overall collective karmic envelopes, which are not

the responsibility of any one person or group of persons alive today or

ever. These thins are "issues" that face souls alive today, they are

large collective karma envelopes that envelope many souls lesson sets,

but a SPIRITUALIST, a real knower, seer, light worker, liberated person,

Vedic person, Jyotishi, will see the soul, and not the karma, of the

person. Otherwise, they cannot be of any real help in spirituality.


Spirituality is the only answer to the kinds of things we are witnessing

today. These suicide bombers were fired up by a religion, a

nationalistic or religious ideology. These things are temporary for the

soul. They come and go. Who is friend and enemy, Bhisma says, is just a

function of time. This I can see is simply true.


Most Arabs, and most Indians, like to progress materially, and so,

coming to America, or the West, is something that is sought after by

most people in those countries.


So why is that if Islam is so much greater than American ways?


Because, simply, the SOULS, the HUMANS, are at a place today where

luxury and money, sense gratification, freedom to do whatever in the

material world, democracy, are more attractive than Islam or Hinduism,

more attractive than staying in Saudi Arabia or India. That's why.


It's a spiritual problem for each country, for each religion, the drain

of people to the Western calling of materialism. It's not about

"America". It's about souls being attracted to that lure. That's what

it's about. It's a spiritual knowledge and development issue. It's a

karmic issue. It will lead to lessons, no doubt, because it is so

relative, so materilistic.


So Bin Laden and such persons are simply illusioned, trying to resolve

their hatred for sin or lack of devotion or heroism in their own people

or in all people, onto one country, and in so doing go so far as to be

willing to kill thousands of innocent people. This is total ignorance.


The reason for these events is that it is time for the world to examine

the relative aspects of their religions, those parts which cause

fanaticism, and purge them from their hearts. This is what the wise will

do I feel.


It's such an ugly act of separatism that it causes one and all to look

inside themselves to see if they harbor such ugliness in themselves.


And that's a good thing. That's the best thing that this sacrifice will

lead to worldwide.


But if you are already a bit wise, then hear the calling to

unconditional love. This is spiritual heroism and martyrdom. The

offering of suicide for spiritualists has nothing to do with killing

your body. It has more to do with surrendering to slavery for your soul

and all souls as best you can, in the line of firstly being in the

spiritual now, then sharing that with the interested. But mostly it's

about you. It's about you being happy in spiritual knowledge and having

a life you lead which is line with your understanding, loving yourself

unconditionally first, then showing that to others. It's about what you

give, to yourself, and to others. What shines from you. Spiritual life,

is therefore about the health of your SPIRIT.


Physician, heal thyself. Spiritualist, fill thy spirit with good cheer,

for your wares, the truth about truth, is always true, so there's never

a depression, in that economy, and it is singular, so there's never an

enemy, in that land, happy, because there is no reason to lament where

everything is infallible.


So now is a good time to go on in good times, which is to use your time

in a good way, which is to find inner peace, happiness, inside yourself,

because you can't expect it from outside, and then share that path with

others so that they too can be happy inside.


My peace I give to you. Your peace, I wish from you. Our peace, we'll

share together.


Peace to You All on GJLIST, no matter what country you live in, what

religion you grew up in or changed to, what color is your skin, or if

you believe what I believe, or whatever, peace to you anyway,


Das Goravani


ps: It is normal and natural, expected, inevitable, that now there will

be action to find and get rid of the cause of these kinds of attacks on

NY. I support this personally. But that is just an unfortunate mundane

reality in the illusionary realm which we have to deal with due to

having active dangerous people living in that realm present on our

planet. What I'm talking about above is a calling that not all can hear,

unfortunately. I'm not minimizing any set of beliefs or necessary

actions in the relative realm. I am encouraging the higher vision

potential in us, because I think the higher vision encourages real progress.

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Das Goravani wrote:


> It is ignorance to think that people are responsible for their nations

> of origin in the now.


> For example, there is no way the kinds of fealings towards Islamic

> ideals that Arabs have will be present in America in 2001. So attacking

> American's out of the blue because of their ways is ignorance.


> It is also ignorance to think of oneself as American and to wish to

> retaliate on that basis.


> Nationalism, Religionism, are birds of a feather.


Dear Raghu,


very well said. No nation has a clean record! We have to understand what is, not

denounce the people or their practices.




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