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Hi. I wrote a newsletter in March but due to illness i have not send it yet.


This is an extract.


For this year the most peculiar planetary pattern is without any doubt the

behaviour of Mars. Mars in general takes about 6 weeks (42 days) to travel

across a sign, but for some unknown design, this year Mars is going to travel in

Scorpio for 142 days. Even for new beginners in astrology that is a very

interesting behaviour likely to affect many people.


Also, another rarity is the fact that Mars takes in average 2½ years to go

around the zodiac. That means that every 2½ years, Mars is supposed to enter

Scorpio. However, this year Mars went into Scorpio on 3 February, 18 months

after having being in that sign. It seems that mars is in a hurry to do

something very important but by being the planet of war, Mars is likely to

produce many frictions and even wars among people and nations alike.


Mars went into Scorpio on 3 Feb 2001 at 8:50 GMT and is leaving Scorpio on the

10 April at 13:54 GMT when it goes into Sagittarius. However, Mars goes into

retrograde motion on 11 May and by the 11 june at 1:40 GMT, it goes backwards

into Scorpio again where is going to be in that sign until the 26 Aug at 17:26

GMT when it goes into Sagittarius for the second and last time this year. This

means that Mars is going to be in Scorpio for a total of 142 days when the

normal time should be 42 days. This transit of Mars is more important for people

having their Sun or Moon in the sidereal sign of Scorpio. If the Sun is

affected, the ego or health is likely to be affected most. If the moon is

affected it is the mind which is going to be affected by this peculiar transit.


Well, all that is old news now. On Sep 12, Mars made a conjunction with Ketu at

23:35 GMT at 8°19 Gemini (Lahiris ayanamsa).


This conjunction of Mars with a node was explosive as we know now cos the day

before we saw the twin towers being hit and the terrible lost of life after



Let me analize the chart of the inauguration for this new president.


President Bush took possesion on 20 Jan 2001 at 12:02:25 at Washington.


Lahiris ayanamsa.


The most peculiar position to me is the Moon in the 8th house in the sign of



I consult Raphael's Mundane Astrology and it says for the Moon in the 8th house

"shows much mortality among common people, especially women and if much

afflicted, panics resulting in many deaths"


Here the moon is afflicted because it is under papakartari yoga (it is between

Mars in the 7th and Ketu in the 9th, both planets are malefic).




This horoscope is now in the MeRaVE. Mercury Dasa started on 15 March 1990 and

it last for 17 years. The Dasa is divided by 2 to see the house ruled by

Mercury. Mer rules Gemini and Virgo or houses 3 and 6 in this chart. Because

we are now in the 2nd half of the Mer dasa, the 6th house is ruling.


The 6th house rules among other things, open enemies and obstacles.


Rahu bukti. Rahu is in the 3rd house aspecting the 9th. Rahu in 3rd brings

frictions and misunderstandings and indirectly, problems with law (9th).


Venus inter-period. Venus is in 11th (house of earnings but it is the owner of

houses 2 & 7, both maraka houses, or houses of death.


Planets give a tendency according to the houses owned, in residence or aspected.


Hindu Predictive Astrology by Raman says that house 2 indicates State revenue

and the 7th, immortality in the country, foreign relations.


The horoscope has a daridra yoga (showing poverty) by having Jupiter (lord of

the 12th in 2nd). Perhaps this yoga shows the so-called present recession.


The shares for insurance companies is going down and somebody calculates that

they are going to pay some $50 billion in compensation. Hurrican Andrew costed

£15 billion. Also, many companies are pulling out of america or are cutting

down the work force because of the recession and risk of terrorism.


Mars a planet of war is in the 7th house. Raphael says that the 7th indicates

foreign countries, disputes, wars and international affairs.


All this shows the past and present tendencies. On 2 Oct 2001, the sun inter

will start. the sun represents authority and in the 10th house indicates the

effort from authorities to show their leadership.


The moon inter between 18 Nov 2001 and 4 Feb 2002 is going to be very

interesting for the world. Politicians are following their agenda but Krishna

has other plans.


Another interesting development will come when the moon is in transit in scorpio

between 21 Sep at 12:18 GMT and 23 sep at 19:09 GMT. Lets wait and see.


I got the idea to quote Das according to his programe GJ, and for Venus in

Aquarius as this horoscope shows and cos we are in venus inter.


"With Venus in this sign the financial position will be very sound. You will

acquire property and marry well. You will achieve good social status. Your

ideals will be materialistic and your end will be sad, your habits and behavior

impure and self-centered."


Very interesting, cos many countries are promising a blind following to america

and some businesses are roaring.


For Venus on the 11th.



A golden touch in everything you do and your association has a luxurious

influence on everyone who comes within your sphere. Your friendship is

consequently much sought after. Your social circle includes well-placed people

who are always eager to promote your interests. You have special gifts for

music, drama, and dance which endear you to all kinds of people. Obtains riches

through the opposite sex, fine arts, and the perfume business. Your success in

life depends on your effective handling of people. Venus in the 11th house

mostly gives favorable results. Good luck after 21 if born of lower class; after

31, if born of higher class. You are very modest, imposing personality, eloquent

speaker, wealthy. Spotless reputation, a warning to your enemies, a governor.

Indicates gain. Unnatural sex desire, rich and living abroad. Skilled. You are

blessed with an adorable spouse and children, strong and healthy, knows no

sorrow; has wealth and attendants. Wise and expert in dance and music.

Super-person. Sensuous. Righteous. Charming and jovial. Lovely physic and

attractive. Servants and attendants to obey you. Gain through women in service

positions who please the senses of their customers, traveling, trade in silver

and pearls. Village or city connections or construction work. Inclined to noble

deeds and permissible conduct. Mentally tense. Religious. Music concerts at

home. Learned and God fearing. Abundant happiness. Conveyance. Family and

fortune. Gems and jewels. Gain through the government. You are a scholar,

affluent, gain through agriculture, generous. Gets wealth. Possesses qualities

like good nature; brilliant, renowned, truth loving, luxurious living,

prosperous, predominating, supreme authority, almost a leader. Captivating

looks, noble conduct. If it is weak, none of these are experienced. This Venus

indicates gain and success through friends who would forward your interest by

advise, their own goodwill and physical support.



11-You believe in action. You are not always well-liked because of your

opinionated and independent nature. You believe in conquering the world by your

own efforts, an attitude which many people cannot appreciate. Therefore, you are

often left out of the general path of progress in society. You may therefore

always be frustrated, even though you try to contribute greatly and though you

may be well-meaning."


What i can say Das, most of the things described here are happening.


I wanted to do a reading easy to follow by students. Anybody with access to the

GJ programe can follow the indication of the planets, by clicking at it and

adjusting the meaning according to the historical context.


Good luck to all.


Natabara Das













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