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Here a declaration that will not be made, by G.W.Bush:


"Dear moslems,


I asked the congress for 20 billion dollars to fight terrorism. They gave me 40


I can use this money to destroy you. But #I don´t want to. I am the president of

a country where all religions re tolerated. The people of different faiths live

together, do not impose their belief on others. Each one is free to pray to God

as he or she pleases, practice traditional rituals. Certain things are

restricted: all the religious groups have to respect the common law. These laws

do not permit such things like bigamy, but they are in no way AGAINST any

religion. We do not PERMIT some things which the different religions permit, but

do not forbid anything that does not affend the society.


I make you an offer: I shall spend the 40 billion dollars for your benefit,

proportional to your population. We, americans, will establish factories and

other places of work, help you t build up a stable economic structure, achieve a

better standard of living. We will not interfere with your religion or offend

your feelings. Allah is also OUR God, it is a question of language. You call the

Creator allah, we call him God, in our language. In the eyes of Allah or God, we

are all equal and brothersand sisters, his children.


There are those amongst you who use violence to further their or your aims. Let

us stop this. In peace we can all flourish. Allah did not say that everyone

should follow Islam, only that everyone should love and help his fellow-beings

and be faithful to him. So let vus live together, as Christians, Moslems,

hindus, Buddhists. Our rituals may differ, but our aims are the same. Put down

the terrorism in your lands.


We are powerful. Very much so! A handful of you resort to terror. If we cannot




WE WILL NOT CAPITULATE TO TERROR! We are prepared to start an era of peace, of

fulfilment. The alternative is your total destruction. DO NOT BELIEVE YOUR

LEADERS! YOUR JEHAD WILL NOT SUCCEED. You may swear to give your last drop of

blood for your aims, but you will not have the time for it, you will not die as

heroes, but will be eradiocated in a few minutes! And no one will sing your

praises, for we will wipe out all your admirers too!"

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