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Deay Sanjay


Sorry for this delay to answer to your nice posting but i was dealing with some

bad days.


At the beginning of 1976, by the Lord's mercy i bought my first 10 books on

vedic astrology and started to study all. My previous experience of 6 years of

western astrology were very helpful to asses my laagna.


In the beginning of my studies i could see the superiority of vedic astrology

but i had some choices to make before i started my readings and coolection of



The most difficult choice was which ayanamsa to follow to get my proper lagna.

I had two lagnas according to the 3 or 4 ayanamsas in front of me.


Tula rising gave the moon in 8th and Virgo rising gave the moon in 9th. Both

horoscopes describe my life...what a dilema.


After 2 or 3 months of verificacion i decided to follow Virgo lagna because it

fits more with my life, and since then i have seen that horoscope showing the

trends of my life very accurately.


In the 70's and 80's i used to take about 1 hour to calculate and draw the

planets and dasas with the help of a calculator and my brain. In the 80's

computers started to make that job more easy.


Here i have the Virgo rising chart.

Printed on 17/09/2001 at 10:41


Jyotish software: Goravani Jyotish v2


Based on the data of




21/07/1949, at 12:15:00




Vedic Astrology Weekday (Sunrise to Sunrise): Thursday


Calendar Weekday: Thursday


Lahiri: 23:9:3


Tampico Mexico


97 W 51 22 N 13


Standard Time Hours from Greenwich: 6.00




Ascendant Virgo 29° 57' Chitra


Sun Cancer 5° 28' Pushya


Moon Taurus 14° 51' Rohini


Mars Gemini 5° 50' Mrgashira


Mercury Gemini 29° 30' Punarvasu


Jupiter R Capricorn 3° 55' Uttarashadha


Venus Leo 0° 54' Magha


Saturn Leo 11° 15' Magha


Rahu Pisces 27° 36' Revati


Ketu Virgo 27° 36' Chitra




In 1995 i heard that one of my teachers had my nadi horoscope but that i was not

ready yet to receive it. I am still waiting for it and it will be at the right



<<I hope I can meet you in

person sometime.>>


That is my wish too. By the will of the Lord everything is possible.


One of my teachers wanted me to go to Kashmir but the troubles started and it

became to risky to go. Maybe in the future things are going to cool down and my

health will be restored and then i will go there.


<<I don't have data for correction, but can tell you that recitation of the

Dwadasakshari Mantra OM NAMO BHAGAVATE VASUDEVAYA will work wonders for you>>


How many times a day? ...108?


It is a very nice mantra. The ashrams that i just to live and visit chant that

mantra at the beginning of every Srimad Bhagavatam class early in the morning.


I advice that mantra in 1980 to a mexican friend in troubles, and later on i

heard that he joined an ashram to continue his spiritual path.


<<You should also do the Narayana kavacha of the body everyday as given in the



Could you refer in which Canto i will find it please?


<<There seems to be some influence of Rahu..my intuition (very little

reliability!!) tells me so>>


You are absolutely right. In 1983 a so-called guru told my ex-wife to divorced

me if i did not "surrender" to him.


I did not want to cause trouble to the society and his followers but i told only

my wife while showing her his chart, that i will "surrender" to him if he was

still "spiritual alive in 5 years time". She decided to stay with me for

another 2 years but the magic was finished.


I have to say that he fell down from grace before my stipulated time and i was

saved from such karma. I was happily initiated by Shridhar Maharaja in May



THe RAhu business is only one of my karmas.


I am under the influence of Mercury bukti and by being atmakaraka, the sastras

are rigth.


During my Rahu dasa, Mercury bukti my life changed direction drastically

although slowly. Maybe because such a bukti lasts for 2 years, 6 months and 18

days ( a long time of transformation).


At that time i left my university, financial security, relatives, friends and


and arrived in Europe, to start a new life.


During my Guru dasa, Mercury bukti which lasts 2 years, 3 months and 6 days, i

started a new direction because my first marriage of 9 years was over, just

previous to that.


At present i am in the Sani dasa, Mercury bukti, with 11 months to go. My life

has definitely changed direction once again. The Jataka is right.


Natabara Das





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<<... recitation of the Dwadasakshari Mantra


will work wonders for you>>

Boy, I'll say it works quite lovely... I just did it for the first time last

night and again today...What Bliss!


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Om Gurave Namah


Dear Natabara Prabhu,

Yes it is..that Guru part was what i was wondering... I will respond in

detail after a week, and do please remind me in that time.

Best Wishes

Sanjay Rath


natabara <natabara

GJlist <gjlist>

Monday, September 17, 2001 4:33 PM

[gjlist] Mani-Karma



Deay Sanjay


Sorry for this delay to answer to your nice posting but i was dealing with

some bad days.


At the beginning of 1976, by the Lord's mercy i bought my first 10 books on

vedic astrology and started to study all. My previous experience of 6 years

of western astrology were very helpful to asses my laagna.


In the beginning of my studies i could see the superiority of vedic

astrology but i had some choices to make before i started my readings and

coolection of charts.


The most difficult choice was which ayanamsa to follow to get my proper

lagna. I had two lagnas according to the 3 or 4 ayanamsas in front of me.


Tula rising gave the moon in 8th and Virgo rising gave the moon in 9th.

Both horoscopes describe my life...what a dilema.


After 2 or 3 months of verificacion i decided to follow Virgo lagna because

it fits more with my life, and since then i have seen that horoscope showing

the trends of my life very accurately.


In the 70's and 80's i used to take about 1 hour to calculate and draw the

planets and dasas with the help of a calculator and my brain. In the 80's

computers started to make that job more easy.


Here i have the Virgo rising chart.

Printed on 17/09/2001 at 10:41


Jyotish software: Goravani Jyotish v2


Based on the data of




21/07/1949, at 12:15:00




Vedic Astrology Weekday (Sunrise to Sunrise): Thursday


Calendar Weekday: Thursday


Lahiri: 23:9:3


Tampico Mexico


97 W 51 22 N 13


Standard Time Hours from Greenwich: 6.00




Ascendant Virgo 29° 57' Chitra


Sun Cancer 5° 28' Pushya


Moon Taurus 14° 51' Rohini


Mars Gemini 5° 50' Mrgashira


Mercury Gemini 29° 30' Punarvasu


Jupiter R Capricorn 3° 55' Uttarashadha


Venus Leo 0° 54' Magha


Saturn Leo 11° 15' Magha


Rahu Pisces 27° 36' Revati


Ketu Virgo 27° 36' Chitra




In 1995 i heard that one of my teachers had my nadi horoscope but that i was

not ready yet to receive it. I am still waiting for it and it will be at

the right time.


<<I hope I can meet you in

person sometime.>>


That is my wish too. By the will of the Lord everything is possible.


One of my teachers wanted me to go to Kashmir but the troubles started and

it became to risky to go. Maybe in the future things are going to cool down

and my health will be restored and then i will go there.


<<I don't have data for correction, but can tell you that recitation of the

Dwadasakshari Mantra OM NAMO BHAGAVATE VASUDEVAYA will work wonders for



How many times a day? ...108?


It is a very nice mantra. The ashrams that i just to live and visit chant

that mantra at the beginning of every Srimad Bhagavatam class early in the



I advice that mantra in 1980 to a mexican friend in troubles, and later on

i heard that he joined an ashram to continue his spiritual path.


<<You should also do the Narayana kavacha of the body everyday as given in

the Bhagavatam.>>


Could you refer in which Canto i will find it please?


<<There seems to be some influence of Rahu..my intuition (very little

reliability!!) tells me so>>


You are absolutely right. In 1983 a so-called guru told my ex-wife to

divorced me if i did not "surrender" to him.


I did not want to cause trouble to the society and his followers but i told

only my wife while showing her his chart, that i will "surrender" to him if

he was still "spiritual alive in 5 years time". She decided to stay with me

for another 2 years but the magic was finished.


I have to say that he fell down from grace before my stipulated time and i

was saved from such karma. I was happily initiated by Shridhar Maharaja in

May 1985.


THe RAhu business is only one of my karmas.


I am under the influence of Mercury bukti and by being atmakaraka, the

sastras are rigth.


During my Rahu dasa, Mercury bukti my life changed direction drastically

although slowly. Maybe because such a bukti lasts for 2 years, 6 months and

18 days ( a long time of transformation).


At that time i left my university, financial security, relatives, friends

and country

and arrived in Europe, to start a new life.


During my Guru dasa, Mercury bukti which lasts 2 years, 3 months and 6 days,

i started a new direction because my first marriage of 9 years was over,

just previous to that.


At present i am in the Sani dasa, Mercury bukti, with 11 months to go. My

life has definitely changed direction once again. The Jataka is right.


Natabara Das












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  • 2 weeks later...

Om Amrtesvaryai Namah!!


Namaste to all of my most beloved sisters and brothers!!!!


i've been off the net mostly for a while as some interesting, amazing,

karmic, divine Love type events were unfolding in my life....more

about that later, when they unfold some more, and it is possible to

get some perspective...right now it is all too fresh, powerful and

heart-breakingly beautiful...and i don't wish to even slightly harm

this "Flower" which the Divine Mother is Lovingly unfolding into the

most amazingly Beautiful Lotus of Divine Love!!


thank you all, especially my dearest Raghu, Mani, Natabara and

Wendy...it is always so heartwarmingly welcoming and loving to read

your wonderfully blessing posts!!


it was so nice to see Mani referring to my Amma ravings again....i

guess he really does remember me, even if not communicating so much

for a while...i am humbled and blessed by the love which is emanating

from all your posts, no matter how "shocking" and apparently "wild"

from an orthdox point of view!!! While i may not always agree with

your "conclusions" no matter how tentatively given...i DO always love

to read your interesting vision of the world... i particularly loved

the story of your vision in the States....and the Divine Mother's Leela...


She really DOES JUST WANT TO PLAY WITH US...and we have agreed before

we came here to this earth to play with Her...not from Duty, but

because it's FUN!!!!that's all!!! simply FUN....Ananda, you might call

it....this whole experience on this earth plane has no other object

than the enjoyment of the play....the wonder of seeing and acting and

playing with our Mother in this Sacred Drama of Life...it's not to be

taken "seriously" with a long face, and a sour outlook....but rather

to be approached as a two year old would approach a new task, or as a

baby would approach the learning of how to walk...no matter how many

times you might fall down, you will still enthusiastically get up and

carry on....with a laugh and a smile...your whole face lit up with the

excitment and joy of this new "challenge"....


this is the Mother's goal...to turn us from "NO" sayers, to "YES"

sayers....that me might finally just learn to say "YES" to our lives

and all that is brought into them....that we might really and totally,

finally, adopt the attitude of Saranagati...absolute Surrender at the

Blue Lotus Feet of the Divine Mother...in any of Her Forms which to us

is most Beloved...if it be Lord Sri Krsna, then it is He to Whom we

offer our surrender, if it be Mother, then it is She to whom the

prayers are offered...it doesn't matter WHO the Murti is....it doesn't

matter which form of the Divine which you find to be the most Beloved,

your Beloved Deity, because in whichever form you most Love the Divine

Beloved, in that Form will She appear to you...leading you by the hand

to Her Mysteriously Beautiful Home....Her Palace of Jewels, hidden

within the Sri Chakra, hidden within our own hearts....


In my house with Thine Own Hands,

light the lamp of Thy Love!

In my house with Thine Own Hands,

light the lamp of Thy Love!

Thy Transmuting Lamp entrancing

Thy Transmuting Lamp entrancing

Wondrous are its rays


Change my darkness

to Thy Light Ma;

Change my Darkness

to Thy Light,

and my evil into Good.


Touch me but once

and i will change!

Touch me but once

and i will change,

all my clay into Thy Gold!!


All the sense Lamps

that i did Light

Sooted into Worries!

Sitting at the door of my Soul,

Sitting at the door of my Soul

Light the Lamp

of Thy Love!!!


in the hours before His Mahasamadhi, the Great Master, Paramahansa

Yoganandaji, sat in His room at the SRF Ashram in L.A. and sang this

above song over and over, for several hours, to His Divine

Beloved.....He knew that His time was upon Him, and He sang to Her,

from Whom He had come, and to Whom He was once again going, merging

finally, at last in that Divine Mother, for Whom He had longed all His

entire Life....


it is a very good tonic kind of song to sing when faced with very

great difficulties, because it enables one to get some Divine

Perspective upon the situation....no matter how serious it might be!!


Once again, my most humble thanks to all of my sisters and brothers on

this list...the love and appreciation of each other is so sweet!


In the Divine Mother's Love,

and in Her Service,

as ever,

your own self,




Om Amrtesvaryai Namah

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