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Souls Have No Countries

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hare krishna das gauravani prabhu

please accept my humble obeisances


for the second time i was about to leave this list because of the way a few

have conducted themselves recently....and once again i have decided to stay

on the list...because in your post you have brought out the real purpose of

why we are attracted to being part of this list ..and the real purpose of why

we are studying jyotish...

thankyou once again prabhu..

sorry I can't write more at this time


stavavali devi dasi






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Hello Dear List Members,


This is a Jyotish list. That means, it's about that system of Astrology

which comes from Ancient Indian books, which are loosely known as "The

Vedas". It is therefore rightly called "A Hindu Science" more or less.


It is related directly to God Consciousness as per the rest of the

Vedas. See for example the deities who all the authors bow to in the

first pages of their books. It's always Krishna, Shiva, Ganesh, etc.

These are deities we learn of from Hindu books, or the Vedic scriptures.


I am a follower of the Vedic Religion, and I started this list. In fact,

Goravani, actually spelled Gauravani more correctly, refers to "the

teachings of Caitanya", who was a very Krishna Conscious teacher (to put

it mildly).


So this list, and Jyotish, are never separate from the Vedic conception.


Jyotish shows us karma. Jyotish and Karma are both undeniable, at least

in my mind. This list is based on the premise that they are real. This

list is therefore based on the premise that the soul transmigrates from

one body to another, or in other words, has many lives in the material world.


Every 100 years there are "all new people" on Earth, if we just see

bodies. Everybody dies, and all new people are born. When they are born,

we do not know which country they lived their last life in. I may have

lived in India. That is very likely. In this life, I am more Hindu than

anything else really. I've already lived more years as a Hindu than

anything else prior. Who knows.


Countries are "Karmic Zones". They are places where different types of

karma are granted. If you are born in America, it is because you are now

due to reap some good karma. If you are born in Somalia, then you are

destined to starve perhaps. If you are born in Afghanistan, then you are

destined to be bombed, perhaps.


You are not your country. Souls have no countries. Countries are part of

a karmic package you receive at birth. You are not actually related to

your country as a soul.


Jyotish does not pay any homage to this concept of Nationalism, because

Veda does not, because Spirit does not, because Saints do not, because

God does not. Nationalism is ignorance, as far as Veda is concerned.


Separate from this fact however, is dharma. Dharma means "duties". Part

of your dharma is to serve your country, but dharma is not the highest

thing. Therefore Krishna says "Sarva dharma parityaja..." in Bhagavad

Gita. "Give up dharma" he says. He doesn't mean don't do it. He clearly

tells Arjuna to go on with his natural duties, but in his mind, not to

be attached, and not to identify there, but rather, to identify as a

soul above country, above body, above current birth.


This list is supposed to be somewhat enlightened. Now I realize there

are all kinds of people getting into Jyotish. Many still eat meat. Many

still "hunt", if you can believe that. Many still do all kinds of things

that are not normally a part of a typical Vedic Person (Hindus) life

style or belief system. We just had Max on the list, who seems to live

for promoting America alone. Gosh.


But souls do not have countries, and on this list, the tone should be

like I'm writing right now. We should be talking on the soul level. On

that level, we see everyone as equal. Everyone, or most people, are

identifying with their karmic package as "self" and operating that way.

Islam is a package, and America is a package. Christianity is a package.


One thing about Hinduism is the belief in "Sanatan Dharma". This is

different than religion. It's above religion. It just means "the

business of the eternal soul". It refers therefore to "Spiritual Life"

as separate from "Religion". Religion is fixed, but Spiritual Life is



The emotions expressed here about "this great land of America" and so

on, are ignorance ultimately. This list should be above that. I am quite

surprised that people here who supposedly meditate and so on don't get

this. You are not your body, and you are not your country. How can you

believe in Jyotish, and simultaneously think that your present body,

country, etc., are so important. In a flash all this will be gone.


You are arguing about temporary triflings. It is neither interesting nor

intelligent, to those of who are interested in higher matters. Jyotish

is interesting because it shows how God controls everything. It shows

the one-ness of all things, and beings, and souls, in Divinity, in God.

We are all one there. Nobody is separate, and nothing is separate. There

is a oneness of law, and Jyotish shows this better than anything else in

our world. That's why it's interesting.


So why bother with hammering on the separations? Leave that to the

ignorant. In the next life, Osama Bin Laden may be American! He may die

soon, and thereafter be born here and become the President. It's not

impossible. It's actually possible.


And all the poor people on the streets of Calcutta, they may have been

rich British people in their last lives, who took from India. Who knows?


So countries are just places where you are awarded your karmas, good or

bad. The bad countries are needed for punishing or teaching hard

lessons, and the "good" countries are needed for rewarding and

misleading. We've all been to all of them. We've all been all nationalities.


So rise above these petty arguments that give your temporary egos some

gratifications. It's really silly and beneath the definition and name of

this list. It's beneath Jyotish, and nobody's Guru would be proud of

them if they argue about the merits of countries. Very silly. I've never

met any Guru who was for such nonsense, and I've met plenty.






Das Goravani







2852 Willamette St # 353

Eugene OR USA 97405



Fax: 541-343-0344


"Goravani Jyotish"

Vedic/Hindu Astrology Software

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gjlist, Das Goravani <das@g...> wrote:


> Hello Dear List Members,


> This is a Jyotish list.


Om Amrtesvaryai Namah!!


Namaste dear Raghu and the list!!


thank you so much for that last posting about souls having no

countries...i do believe that was the freshest breath of air over this

topic in a long time!!!! MMM.....nice to get some fresh air.....


i'm glad to see that you are so strongly promoting the JYOTISH part of

the List...and too, the Sanatana Dharma, which is the foundation of

not only the list, but too, the entire creation....such clear, and

clean expositions are much more what is needed upon such topics,

rather than what had been passing for a few days....really we are not

these bodies...we are only borrowing them....we have no nationalities

really...the bodies might have nationalities...but WE DO NOT...because

as spirit, we have been in bodies of all nationalities...and too, if

we look more closely we will quite clearly see that there is a very

strong possibility that EVERYONE has been our mother, or daughter, or

son or father in one life or another....and seeing that we are ALL

related in such a fundamental way...how can we still claim to be

identified with such silly things as nationalities, and

politics....not to mention cash flow, and the rush of driving a "hot"

car.....none of these will last...nothing that we now have can we

carry past death's door...NOTHING material that is...


All we will carry is the burden of our karmas....both good and

bad...which will inevitably result in rebirth in a land most suited to

carry out those karmas....to get identified so thoroughly with any one

particular country really betrays the "youthfulness" of the

speaker...such ideas are really very "childish"....and have we not all

become grown people by now??? is it not time to grow up and see that

we are NOT our bodies, NOT our nationalities....Not even our own

ideas....a little self-examination would go a very long way!!!


Thanks again dear brother Raghu!


in the Divine Mother's Love,

and in Her Service....


as ever,

your own self,




Om Amrtesvaryai Namah!

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